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Her Billionaire Cowboy

Page 7

by Summers, Sophia

  “No way, Jed, it’s just been a long time since I’ve had time to play. My life is too busy.” She yawned. “I think I’ll head to bed. I have a busy day in Cody tomorrow.”

  As AJ was heading back toward the bedrooms, Jed stopped her. “Would you mind my being personal for a minute?” Jed waited for her nod before continuing. “Are you married or attached at all? I have a grandson that I would like you to meet sometime.”

  AJ stopped and thought about it for a minute. “I’m not attached, though there is someone I’m interested in. But if your grandson is as charming as his grandpa, I would be happy to meet him. I’m busy the next two weeks, but after that…maybe.”

  Chapter 14

  AJ found a builder and purchased a business lot just outside of Cody. The office building would be bigger than she needed so she could lease space to a hand-picked company. She talked to a landscaper and had him draw up plans for a creek and large pond in front of the building. There would be lots of pine trees and flowering bushes and a path around the pond with benches here and there. She wanted to enjoy her time outside, even when she had to be at work. Her magazine would go public on Monday, and then she would have the builders break ground.

  She thought back to Jed. It was fun playing cards with him. Had he been younger, she might have been interested. Saying goodbye to Jed had been surprisingly hard. She had felt right at home with him. Maybe it was because he reminded her a little of her own grandfather. He’d asked her to keep an eye on the ranch for him, and they’d put the key back under the pot.

  AJ was delighted with the arrangement—she now had unfettered access to her childhood home. She kept thinking of things she would do to remodel it, and she wanted to dam up the creek to make a little lake. Maybe they could even divert the wash somehow. It wasn’t her home anymore, but she couldn’t help thinking about fixing it up.

  AJ was not looking forward to returning to New York, and she was nervous about going public. She’d always had total control over the magazine, but as a public company she would have a board and would have to run decisions by them.

  Back at the office, Ruth caught her up on all that had happened while she was gone. “A gentleman kept calling for you. He wanted your phone number and wanted to know where you were, but I didn’t give him anything. I kept wondering if it was that gorgeous guy at the benefit.”

  AJ hoped Stet had been trying to reach her. Hoped and then dreaded the idea. If they could not be together, she didn’t need to be spending more time with him.

  “Then Rob kept calling. He was annoying and told me that, since he was practically my boss, I better give him the information he wanted. But I held firm. I would immediately quit if he became my boss. It’s bad enough talking to him on the phone.”

  AJ shut her laptop down. “Did the gentleman leave a name?” She was hoping to google him. “And don’t worry, Rob is never going to be your boss.”

  Ruth looked up. “Speak of the devil!”

  Rob walked into the office. “Where have you been? You missed a great trip to Europe, and just when we could have been basking in the success of the Met benefit, you leave town.” Rob loved hanging out at all the cocktail parties and society events, especially when Style Magazine picked up his tab. “So, where were you?”

  AJ dodged the question. “Have you heard anything about the IPO of Style Magazine?”

  Rob walked closer to AJ and put his arm around her shoulders. “You are going to be very wealthy in a few days. And with that accomplishment, don’t you think it would be wise to expand this business relationship we have? I keep telling you we make a great pair, we need to make that official socially.”

  AJ was repulsed by the suggestion of expanding any kind of relationship with this simpering social parasite.

  Rob continued, oblivious to her discomfort. “How do you know Stet Strasburg? I saw you talking to him at the benefit. He’s just looking to get a leg up socially. Maybe secure his retirement with some wealthy cougar. I don’t know how he even afforded a ticket to the benefit.”

  AJ was truly annoyed now and removed his arm from her shoulder. “How do you know him, Rob?”

  So Stet’s last name was Strasburg. AJ pictured him on his horse, wearing those great-fitting jeans. She couldn’t wait to see if she could find out more about him. AJ sat down behind her desk to get some distance from Rob.

  He leaned back against the door. “I went to college with him and his friend Jared Hunter, who inherited a fortune from his deceased parents. Even then, Stetson was sucking up to wealth. I guess he’s still at it.”

