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Feeling White

Page 68

by Charlotte E Hart

  Without so much as a glance, Aiden chuckles and keeps looking at Evelyn who is still not unbalanced by the man at all. Apparently he’s not even the slightest bit concerned that Alex has arrived because he’s actually increasing his hold on me again, fingering my hipbone almost casually.

  “Alex,” he replies confidently. Alex? Why the hell is he calling him that? Nobody calls him that but close friends.

  Alex’s fingers brush my arm as he wanders around me, growling very quietly and stands next to Evelyn, seemingly at ease with what’s happening in front of him. My head shoots up again to find her smiling at him and I can’t help the little puff of tranquillity that settles as I watch them close together. It’s still damn freaky given their similarities but lovely nonetheless. But why the hell isn’t he exploding? I try once again to pull myself from Aiden, but without making a scene, I can’t. He simply won’t let me go. Alex’s brow rises at my move but nothing else as he turns to Evelyn and kisses her on the cheek. Why the hell isn’t he helping me? Is this some sodding twilight game I’m not aware of? He’s giving me nothing to work with at all, and apart from that enigmatic smile, I can’t see a bloody thing that’s crossing his mind. Oh god, I thought I’d just about figured him out.

  Apparently not.

  I have no idea what the fuck I’m supposed to do now so I stop my fidgeting and wait. Eventually I’ll find a way out of this without pissing off a Mafia boss, or my boyfriend. Well, I hope I will, but as I feel Aiden lean down and kiss my shoulder softly, I’m instantly pretty damn sure none of us will come out of this unscathed.

  Chapter 30


  I t was taking everything he had, every muscle primed, every sense honed on demolition. This wasn’t the same as before. This was pure, undiluted rage direct from his heart and it was all because of his feelings for her. Kill, destroy, rip out the bastard’s guts and roll around in the blood until the fucking idiot was buried six feet under without an inch of skin left on his mutilated body. He could hardly bear to watch the man’s fingers as they stroked across her dress firmly and claimed some sort of ownership of the woman he loved. What the fuck sort of game he was playing was completely unknown because he more than likely knew exactly who Elizabeth Scott was, given their meeting with Cecily last week.

  He watched as her breathing began to shallow out at the man hands and hoped that she would just keep it together and breathe her way through it. She was clearly uncomfortable, flustered even, because the blush across her chest and fiddling with her bracelet indicated her stress levels were high. She was trying to move away at first. He’d seen it and thanked her for it but at the moment, she just needed to stand still and hold herself together. If Aiden thought for one minute she was special in any way, the dick would do as much damage as possible, and probably expose the past to the highest fucking degree just to have some fun.

  She blinked across at him with narrowing eyes as he held his smile and looked past her towards the main threat in the situation. The fact that his new-found sister was also here was equally perturbing. He’d just found some family, and he was damned if both of them would be seeing his past tumbling from another man’s mouth before he had the chance to explain it.

  “Pretty little thing you’ve got here, Alex.” Dick.

  “Yes, quite beautiful,” he replied as he glanced over at her and caught the slight tilt of her mouth and her eyes smiling back at him. “Useful, too, but dull most of the time.”

  That didn’t go down as well at all because the sudden angry frown that flew across her stunning face was deadly to say the least. She opened her mouth to speak so he glared at her and hoped to God that she got the message. This was the only way he could keep her safe at the moment and the only way to keep control over the situation they’d found themselves in.

  Why the hell was Aiden here anyway? More than likely another step forward in his attempt to become a real businessman. And how did he even recognise Elizabeth? They’d never met. Cecily must be here somewhere, but he’d seen Amira earlier. Surely Aiden wasn’t taking his mistress and wife out together now?

  “She doesn’t appear that dull to me. Besides, they really don’t need to speak that much, do they?” That may have been true before her, but not now.

  Evelyn stiffened and snorted in derision at the same time as Elizabeth tried to move away again. He wasn’t sure if Aiden knew anything about him having a sister, but he was pretty sure she’d handle herself if need be so he levelled his eyes back on the woman he loved.

