Project: Adapt - Failure: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 4)

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Project: Adapt - Failure: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 4) Page 20

by Jade Waltz

  Zyxel grabbed two black cups from the dispenser and offered me one with the same wide grin. Returning his smile, I accepted the steamy beverage and took a sip. Closing my eyes, I absorbed the sweet herbal flavor and the sudden comfort it provided.

  Somehow, I knew things were going to be all right.

  It might take some time, but now that I am on my way back to Destima, my world would slowly return to normal.

  Pulling the warm green beverage away, I opened my eyes to see Zyxel watching me with curiosity.

  “Do you always moan when you drink that?” He lifted his glass to his nose and breathed in the aroma. “Is there something special I should know about this tea?”

  “Nothing you should worry about,” I choked, feeling my cheeks burn. “I don’t seriously moan while I drink this, do I?”

  “You just did.”

  I covered my mouth. “Oh, Stars.”

  Chuckling, he raised his glass to toast me and gingerly took a sip. The curiosity in his eyes quickly transformed into confusion as he pulled the drink away. “It just tastes like tea.”

  “It is tea,” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “It may seem unremarkable to you, but the drink means a lot to me.”

  “How so?” He studied the steamy beverage, swirling it around in its cup.

  “It reminds me of home.” A smile bloomed on my face as I took another sip. “It’s one of the first beverages my mate Xylo offered me, and since then, it has always been my favorite. My mates tend to play a game to see who can offer it to me first. Recently, my children joined in, believing it’s some competition.”

  “That sounds”—he paused as his fiery gaze met mine—”pleasant. The loving environment you describe seems so… foreign… and yet, wonderful. My brothers and I had companionship when we were traveling together, but we kept to ourselves and didn’t allow others in.”

  “Why not?”

  “The universe is filled with surprises, but for every good thing, there is an equivalent evil. That is the way of life. Sometimes it’s harder to find a shred of light amongst the darkness that tends to surround us.”

  “That’s why I refuse to lose hope.” I reached for his hand and gave him a gentle squeeze. His eyes widened as he stared down at our enclosed hands as if he were shocked I had voluntarily touched him. “My life was filled with horror and captivity until I met my mates. They taught me how to trust and see the good in others. Without them, I wouldn’t be the female you see before you.”

  “Are you sure this is wise?” he cautioned, glancing in the direction Kaede had exited. “We shouldn’t be touching.”

  “Why?” Turning my head toward the door, I wondered what he might fear.

  “As much as I enjoy you touching me, I worry about what your guard may think,” he said as I followed his gaze to my hand on his. “I don’t want to experience his threat turning into a reality.”

  “I don’t know how my touching your hand would anger him,” I muttered. “He may be protective of me, but he isn’t unreasonable.”

  “How can you say such things when you welcome someone with such a short temper as a mate?”

  “What happens between Kaede and me is none of your concern,” I growled, pulling my hand away as his fiery eyes locked with mine. “Don’t let jealousy color your perceptions. If you don’t want me to touch you, then I won’t, but don’t bring whom I take as a mate into this. Kaede may be overly aggressive at times, but he’s doing what he was designed to do; he’s protecting what’s his. Ryzen is lucky Kaede didn’t outright kill Xenak for everything he’s put my clan through.”

  “Murder shouldn’t be a default reaction to those who disagree with him.”

  “Nor should kidnapping.” I raised my eyebrow. “But we both know what happened.”

  Smirking, I took another sip of my drink and studied the crimson male. He couldn’t take out his frustration on Kaede just because he didn’t agree with his actions. My grumpy guard was far from perfect—or personable for that matter—but he did his job well. If he didn’t, Zirene wouldn’t have placed me under his watch in the first place, regardless of our romantic connection.

  “Look, Zyxel.” I sighed, placing my empty glass on the table. “I think you are a kind male, and I feel comfortable around you, but if you ever want a future with me, you need to stop trying to convince me to abandon my connections with my mates.

