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Loved by You

Page 10

by Sophia Knightly

  Brie turned and dropped her shopping bags on the floor. She ran to Sadie’s side and deposited a peck on her cheek. “Heya, Sadie!” Her cheeks lifted and a dimple appeared on either side of her bubble gum pink mouth. “I didn’t see you crouching over there.”

  Sadie threw her shoulders back and straightened her spine. “I don’t crouch,” she huffed.

  Brie’s baby blue eyes zoomed in on Piper. Her pointed gaze swept over her and settled on the rosette clips in her hair. Why, oh why, hadn’t she taken them out earlier?

  “I’m Brienne Corrigan.” Brie paused and eyed her curiously. “Who are you?”

  “Piper Chandler,” Piper said with a forced smile.

  “Piper is a longtime friend of Roman’s,” Sadie added with unconcealed satisfaction. The corners of her mouth twitched. “And his first love.”

  The exultant inflection in Sadie’s voice made it sound like Piper was Roman’s only love.

  Piper glimpsed at Roman. His face darkened as he slid a finger under the back of his shirt collar and moved his chin as if the collar was choking him.

  Chapter 14

  Brie stared at Piper, her eyes blue slits of jealousy. “You’re Roman’s old girlfriend?” To Piper’s annoyance, she said “old” as if she were ancient. The corners of Brie’s glossy pink lips curled upward in a smug smile. "Well, I'm Roman's girlfriend now and that’s what counts." With a dismissive lift of her nose, she tossed her ponytail.

  “Good for you.” Piper stared her down with the same measure of insolence.

  Brie’s mystified gaze swept over Piper, leaving no doubt she thought Piper was woefully out of Roman’s league. Her dress wasn’t upscale, her long hair was a wild mass of curls held back at the sides with flower clips, and she wore turquoise ballet flats, not three inch designer ones like Brie had on her slim, aristocratic feet.

  Brie lost interest in her inspection and returned to Roman’s side.

  “I brought in two more donations for your silent auction, babe. A year’s supply of cupcakes from Sassy’s Sweets and a trip for two to Turks and Caicos from Timely Travel. Guess which one I’m bidding on?” Brie asked with a saucy smile.

  “Since you’re always on a diet, I’d say the trip,” Roman replied dryly.

  Piper’s brows shot up at Roman’s veiled dig.

  “Ding ding ding, you’re right! My bikini is ready to travel,” Brie announced gaily, unperturbed by his comment. “The last thing I’d want is a year’s supply of cupcakes. Gotta keep this little bonbon trim,” she said patting her bottom.

  Yuck. Watching Brie in action made Piper want to hurl. Who even referred to their butt as a bonbon without feeling stupid?

  Monica cleared her throat and stepped closer to Roman, her back rigid as she clutched her Chanel handbag to her side. Her eyes focused on him as she said in a crisp tone, "I do hope you're still joining us for dinner tonight, Roman.”

  “I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t, Momma,” Brie chimed in. “Don’t all lions have hearty appetites?” She playfully nudged his side eliciting a low growl from Roman.

  Monica’s mouth flattened as she fiddled with the clasp on her handbag. “It’s important that you come tonight. Vince hasn't been feeling well.” She swallowed a few times. “He…he hasn’t been himself lately.”

  “What’s wrong?” Roman asked immediately. His eyes searched Monica’s taut, anxious face.

  Monica’s gaze zoomed to Sadie and Piper, and then back to Roman. After an awkward pause, she murmured, “I’ll tell you later, but do come over. Please. It would boost Vince’s mood to see you. He’s very much looking forward to it.”

  Brie snuggled up to Roman. “Aw, come on,” she crooned in a lilting voice. “Work can wait. It’s time to play.” The innuendo in “play” resounded in the tense room.

  Roman kept his attention on Monica. “I’ll come. It’ll be good to see Vince.”

  Brie planted a loud smooch on Roman’s taut jaw. “You’re the best, babe.”

  Piper bounded from the sofa and shot Sadie an SOS look. She’d be damned if she was going to sit there and watch them a minute longer. “I have dinner plans too,” she lied. “I need to get going.” She couldn’t bring herself to say, “nice meeting you.” Not to those two women.