  “Stop fidgeting, Elizabeth. You’re making a fucking scene. Stand still.”

  Her eyebrows shot up as she stilled instantly and looked back at him in surprise. His whole body tensed at the thought of giving her to the dick. It wasn’t going to happen anytime soon but if he could just get the man to believe she was yet another whore, perhaps he could make all of this finish before it started.

  “Aiden, I’m a touch thirsty. Would you like to go and get a drink?” his frankly fantastic sister asked as she moved a step towards him and stretched out a hand. Clearly Evelyn had picked up on something happening underneath the surface and was trying her best to diffuse the atmosphere. The man looked back at her and smiled. It was his ownership smile, the one that said he’d do whatever the fuck he wanted and nobody would tell him any different.

  “Yes, why not. I think we’ll all go, shall we? I’ve got a suite upstairs.”

  Fuck that. Not in a million years was that shit happening.

  “I don’t think so.” Elizabeth’s beautiful lips snarled as she yanked her body away from him and glared back in contempt. His fists tightened as Aiden reached out and grabbed hold of her wrist harshly before she got a chance to move away any further.

  “Now, now, pretty, got a temper, have you?”

  “Fuck off,” she spat back at him quietly as she tugged her arm to try and loosen his hold. It was absolutely glorious and utterly enticing, just not what was needed at the moment. Or maybe it was.

  He watched for a moment as the wrestling continued and pondered the best response. Evelyn shifted beside him, probably to interrupt, so he held up a hand and stopped her before she got a step closer. She glared at him as well so he rolled his eyes and resumed his watch of Elizabeth who was doing really very well. The crowd around them hustled and chatted about their business without even noticing the little tug of war that was currently occurring until she accidently bumped into a women behind her.

  “Oh god, I’m so sorry,” she said, still trying to wriggle her arm free of Aiden’s hold.

  “No problem,” the orange dress replied as she glanced at Aiden. He rewarded her with an award-winning smile and licked his lips. The dick was far too attractive for his own good. The woman batted her fucking eyelashes in response and looked back at Elizabeth. “You’re a lucky girl, honey.”

  “Doubtful at the moment,” she mumbled in response as the women walked off and she continued her struggle.

  “What exactly are you playing at?” Evelyn whispered to him as she sipped her champagne and continued to watch the show. “Why aren’t you stopping this?”

  “I have my reasons. Just stay out of this,” he replied, never removing his eyes from the woman he loved as she snarled ferociously and tried to keep her composure.

  “I think you’re out of your bloody mind.”

  “You’re possibly right.”

  Christ, she was beautiful, bitch-like eyes drilling straight into the face of Aiden Phillips as if he was the lowest form of scum on the planet. Not one small part of her seemed fearful as she stood up to him and refused to cower in a corner like every other woman did, or offer herself up to him on a platter and roll around in the money he’d give her afterwards. No, this woman couldn’t be bought at any price. She wouldn’t accept anything she wasn’t one hundred percent committed to or one hundred percent morally comfortable with. He gazed at her long legs standing firm as she eventually snapped her hand away from the man and sighed at the thought. How the hell
was she ever going to understand? Christ, even he didn’t understand anymore, although the current need to kill was very definitely in full force at the moment.

  “You’re lucky we’re in a room full of people, bitch,” Aiden said as he stared her down. She glared in response and smoothed over the front of her dress in an attempt to contain herself. It clearly wasn’t working because her fury was bubbling. He could see it and loved her all the more for it. She abruptly swivelled her head to look back at him with confusion marring her brow and opened her mouth.

  “I don’t know what the hell sort of game you think you’re playing, but I’m not part of it. If you think I’m doing this for you, Alex, you’re wrong,” she hissed quietly.

