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Feral as a Cat (Sons of Wonderland Book 3)

Page 20

by Kendra Moreno

  Alice leads me straight to the dungeon, and the Cards throw me inside. I land on the dirty concrete hard, scraping the palms of my hands, before I pull myself up and put my back towards the wall.

  When Alice steps inside the dungeon, she’s not alone. Blond hair, blue eyes, and muscles for days, the new person stands before me in all his glory, all his grotesqueness. I meet the eyes of the Jabberwocky, who looks me up and down, a leer on his face.

  “Look at you,” Alice taunts. “What can you do? Powerless, human, so easily killed?” She steps forward and runs a claw down my face while the Jabberwocky watches. I don’t flinch, meeting her bottomless black eyes head on. They don’t chain me, underestimating me, thinking that I have no power. I lock eyes onto the cord wrapped around Alice’s wrist, glowing a soft gold color. When I meet her eyes again, the corner of my lip quirks up.

  “I may be powerless and human,” I say, lifting my chin, “and you could easily rip my heart from my chest, but I’m still going to be your downfall. All of Wonderland demands it.”

  “Wonderland knows nothing,” Alice snarls in my face.

  I don’t answer her again. I just smile a little bit more.

  “I can’t wait to thrust my hand through your rib cage in front of all your friends. I hear you have a little brother here. It would be a shame if something were to happen to him.”

  I don’t rise to the bait, even though I severely want to punch her in the face. Clara warned me that she’d once shot Alice with an elephant gun, only for her to get up like nothing happened. A punch would make me feel better, but it would only get me killed faster. I need her to take her time.

  When I don’t respond, she growls and turns, storming from the dungeon and leaving me in my spot against the wall. The Jabberwocky strolls forward, too close for comfort, and I turn my face away when he breathes on me. A forked tongue flicks out to taste the air, tasting me. It tickles against my cheek. I shove him away, and he moves back a step, although I’m sure it’s him humoring me rather than any actual strength I have.

  “Touch me again, and I’ll rip the tongue from your throat,” I growl.

  “Oh, I plan on touching you,” he groans, adjusting himself in his pants. I scowl in disgust and clench my fist, ready to punch him in the dick if he comes near me. “Maybe Alice will let me play before I eat you.”

  There’s a wicked light in his eyes as he says the words, and I realize he thinks he’s being sexy. What a pig.

  “Jab,” Alice calls from down the hallway, and I raise my brow.

  “Best run along to your master,” I tell him, and a fire ignites in his eyes, their depths glowing a sickening yellow.

  “I have no master.”


  My smirk spreads to a full-on grin. “Are you sure about that?”

  The Jabberwocky growls low in his throat and turns to follow Alice. The dungeon door slams shut on my laughter with an ominous click.

  Chapter 41


  The house is full of buzzing energy as everyone rallies together. Our forces have grown exponentially in the last few weeks, creatures from all over Wonderland coming together for our final battle. This is it; if we lose this battle, all hope is lost.

  Everyone has been assigned their weapons, armed to the teeth. Most brought their own armor but those that didn’t have any, were supplied with suitable attire. The armory is practically empty save for some weapons that will be distributed as extras to the most skilled fighters.

  Jupiter and Clara have their heads together, discussing what they can do to join forces, what each of their roles will be in the battle. I would prefer Jupiter stay back, stay in safety, but I know I can’t ask that of her. This is everyone’s fight. No one sits out.

  Atlas sits in the corner, polishing the battle axe he’s taken to like an extra arm. He wields it far more expertly than I ever have, a natural.

  Cheshire strides into the armory alone a few moments later, and I wrinkle my brow in confusion. I hadn’t seen them arrive.

  “Where’s Calypso?” I ask, thinking I must have missed her entrance. I’ve been watching for them, but I could have missed them with all the activity.

  “I don’t know.” Cheshire dismisses my question so quickly that I bristle. “She should be here soon.”

