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Page 5

by E. M. Leya

  "A virgin?" I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking several deep breaths, trying to calm down, but all that did was fill me with the scent of my mate on the other side of the door. This wasn't what I expected to come home to. I was looking forward to a few weeks off the tour, hoping to hunt, rest, and forget all the stress that was smothering my life. Now I had this to deal with. Don't get me wrong, I wanted my mate and there was nothing better in the world that could happen to me, but having it happen like this was not going to make things easy.

  I stared at my brother, wishing for answers I knew he didn't have. Another cry echoed through the door and I fisted my hand at my sides. "I have to go in there. I can't leave him like this."

  "I know." Justice frowned. "At least right now, he won't know if it's you or me. He's too far gone. Once he shifts and figures everything out, he might hate both of us."

  I nodded. "He's my mate. I'll make him like me."

  Justice just narrowed his eyes. "He's stuck with us for a few weeks either way. He can't go out alone until I'm sure he's in control of his wolf. Go take care of Mark. I'll explain everything when you're done." Justice gripped my shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze, then turned and walked away.

  I stared at the door for a long moment, ignoring my wolf as he tried to push me forward, tried to force me to shift. He wanted our mate. I did too, but I needed a moment to get control of myself and remember everything Justice had said. He was a virgin, a human, and he was scared. The scent of fear was there, but it was overpowered by the scent of being my mate.

  I opened the door, struggling to not rush to the young man on the bed. He was so small compared to me. His thin body undulated on the bed, his cock in his hand, his mouth parted, eyes shut. I took a moment to look at him, taking in his dark hair and pale skin. His scent was like a drug to me. My own cock swelled, my body preparing to take him. I'd never wanted anyone so badly.

  "Please!" Mark cried out again as sweat dripped from his brow, rolling down the side of his face. His fist worked his cock so hard that it had to hurt.

  I couldn't let this go on.

  Without hesitation, I stripped, kicking my shoes aside, dropping my pants to the floor, then moving forward. "It's okay. I'll ease the pain." I moved between his legs, wishing I could take time to kiss him, touch him, memorize every inch of him. That would come later. Right now, I needed to take away his pain.

  I gripped his hip, flipping him to his stomach, then drew him back, getting him on his knees. His hand stayed on his cock, working it with angry pulls.

  Fuck, a virgin. Had I ever been with a virgin before? I'd had many lovers. Being the lead singer of a band, I had all the sex I could want, but this, being with my mate, it was as if I'd never been with anyone before either. I stared down at his ass, taking in the tightness of his hole, and for a moment, I hated myself for the pain I was going to cause him. He wasn't wolf yet, at least not completely. "Brace yourself." I guided my thick cock to his hole, brushing the head over him several times before finally thrusting forward, breaching him in one hard thrust that had him crying out in pain as I howled in pleasure.

  Once inside him, I couldn't hold back. My fingers dug into his skin, pulling his body back against mine, moving him over my cock as my hips thrust back and forth in hard snaps. My cock opened him quickly, my precum coating him.

  To my shock, once the initial pain faded, Mark moved with me, as if he couldn't get enough. He gasped, not in pain, but in pleasure, working himself against me, riding me as if he'd done this a million times before.

  The scent of his wolf grew stronger, and I wondered if he would shift right there, with me taking him hard. I couldn't remember, hell, maybe I never even knew how long it took for a human to shift, but I was sure that it was still a while away. I remembered Kurt and Josh laughing about how desperate Josh had been before his change and how many times Kurt had to take him before he shifted.

  I let my wolf come forward a bit more, not enough to bring on a shift, but to let him feel part of what was going on. Soon, if things went right after Mark made a full shift, I'd let my wolf come forward and spend time with him, but until then, I needed to remain fully in my human form.

  I closed my eyes, getting lost in the smell of our sex, the mix of my wolf and his together, our mating scent. It would grow stronger once we bonded, but that couldn't happen until Mark was fully wolf. I longed for it, wanted it, had waited my whole life for it.

