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Kept by the Zandian (Zandian Brides)

Page 8

by Renee Rose

  I hear her, but my body is strangely afire. Having her this close once again stirs me to a passion I didn’t know existed. All I can think about is stripping her bare and making her cry out. Tasting her soft pussy. Driving my cock deep inside —

  My cock reacts, hardening and I adjust my position so she doesn’t notice. Veck, I’ve never had this sort of reaction to a female before.

  I should leave the bay and avoid temptation. But instead I hold her closer. “You are safe now. No Ocretion can get to you on my ship.”

  She nods, but her voice is low. “They’re already here, though. In here.” She points to her head. “I know it’s not the same, but…” She trails off. “I’m grateful to be here. And glad I could help. So you can find the children?”

  “We have no idea. The discs only tell us their last location.”

  “I hope you can save them. You will save them, right?” She looks up at me again, and this time her face is warmer, her eyes bright.

  I nod. “That’s the intent.”

  She nods. “Good. Leylah was right about your species.”

  I don’t know how to respond, especially since my cock has become rock solid, because her lips look so soft and luscious, and I imagine them wrapped around my length. Her on her knees.

  I look into her eyes again and it’s back—that connection from earlier, like a steel bond tugging us together.

  Our lips touch, then I pull back. “I can’t.” My voice is harsher than I intended.

  “Please.” Her voice slays me. “It would help me feel better.”

  “I cannot take advantage.”

  “If you remember correctly, I am the one who received the prior advantage. I’d like to return the favor.” Her voice is teasing, and then—by the one true star!—she does what was in my mind. She slowly gets to her knees. “My hands don’t even hurt, but maybe you can help me do this?” She taps at my belt.

  I’ve spread my knees without realizing it, and she scoots in closer.

  In a trance, I move my hands to my breeches and undo the buckle and slide them open. My cock juts out, hard and strong, pulsing with need.

  “Tell me how you like this,” she murmurs, and then she lowers her head and puts those lips around me.

  I groan in pure pleasure and toss my head back, eyes shut. “Veck, Taisha, no.”

  But I make no move to stop her. In fact, my fingers find her hair, those gorgeous wild black curls, and wind through it. I tug and she murmurs her assent as if she likes it, so I do it again.

  “You’re injured, I can’t…” I manage to say, before she licks me in a way that sends all words fleeing. “Veck, yeah, like that. Just like that.”

  I give in to the pleasure. She’s not experienced at this, but she’s enthusiastic, and I guide her by tugging her hair, pushing her head down, then letting her back up.

  Before long, I’m so hard it’s nearly painful, and the desire to strip her down and spank her and then veck her hard is irresistible. Coming in her mouth will be the next best thing, but I warn her, “Taisha, if you don’t stop that now, I’m going to come.”

  She sucks harder and then flicks her tongue over the tip of my cock before taking me back into her mouth, and I let go. I cry out, a harsh, guttural sound and clench my fists in handfuls of her tight curls, my whole body stiffening as I explode into pleasure so great it sends my mind spiraling among the stars. Her little mouth is hot and her throat tight, and she swallows what I give her, over and over, until my rainbow-hued seed spills from her mouth onto her face.

  When I’m exhausted, I lie back, then pop up. I grab her, and arrange her next to me, being careful of her bandages, and growl as I shut my eyes and hold her. She’s warm and smells like my sex and her own arousal. If she were mine, I’d spank her now for taking charge (even though I loved it) and tease her mercilessly until I was hard again, and then I’d let her come. Over and over again.

  I grab her fluid tube, in case she needs it, but she’s wiped her face and is staring at her hands in disbelief. “It’s—rainbows!” She turns her wrists back and forth, and my cum sparkles in the lights. “I’ve never… is this, are all males?” She looks up at me. Smiles.

  I can’t help but grin back. “Only Zandians.”

  “I’ve never done that before.”

