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Alexander: Prince (Members From Money Book 14)

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by Katie Dowe


  The one with the handsome European prince...

  A sexy billionaire prince romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Debbie Williams is playing hard to get.

  After landing a job at a software company for the exiled Queen of Costa Land, she meets the Queen’s son, Prince Alexander.

  Alexander falls hard for Debbie, and he is determined to make her his princess!

  However, Debbie wouldn’t care if Alexander were the King of the World!

  Even after a one-night stand, Debbie still finds him arrogant and annoying.

  Alexander is frustrated that he’s not getting his way.

  Debbie doesn’t treat him the way he’s used too, and it only makes him want her even more!

  He asks for her hand in marriage, will Alexander finally get what he wants?

  Or will Debbie find another Prince Charming?

  Find out in this sexy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll want your own prince to snuggle with!

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  Copyright © 2017 to Katie Dowe and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Bonus Book - Alexei, Her Russian Billionaire

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

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  Chapter 1

  “She is adorable,” Debbie whispered as she looked down at the baby’s creamy complexion and her long lashes making shadows on those same cheeks. “Mom has not been here yet?”

  “And she is not coming,” her sister Deloris whispered back. “Derek is in trouble again and you know what that means.”

  “She will have to go and bail him out.” Debbie sighed as she looked down at her niece. “What is it this time?”

  “Weed,” Deloris said with a wicked grin. “Possession with the intent to sell. He is denying it of course.”

  “You sound like a lawyer.”

  “Night school is paying off. In the meantime, I have this little one to think about considering that Clyde is MIA.”

  “You still have not heard from him?”

  “I am not going to hear from him, honey, and I am cool with that. Little Darcy and I will be fine. I have it all worked out. Mama is going to babysit for me when I go back to work and start school. In a year’s time, I will be a full fledged lawyer and can afford anything I damn well pleased.”

  “I am proud of you,” Debbie whispered sincerely, looking up as the nurse came to get the sleeping baby. She touched the child’s cheek before handing her over.

  “What about you?” her sister asked her.

  “I have an interview for a position with Costa’s Software. You might have heard of them.”

  “Heard of them? Are you kidding me? They are huge in the software business. It is run by Amelia Costa and she has a very good head for business. I heard rumors that she and her son came from some foreign country some years ago and she is in fact a queen. Have you heard that?”

  “I have, and I am not going to let that be the focal point of my interview. I have read up on the company and I intend to make them know that with my expertise in delegating and going the extra mile, I am perfect for the job.”

  “How are you really?” Deloris asked her.

  “You mean after I have been dumped by that asshole I worked for? I am swell!”

  Debbie got to her feet and went to the window. It had been more humiliating than heartbreaking and she could not believe that she had fallen for his lies when he had told her that as soon as the company was on its feet then they would get married. She had helped him build the company from scratch and she had allowed herself to be attracted to him and had practically moved in with him. So much for that.

  “What a family we are! I guess we are following Mom’s trend. Dad left her for another woman, Clyde left you with a child to take care of, and I ended up sleeping with my boss and getting ditched! Not to mention Derek who never seems to be able to settle down.”

  “You have beauty and brains. It’s his loss.” Deloris had always admired her younger sister with her thick shoulder length black hair, light brown complexion, and large black eyes. She was tall and graceful and clothes tended to fit her very well. She was the only one who looked like their father; she and Derek had taken their mother’s looks. Dark skin and kinky hair with slightly broad noses.

  “I am off men at the moment. I am tired of the dating scene.”

  “You are too young to be saying that. Look at me? At the mention of a baby, men are going to run in the opposite direction.”

  “You only need to concentrate on Darcy right now.”


  “Come on, sis, just five hundred dollars and I promise to pay you back by the end of next month,” Derek said persuasively. He had made bail and had been warned that he was not to be seen back in the courthouse again or he would be put away for a long time.

  “I have no idea who gave you the impression that I was rolling in money but you have it wrong,” Debbie told him coolly as she stared at him, noticing that he had lost some weight. Good! She hoped that meant that he had finally learned his lesson. “You are a grown man, Derek, and should have settled down a long time ago.”

  “I am going to be sued for child maintenance and you want to read me the riot act?” he asked her resentfully.

  “Maia should have taken you to court a long time ago. How can you not look after your own child?”