  The tightness of his ass surrounded me, pulling me deeper into him. I loved the way his body moved against mine, the wild, passionate way he took what I was giving. Had I not been told this was his first time, I'd have never known. Mark was giving me pleasure while unashamed at taking his. I felt him orgasm around my cock several times, but his cock never softened, his need never ceased.

  For a moment, I wondered if I would be enough for him. Could I ease his desire, take away the pain he was in?

  My balls ached as they tightened, and my wolf crept forward even more, wanting to do a partial shift, wanting to bite into our mate's skin, taste his blood, and fill him with our seed. Sadly, I could only do one of those things.

  As my orgasm raced through me, I forced myself to stay strong, controlling my wolf, making him promises of later because I couldn't let him take what he wanted now. I fought to hold back my release, wanting to make this last, afraid it wouldn't be enough for Mark, but he felt too good. I thrust deep, holding there as I howled loud enough to rattle the windows and lost myself inside him. Streams of cum shot into him, filling him with my seed, my cock swelling even more, locking me inside of him for a short period of time.

  As I came, so did Mark, his body tightening, his muscles tensing, his head coming back as a loud cry escaped him. I watched as more cum coated his already wet hand, then leaked to the bed and the sheets beneath him.

  I fell forward, covering his body with mine as he collapsed to his stomach. His breathing was heavy, coming in gasps, but it seemed that his hunger was finally fed, his body softening, his tension easing.

  He had to be exhausted, but I couldn't move, and not only because I was knotted inside him. I was shaking from how hard I'd come. Never had I experienced an orgasm so strong. My body was weak, my muscles like Jell-O as I relaxed against him to recover, hoping my weight wasn't more than his thin body could handle.

  "Thank you." Mark gasped.

  I kissed his shoulder, licking over the spot where Justice must have bitten him. I hated that my brother had been the one to do that. Mark was mine, but it would be Justice's mark that scarred Mark's body forever. It would be Justice who controlled him after he shifted. While I would have some control, some power over him since he was my mate, until we bonded, it would hardly compare to the way Justice would be able to care for him. At that moment, I wanted to hate my twin, but then again, if it hadn't been for Justice bringing Mark here to the house, I might not have found him. I might have lost the chance to know my mate and feel the contentment and excitement that I did, knowing that I would never spend another day alone once Mark became fully wolf.

  "Justice, I need to move," Mark whispered.

  I closed my eyes, hating the sound of my brother's name coming from my mate's lips. "I can't pull out yet. I'm knotted inside you for a bit longer. Roll with me to your side, that will take my weight off you." I maneuvered so that he was on his side in front of me, me spooning him from behind, my arms wrapped around him. Again, I kissed his shoulder, debating on how to tell Mark who I really was.

  "I didn't think I'd ever find relief." Mark sounded exhausted.

  I caressed his back, enjoying the feel of the man I was going to spend my life with. It was so strange. I'd heard about matings before, but never understood how you could instantly care about someone and know you were meant to spend your lives together. Now, I understood. It was simply how it was meant to be. I caught his scent as I stepped out of my truck and something inside me was positive I'd found the perfect person to share my life with. It was like a hole that had been in
side me was now filled. As sure as I was, my wolf was even more positive, pacing in my mind, alert, and longing to spend time with Mark and his wolf. It was going to be hell keeping my wolf calm until Mark shifted. "I'm glad I could help." I kissed the top of his spine. "Once I can pull free from you, we need to talk. I don't know how long we have until this hits you again."

  "Not long. I'm already hard, but I need to sleep." Mark's voice was already fading.

  I sighed, torn with the need to admit to him who I really was and the knowledge that he needed his rest for what else was going to happen to him over the next few days, possibly weeks. "I'll be here when it comes back. How's your head?" I remembered Josh complaining of severe headaches. I was already concerned about Mark's body temperature. His skin was on fire.