  I grab a cloth and wipe her face. Then I touch her lips. “And thank you. For a first time, it was incredible.” I amend it. “For any time, it was incredible. I, ah…”

  But already we’re approaching Zandian airspace, because the comm chimes. “Captain? We’re on approach.”

  I hit my button. “Affirmative. I’ll be there in one moment.”

  I stand, fixing my breeches and adjusting my clothing. “A crew member will come in and secure you for landing. Please arrange yourself.” I wave a hand at her disheveled curls, my cum on her skin. “Once we land, you will be taken to the med bay for healing.”

  “And then I need to do something.” She raises her cuffs. “I need to speak to the human, Lamira, as soon as possible.”

  I step backward, dumbfounded. This is entirely unexpected. Hearing this name on her lips is like a battle blow. “Who?” My voice is cold.

  She pales at my tone. Draws herself up. “Lamira. I must see her immediately. It’s important.”

  “First of all, what makes you think there is a human named Lamira on Zandia? And what business could you possibly have with her?” My spine tingles.

  Veck. She knows the name of King Zander’s mate and current queen of Zandia. How can she possibly have this information?

  New concern swells. Is it possible she still is a spy or a plant, even against her initial will, doing something dastardly to avoid consequences to her human friends back on Romon-3?

  I narrow my eyes at her. Just like a human, to manipulate me with sex and emotions and then ask for the impossible.

  “I just do. And I have to speak to her alone.”

  She gives me a beseeching gaze, but I’m impassive now. And angry.

  “You overstep,” I snap. “First you will go to med and isolation, and then you will petition for asylum. You do not get to make demands about what to do or who to see.”

  She squares her shoulders. “I see,” she says stiffly.

  Yeah. I’m a bastard. The way I’m treating her after what we did is vecking rotten. Unless she’s a spy. A danger to my planet.

  I have to put Zandia first, before her feelings… and before mine.

  Yes, this human just single-handedly completed a dangerous mission on an enemy planet, got injured for it, but she could still be dangerous.

  So what do I do? I let down my guard, allow her to give me oral pleasure. Completely out of control of the situation.

  How many mistakes am I going to make around her?

  I need to get some distance from this female. Immediately.

  Chapter 9


  “Did you see how they were all looking at her?” Tarak examines a med kit with his hands, faster than I can with my eyes, then slides it into the holding deck in the med bay of our ship. We are restocking in idle time, preparing for future missions.

  “What do you mean?” I stow some gear in the provisions cabinet and secure the lock.

  He laughs. “Taisha. When she walked off the craft, even bandaged and under stress, I think every Zandian male who saw her fell in love like that.” He snaps his fingers. “I may not be able to see features or facial expressions, but I can hear. I heard them all turn in her direction. Plus, my audio-visual trans showed me how they all straightened up and stood taller than normal.”

  “That is ridiculous,” I snarl. “They were just curious about the new human.”

  “Rightfully so. A human like her, I’m sure King Zander won’t allow fewer than three mates. Two at the minimum.”

  I wrinkle my brow. “The king has allowed several solo mates recently.” I surely don’t want her for a mate. But if for some reason I did, there is no vecking way I’d share her.

nbsp; He shrugs. “I heard several warriors talking about how they want to join together and petition for her, when she receives asylum.”

  “If. If she receives it. And that isn’t their decision, is it?” I cross my arms. “It is Zander’s.”

  “If?” He shakes his head. “She’s done Zandia a huge boon. How is it even still in question?”

  I narrow my eyes. “She could still be a spy.”

  “Really?” He gives me a look. “Is that what you’re going to tell the king? That’s preposterous.”

  I put up my hands. “If I’m going to be a judge, I need to be impartial. Look at this fairly, from all sides. Yes, she did a great thing, but she was backed into a corner, and she knew it. A good spy would definitely help as well, just to get on our good side.” This is not untrue. And since I clearly don’t want her for myself, it’s obvious I’m only doing this for the good of Zandia. “It’s possible she still has some secret information that she has not yet disclosed. I need to ascertain whether she’s told us everything she can. If she’s keeping secrets, she’s not ready for asylum.”