  “What does that mean?” Jupiter asks, and the room grows quiet. Everyone turns to look at Cheshire where he grabs a sword and begins to go through drills.

  He doesn’t answer the question.

  Clara takes a step forward, safely out of the way of the swinging blade, but close enough to draw his eye.

  “You left her?” she asks, her eyes sharp. The Hatter steps up to her side. Jupiter and I do the same. Attie looks up from his place in the corner.

  “What’s the big deal?” he growls, swinging the blade until it sings. “She’ll be fine. She’s close enough to the house to make it.”

  Clara gasps at the same time that Jupiter covers her mouth. I feel myself harden towards my friend, my brother, and my fury builds.

  “Why would you leave her in the woods alone? With everything happening?” Hatter demands, stepping within Cheshire’s swinging arc. The blade narrowly misses his chest and Cheshire growls at him, swinging the next arc just a little bit closer. “She’s the final key, Chesh!”

  “I don’t give a fuck!” Cheshire snarls, finally dropping the sword. It clangs as it hits the floor. “I’m sick of the back and forth. I’m not letting my life be decided for me.”

  I take a step forward, anger in my very soul, ready to strike him as hard as possible in the face. He deserves far worse. Jupiter’s hand on my stomach is the only thing that stops me.

  In the end, it’s Clara who steps forward and meets Cheshire’s eyes.

  “Shame on you, Cheshire,” she whispers. “If anything happens to Cal, anything at all, then this world dies, we all die, and you leave another brother without a sister.” Chesh flinches at her words, but she doesn’t stop. “That’s on you. All of it. Because you can’t be bothered to see what’s right in front of you.”

  Cheshire swallows. “I alone make my destiny,” he whispers, his voice thick.

  Clara looks up at him sadly. “And you alone will destroy it.”

  Chapter 42


  They leave me alone in the room. Every single one of them. It suddenly feels like I’ve lost everything. And it’s no one’s fault but my own.

  The creatures funnel out of the room, leaving me standing there like an asshole to stare at the sword on the floor.

  I’m lost in thought, when Atlas stands from his place in the corner. I didn’t even realize he’s still in here with me.

  “You left my sister out in the woods alone,” he speaks, throwing his battle axe over his shoulder, “knowing that she’s the most important person to save your world?” A frown mars his face as he meets my eyes, and faces off with me far too courageously for a fifteen year old. “Knowing that she’s already given her heart to you?”

  I freeze beneath his words. “What makes you say that?”

  Atlas scoffs. He actually scoffs at me.

  “Please.” He rolls his eyes. “I know my sister, and she’s never looked at a guy the way she looks at you. Even when she’s pissed with you, it’s still there. Thing is, you’re either too stupid to see or you pretend it’s not there.”

  I don’t know how to answer, so I slide my mask back into place and straighten.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, kid.”

  “Don’t I?” he asks, looking me up and down. “If anything happens to Cal, you won’t have to worry about dying with Wonderland. I’ll kill you myself.”

  “A Son of Wonderland can’t die,” I parrot, a reflex.

  Atlas sniffs. “We’ll see about that. If she’s hurt, or,” he gulps, “dead, I intend to rip you limb from limb, whether it kills you or not.”

  As he walks away, I don’t say the words in my throat, that if she’s dead, or hu
rt, over my childish fear . . .

  . . . then I’ll deserve every bit of pain coming my way.

  Chapter 43


  Flam had gone out to search for Cal, going right where Cheshire had said he left her. She should have made it back rather quickly, and the fact that she hadn’t was the telltale sign that something had gone wrong. Sure enough, when Flam returned, he confirmed she was no longer there, and that there had been the scent of Bandersnatch and roses.

  Cheshire’s face, when he’d been told the news, had crumbled, but it’s hard to feel sorry for him. I understand his resistance to the prophecy, but putting Cal in danger over it is terrible.

  We’re all sitting in the armory, the most open space. White laid out some pillows to make it more comfortable. Cheshire is pacing the length of the room.

  “I can just go get her,” he growls, never slowing his pace.