  "Okay. Don't want to sleep. The dreams will come." He was already close to asleep as he mumbled the words.

  "Let your wolf free in your dreams. Give him room to run, play, and hunt. It will bring you closer to shifting. Don't fight him." I eased back as my cock finally softened, exiting his body. There was an instant feeling of loss, but I wasn't going to push back into him while he slept. I was an asshole, but never to my mate. I might not even know him well yet, but I would always put his needs before mine.

  Sure that Mark was asleep, I quietly slipped from the bed. I went into his bathroom and washed off before pulling my pants back on. I left my shoes and shirt off, positive I'd be back soon to help Mark through another rush of need.

  While I had time, I needed to talk to my brother. Justice had a ton of explaining to do, and once he did that, maybe he'd have a way to help me find a way to tell Mark who I was and what I'd done.

  I wasn't used to being nervous about my lovers. I was a fuck 'em and leave 'em kind of guy. I always had groupies throwing themselves at me, and I took what they offered, both men and women. I was an expert at holding my wolf back, able to sleep with humans as easily as other wolves. Now, with my mate, I was a wreck, unsure of myself, and questioning everything.

  One way or another, I was going to figure this out. First, I needed answers. I wanted to know why Mark had been forced to choose death or being bitten. What had my mate done or what had been done to him? Once I knew that, I needed to figure out what the plans were from here on out. I couldn't stop Justice from mentoring Mark. He would be the one to control him and protect him from his wolf, but I was going to have to be a part of that somehow. My wolf wouldn't allow anyone, even my own twin, full control of my mate. This was not what I thought I was coming home to.

  Making my way downstairs to find Justice, I swore that somehow, I'd make this all work, and I wasn't going to lose my mind doing it. I finally found my mate, and because of that, everything else had to fall into place.



  I walked into the kitchen, not shocked to find Justice looking stressed as he sat at the table, a cold beer in his hand. I eyed my brother, able to read him like a book with the bond we shared as twins.

  It had always been like that. The two of us were born linked together, not just in human forms, but in wolf as well. We shared a link that connected us a lot like the link mates shared. Which meant I could tell my brother was upset and worried right now. After grabbing my own beer out of the fridge, I sat down beside him, trying to decide which issue we should tackle first.

  "I would have warned you he was here if I'd known you were coming home." Justice stared at me across the table.

  "Even then, we wouldn't have known he was my mate. I would have shrugged it off, figuring you were bored and taking on some pack task for Kurt." I took a long drink before speaking again. "How'd you get the job of changing him?"

  "He was there when his friend tried to kill me, succeeded in killing others. Kurt left it up to us whether he got to live or die. If he lived, he had to become wolf. He knows too much to go back to his human life."

  What the fuck had happened over the last few months while I'd been on tour? I hadn't bothered calling to check in. I hardly ever did. I didn't need to. I'd would know if something major happened to my twin. Even at a distance, I'd feel it through our link. "You weren't hurt too severely or I'd have felt it."

  "I was lucky, others not so much." Justice looked sad for a moment as if remembering things I probably didn't want to know but would hear about later. "Anyway, Mark was there for it all, but was an innocent victim, but since he knew about us, Kurt had to make a choice on how to handle the situation. He gave Mark the final choice or being changed into a wolf or dying. Once Mark made his choice, I insisted on being the one to bite him so I would know for sure that he wasn't going to fuck us over once he became a wolf. He's very close to the final shift."

  "I could smell that. His wolf is very near. My wolf was going nuts trying to get to him. What do you know about him? He's young."

  "Nineteen," Justice told me. "From what I gather, he was on his own pretty much. He couch hopped when he could, spent some nights on the streets. He had a job at some coffee shop, but it didn't pay much and I don't think he was there long. He's scared, but he's a good kid."

  "He's not a kid. He's my mate." I couldn't think of him as a kid even if he was extremely young compared to me.

