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Loved by You

Page 13

by Sophia Knightly

  Her heart pounding, she felt his hands go under her skirt and peel off her panties. The moment she stepped out of her shoes, his hands closed on her waist and he hoisted her in his arms. Gathering her close like a priceless treasure, he carried her to the bedroom. He pushed aside the comforter and gently laid her on the center of the bed.

  Pinning her beneath him, he made love to her slowly and thoroughly, fondling, kissing, nipping and suckling her curves with such finesse her sudden climax startled her. She cried out at the intensity, moaning and trembling as Roman gentled her with soft kisses to her eyes, cheeks and mouth.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, his words a low rasp. He unzipped his trousers and made short work of divesting his clothes before returning to her. “So soft, so wet for me,” he mumbled against her belly.

  He licked and kissed until she begged him to take her. He lowered his body over hers, and she adored his solid weight on her. Breathing heavily, he braced his weight on his forearms and murmured hoarse endearments. Piper’s eyes shot open and met his eyes with shock as he entered her slick passage.

  He cradled her face, and she stared into eyes the color of dark, wild honey. “Relax, Gypsy. We’ll take it slow,” he murmured tenderly.

  “No, not slow,” she gasped, relaxing her muscles to receive him. “I’m ready.” She wrapped her legs around his clenched hips and shuddered with pleasure as he lifted her buttocks in his powerful hands and began to move with her.

  All resistance gave way as she grappled to hold him tighter, deeper, closer until they were one. Her moans escalated to keening cries as she melted into him, his touch electric on her skin, the rhythm of his thrusts enthralling as they intensified.

  She was sure she’d die of pleasure as his weight crushed her into the mattress with vigorous ardor. She writhed helplessly as intense pleasure and sweet agony merged. She lurched against him, gasping and shuddering as she shattered. Heart thrumming wildly, she seized his hips while he continued to move.

  The only sound in the silent room was Roman’s heavy panting as he moved closer to release. The veins bulged in his neck when he finally bowed his head and climaxed with a powerful growl of ecstasy.

  “Love you, Gypsy. I’ve always loved you,” he groaned fiercely.

  His ragged words rumbled out of his chest and into her heart, undoing her completely. Tears slid from the corners of her eyes and down her cheeks in rivulets as she breathed in deeply.

  “Don’t cry, darling.” He smiled ruefully, smoothing her tangled hair from her face. He kissed her damp cheeks. “I shouldn’t have taken so long to tell you how much I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered back, her heart squeezing with joy.

  He bent his head and captured her mouth in a tender kiss. “Thank you,” he murmured against her temple.

  With a deep, satiated sigh, he lowered himself and turned on his back, taking her with him. Tucking her in close, he wrapped an arm around her back and rested his hand on the slope of her hip.

  Smiling blissfully, she closed her eyes and nestled against him, her head resting on his chest, listening to the sturdy thump of his heart.

  Exhausted and fulfilled, they drifted into deep, cathartic sleep, physically and emotionally spent.

  * * *

  Piper awoke to the sound of a ringing phone. Jarred, she struggled against the lethargy of sleep and stared at the phone on her nightstand. It rang a third time and then went to voicemail.

  She disentangled from Roman’s warm embrace and sat up, suddenly alert when she realized it was Beth’s voice leaving a message. She glanced at her alarm clock. 7:00 p.m. Her sister rarely called in the evening; she was always too busy putting the kids to bed.

  Piper grabbed the phone and said, “Hey, Beth. Everything OK?”

  “Piper! The baby is coming early. I'm…I’m in labor,” Beth sputtered.

  “Are you sure?” Piper fretted. Beth was only in her eighth month.

  “I’m having regular contractions. Five minutes apart, and I’m dilated three centimeters,” Beth replied.

  “Oh, God. You are in labor. What can I do?”

  “I need you to watch the kids. Can you come over soon?”

  “Yes,. I can come now.”

  She caught Roman’s quizzical raised brow look as she scrambled off the bed. Cradling the phone against her ear, she stepped into her dress. Within seconds, he was behind her, zipping her dress up.

  “I’m at North Collier Hospital. Dan is on his way here,” Beth said between panting breaths.