  AJ got up to leave, trying to give Rob the clue it was time for him to go. “I didn’t get that sense from him at all. And his tux was a Brunello Cucinelli; you have to go to Europe to get one of those.”

  Rob got up to leave. “Maybe his girlfriend dresses him. He is in thick with the Morgans. The daughter isn’t bad looking. Word is, she got some help from plastic surgery. I’ve seen them out together lately.”

  So he was still seeing Sherrie. AJ could not imagine Stet enjoying an evening out with her. Why did he continue? Well, if he decided to choose her and her father’s wealth, he deserved the horrid life he would have.

  By the time AJ returned to her apartment, she was depressed. She kept thinking about the ranch in Wyoming and wishing she were there. All the trees had grown so much around her grandfather’s house.

  She had to get out of the apartment. She grabbed a jacket and took a taxi to Central Park. There was a café open late, and she sat at one of the outside tables. Right after she sat down, she looked over to the park and saw Stet getting out of a taxi. He turned and came her way. Had he seen her? She tried to duck down behind the table, pretending she had dropped something, until she saw two feet stop at the other side of the table.

  “Are you coming out?” a familiar voice asked.

  This was the worst. She didn’t want him to see her practically crawling out from under a table. “Oh, hello there, Stet. What are you doing here?”

  Stet sat down at the table, laughing a little. “I have been trying to call you for days. Your secretary should be commended. I tried everything I could think of to get her to give me your phone number, or where you were. She wouldn’t crack.” He fiddled with the sugar packets. “And now here you are.”

  AJ was embarrassed, but happy to see him.

  “What’s new?” Stet asked.

  “I was out of town on business. What about you? How is Sherrie? I hear you two are still an item.”

  “Trust me, we are not an item.” He let out a frustrated breath. “I’m working on something that I hope will set me free in a couple weeks.” A waiter approached the table, and Stet ordered a Coke.

  She wondered how recently Rob had seen Stet and Sherrie out together. “It’s nice to see you, Stet. I was just thinking of that country vacation and getting antsy in my apartment, so I came to the park to at least see some trees.”

  AJ hadn’t had time to google Stet, so she asked, “What have you been up to?”

  Stet drank some of his Coke. “I am in the middle of something here for my family, but I hope to open my own brokerage firm soon.”

  Abby was impressed. “That’s great, Stet!”

  Stet smiled and reached over to touch her hand. “Are you excited about your IPO on Monday?”

  “I’m worried about it. So much could happen, and I haven’t been sleeping.” AJ stretched, noticing the music from the club next door. “Do you want to check out this club with me? I didn’t get much of a chance to dance with you at the barn dance.”

  It didn’t take much convincing. Soon they were in the middle of a crowd of dancers, heading to a table on the side. They ordered Cokes, and Stet held out his hand, asking her to dance. It was like dancing on clouds. His lead was so smooth she couldn’t have missed a step if she’d wanted to.

  AJ smiled up at Stet. “It’s not often I get to dance with someone who makes it so easy.”

  The band started playing a slow song.
As Stet pulled her into his arms, she gasped at the intensity of her feelings. She could feel his heart pounding. She was in heaven.

  He leaned in close. “I was going crazy trying to reach you. I think about you all the time. I need you in my life. You have to trust me—everything I am doing is to free myself to pursue you.”

  AJ pulled back so she could meet his gaze. “Stet, I feel at home in your arms. But I can’t just pretend that Sherrie doesn’t exist. And you have no intention of living in the country—or the means to get there often. I just don’t think this could work.” AJ started walking back toward the table.

  Stet followed after her. “Wow. What is this about means to get there? I don’t flash around my wealth, but I have the means to accomplish my dreams.” He scoffed. “I can certainly fly anywhere I want.”

  So he did have money.

  He took her hand as they moved off of the dance floor. He leaned down toward her lips, and she couldn’t help eagerly reaching up to his. This was what she wanted. He made her feel whole and complete. This was home. But could she give up living in the country for this?