  “Everything is not as black and white as you think, Debbie.” He got to his feet and went to help himself to a beer from her small fridge. “I have a hard time finding a job.”

  “That’s because you don’t stay at one place too long.” She got up and took the beer from him before he could open it. “It is time you become a man and stand up like one. Go and find something to do and settle down. I am no longer going to be carrying you.”

  “So you are playing a brother like that, huh?” He stared at her in resentment. “Kicking him while he is down?”

  “You are always down. It is time for you to get up.” She went to the door and opened it, leaving it open, her actions clear.

  “You are kicking me out?�

  “I have work to do and I am not good at attending pity parties.”

  “Okay, cool.” He picked up his jacket and moved past her. “You are very cold, no wonder the dude left you.”

  “Thank you for that.” She slammed the door shut behind him and leaned there for a moment before going off in the direction of her bedroom. She had almost caved and given him the three hundred dollars cash she had in her purse, but she had been doing that since they were teenagers and figured she should stop now or he would never learn. Derek was the first of the three children and the only boy; maybe that was why their mother spoiled him and bailed him out of whatever trouble he got himself into.

  With a sigh, she went to her closet to look through her clothes, trying to decide what to wear for her interviews next week.


  Prince Alexander Costa was not much into taking orders not even from his own mother. He had been summoned into her inner sanctum and he knew what it was about. He was going to be told to take up his rightful place in the company or else. He had come to the states when he was only twelve years old when his mother had to make the decision to leave their country where they had been rulers over the thirty thousand residents of the small European country because of his father’s evil uncle who had tried to get rid of the entire family so that he could become king. Alexander had detested the western ways with the different ways and the women half naked and not caring one bit. But he had acclimated somewhat and had made it through school and college. He had done his part and had expected to be left alone. His mother had formed Costa’s Software and it had become a giant in the industry, taking off in leaps and bounds.

  He nodded to the secretary who looked at him with barely concealed admiration and made his way into her office. He looked at the woman seated behind the desk. Amelia Costa could never get rid of her regal bearing and seated behind the comfortable mahogany desk she looked every bit of the queen with her jet black hair combed back into an elegant chignon and her large dark eyes. Her olive complexion was smooth in spite of her being in her late fifties and she looked anything but that age.

  “You rang, Mother?” he asked, his voice slightly irritated. He had just been about to go and tee off at the club when she called. It was September and the weather was mild. He wanted to take advantage of it.

  “Have a seat, Alexander,” she said with a nod. She never called him by the shortened version of his name and he had always wondered why.

  “Am I in trouble?”

  “Have you done something wrong?”

  “It depends on what you refer to as being wrong,” he responded smoothly as he sat back and crossed his long legs. “I told Jasmine that I was no longer interested in her since the whole point of her being with me was to get me to put a ring on one of those delicate fingers of hers. I supposed she told her mother and she told you?”

  “I am not interested in your dalliances, Alexander, as long as you keep them to a minimum,” she responded coolly. The woman had come complaining to her, but she had told her in no uncertain terms that the two people were adults and she had no hold over her son when it came to his personal life. “I am however interested in the amount you put in when it comes to the company. We have a new software coming out soon and I would like you to spearhead the advertising for it.”

  “Don’t we have people who do that sort of thing?”

  “We do, but you happen to have the Costa name and you need to pull your weight. I am hiring an assistant next week and you will be working closely with her. Please be available for the interview next Monday.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said with a trace of bitterness in his voice.

  “I am doing it for us, Alexander,” she told him.

  “So you keep telling me. May I go now?”

  “We need to discuss the party for Saturday.”

  “I am not interested, Mother. I told you that already.”

  “It is for a good cause. The wives of the members of the same club you belong to are putting on a function to help those flooded out during the hurricane and I would like to be a part of it and so should you.”

  “Fine, Mother! Discuss away.”