  “My neighbor, Miriam, is watching the kids, but she can't stay the whole night.” Beth sounded frantic, and Piper wanted to do anything to alleviate her panic.

  “No worries. I’ll stay all night. Whatever you need, Beth. I’m here for you,” Piper assured her, trying her best to calm her.

  “OK, thanks. Dan’s mother is flying in from Denver tomorrow morning.”

  “Good. Breathe deeply and try to relax,” Piper soothed though she felt far from calm herself. “Save your energy for the delivery.”

  Beth exhaled a jittery sigh. “I’ll need it. This one feels like it’s coming faster than the others.”

  “You’ll do great, sis. You’re a pro at baby making,” Piper said cheerfully. As she hung up, she said a silent prayer that all would go well for her sweet sister.

  Piper fished a fresh pair of panties out of her lingerie drawer and ran into the bathroom. No sooner did she close the door, than she felt sticky liquid trickle down her legs. She smacked her forehead, remembering they hadn’t used protection. In the heat of lust, Roman hadn’t used a condom, and she’d been so drunk on love, she hadn’t even considered it.

  She had no regrets about their lovemaking, but using no protection was another matter. It had been reckless and now it was too late to change. She’d never been rash…until tonight. She’d shown no restraint. None. The moment Roman had opened his arms and heart to her, she’d stepped into them helplessly. All rationality had vanished, replaced by a thick fog of desire she’d been powerless to resist.

  Her heart started hammering as she thought about the consequences. Don’t panic. Gulping deep breaths, she remembered that Beth and her family needed her. That was all that mattered at the moment and time was of the essence. She’d told Beth she’d be right over, yet here she was dithering over a pregnancy that might not even happen.

  Piper hurried out of the bathroom and came to a halt when Roman appeared before her, holding her shoes in one hand and his car keys in the other.

  She stepped into her shoes and smoothed her hair. “How did you get dressed so quickly?”

  He raised a brow. “I’m a guy,” he reminded her wryly.

  “You sure are,” she mumbled with a nervous giggle.

  He chuckled. “Glad you noticed.” He dangled his car keys. “Ready? I’ll drive you over.”

  “Are you sure you want to come? It’s going to be a long night. Beth’s neighbor has to leave and—”

  “So? I don’t have plans tonight.”

  “Oh.” She paused. “Well, if you do come, we should take separate cars.”

  His brow furrowed. “Why?”

  “Beth has two kids and one of them is a baby. I’ll be spending the night babysitting them.”

  “I’ll help.”

  “All night?” she said, surprised.

  “Sure. Why not?” he replied easily. “I’d rather spend it with you than alone.”

  “I would love that,” she admitted when she saw he meant it.

  “I’ll drive. That way you can relax on your way there.” The corners of his mouth quirked upward. “I doubt you’ll be sleeping with all the excitement anyway.”

  “How well you know me,” she murmured, smiling up at him.

  “Damn right I do,” he said, delivering a fond pat to her bottom. “Let’s get going.” Putting his arm around her shoulder, he ushered her out the door.

  Chapter 19

an and Piper entered the house and were greeted by a tall, stocky brunette with a shoulder length bob and almond shaped brown eyes. “You must be Piper. I’m Miriam.”

  Piper shook her extended hand. “Yes, I’m Piper and this is Roman,” she said, gesturing to him.

  “Nice to meet you. Come in,” Miriam said, leading them inside.

  “Thanks for watching the kids until I could get here. I really appreciate it,” Piper said.

  Miriam waved a hand. “No problem. I wish I could’ve stayed all night so you could be at the hospital with your sister, but I have to work the midnight shift. I’m an ER nurse.”

  “Oh, it’s so sweet of you to be here,” Piper said. “Are Delaney and Joey already asleep?”

  “Joey is asleep, but Delaney’s still up.” Miriam smiled and shook her head. “She’s exhausted, but too wired to calm down. We were watching a movie and—”

  Delaney came barreling into the room squealing, “Aunt Pipey! Aunt Pipey! Mommy’s having a baby!” She rushed into Piper’s arms as if she hadn't seen her in ages. She planted a sloppy kiss on Piper’s cheek and then pulled back to peer at her, wide-eyed. "Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?”