  It was very late, so Stet walked her to the taxi stand. “Do you think I could have your phone number now? I don’t want to call Ruth again.”

  AJ laughed and handed him her phone. “Here, let’s trade numbers.”

  On the way home, AJ felt wonderful. This felt right. Rob had succeeded in casting some doubt on Stet’s motives, but when she was with Stet, she trusted him completely.

  Stet was fine financially, and money was not that important when it came to love. Her parents were a perfect example. Her father had been happy to live on the ranch and help her grandfather in order to be with her mother. He’d had other dreams than working on a ranch, but he’d worked hard and was truly happy. Wasn’t that the point? Could she give up her dreams in order to have this kind of complete happiness? She was starting to think she might.


  Stetson went home more determined than ever to help Abby fight off Morgan’s possible takeover. He was almost finished with his grandfather’s merger, and if all went well, he would accomplish his plans by the end of day on Monday.

  Before the market opened on Monday morning, AJ, Rob, and the employees she had given stock options to had gathered to witness the initial public offering. AJ was excited, but her lawyers were not. They told her that large amounts of the stock were being purchased by only a few people—which could put her in danger of losing the magazine.

  “We keep controlling shares, right?” AJ asked.

  “Yes, but if someone got even thirty-five percent of the stock, they could vote themselves onto the board and try to push you out by influencing other board members. We have seen it happen.”

  AJ grabbed Ruth’s hand. “Ruth, have we made a mistake by going public? I never considered someone would want to take over. Who would do this?”

  One of the lawyers came over. “Most of the purchases are coming out of Morgan Investing. But the stock is having wide appeal with single investors as well.”

  Rob jumped up from his chair. “Rotten jerk! Stetson works for Morgan Investing. Sherrie probably wants her daddy and Stet to get her a new toy for Christmas—Style Magazine—wouldn’t that be nice?”

  By the end of the day, AJ was exhausted. The lawyers figured purchases coming out of Morgan Investments totaled about forty-one percent of the stock. They must be planning an eventual takeover. AJ was sick to think Stetson was in on it. How could he have fooled her so completely? She’d felt sure he loved her—what an idiot she had been. He was just after Sherrie and her wealth.

  She went home, packed, and got a ticket back to Cody. If ever she needed country, it was now.


  Stet was buying like crazy and got Jared to start buying as well. So far, he had about twenty percent of the stock, and Morgan had eighteen. But Morgan had called in his friends to start buying, and now they were in trouble.

  Stet called his grandfather. “Do you think we can postpone the merger for a couple weeks? I’m trying to save a friend from disaster. If I can use your funds, I can get back to the merger as soon as this is over. I just need to hold off a wolf’s buyout. You know, like when a wolf gets in the calf pen.”

  “Stetson, you know I don’t even like to hear about this stuff. Do what you have to.” Jed hung up.

  At the end of the day, Stetson had kept Morgan from having enough stock for voting power. He would not be a happy man. Unless someone sold a lot of shares, Abby would be safe.

  Stetson was satisfied with a job well done. He had stopped Morgan, but it wouldn’t take him long to discover who had thwarted his plans. Stet decided it was time to get away. He called his grandfather to tell him he was coming home for a little visit.

  “Do you think the ranch jet could come pick me up?” he asked, pulling his suitcase out of the closet.

  “Sure, son, I am thrilled you want to come. I’ll have Marie make up your favorites. I got that new stallion I mentioned, and I could sure use your help breaking him in. I don’t like to give that job to Marcos—he’s too rough with the new horses.”

  As he was packing, Stet thought back on the trip to Texas, and all his feelings for Abby came flooding back. He wouldn’t be welcome at Morgan’s for a while. Maybe he could start his company in Wyoming and live with his grandfather. Jed was getting older, and it might be good to have someone around, just in case.

  When Stetson landed, he got a call from Jared. “Hey, how did it go with the IPO? I hope it went well because I have some pretty bad news.”

  “Did Morgan denounce me on Wall Street or something?” Stetson laughed.