  “We don’t know where she’s at yet,” White says, cradling my head in his lap. “That’s the whole point of this.”

  There’s anger in his eyes when he talks to Cheshire, his brow creased. I reach up and smooth the crease away, and he looks down at me, adoration clear in his eyes.

  “Everyone calm down. Cheshire, stop pacing.” He immediately stops at my words and looks at me. “I need to be completely relaxed, and I can’t be with you all arguing and pacing.”

  I close my eyes, relaxing my body as much as possible, willing myself towards Cal’s energy. White gently massages my temples, and I drop under quickly, the powers stronger than they were when I first learned of them. When I open my eyes again, I’m in a familiar place, and Cal is standing in the corner.


  She drops into a crouch with my words, prepared for a fight. Her training has done her good. She’s alert and bright.

  “Jupiter?” she whispers, squinting at me. I look down and realize I’m hazier than normal. I try and relax more, and I come into focus. “How are you here?”

  “Dream Walker, remember?” I wink before taking stock. “Are you hurt?”

  “No. They haven’t been back since they dropped me here.” Her eyes flick to the door where a guard stands. Fortunately for us, he seems uninterested in the rumblings of an insane prisoner.

  “Good. We’re gathering the forces and headed your way. Cheshire won’t be able to Fade inside the castle walls. They’re runed against such things. But we’re coming as fast as possible.”

  “How is he?” she asks, biting her lip.

  “About like you probably suspect,” I admit. “Hating himself for hating himself.”

  Cal sighs and scrubs her hand down her face. “The cat is certainly stubborn.”

  “That he is,” I agree. “I’m just glad you weren’t hurt because of it. Atlas is worried. He threatened Cheshire with his battle axe.”

  “He didn’t!” Cal smiles at the thought, a small chuckle slipping free. “For some reason, that makes me so happy.”

  I laugh, but a sound outside the dungeon catches our attention. It sounds like a door opening, luckily not Cal’s. Someone screams in the distance.

  Neither one of us are smiling anymore.

  “Cal,” I say, bringing her attention back to me. Her eyes meet mine, and I see a vast array of emotions there. Worry, fear, anger, but most of all, determination. Cal is as strong as her namesake. Alice won’t know what hit her. “Remember, we’re coming to get you.” She nods. “Your only objective for now is to stay alive. Can you do that?”

  A feral light enters her eyes, making me realize just how perfect she is for the Cheshire Cat. “Fuck, yeah, I can. It’s time for battle.”

  I reach out my hand for hers and she takes it, the tingle barely there but still apparent nonetheless. As I begin to fade away, we both smile, and my last words seem to echo.

  “Let’s give them all hell.”

  Chapter 44

  I sit in the dungeon, taking in every detail, searching for any weaknesses in my prison. I may be a captive, but I’m not helpless, no matter what Alice may think.

  The only weakness I can determine is the Card outside my cell, but he doesn’t even react to me when I berate him in an attempt to make him open the door. To be honest, I don’t even know if the thing has ears to hear my jabs.

  When I realize there aren’t any weaknesses within the cell, I start to think about Alice and the Jabberwocky. The Jabberwocky needs Alice, from what I understand. The power exchange is a symbiotic relationship–Jupiter’s words–as both benefit from it. Now that the avenue is cut off after Jupiter’s enchantment, it has to be a sore spot. Alice also seems to care for the creature, even though he’s very clearly using her. Alice’s biggest weaknesses are her pride and her need for revenge. If she was smart, she would have killed me the moment she had me alone. Instead, she wants to make a spectacle of it, dangle me in front of those that wronged her like a broken chess piece. It’s stupid, really.

  Keys jangle outside my cell, and a Card throws the door open.

  “What’s up, Ugly?”

  No response. Maybe they are deaf.

  He grabs my arm roughly and drags me from the cell and through the halls. I very purposely avoid looking at the walls. The paintings are graphic and morbid. The walls seem to bleed, and I step in a puddle of it before I can sidestep it. I slip, but the Card keeps his hold on me. I’m actually thankful. I really don’t want to land in the wall blood.