  No, and she shouldn’t. He would never ask that of her but unfortunately, that’s not what Aiden needed to hear in this moment. He raised a brow and stared at her for a few seconds as thoughts took hold. He supposed he could punch the man. It probably wouldn’t help in the long run but he could at least get her out of here and away from the danger. He was going to tell her it all anyway so what did it matter? He glanced across at the Endigo brothers who were watching Aiden like a hawk, always there to back the dickhead up when needed. No, that plan wasn’t going to work at all.

  “You’ll do anything you’re fucking told. Get over here,” he said as he held out a hand and watched her eyes widen. She didn’t move in the slightest, just stared back at him in shock with her bottom lip trembling a little and sudden glistening eyes.

  Evelyn shifted again. Christ, he hadn’t got a bloody clue how she might react, and the potential irritated response she might deliver could really screw this up so he did the only thing he could think of.

  “And you can keep your damned mouth shut, too, Evelyn. In fact, just fuck off. I don’t want you here. Elizabeth is more than enough entertainment,” he said as he caught Aiden narrowing his eyes at the scene. Elizabeth was still glaring beautifully, her hand now hovering in mid air as if she might slap something. They both deserved it at the moment, and he was damn near walking himself straight into those manicured fingers, but Aiden’s amused chuckle as he reached his hands towards her again brought him back to the moment with acute clarity.

  “I’m surprised you’re letting this go on as long as you are, Alex. It’s not like you to let them get away with this crap.” Shit.

  He grabbed at Elizabeth and yanked her toward him so quickly she didn’t have a chance to move away. If that bastard’s hands touched her one more time, he might well do something supremely stupid. She squealed a little in response and struggled to get away so he clamped the back of her neck firmly and held her at his side.

  “Stand still. You’re becoming a pain in the fucking arse,” he sneered as he tightened his grip on her neck and felt her stiffen against him.

  “Alex, please, you’re hurting me,” she whimpered under him. His heart damn near broke at the thought but such was his life, and at the moment, she was caught right in the centre of it.

  “Good. Perhaps you’ll stop with this little temper tantrum then.”

  “I’ve had enough of this shit, whatever it is,” Evelyn snarled as she swished her dress around and leant into him. “You really are the bastard they say you are, aren’t you?”

  He sucked in a breath - yes, or he had been before the woman in his fingers changed everything. Thankfully his sister turned her body and sashayed away from them to safety. At least she was out of it now and he could concentrate on the woman in his hands.

  Aiden was now sipping at his drink and standing eerily still in that thoughtful guise of his so he levelled his eyes back at the man and loosened his hold of Elizabeth a little.

  “I smell deceit, Alex,” the man said. Fuck.

  “No, what you smell is fear, Aiden. I’m afraid she hasn’t quite got the message yet,” he replied. She immediately twisted in his hand and looked up at him. Christ, if there was one time when he needed her to look at the fucking floor this was it, because her soul-tearing eyes reached in and softened every hard edge again.

  “Fear? Hmm... I don’t think it’s fear. From what Cecily said, there’s not a chance of it. What don’t you want me to know, Alex?”

  Oh for Christ’s sake, the shit wasn’t going to let it go, was he? Maybe if he got them all in a room he could turn the conversation to business and get off the fucking subject. Or maybe if he could just wind her up to the point of exploding, she’d give him a reason to drag her from the room and away from Aiden.

  “Nothing at all, Aiden. Now, you were mentioning your room. Shall we go and get on with it?”

  Her whole body tensed and before he realised what had happened, she’d spun from his hand and slapped him so hard the sound echoed in the room. Several guests turned to see the commotion as she stumbled backwards into a man who caught her and steadied her fall. He lifted his hand to rub his cheek and watched as she stared at him in disgust. If only she knew how much he was disgusting himself at the moment. She could have it all. He was going to give it all, just not in this room, and certainly not coming from Aiden Phillips’ mouth.

  “Not very scared at all,” Aiden said as he sipped his drink again and looked across at her. “I think you might be in love with her, Alex. Is that what you don’t want me to know?”