  “I don’t understand why the Stars crossed our paths now. I can’t change how I feel. Kaede is mine, regardless of your approval. The sooner you can understand this fact, the better it will be for both of us.”

  “Selena, I just can’t stand idly by while he’s showing the beginnings of his mating cycle,” he protested, his voice full of concern. “Did his Ezzaska parent ever warn him about what would happen? Allowing any males outside his clan into his territory is dangerous. If I had known about his current state, I would’ve been hesitant in asking to join you on this journey.”

  “None of us demi-humans know who our parents are.” I frowned. Hearing myself speak the depressing truth out loud made me realize how important it was for me to return to my children. “All we know comes from our own experiences or research. Those who were lucky enough to discover what species they shared features with were able to more learn about themselves. Unfortunately, Kaede and I haven’t had the luxury.”

  “He’s part Ezzaska; I know it,” Zyxel urged, his voice radiating certainty. “All evidence points that way.”

  “Including the fact that I mistook you for him,” I mumbled, frowning.

  Now that I had seen them side by side, I was embarrassed by the mistake that I had made, even though I had been drugged at the time.

  “Precisely.” He nodded. “Now that I’ve met him, I can see how you did. This is why I wanted to speak to you—I hoped you would warn him about the nature of his genetics.”

  “You understand that this is his vessel, right?”

  I grabbed both of our empty glasses and returned them to the drink dispenser. They disappeared as soon as I pulled my hands away. If this ship hadn’t been built by Kaede, I would have been surprised, but I had become used to his advanced technology. Smiling, I selected a pair of refills and set one in front of Zyxel, who mumbled his thanks as I returned to my seat.

  “Kaede knows everything that happens on his ship, including this conversation. He warned everyone he would,” I pointed out. “I would be surprised if he wasn’t listening in.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” He glanced around the room as if searching for the hidden vidrecorders. “Do you ever get any privacy?”

  “I’ve never had privacy.” I shrugged and took a sip. “It’s hard to grasp what privacy is when I’ve never had the privilege until recently. I wasn’t lying when I mentioned that I was born from a test tube. All demi-humans living on my moon are products of Yaarkins experiments. My mate, the Aldawi Sovereign, provided us citizenship to his empire and gave us a sanctuary to live without fear.”

  “I figured you meant you were a product of artificial insemination,” he muttered as his forehead wrinkled. “I didn’t know you were referring to artificial wombs. This explains why you don’t know much about Kaede’s nature or your own.”

  “I may have let a few things slip accidentally while I was on your base, but I wasn’t purposely trying to broadcast sensitive information. I figured you already knew everything, especially after Xenak said he had studied me.”

  “That’s a part of his interrogation process.” He chuckled. “I am assuming he wasn’t able to get a clearer read on you because of your Oetsae. So, he resorted to bluffing to extract more information from you.”

  “That actually works?”

  “You would be surprised how often.” He sighed, combing his long hair back.

  Despite his insistence that we were fated, I allowed myself to appreciate his appearance. The male was gorgeous, with a lustrous, crimson-and-gold scaled tail and sleek, tanned body. While I found the features he shared with Kaede attractive, Zy
xel was unique in many ways, like his fiery slitted eyes and softer facial structure.

  Perhaps I wasn’t afraid of him because I was starting to form an attraction to dangerous males. Their lethal nature made me feel safer. Both Kaede and Zirene matched that description. My Circuli princes were warriors even though they didn’t radiate the same ferocious aura as the other two.

  Regardless, all my mates had proven they would defend me and my children. What had happened to Odelm and Xylo was proof of how devoted they were to protecting me.

  The assurance that my mates would fight to protect what was theirs, so that I never had to, comforted me. I had never been trained in combat and had never needed to learn self-defense until recently, but I knew I would never be as capable as those who had trained all their lives.

  I still couldn’t understand how Zyxel had given up searching for his mate after a thousand years, only to claim that I was his. The Stars had crossed our paths now for a reason, but I couldn’t identify it.

