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Feral as a Cat (Sons of Wonderland Book 3)

Page 7

by Kendra Moreno

  Cheshire shakes his head. “We can’t. We have too many weak variables.”

  He gestures in my direction, making it clear that he thinks I’m one of the weak variables. I try not to take offense at it. I really don’t know what I’m getting into here, or what waits behind the white door. I take it that it’s not a good door to go through, if Cheshire’s reaction is any indication.

  “We have to go through the white door, anyways, at some point. Calypso will need the Vorpal Blade,” White argues.

  “She isn’t ready. She doesn’t even know why she’s here.”

  “How about y’all tell me what you’re talking about, so I can weigh in with my two cents?” I interrupt, raising my brow. I have no idea what the Vorpal blade is or why they think I need it, but it would be nice to at least know what’s going on.

  “You tell her,” White tells Cheshire when they stare at each other for too long. Cheshire sighs, clearly annoyed, but he still opens his mouth.

  “There’s a prophecy of a triad of women destined to bring about the fall of the Red Queen and save Wonderland. Clara Bee was the first. Jupiter is the second.” Cheshire pauses, and then meets my eyes. “And you’re the third.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” I frown.

  White answers my proclamation with his own. “Whether it is or not, doesn’t matter. You’re here. You’re the third. And you’re destined to save Wonderland and become Cheshire’s—”

  “Ally,” Cheshire interrupts White. “To become my ally.”

  White gives Cheshire a look, and I wrinkle my nose. “An ally in what? War?”

  “Well, yes. You’re the one destined to win the war. And to do that you’ll need the Vorpal Blade. Which is behind the white door.” White growls the last part at Cheshire. Cheshire’s ears lay down on his head, and his tail swishes side to side.

  “I’m not some savior,” I sputter. “I’m just a mechanic.”

  White shakes his head. “You’re so much more than that, Calypso. You’re the last chance we have to save Wonderland. You’re prophesied to complete the triad and bring down the Red Queen.”

  Attie grins. He’d been listening intently to the conversation, looking back and forth between them. “Wow, sis. You’re like the Chosen One. Guess that makes me your sidekick.”

  His words bring me out of the shock I’d been in, the confusion about why I’d be chosen and not someone else more capable. Surely, I’m not the best fit for saving an entire world.

  “Absolutely not. Whatever we’re in, you’re not a part of it. I’m going to find you somewhere safe, and then you’re going to stay there until I convince these idiots that I’m not their Chosen one.”

  Attie frowns at me, pouting out his lip jokingly. “Aw, man. I thought we were gonna be like Batman and Robin.” I don’t smile. I just cross my arms and look at him. “Scooby Doo and Scrappy?” My lip twitches. “Macaroni and Cheese?” I can’t help the laugh that bursts out this time. I reach out and ruffle his hair.

  “You’re still not doing anything dangerous,” I remind him. Just because I laughed doesn’t mean he can get himself killed. Any place that uses skin as a tablecloth is not somewhere I’d bet money on being nice and friendly.

  “Well, then, you’d better save the world, so we can go home.” Attie looks over at mom. She’s staring at the table in the middle of the room, contemplation on her face. At least her face isn’t blank this time, but I don’t know how long until she zones out again. “We need to get mom out of here.”

  I can hear the rasp in her breath, see the shaking in her hands. I nod my head. We need to get mom out of here.

  Chapter 15

  “What’s behind the white door?” I ask, staring at the giant red X as if it’ll give me all the answers.

  “The White Queen.” Cheshire answers me with a flick of his tail. “You’re hot, but I doubt you’ll be able to survive more than a few seconds with her.”

  I scowl at the cat and dismiss him completely. He’s no help, so I turn to White. I can see Cheshire grin out of the corner of my eyes, and I know he’s goading me rather than being serious. He’d been nothing but kind so far to Attie and my mom, but as soon as his eyes turn to me, he becomes an asshole. I’m tempted to throw something at him, that or kiss him. But one of those options isn’t a good idea, obviously.

  “Tell me what I need to know.”