  “Don’t be so fucking stupid, Aiden.”

  “She doesn’t know, does she? Are you worried I might blurt it out and tell the world what you are? Or is it just her you’re bothered about?” the dick said as he moved over towards her again. She instantly recoiled a step and glared at him.

  “She doesn’t know what? Alex, what the hell is he talking about? And why are you being such an arsehole?”

  “Aiden,” he growled as he moved as step towards her. She backed off again.

  “Oh, it is just her, isn’t it? Ha, Alexander White’s finally been caught. It’s funny really. You should just be honest, Alex, then she’d definitely know fear.”

  He watched her face as she stared back at him with her hands out to the side as if begging for some sort of answer. It was only her he could see. The clinking of the glasses, the other people milling around and conversation had all disappeared. Shit. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. He was so focused on the potential amusement that was about to drop out of Aiden’s mouth that he could think of nothing else to say. Gone were scheming games, gone was the ability to think rationally and manipulate his way out of this. He just needed to get her away from the man. There was only one choice, and she was just going to have to do this his way.

  “Get to the damn car, Elizabeth. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough for the evening.”

  “Umm… Fuck off. How about that for a reply?” she said. He very nearly rolled his eyes because it was utterly beautiful, and he had told her to fight him, hadn’t he? What a fucking disaster. Aiden laughed. Dick.

  “I’m not going to say it again. Do as you’re fucking told.”

  She glared for a few moments then slowly reached up behind her neck, undid the clasp on her necklace and dropped it on the floor in front of him.

  “I don’t know what on earth is going on here but I’m not doing it anymore. I’m so tired of all this crap,” she said as she turned her body and began to walk away so he reached out and grabbed hold of her arm.

  “Elizabeth. Pick. That. Up.”


  “If you want me to make you do it, I will. Don’t fucking test my patience.”

  “You can’t make me do anything.” He raised a brow, and Aiden chuckled again.

  “I can assure you he can, pretty. He’s killed for less.” Fuck.

  He spun so quickly on the dick that Aiden actually took a step back. Good, the fucker should beware. He didn’t want to do this in here, but he was getting damn close regardless of the two goons in the background who were moving closer.

  “Aiden, shut the fuck up. Look around you for God’s sake.”

  “I don’t understand.” His eyes turned back to her before she could get
another word out.

  “Pick. It. Up.”

  “If I were you, I’d just do what he says, pretty. Really, Alex, you’re losing your touch.” Wanker.

  “Stay out of this, Aiden,” he said as he glared at her and tugged at his collar. Fucking bow ties.

  “Why? I’m enjoying it. I’ve never seen you nervous before.”

  “Aiden, I swear if you-”

  “You swear what? Don’t fucking threaten me, you imbecile,” he cut in as he offered a hand towards her. “You could always leave with me instead, pretty. I’m not nearly as bad as he is.”

  She frowned at his outstretched fingers and then back at Alex as her mind presumably whirled at what the man was suggesting.

  “Alex, what is he-”

  “Shut up and get moving.”

  He scooped the necklace off the ground and started to walk them off through the throngs of people in the hope of leaving the dick behind, or at least taking this somewhere quieter. She struggled in his grasp as she tried to make him let go, but he wasn’t letting go. He’d told her that. He’d never fucking let go of her and as he rubbed the diamonds in his hand and thought of the hotel room earlier, he hoped to hell that she’d understand this.

  “Alex, let go of me. I don’t understand what’s going on, and I…”

  He dragged her faster as she struggled to keep up. He just needed to get her away from Aiden. If she was going to hear this, it was going to come from him, and only him, in his way. It was the only chance he’d have at making her understand.

  “Please, Alex, stop. I have no idea-”

  “Where are you going? You can’t take this amusement from me, Alex.”

  He stopped abruptly and turned to face the dick.

  “Aiden, back off. Just remember I’ve got as much on you. Don’t push me into using it.”


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