  Piper set her down and Delaney stopped chattering when she caught sight of Roman. Placing her chubby hands on her hips, she looked him up and down. “Who are you?”

  Roman chuckled. “I'm Roman Spencer. Who are you?”

  “I’m Delaney. Want to meet my little brother?”

  “Sure,” Roman said.

  Delaney grabbed his hand and led him to the family room where Joey was fast asleep in his stroller. “That’s Joey. He still sucks his thumb. I don’t cause I'm a big girl,” she said puffing her chest.

  “I can see that,” Roman agreed, patting the top of her head. “Your mommy and daddy must be proud of you.”

  Delaney’s head bobbed up and down enthusiastically. “They are. Do you like my Wonder Woman jammies?” she asked, twirling for him.

  “I do. Very cool,” Roman said, lips twitching at her sass.

  Miriam got her shoulder bag from the couch and smiled at them. “I’m gonna get going. My phone number is on the fridge under the pizza magnet,” she said to Piper. “I’ll be leaving for the hospital at 11:30, but feel free to call before if you need anything.”

  Piper followed her to the door. “Thanks so much. I think we’ll be OK here.”

  Miriam nodded. “Please let me know when the baby is born. I’ll be working, but I’d appreciate a text.”

  “Of course.” Piper opened the door for her. “Thanks again,” she said as Miriam walked away waving good-bye.

  When Piper returned to the family room, Delaney had Roman cornered on the sofa, interrogating him about everything she could think of. Piper caught Roman’s wry elevated brow and grinned.

  Piper sat next to Delaney. “Sweetie, it’s past your bedtime,” she said, stroking Delaney’s silky hair. “You need to go to sleep so you can go to the hospital and see your mommy tomorrow.”

  “But I’m not sleepy,” Delaney objected, rubbing her eyes.

  “How about a bedtime snack?” Piper suggested. “Why don’t you and Roman have some of your mommy’s oatmeal cookies? They’re yummy with milk, aren’t they?”

  “Yeppers,” Delaney chirped happily. “Come on.” She extended her hand to Roman and led him to the kitchen.

  When Piper returned from putting Joey down in his crib, she found Delaney and Roman at the kitchen table deep in conversation about the Naples Zoo. Delaney fought sleep like a little warrior. Every time her head would nod and her eyes would drift downward, she’d stubbornly force them open. While Piper tidied up the kitchen, Delaney cradled her chubby cheek on her crossed arms on the kitchen table and dozed off.

  Roman picked her up and turned to Piper. “Where’s her bedroom?” he whispered.

  Piper motioned for him to follow her. “She should brush her teeth, but I guess it’ll be OK if she skips one night,” she whispered back.

  “Well, it won’t kill me,” Delaney cracked, startling them.

  Roman burst out laughing. “You little scamp. We thought you were asleep.”

  Delaney giggled and tickled his rib. “Gotcha!”

  “Now that you’re awake, you can brush your teeth and we’ll say bedtime prayers,” Piper said.

  “But I already brushed my teeth before the snack…so I’m OK,” she said quickly. “I said my prayers with Miriam too. Can I just climb in bed, Aunt Pipey? I’ll brush my teeth in the morning. I promise.”

  Piper smiled. “OK, sweetie. Just this one time.”

  Roman started to set Delaney down, but she went limp in his arms. “I can’t walk. I’m too tired,” she mumbled with an exaggerated yawn.

  Roman exchanged an amused look with Piper and continued carrying Delaney.

  When they reached the bedroom, Piper turned down the coverlet, and Roman set Delaney on the bed. She kissed Delaney’s forehead. “Good night, sweetie. I’ll leave the night light on.”

  “OK. Night, Aunt Pipey. Night, Roman,” Delaney said, blowing him a kiss.

  Roman pretended to catch the kiss and put it on his cheek. “Night, Delaney.”

  Delaney promptly turned on her side and placed her folded hands under her cheek on the pillow. Piper suppressed a chuckle at the angelic picture the little imp made. She kissed her plump little cheek and tucked her in.