  "How does that feel?" There was a look of longing in Justice's eyes. Waiting for a mate to come around was hard on all of us. It wasn't a guarantee. I was lucky to have mine. There was no promise that Justice would ever find his and that made my heart ache for my twin. "I'm not sure. It happened so fast. I really haven't had time to digest it myself. I thought I'd get home, grab a couple of days of sleep, you and I could go hunting and catch up on things, then I'd be ready for the next leg of my tour. I climbed out of my truck and everything changed. The moment I caught the scent I almost doubled over in shock. It's as if there was always a piece of me missing, and just by scent alone, that piece is there now. I can't even imagine how much stronger it will be once we go through the mating ceremony."

  Justice rubbed the back of his neck. "He's scared, Tav. He has no clue what to expect. I've tried to explain, but it's something you have to experience. I can't just put words to it. He knows a little about mates, but not enough. He's going to be even more confused once he figures out what this all means. It's bad enough his wolf is going to be fighting him for control because he's newly turned, but add in this mating shit and it's going to overwhelm him."

  I nodded. "He thought I was you up there. He called me by your name."

  "Fuck." Justice downed the last of his beer.

  "I know. I was going to tell him once we were done, but he fell asleep right away. I figured he needed the rest more than he needed the truth right now."

  "You have to tell him. You can't keep lying to him. Once he shifts, he'll know."

  "I know. I'll tell him before I take him again. I figure he'll be screaming for sex soon anyway. This time I'll make sure he knows who I am. It might have to wait until after sex as I don't think he comprehends anything when his need is raging, but I will tell him." I gave Justice a sad smile. "I'm just glad I got there when I did. If I'd walked in on you two having sex, brother or not, I don't think I could have kept my wolf from attacking you. The power of that mating call is too strong. He's mine and no one else will touch him."

  "I'm going to have to be around, Tav. I can't ignore him once he shifts. Mate or not, you won't be able to control a new wolf."

  "I know. Thankfully, it's you. Anyone else and my wolf wouldn't allow it, but I trust you."

  "When do you leave again?"

  "I have almost a month off. I planned on taking three weeks here, then heading back out, but now, he'll have to come with me. There's no way I can leave without him. It would kill me." I was having problems being in the kitchen without Mark and he was only upstairs from me. Being halfway across the country would never work. "So much for finding my mate and having everything perfect from the moment we scent each other."

  Justice gave a small laugh. "Yeah, it's not love at first sight, that's for
sure. You've got your work cut out for you. I'm sorry about that."

  "It's not your fault. You didn't pick my mate." I finished my beer, stood, tossed the bottle in the trash, and grabbed another from the fridge. I leaned against the counter as I twisted the cap open. "Any other news I need to know?"

  "I think that's the biggest. How's the tour been?"

  I shrugged one shoulder. "Same as any other. Sales are good, the newest album is doing well. I'd hoped to come home and write some new material, but now, with all this going on, I'll be lucky to relax at all. I'm not sure I like this mated feeling. I'm on edge. It's like I need to be with him always. Even ten feet from him is too far. If I hadn't needed answers from you, I wouldn't have left him."

  "Go to him. I'll make dinner, get him some more raw meat. He's going to need food to keep up his energy. The headaches have been bad. If he needs it, he can have more meds." Justice tossed him a bottle of pills that sat on the table. "Kurt says this is all normal, but it's hell watching the guy go through all this. It's going to be worse on you than it has been for me. I'm hoping, the mating bond will help bring his wolf forward faster, but there's no way of knowing."

  I didn't have the first clue how these things worked. I'd never dreamed I'd be involved with a human being turned into a wolf. I'd heard Kurt and Josh talk about it, but besides that, I hadn't paid attention. This was going to be a learning process for me as well as Mark. "Thanks. I'll try and get him down to eat later if he's up to it."

  Justice smirked. "I'm guessing he's going to be up for a few days now."

  "Days?" I wasn't sure if I should be scared or aroused at the thought of that. I loved sex as much as the next guy, but I did have my limits.


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