  While I couldn’t deny that our conversations came easily and I felt comfortable around him, I refused to blindly accept him as a mate just because he claimed that I was his.

  “Zyxel, I want to address what happened near the end of our private dinner.” Biting my lip, I locked my eyes with his. “I am hoping you can forgive me for how I acted.”

  He instantly sobered. “It is I who should be apologizing. I was inconsiderate about your situation and blinded by the joy that I had finally found my mate. It never occurred to me that you may not feel the same or had already started a family where you came from.”

  “I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel something,” I hedged with a small smile. “But out of respect for you, me, and my clan, it would be inappropriate if we explored that connection.”

  “I understand.” He sighed, closing his eyes as he gave me a quick nod. “As much as it pains me, I had to wait over a thousand years to meet you, so waiting a little longer shouldn’t be as bad now that I know that you are mine.”

  “But I am not,” I corrected. “Not yet, at least. This is what I mean, Zyxel. Though we barely know each other, you’re already declaring yourself a member of my clan.”

  “Just because you haven’t accepted me as yours, doesn’t mean that you aren’t mine.” Zyxel glanced at the doors Kaede had exited through as if checking whether my guard had reappeared. “I will do whatever I need to join your clan because you are it for me. There is no one else.”

  The amount of confidence in his voice struck a chord within me. The sense of determination to become mine reminded me of my mates—even though we didn’t know each other. Was he another star within my constellation, looking for his place? Had I captured one only to discover another?

  “I want you to know that if you are serious about becoming my mate, then you need to give me time. Give us time,” I stressed, pinning him with my gaze. “I don’t know you. I won’t be able to focus on getting to know you until my clan is safe and whole. When we reach Destima, my focus will be on healing my injured mates and arranging my children’s return. They’re my topmost priority. I’m warning you that I won’t spend time with you or anyone else while my Circuli mates are recovering in the infirmary. I would feel guilty if I did. They were injured trying to save me, and until they are healed, I won’t leave their side.”

  “Then I won’t leave your side, either,” Zyxel breathed. “I was the lead doctor on the asteroid base and am fully capable of assisting your medical team with your mates’ treatment. They are yours, and I know you won’t be content until they’re healed.”

  “You would do that?”

  “What else am I supposed to do on your moon?” Shrugging, he picked up his glass and took a sip. “I am a doctor. It’s my duty to heal any patient brought before me, not to be idle when my skills could be of use.”

  His words stunned me.

  Zyxel wanted to work with Destima’s medical team to treat my mates without requesting any sort of payment. He didn’t demand I accept him as a mate, that I pay him in credits or titles, or even that I spend time with him.

  Zyxel was willing to help my mates because he wanted to make me happy.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, wiping the tears that formed. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  “It would be an honor.” He bowed. “It’s not often I get to work for an empire’s leader.”

  “I am not the leader,” I corrected. “One of my mates is.”

  “Ah, but you are mated to the sovereign, therefore, you are a leader.”

  “That may be true, but that doesn’t mean I know what I’m supposed to do.” I sighed, regarding my favorite tea. “That’s one more thing I need to address when we arrive on Destima.”

  “Will your mates welcome Kaede as a part of your clan?” Zyxel hedged, swirling his tea around in its cup. “Are they as territorial as he is?”

  “They are all fiercely loyal and love me for me.” Biting my lip, I glanced at the doors Kaede had left through as a wave of sadness swept through me. “The father of my children is my most aggressive mate when it comes to guarding his family. The others are more submissive, but don’t mistake their gentleness as a weakness. They will protect the clan if needed.” Smirking, I let out a small chuckle. “Still, I have no doubt they will accept my new mate. However, Kaede himself has pushed me away in the past, and my Sovereign will need some time to accept him fully. They are allowed their opinions, but, in the end, it’s my clan.”

  The galley doors opened, their whoosh filling the room. I snapped my head toward the entrance when an arm suddenly wrapped around my waist.