  Amelia Costa closed the doors to her suite after telling the housekeeper that she would not be requiring any meals tonight. She had eaten something at the office and was still full. She slipped out of her shoes and sat on one of the plump sofas in her bedroom. Eighteen years ago, she had been a frightened mother concerned about her only child and wondering about the future as she fled for their lives and without her husband who had gone missing a day before they had left. She had come armed with money and it had not taken her very long to realize that she would not be folding her arms and waiting for things to be sorted out in her country. She had been married to Alexei since she was nineteen years old and even though it had been an arranged marriage, she had fallen in love with the tall, darkly handsome man who had put his stamp on their son in physical appearances. Things had been going so well especially when she had given birth to their son but then his brother who had always wanted the throne had started making trouble. Amelia had warned him about Alekseev, but he had not paid her any mind until it was too late. The man had come into their bedroom one day and practically raped her, only running out as one of the maids came into the room. She shuddered as she remembered his fingers gripping her soft breasts cruelly and digging into them. Her husband had arranged for them to leave the next night, but he had disappeared that night without a trace. His trusted advisor Monte had taken care of everything and had been by their side ever since!

  She got to her feet and went to get a picture she had managed to smuggle out of the country. It was their wedding picture and he stood tall and commanding in full uniform as she clung to his arm. “Oh, Alex, my darling, I miss you so much. Where are you?” She felt the tears running down her cheeks and for the first time in a while she gave in to tears!


  “He is your brother, Debbie, and the only one you got.” Delia Williams looked at her youngest child for a moment before continuing to shell the beans she had bought at the market. He had come to her telling her how Debbie had booted him out of the house without so much as a by your leave and sent him away empty. “He is not as fortunate as you and Deloris, so the most you can do is give him a chance. Family is important.”

  “He is not going to stop being a leech unless you release the apron strings, Mama,” Deloris said before her sister could answer. They were both over her place as she had been released from the hospital with her newborn baby. Their mother, who happened to be an excellent cook, had come over to cook for her.

  “How can you say that?”

  “He needs to take responsibilities for his actions,” Debbie said a little grimly as she went to get them something to drink from the fridge. “Did he tell you that Maia is suing him for child support?”

  The look on their mother’s face told them that he had not told her that. “She is a greedy woman who does not understand that Derek is not working.”

  “You were the one who told me to take Clyde to court. What is it with you and these double standards?” Deloris asked in exasperation.

  “He is trying,” she muttered.

  “I really hope he tries and turns his life around. I am not going to be helping him anymore, Mom, and that’s final.”


  Alexander Costa had been pampered all his life and he often took the things he so readily had for granted. He had been blessed with incredible good looks! He was tall and darkly handsome with jet black hair that he wore at his nape and piercing black eyes. His skin was a deep olive that showed his European heritage and he worked out regularly by the indication of his strong muscled body. He knew he was attractive to women and had only to crook his little finger to make them come running but he was getting bored by their availability. He missed his home and his father who, although had been a king, had still found time to come into his room and read him stories o
f long ago. They had duelled on the grounds of the palace and rode horses, strong Arabian horses not these weak muscled ones he had been forced to ride while here in the states! He pined for home but he had to stay put until things were resolved. He stared into the glass of full bodied wine moodily. He had gone to the club in the afternoon but the pleasure of being there had been squelched because of the talk he had had with his mother before. He had managed to play a round with some of the members but his heart had not been in the game.

  He put the glass to his lips and drained the liquid in one gulp. He then took off the robe he had on and stepped down into the indoor pool he had had built in his bedroom enjoying the warm water. He ducked his head beneath the surface and stayed down there for a moment, his thoughts chasing him. He broke the surface, pushing the water from his face, and let the body of water push him around. He was not looking forward to working with a bloody assistant!


  “Your brother is a prick but I have no intention of dragging Melanie into court proceedings,” Maia said with a wave of her hand. Maia Blagrove had been her friend since they were in high school and she had warned her friend about getting involved with her brother but she had not listened.

  “You should.” Debbie curled her feet beneath her and sipped the wine. It was a little past six and the girl had stopped by after she had left the school where she taught history. Maia was a tall attractive woman with thick natural hair and large dark eyes that her daughter had taken her looks from her.

  “I just said it to scare him. Do you think it worked?”

  “He came here asking me for money so maybe it did.”

  Maia laughed in spite of the situation. “Did you give it to him?”

  “No.” Debbie put her glass away. “I told him to go to hell in not so many words.”

  “Good for you,” Maia said approvingly.”Your mother called and begged me not to put him through that and told me that I happened to be working which was so unlike her precious son.”

  “She is the reason he is like the way he is,” Debbie said with a sigh. “I guess we all had a hand in the way he turned out. I am going to give you something for Melanie and I don’t want you saying anything to him.”


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