  Within seconds Delaney fell asleep, and Piper and Roman tiptoed out of the room. Hand in hand, they returned to the family room. Roman sank onto the couch, and settled Piper on his lap.

  She snuggled in his arms. It felt so good to be held by him. “Thanks for being so sweet to Delaney. She loves attention,” she said, smiling up at him.

  Roman winked. “She’s adorable…like her aunt.”

  “Why, thank you. Want a cup of coffee or a snack?”

  “No, thanks.” He patted his flat midsection. “I think I’ve had enough to eat with all the cookies I shared with Delaney. But go ahead if you’re hungry.”

  “Nah, I was just offering. I’d rather stay right here,” she said, burrowing closer.

  “Sounds good to me.” He kissed the top of her head and gave a deep sigh of contentment. “I love your sister’s home.”

  Piper tilted her head and studied him. “You do? Why?” Beth and Dan had a nice, cozy home, but it was modest by Roman’s standards.

  “It’s perfect,” he said, gazing around.

  “Are we looking at the same place?” Piper inquired ironically. Colorful toys and children’s books were strewn on the floor next to assorted pillows that were piled like a fortress. “Beth would be mortified if she knew you saw her house this messy. She always tidies up in the evening after she puts the kids to bed.”

  Roman stroked Piper’s back. “I don’t care about that. It’s perfect because there’s so much love. You can feel it.”

  Piper’s heart lifted. In spite of his great wealth, Roman had a good heart and solid values. “There is a lot of love here. Dan is a great husband and father.” She smiled at him. “Beth deserves her happy life. As the older sister, she suffered more than I did when we were little.”

  Roman leaned his cheek against her head and listened quietly.

  “Growing up, she always protected me. She was my guardian angel.” Piper’s throat thickened with emotion. “I’m lucky to have her.”

  Roman kissed her temple. “You’re lucky to have each other. I loved watching you with the kids. You’re going to make a wonderful mother one day.”

  “Thanks,” Piper choked out. The memory of their unprotected sex popped up to taunt her. How would he feel if she ended up getting pregnant? The thought of having a baby terrified her, yet thrilled her, especially since it would be his child. “Someday,” she said wistfully.

  “Soon I hope.” He spread his arms and gestured to the toys and books, and then gazed into her eyes. “I want all of this. With you.”

  “I want that too.” She made a face. “How did you resolve you
r cheesy complication? It couldn’t have been easy.”

  Roman tapped her nose with his forefinger. “You’re having too much fun with the cheese jokes, Gypsy.”

  “Eh.” She wrinkled her nose. “Brie deserves them. Did you break up with her?” she asked, emboldened by the tender intimacy they’d shared earlier. After all, she might be carrying his child.

  A troubled shadow crossed his face. “Not yet, but soon.”

  Piper stiffened in his hold. “Soon? What does that mean?”

  “I was planning to wait to break up with her after the gala…out of respect for her family.”

  “Why her family? Isn’t this between you and Brie?” Piper demanded, pulling away.

  “It is, but the situation is complicated.”

  Complicated! There was that damned word again. Indignation jabbed at her. “Roman, we just made love, and now you want me to wait two more weeks before you break up with her? That’s unacceptable.”

  She raised her hands in an I-give-up gesture and lurched off his lap. Landing hard on the couch, she moved away from him. Her nails bit into her palms as she tried to get a grip on her temper.

  He gave a wry shake of his head. “I’ve missed your chili hot temper, Gypsy. But don’t get mad tonight. Not after—”

  He reached for her and she swatted his hand away. “Don’t Gypsy me. I have every reason to be mad, and you know it.” She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him.

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ll handle it, but it’s a delicate situation. I already explained about my strong relationship with Vince.”

  “Stronger than ours?” she challenged, not backing down.

  “No. That’s different.” His taut tone prickled with impatience.

  Piper flicked her gaze away from his darkening eyes. Roman was used to getting his way in everything. He thought he could manage her like he managed everyone else. She needed gumption to stand up for herself. Sucking in a deep breath, she said, “You may think I’m being unreasonable, but I won’t be put on the back burner anymore.”


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