  “Well, it’s your job, not mine.” He grabs another pack and guides it into the area. “I’m just telling you what I heard. She’s already the talk of the training crew. The young Zandians are eager to meet her.”

  “Well, I need to debrief with Master Seke and King Zander.” I glance around the bay. “Looks like we got everything in order. You’ll finish up here.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  I stride off, and don’t make it more than a hundred yards before I’m joined by another fighter, Bryann.

  “Drayk.” He slaps my shoulder. “So you brought in a human.”

  “That’s right. Taisha.” I increase my pace. “I am needed with the king.”

  “I will not keep you. I’m just curious if you know whether or not she’s been selected already as a mate? My two friends and I would like to petition for her if she’s available.”

  “She is not available,” I growl. “She has not even received asylum at this point.”

  “Ah, I see, but I had heard that she—”

  “Rumors are unreliable at best,” I point out. “Excuse me.” I put up my hand and bow my head, and then walk on.

  Veck. How has everyone already fallen for her?

  This is unacceptable. Don’t they understand that she might still be a threat to Zandia?

  I will have to put an end to this.


  My palms sweat as I sit in a waiting area in the capital of Zandia, under heavy guard. I am to be seen by King Zander, who will determine my fate.

  The warrior who guards me, a Zandian who appears a bit younger than Drayk, tells me not to worry, that King Zander is just and kind.

  I have to believe him.

  If he’s wrong, Leylah sent me here for no reason. I can’t believe she would make a mistake like that.

  As I sit, my mind keeps going back to Drayk, the mighty captain. Where has he gone? Will I see him again?

  I was angered by his mistrust, but now, sitting here alone, I wish he were the warrior guarding me. Wish he would accompany me to my visit with the king. I have to believe he would advocate for my freedom after the way I helped with his mission.

  After the way he touched me.

  But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it’s normal for Zandians to give sexual pleasure to their prisoners and then disappear.


  I drop my head into my hands.

  I’m so off-balance here I don’t know my head from my feet.

  Chapter 10


  I flip my daughter Kaylar upside down and tickle her as she shrieks and screams with delight. Her brother Zander darts in to add a few tickles, too, while all the palace staff look on with smiles.

  I flip her back up and toss her high into the air.

  Too high for Lamira’s comfort. She holds her breath beside me and grips my arm.

  I catch the tot and toss her to my shoulders, grinning at my mate. “Did you think I would drop her?”

  “Just because you can throw her through the skylights doesn’t mean you should,” she complains. She’s smiling, though.

  “I could throw you that high, too. Would you like to try?” I catch her waist and lift her off the ground.

  She shrieks and I put her down, laughing.

  One of my guards clears his throat. “My lord, Captain Drayk requests an audience.”

  Lamira reaches for Kaylar, swinging our cherubic young to her hip with graceful ease. Kaylar smiles, reaching for me, her big brown-purple eyes bright. She has her mother’s copper curls, but they appear a deeper red against her lavender skin. “More!”

  “Sorry, baby. Your father has work to do,” Lamira chirps.

  I reach for my mate’s hand as she turns away. Pull her back into me. “Sleep when Kaylar sleeps,” I advise.

  Her lips curve into a naughty smile. “I don’t think I will,” she whispers. “I’m feeling a bit disobedient.”

  My cock thickens and I have to twitch my tunic to hide the bulge. “Then you’ll be going to bed with a red, hot ass tonight, little slave.” I tug on her jewel-encrusted collar.

  She winks as she turns away. “Counting on it.” I watch as she and our young leave the Great Hall, then sit on the dais to hear my warrior’s report. I already heard report of their mission from my Master of Arms, Seke, but I can guess why Drayk is here now.

  Drayk enters, his large shoulders square and tense.