  “I’ll walk with you to the parking lot,” Sadie said, rising beside her.

  Piper muttered a hasty “good bye” through clamped lips.

  Brie inspected her manicure, effectively dismissing them.

  Roman cut his gaze to Piper for several fiery seconds. “Bye, Piper,” he called out when she turned to leave. “We’ll continue our discussion later. We still need to investigate the mix-up.”

  Piper hiked her brows and volleyed a lethal look that said she wasn’t having it. Not with Brie claiming to be his girlfriend. She eyed the exit, desperate to bolt from Roman’s office and get as far away from Brie as possible, but she kept her pace measured as she left with Sadie close behind.

  Once they were inside her office, Sadie shut the door, but not before they heard Brie’s teasing chatter and irritating giggles as she left with Roman and Monica.

  “That girl just gave me a king-sized headache,” Sadie muttered, massaging her temples.

  Piper exhaled sharply. “I wish I had never met her.” Her face heated recalling Brie’s dismissive once-over. “She is toxic. An entitled little snob who believes she’s superior.”

  Sadie nodded in disgust. “I couldn’t have said it better.”

  Piper turned fiery eyes on Sadie. “I’m mad I wasn’t able to tell Roman about all the stuff she’s done to you.”

  Sadie’s brows gathered in the middle. “He didn’t know? He looked so tense, I thought you’d already told him before you brought me to his office.”

  Piper gave a morose shake of her head. “No, I didn’t get a chance to. But I’m going to call him and set up a time to meet. What I want to say has to be done in person.” Her nostrils flared as she tried to stem the fury coursing through her. “What does Roman see in The Cheese? She has some sort of stronghold on him, but what?” she mused aloud.

  “Hmph, beats me. Men,” Sadie said with a dismayed sniff. “It’s hard to figure them out. My stubborn son included.”

  Piper uttered a short, involuntary laugh. She had imagined Brie completely different, wondering if she had cast a sexual spell on Roman, but seeing her now, she realized The Cheese was far from a sexpot. The flirty blond amped up her girl next-door looks and lack of curves with coquettish moves. But no amount of kittenish sex appeal could mask her devious core, evident the moment she opened her mouth and spoke in that superior princess tone.

  “Better reach him soon, Piper.” Sadie walked to her desk and sat in her chair, motioning for Piper to sit in the armchair before her. “Roman is going out of town. He leaves for Scottsdale in a couple of days.”

  Piper twisted her fingers on her lap. “Oh, then I need to alert him before Brie does something else to undermine you.”

  Sadie’s mouth formed a rigid white line and her eyes radiated with wrath.

  “What’s wrong?” Piper asked, noting the severe change in Sadie. Her jaw was clenched belligerently as her eyes tapered to cunning slits. Though Roman didn’t look like his mother, that particular look was all Roman – determined, focused and invincible.

  Sadie rose from her desk and paced behind it. “I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want you to go to Roman on my behalf.” She halted her pacing long enough to level Piper a resolute look. “I’ll tell him.”

  “I’m happy to do it, Sadie.”

  “I know, dear, but this is my battle to fight and I’d rather not draw you into it. I’m no feeble-minded old lady as The Stinky Cheese likes to portray me.” Her eyes glittered dangerously. “I’m going to fight fire with fire, and by God when I’m finished with Brie, she’ll be singing—or crying—a different tune.”

  “How? I wish I could be a fly on the wall when you do.”

  “I’ll be sure to fill you in on the details. I j
ust have to find the perfect time to lay it all out there.”

  “Good! You go, Sadie.”

  Sadie’s strained features relaxed and a smile played at her lips as she eyed Piper. “Do you have plans two and a half weeks from now, on Saturday night?”

  Piper’s brow creased. “I don’t think so. Not yet. Why?”

  “I want you to come to our fundraiser. I’ll invite, and you can sit with me.”

  Piper’s stomach pitched. “Thanks, but no thanks. There’s no way I’d go without a date, especially if Roman’s going to be there with The Cheese.”

  Sadie waved an airy hand. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll get you a great date.”