  We enter a large room filled with various creatures. All of them are just as grotesque as the artwork, and they turn as a unit to focus on me.

  “Ah, there she is.” Alice grins from her place on an ornate golden throne, her dress a ballgown now. I must have been in the dungeon for a while because it looks like it’s nighttime from what I can see through the window. I think I see the dancing firefly stars. “Right on time for the show.”

  “What show?” I ask suspiciously. When the crowd breaks, I see at least a dozen creatures tied up in the center of the room, all kneeling before Alice.

  “The opening scene, if you will.” I glare at Alice, but she doesn’t care. Maybe she doesn’t even see. She’s too caught up in being the main event.

  The Jabberwocky stands beside her chair, his hand on her shoulder, a constant reminder of his presence. My lip curls up at that. I must have hit a nerve earlier. He’s in a classic power pose, as if he thinks he’s in charge.

  The Card shoves me down on the steps that lead up to the throne. When my knees crash down on the marble, chains appear out of nowhere to clamp around my wrists. I fight the panic at the new position. Weaknesses. Look for weaknesses.

  “Bring the first creature forward.”

  The first creature is a deer-like humanoid creature. She’s young, a child even, and I instantly tense. She cries as an older similar male fights his bonds behind her. His screams fill the halls as he attempts to go to the child, who I realize must be his daughter.

  “No,” I whisper, already knowing the direction this is going. “There’s no reason to.”

  “There’s every reason to,” Alice tsks, and brings her hand down in a forward motion. A Card steps forward, a club raised over his head.

  “No!” The sound of the club hitting flesh makes me gag. The abrupt end to the cries brings tears to my eyes. I yank at the chains in an attempt to protect, or to strangle Alice. I’m held fast as the Card moves over to the sobbing father. His eyes meet mine as the club raises. “I’m sorry.”

  “Save us all, Child of Steel,” he says, the words reaching my ears as the club falls.

  I sag in my seat, tears leaking from my eyes at the brutality.

  “I’ll succeed in destroying everyone,” Alice speaks, as if giving me some profound advice. I turn, the chains just long enough to allow me to face her even if it’s uncomfortable.

  “Why? Why even do this? Why kill so many innocent people?” My voice is strong even if my body feels weak.

  Alice laughs. “No one in Wonderland is innocent, girl. Each person is guilty. And the Sons more
so than anyone else.”

  “What is it that they’ve done that merits death?”

  “They brought a little girl here and then sent her back,” she snarls, standing from her seat. “And they left her, forgot her. But she never forgot!” Her face twists with savage anger as she takes a step forward. “She . . . I remember everything. They left me to rot in a padded room!”

  “And so they should all die? There isn’t anyone you care about?”

  Alice frowns, a grimace really. “Everyone I’ve ever cared about is dead, save Jab.”

  The Jabberwocky smiles fondly at Alice when she looks at him, but even I can see the look in his eyes, that he doesn’t really care about Alice at all. Just like everyone else, he has an ulterior motive. Alice is nothing more than a means to an end.

  “I don’t think your precious Jabberwocky cares about you as much as you do him,” I comment. There’s a brief flash in his eyes at my words, when he focuses them on me like a predator. Alice only laughs, but I continue. “If he didn’t need you, he’d be stabbing you in the back right now.”

  “How could you even know such a thing?” There’s humor in Alice’s words, as if she thinks I’m an idiot, but still her eyes flick to Jab.

  “She’s just a stupid girl,” the Jabberwocky says, shaking his head. “You know I love you.”

  “I’ve spent a lot of time around men who take advantage, around people who use me. I run my own business, and one that men think they can run better. Do you know how many men I’ve fired for trying to railroad me, trying to take my business away, trying to steal my hard-earned money, trying to hurt me? I know what a person looks like when they have other plans, and your Jabberwocky has it all.”


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