  “You’re the final prophecy,” White replies, crossing his arms across his chest. “You’re supposed to bring down the Red Queen but to do that, you’ll also need to take out the Jabberwocky.”

  “Okay, that sounds like the stories from home. The Jabberwocky in the books looks like a dragon thing. Is that the case here?”

  White’s ear twitches. “Not quite. But we can talk about that later. The first problem is that there’s only one sword that can kill a Jabberwocky, and overcome a Jabberwocky’s powers.”

  “The Vorpal Blade,” mom interrupts with a smile. “I used to read this book for my daughter, Calypso, when she was a baby. She’s older now and doesn’t care for such things. Teenagers.”

  There’s an overwhelming feeling of sadness that creeps around the room at that statement. I fight hard not to show the hurt in my eyes.

  “Very good, Diana,” White continues, knowing that pondering on her condition does no one any good. I’m grateful for it. “The Vorpal Blade is, indeed, what I’m talking about.”

  “And the White Queen has this blade?” I ask, pressing my hair from my face. “So, we just go ask her for it.”

  “Not exactly,” Cheshire says from his position against the wall. “The White Queen doesn’t have the Vorpal Blade. She guards it. She’s also not the White Queen any more. Not exactly.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “She’s fast, venomous, and about the ugliest thing you’ll ever set your eyes on.” Cheshire’s lip curls at the statement, as if something he said is funny. I don’t see the humor in it.

  “That’s still your Queen,” White hisses.

  Cheshire doesn’t comment, that smug look on his face fixed, a mask, I’m sure.

  “And what about my mom and Attie? Someone needs to protect them.”

  “I’ll take care of them. Cheshire will help you with the White Queen.” Cheshire scoffs, and White growls. “It’s your duty, Cheshire. Protect Calypso at all costs.”

  “I can protect myself,” I interrupt, scowling at Cheshire. “I’m sure the cat would sooner let me die than protect me.”

  “You’re right,” Cheshire agrees. “I care for no one.”

  White sighs. “I’ll protect Diana and Atlas with my life. You have to only worry about getting the blade from the White Queen, Calypso. The sooner you fulfill your destiny, the sooner you can go home.”

  I nod my head. “What does the blade look like?” I’m not certain if it should be a sword or a dagger. The stories back home seem to have it interchangeable. I’m hoping it’s a sword. How cool would that be?

  “You’ll know it when you see it. It’ll sing to you.”

  Cheshire straightens and steps towards the door. “Well, come on, Cupcake,” he says. “Let’s see what you’re made of.”

  Fed up with his shit, I step up to Cheshire. I have the dagger he’d been wearing at his waist out of the sheath and at his throat quicker than he can react. Surprise passes his eyes as the steel kisses his skin, but he quickly hides it behind his signature look. He doesn’t hide the lust, though. He lets me see every bit of that.

  “Call me Cupcake again, Pussy Cat, and I’ll neuter you.” I press the dagger a little harder, not breaking skin, just enough to warn him.

  Fire ignites in his eyes, and his grin widens. “Why would you do that, when we could have so much fun?” he asks, his voice rough with desire.

  “Oh, it would be fun for me to neuter you,” I promise. “Don’t push me.”

  His eyes sparkle as he reaches up and pushes the dagger away from his neck. His finger presses against the blade, bringing blood to the surface to d
rip down his fingers, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

  “But it’s so much fun to push your buttons,” he whispers, leaning down and almost rubbing against my neck. He takes a deep breath, inhaling my scent, and my stomach clenches.

  Someone behind us clears their throat. I don’t know if it’s White, Attie, or my mom, but my face flames either way. I step away from the tempting cat, and Cheshire’s grin widens impossibly further as he turns towards the White door. The red X seems to mock me as I stare at it, preparing for what’s on the other side. Cheshire makes way for White to step forward.

  “Do your thing, Rabbit.”

  Chapter 16


  I watch the banter between Cheshire and Calypso, my eyes following them as if they’re actually throwing a ball back and forth. Neither seems to be aware of the rest of us, standing to the side. Calypso’s mother stands right next to me, a happy smile on her face. Attie stands a few steps away, a scowl stretching his lips.