  “Remember when I mentioned I wanted you to meet my physical therapist? His name is Eric Built.” Her smile widened at Piper’s surprised reaction. “I kid you not. That’s his real name, and believe me, hon, that dude is built,” Sadie said, chuckling at the coincidence of his surname.

  Piper couldn’t help laughing. “Who would turn down a date with a guy called Mr. Built?”

  “Who indeed?” Sadie said gaily.

  “What does he look like?” Piper asked absently, tormented by the memory of Brie kissing Roman’s cheek. There’d been an insistent tic in his taut jaw, one Piper had seen on many occasions when he was holding onto his temper.

  “Tall, dark blonde and brawny…like a Viking. And he’s single, handsome and charming too,” Sadie enthused. “I’m sure Eric will be happy to escort you, Piper.”

  “You don’t know that for sure,” Piper hedged. Sadie was acting like it was a done deal, but she wasn’t sold on going. “What are you going to tell Mr. Built to convince him?” she asked, enjoying his last name. “He might be dating someone by then…” she trailed off as she noted the sly spark in Sadie’s eyes.

  “He’ll be there,” she said right away. “He is one lucky guy. I’m going to introduce him to a beautiful jewel like you.”

  “Aw, you’re sweet, Sadie, but—” Piper stopped and considered Sadie’s generous offer. On the one hand it would be great to see the look on Roman’s face when she arrived with another guy. But on the other hand, it would be unbearable to watch Brie stuck to Roman like candy wrapper.

  “You really must come,” Sadie continued undeterred. “I plan to feature your Man Eater bracelet prominently in the silent auction. And I want to introduce you to all my friends. Most of them love jewelry.” She waited for Piper’s answer with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

  Piper stared at Sadie in mute despair. Did she realize what she was asking of her? It would be awful spending an evening with Roman and his girlfriend, but Sadie had made a practical point. This could be great for her jewelry business.

  “That is so generous of you. I…I just don’t know if I’ll be able to hold onto my temper around them.” Piper held her thumb and forefinger an inch apart. “I was this close to yanking her ponytail. When she patted her butt and called it a trim little bonbon, I felt like kicking it.”

  Sadie hooted. “I wish you had. I would have joined you.”

  “She brings out a violent side to my personality.”

  “Mine too. I could really use your company as a buffer that evening.” Sadie’s eyes twinkled. “Say you’ll come, Piper. You won’t regret it.”

  Piper sighed. She had to say “yes.” Sadie’s expectant smile tugged at her heart. She owed it to the dear woman to make sure nothing went awry at the gala.

  Chapter 15

  Roman sat in the driver’s seat of his car, lost in thought while Brie chattered about all the pretty things she’d bought on her shopping spree. When Monica had insisted that Brie ride with Roman to their home, Brie had hopped into his car and clutched his hand as they drove off.

  He’d discreetly disentangled his hand from hers and rested it low on the steering wheel. She was getting on his nerves, and he couldn’t wait until the fundraiser was over to make a clean break from her.

  He’d been dating Brie for three months now—long enough for him to have stronger feelings for her…but he didn’t. He wasn’t in love with her and never would be. It had started out as a favor to her dad, but it morphed into something else for Brie.

  The day Vince had asked him to look in on his only daughter, Roman didn’t have the heart to refuse. Brie had recently moved to Naples to get over humiliating breakup with her boyfriend who’d publicly dumped her. One date with her led to her finagling another and before he knew it, she was sticking to him like molasses, thick and sweet, and not in a good way. She tried too hard to please him, and he often wondered if it was sincere.

  A vision of Piper’s vivid turquoise eyes popped into Roman’s mind and something profound stirred deep inside him. Her stunning eyes were as soulful as he’d remembered, but now filled with wisdom and fire. She was no longer an insecure girl seeking approval; she was a self-confident woman. Strong, independent…and sexier than hell.

  With a scornful hike of her brows, she’d given him the mighty freeze when he’d suggested that they would continue their discussion later. Her condemning look had said, “You lost your chance.”

  He wished he could erase the awkward scene she’d recently witnessed from her mind. Every time Brie had acted possessively toward him, Piper’s face had reddened with fury.