  “No, but the society section had an interview with Rob where he announced his engagement to Abby. They plan to get married quickly now that the magazine has gone public.”

  Stetson felt like he had been punched in the gut. All the air went out of him. How could that be? He’d just seen her. Had she just been playing him? He couldn’t believe that. He’d thought they were in love. Boy, was he a fool.

  “Thanks, Jared. I misjudged her big time.” He let out a breath. “I’m at my grandfather’s. Come down if you need another break—I think I will stay here awhile.”

  As Stet got off the plane, the pilot, Jasper, asked, “Are you okay, Stet? Coming back to the ranch can’t be that bad.”

  “No, it’s something else. I just realized I’m an idiot when it comes to women.”

  Jasper laughed. “Join the club.”


  AJ spent the first few days in the hotel trying to figure out how she could stop a takeover. At night she cried over her lost love. After four days of feeling sorry for herself, she forced herself to move on; she had work to do. She wanted to go ahead with the move before a hostile board could oppose it.

  She met with the builder and gave them the go ahead. Then she drove up to the ranch again to meet with another builder about remodeling the house.

  The landscaper had given her the name of a company who did golf course construction. Though, she was more interested in his lake-building skills. The busier she got, the better she felt. She could do this.

  Her phone rang. “Hey, Ruth, what’s up?”

  Ruth sounded hesitant. “Let me read you an announcement in the society section of the Times: ‘Rob Jenkins is happy to announce the engagement of AJ Bianchi and himself. Their planned wedding will take place shortly in Italy at the home of her parents. They plan to honeymoon on a Mediterranean cruise.’ ”

  AJ collapsed into a nearby chair. “What an idiot. Did he think I would go ahead with that just to avoid embarrassment?”

  “I did a little calling around. Apparently he’s needing money, and this announcement is supposed to make it easier for him to get a loan. He’s a scumbag. I guess he thought he could get away with it since you were out of town. What do you want me to do?”

  AJ’s head was spinning. The only possible upside to this situation was that Stet would think she was moving on. “Just leav
e it for now. I will fix it when I get back. Let him get his loan—he’s not going to be able to pay it back once I fire his firm.”

  AJ walked over to her grandpa’s house. She didn’t go inside. She just sat on the porch in her grandpa’s rocking chair. “Well, Grandpa, here I am—back home again. If I can’t get this property back, perhaps they’ll give me your rocking chair.”

  She rocked awhile, then decided to call Jed and give him a report on his ranch. “Hi, Jed. I’m sitting on your porch, rocking.” It was so comforting to be sitting on her grandpa’s porch. ”How are you doing after that fall?”

  “I am just fine. I was getting a little dizzy, but the doc adjusted my meds.”

  “I see you still don’t have a ranch manager for this place. I don’t see the cattle, but I bet they are back up in the canyon again.”

  She needed to get some horses. Jed could probably lead her in the right direction. She wanted to know where he got Vixen. Now that was a gorgeous horse.

  “Oh, hey there. I am so glad you called. My grandson has come into town. I may just send him over there to check on the place. Would you like to meet him? Say in two days?”

  “Sure, I could use some cheering up. I will meet him in two days on the front porch.” AJ rocked and rocked, staring at the ground until she heard the builder calling her name.


  Jed walked into the library and found Stet staring at the floor.

  “I have a favor to ask. You know that place we purchased a couple years ago, north of Cody?” I still don’t have a ranch manager over there, and the place is falling apart. Could you head up there for a couple weeks and see what you can do? You can trailer up Vixen and your favorite stallion. The barn is still in good condition, and there was feed the last time I was there.” His grandpa winked. “And if you need anything, the neighbor is really nice.”

  “Sure, Grandpa. I would like to see that place again.”

  Stet decided it was time to get a haircut and some new clothes in town. He spent the morning shopping and then took some time working with Jed’s new stallion. It had been a long time since he’d had the pleasure of working a horse, and this one was a beauty. He brushed him and talked softly to him. “We’re going to be friends.” Stet’s love of the country started to seep back in.


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