  Diana leans closer to me as Cheshire says something that makes Calypso bristle. “Those two are gonna be an item soon,” Diana whispers, good humor in every word.

  “What makes you think that?” I ask, keeping my voice low.

  “The way they look at each other when the other isn’t looking. Cheshire looks at her with longing so deep, it almost hurts. And the girl, poor girl, has already fallen. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

  I meet Diana’s eyes, searching for the mother in there. When I find none, I simply grin devilishly.

  “I’ll tell you a secret, Diana.”


  “Those two, there’s a prophecy written about them. They’re destined for each other, even if they have no idea.”

  “Yes,” she comments. “Calypso is a stubborn child. Always was. She will fight it until the end.”

  My eyes sharpen, but just as quickly as the recognition came, it flits away like a hummingbird, Diana’s eyes once again glazed.

  “What are you two talking about?” Atlas asks, stepping closer.

  “Nothing,” both Diana and I say at the same time, which sends Diana into a fit of giggles.

  “I do believe this is the best dream I’ve ever had,” she says, clapping her hands together.

  I frown, the action reminding me of March. Perhaps, we really should take her to the Keeper of Memories. Perhaps, there’s some reason Calypso wasn’t brought to Wonderland alone.

  Chapter 17


  “They’re in Wonderland.”

  “How do you know?” Clara asks, glancing at me in confusion.

  “I can feel it.” I rub my chest, where it feels like a string is pulling at my heart, pulling me towards my White Rabbit.

  “I can feel it, too,” Hatter adds, tilting his head, his eyes glazed as if he’s looking inside himself. “They’re certainly here. I can feel both White and Cheshire.”

  Flam and Doe sit across from me, their fingers intertwined as if they’re afraid to part. I can’t blame them. Doe had been stuck in her dodo bird form for over a hundred years before I’d come along and broken the enchantment. At the time, I didn’t know the significance of what I’d done. Now, watching the two revolve around each other, as if one can’t exist if the other doesn’t, it makes me happy in a way I never expected. The dodo bird and the flamingo. I really want to hear their love story one day.

  “Have you been practicing your powers?” Flam picks up his tea cup and takes a delicate sip completely at odds with his appearance. I keep expecting him to tip the table and storm out while flicking the finger at us. Instead, he’s a complete gentleman, pinky in the air while he drinks his lemon-yellow tea and everything.

  “You know about those?” I didn’t realized it’s common knowledge.

  He motions towards Doe, and I nod in understanding. Of course, the two love birds would talk. “Dream Walkers need to work their muscles in order to grow stronger.”

  “I’ve been practicing. I think I might have discovered a new aspect of it.” Every night when I go to sleep, I’ve been practicing sending myself around Wonderland, sitting in the forests and trying to project my powers outward. I’d been successful, and I’ve been stretching that muscle since I discovered it.

  When I’d first started sending myself out, I thought it was wise to follow Alice, to look for the Jabberwocky, things that could help us. I quickly found out I couldn’t see the Jabberwocky at all, no matter if I knew he was there or not. My powers almost seemed to ignore him completely. When I’d mentioned it to Clara, she’d hadn’t known why. I’d stopped following Alice after I couldn’t stomach the massacres any more and instead, went around Wonderland to look for allies.

  “She’s already strong.” Hatter stirs his tea, his eyes affixed to the swirling liquid. “She was able to protect White while she dream walked. She kept Alice from hurting him.”

  Flam blinks at the words.

  “Really?” When I nod, his face turns contemplative. “I’ve only heard of one other person who had the power that strong.”

  “Who?” Clara and I speak at the same time. We meet each other’s eyes and smile. Curiosity seems to be a common thread in the triad. I wonder if Cheshire’s mate will be the same.

  Flam meets each of our eyes, almost like he’s confused we don’t already know.

  “Well, Danica was a Dream Walker.”

  Clara gasps, and Hatter finally looks up from his tea, his brows wrinkled.

  “Of course. I’d forgotten she’d had that power,” he mumbles, before turning to study me. I shift in my seat.

  “Who’s Danica?” I ask. I haven’t heard the name before.