  “Why so quiet tonight?” Brie’s hand glided along his thigh, jarring his musings. She slid her palm near his groin, her fingertips brushing his crotch.

  He moved her hand away. “Don’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  His hand gripped the steering wheel. “I’m driving.”

  He caught a glimpse of her petulant face. They’d had sex only once in the three months they’d been dating, and he’d regretted it afterward. She’d shown up at his place early one morning with nothing on under her short dress. Within minutes, she was in his bed.

  Since then she’d taken for granted that they’d continue sleeping together, but he’d avoided it, hoping she’d get the message. Unfortunately, his disinterest only seemed to fuel her passion.

  “Why so grouchy, Lion? I like your growl, but keep it playful. K?” Her hand crept to his thigh again and squeezed softly.

  “I said stop,” he grated.

  “Gosh. What’s wrong?” she whined.


  “I was looking forward to being with you tonight, but you’re ruining my mood.”

  “Monica mentioned that Vince hasn’t been feeling well. What’s going on?” Maybe she’d stop sulking long enough to think about someone other than herself.

  Brie hesitated. “I’m not exactly sure. He’s been more tired than usual and kinda out of it. Not his usual self. I hope they’re not hiding something from me.”

  Roman shot her a probing look. “Why would they?”

  She turned worried eyes on him. “I dunno. They have a tendency to coddle me.”

  That was putting it mildly. “Have you asked what’s wrong?”

  “Of course,” she said, affronted. “Could be Daddy’s unhappy because he needs hip replacement surgery. Maybe that’s what Momma meant earlier.”

  “That’s too bad. Can’t say that I blame him, but a lot of people get through surgery just fine,” Roman said, though his shoulder surgery had prompted the end of his career. He’d never been able to recoup his killer serve after that.

  “I guess, but you know Daddy. He hates being laid up for any amount of time. Unfortunately, the two orthopedic doctors he consulted said there’s no alternative. He had to have blood work a couple of days ago and wasn’t happy with the results either,” she said, her eyes big blue saucers. “Momma planned this evening to cheer him up. You know how much Daddy loves talking tennis with you.”

  Roman nodded and kept his attention on the road, wondering why Vince had been unhappy about his blood test results.

  “Did you tell your mother I’m going to help out with the auction?” she inquired.

  “Not yet.” As soon as he’d agreed to Brie’s
offer to help with the auction, she’d taken the ball and run with it, nearly doubling the donations already. As a realtor of high-end properties, she was good at negotiating.

  “I’ll tell her. I’m sure she’ll welcome the help,” Brie said confidently.

  Not likely, but it was too late to change directions at this late date. Sadie had enough on her plate chairing it.

  “Don’t tell her anything. Leave it to me,” Roman said firmly.

  Brie shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  “Just make sure to get along with her.” He shot her a meaningful look. “There’s too much at stake.”

  “Roman,” she said reproachfully. “I appreciate how important the fundraiser is for you. I plan to help, not make problems.”


  Brie fiddled with her ponytail. “I only want the best for Sadie,” she said, softening her tone. “The last time I spoke to her she seemed befuddled. Bless her heart. Those pain meds are doing a number on her. I’d hate to see her become addicted—”

  “She’s not taking them anymore,” he cut in. “No need to go there, Brie.”

  She exhaled a gusty breath. “Well, that’s good because after all those mishaps, I was beginning to worry.”

  “Don’t worry. Piper has a senior concierge service, and she’s well versed in senior care. She has assured me that my mom is fine and no longer taking pain meds.”

  “Piper?” Brie’s nose wrinkled. “Is that why she and Sadie were together?”

  Roman nodded. “They’re friends.”

  “How come you never told me about Piper?” Brie asked in an accusatory tone. “Were you really in love with her?” The doubt in her voice grated. “Kinda hard to believe,” she murmured.

  “I was. Who wouldn’t love Piper?” he mused out loud.

  Brie sucked in a sharp breath. “Good thing it’s in the past and you have me now.” She paused thoughtfully. “It had to have been a school boy crush. She seems so…I don’t know. Out of your league,” she said with a smug little smile. “Kinda working class.”


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