  Yes. I’m sure of it now. I’d recognize the effect of a human female on one of my warriors anywhere.

  They transform from calm, solid, unemotional war machines to violent, protective and often overwrought beings. And the confusion that accompanies that change can be challenging.

  “My lord.” Drayk bows low.

  I incline my head. “Congratulations on your missions. I understand you were successful with both.”

  His skin turns a shade darker purple. “Thank you, my lord.” He clears his throat.

  I wait.

  Let him fumble for the words.

  “You, ah, heard about the human female?”

  I nod, slowly. “I did.”

  The female from Lamira’s vision. The one who will start diplomatic problems for us with the Ocretions.

  “I’m, ah, here to discuss her future here.”

  I keep my face impassive. “Yes?”

  He shifts from foot to foot. “Do you require any information from me, my lord, to make a determination about granting her asylum?”

  “Yes, Captain. What is your opinion?”

  He lifts his chest. “She risked her life on Fonquin to assist with our mission. But she also attacked me when we found her, and carries a poison lethal to Ocretions.”

  “So I heard.” His assessment is unexpected. I thought he was here to advocate for her. It appears he has reservations about her trustworthiness.

  “I believe she should be remanded to my custody for further observation, my lord. Before a determination is made.”


  I work hard to hide my smile.

  Now I see his angle. He should just ask me to mate her if that’s what he wants. I suppose this means he’s not sure what he wants.

  “You would take full responsibility for her?”

  He bows. “I would, my lord.”

  “Bond her to you as her guardian. Provide discipline as necessary?” I watch his pupils dilate at the suggestion of discipline. He’s certainly bewitched by the female.

  He swallows with apparent effort. “I will, my lord.”

  “And of course, you’ll be fair and just with her? Recognizing human females are sensitive creatures who require a gentle but firm hand and emotional support that may be foreign to you?”

  A flush spreads up his neck. “Yes, my lord.”

  “I will consider your petition, then. After I meet the female.”

  Concern flits over Drayk’s face before he hides it. He bows. “Of course, my l
ord. Thank you, my lord.”

  “Please bring her in,” I murmur and he inclines his head and leaves.

  As soon as he’s gone, I chuckle to myself over the change in him.

  Only because it’s all too painfully familiar.


  “Taisha, you may approach.”

  I nod and step forward, and sweat beads on my brow. I swipe surreptitiously at it with my left arm, blotting the moisture on my bandage. “Thank you.”

  The king has the wisest, most discerning eyes I’ve ever seen, next to Leylah, and I can’t look at him long without feeling entirely helpless. He’s surrounded by a small group of Zandians, all of whom have wicked daggers at their waists which gleam in the low light.

  “You escaped Romon-3 undetected and stabbed a Zandian star ship captain with a new poison meant for Ocretions.”

  I nod. “That was a mistake. I did not intend harm to any Zandian. I was delirious and lashed out, thinking he was an enemy to me.”

  “I would doubt that, perhaps, except that you proved your loyalty in the mission to retrieve the discs. That was brave and generous.” He bows his head. “And I thank you, on behalf of myself, my mate, and Zandia.”

  My cheeks warm. “I-I don’t know what to say. You’re welcome?” I bite my lip. “I wish to request asylum?”

  It’s not a question, but I am confused how to act, what to say. Since Drayk left me on the ship, after I pleasured him, things were a whirlwind. Once on Zandia, I was taken to a med isolation bay for further treatment and questioning, and told I would be able to petition the king once I was deemed well.

  Apparently, this is the planet rotation.

  My gut twists. I should be excited and eager, but all I can think about is Drayk. How he never came to see me in the med area. How cold he was to me after our intimacy. How could he seem so caring one moment and distant the next?

  The room swoops and I draw in a deep breath to fight off a wave of dizziness. “Please, do not send me back to the Ocretions. They will kill me and then will harm many other humans as well. Right now, they do not know I’m gone.” Well, for the most part.


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