  “What’s this I hear about me being part Ezzaska?”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Kaede eyed the crimson doctor, daring him to object as he pulled Selena’s body against his and inhaled her addicting aroma.

  Selena had been right; he did listen in to their conversation, along with all others on the Abyss.

  Tori and her clan were curled up on their bed, brushing each other’s hair. He didn’t worry about them, since their clan had taken Selena in and protected her until he could rescue her.

  The only male in that clan who may be a danger was their Cosmic Soul, mainly due to his ability to mindspeak. Kaede didn’t know what other capabilities he wielded, which would have worried him if he weren’t surrounded by Oetsae. He trusted his crew would report anything amiss to him.

  Ryzen was intelligent enough to understand where he belonged. He had remained in his room for the whole trip, meditating as his psy-daggers danced around him. Kaede didn’t care for the pretty boy, but he appreciated that he only emerged for meals because he could easily observe him and didn’t need to worry about the male pawing after his mate.

  Unlike the male before him, who always seemed to be in the galley. Kaede wasn’t a fool; he knew Zyxel was hoping to speak with Selena—alone.

  Hearing how Zyxel feared for his life brought a smile to his face. Kaede had allowed the male more alone-time with Selena just so he could hear how uncomfortable he made the unmated male.

  He may no longer be the co-leader of the Fab Five, but that didn’t make him any less lethal. Zyxel had been lucky that Selena had touched him, not vice versa, and that he hadn’t attempted to go any further.

  She could be friends with the other passengers, but until they had been vetted by Oeta, Kaede couldn’t trust them around Selena unsupervised.

  He knew that requesting she remain in their room wasn’t an option. She wouldn’t comply anyway, and he wouldn’t lock her away for his reassurance. Selena deserved the freedom to roam the halls and socialize in her newly formed relationships. Kaede couldn’t imprison her simply because his instincts screamed for him to keep her by his side where she belonged.

  He wished he didn’t have to work the bridge for long periods. If he’d had it his way, he would have traveled with only Selena, himself, and the Oetsae crew aboard. Then they could have spent the whole trip tog
ether—alone. Kaede could have explored Selena’s body at his leisure.

  Instead, he had to share her with mere strangers because she wanted them to become ambassadors. However, though they could become her ambassadors, he could control their access to Selena. They should be thankful to be in the presence of royalty.

  Selena gripped his thigh and squeezed. “Kaede,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

  Squeezing her tighter against his side, he brought his mouth to her ear. “Enjoying what’s mine,” he purred before pulling away and shooting a smirk at the other male.

  Zyxel frowned as his fiery eyes settled on him.

  “What do you know about your genes?”

  “Everything that was available in the database, which unfortunately classified all demi-humans except for the genetic makeup of the prototype generation. While my sisters were able to discover what species’ genes they had been spliced with, Selena and I didn’t have that privilege.”

  “Nothing came up in your galaxy’s database?” Zyxel blinked hard and shook his head in confusion. “If you’re part Ezzaska, then what genetic material did the Yaarkins use to create Selena?”

  “We aren’t talking about Selena,” Kaede hissed. “Until you are vetted, you don’t have clearance to study her.”

  “But Kaede—”

  “No, Selena.” Kaede snapped his head toward her and glared. “My traits are too obvious to hide. You will tell him nothing.”

  “I haven’t.” Selena narrowed her eyes. “Though I don’t think it’s wise to ignore the fact that he may know my species. What if he can give us both the answers we’ve always searched for?”

  Closing his eyes, Kaede breathed deeply, inadvertently filling his lungs with Selena’s unique scent. Biting back a growl, he pushed away lustful thoughts of what he would rather be doing to Selena’s body at this moment.

  If it wasn’t for his AI vision—enhanced by REI’s drone control—he would’ve missed Zyxel’s coils tightening as he stared on nervously. Kaede may have registered all of Selena’s ambassadors as neutral yellow bodies, but that didn’t mean he fully trusted them. It was up to his Oetsae to determine if they became a threat and dispose of them.


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