  “Danica is–” he begins, but pauses. “Danica was the Hope Bringer.” He glances at Clara as she worries her lip. “And she was Cheshire’s little sister.”

  Chapter 18

  White kneels in front of the pearlescent door, a small black case open and showcasing lock-picking tools. I hadn’t asked why he needs to pick the locks rather than having the key. I also don’t mention that there’s a key on the skin table. Obviously, it doesn’t work if White hadn’t grabbed it. Besides, I’m not going anywhere near the thing. Even now, the smell of rancid meat threatens to crinkle my nose. I can almost taste it on my tongue, and I’m sure I won’t be able to scrape it clean even if I try.

  “I’m going to need to be able to move.” Cheshire shrugs the leather jacket from his shoulders and passes it to Attie. “Protect that with your life, kid. It’s my pride and joy.” Attie rolls his eyes but takes the jacket. I suspect he’s having way too much fun with this, ignoring the obvious danger we’re walking into. “The White Queen is fast. Don’t let her touch you. She’s venomous.”

  “Of course, she is,” I mumble, because why not? Why wouldn’t the White Queen be fast and venomous? Now all I keep imagining is a spider with a crown. Surely, that’s not what we’re walking into. The White Queen is supposed to be the sister to the original Red Queen, magnanimous and kind. Of course, this isn’t the story book. “Do I need a weapon?” I don’t really want to walk in there with nothing in my hands.

  Cheshire pulls a wicked-looking dagger from his waist and passes it to me hilt first. “This won’t do that much good, but it’s something. Once you get the Vorpal Sword, use it.”

  “Do you have a weapon?” I only ask because I can’t see any on him. If he gave me his only weapon, he might make better use of it than me.

  Cheshire holds up his hands, and on the tips of his fingers, curve wicked-looking claws that hadn’t been there before. I raise my brows. “I have a sword, too, if I need it.”

  I don’t ask. I can’t see a sword, but I’m not going to question it.

  Cheshire takes that moment to pull his shirt over his head, revealing a tantalizing view of skin. My eyes dip low, taking in the washboard abs, the Adonis belt peeking over the edge of leather pants, the well-defined muscles everywhere. I hadn’t let myself look at him when he was shirtless in my shop. Now, I ogle away. He’s sin and cho
colate all wrapped into an asshole personality, and it’s a mixture I’m somehow still drawn to.

  “You can touch them if you want,” Cheshire teases when he catches me looking.

  I don’t look away or blush. I’m allowed to admire him. Doesn’t mean I have to take his shit. I meet his eyes, unflinching, as my fingers grab the hem of my shirt and pull it up to reveal my own stomach. They aren’t nearly as defined, but I have the outlines of a six pack. I haven’t been able to give up the burgers to take it any further. Still, I know they’re decent. Cheshire’s eyes immediately drop and absorb the skin I reveal, hunger in his eyes.

  “No thanks,” I say, a teasing lilt in the words. “I have my own.”

  A smile curves Cheshire’s lips as he meets my eyes again, the electric blue almost brighter as he straightens and studies me. He’s standing in nothing more than leather pants and boots. When he turns, I get a good look at his back, and the thick muscles there. I school my features when he looks back at me, but I must have made a sound. Gorgeous isn’t a word I would use to describe him.

  Maybe brutally beautiful is a better description.

  The lock clicks, and White stands from his position, tucking the small black case back inside his waist coat.

  “You two will go in first and distract the White Queen.” He points to Cheshire and me, his eyes lingering a bit longer on Cheshire, as if imploring him to listen to whatever silent words he’s saying. “Once she’s watching you, I’ll take Diana and Atlas past and out of the cave. It’ll be up to you to retrieve the Vorpal Blade, Calypso. That’s your destiny, and yours alone.”

  I almost tell him I’m not sure any of this is my destiny. Jesus, I’m not meant to be anyone’s savior. It’s a struggle just to make sure Attie is okay. I don’t say any of that, however. I feel the weight in White’s words, as if I can feel the prophecy he speaks of. With that feeling, I turn towards the deceivingly pretty door and take a deep breath.


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