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The Complete Perfect Series

Page 54

by Lindsey Powell

  “Never thought I would hear you saying that to me,” he chuckles.

  “Me either.”

  “Listen, do you want to grab a beer on Saturday night? I won’t pull any crazy shit, I promise.”

  “We’ll see.” I hang up the phone and chuck it beside me, on the sofa. I hope to God that Brad hasn’t fucked things up further for me. I want to believe that he has changed. I want to believe that he is helping me out of the kindness of his heart, but I’m still not convinced. I guess that I will just have to wait and see what the outcome is.

  The trouble is, I hate fucking waiting.

  Chapter Twenty


  I am stood on the driveway of mine and Jake’s home before nine o’clock in the morning. I woke up early at the bed and breakfast, paid Melody the money that I owed for the room and any expenses, said my goodbyes, and then I left. Melody made me promise that I would pop by sometime to see her.

  Part of the reason that I left early was so that I wouldn’t bump into Brad. After last night’s revelations, I feel that is only right that I see Jake before I see or speak to anyone else.

  I thought long and hard about what Brad told me. It played on a loop in my mind for most of the night. I then factored in Martin’s words to me over his break up with Clayton. Between the two of them, they helped me reach an answer to the soul-searching that I have been doing over the last few days.

  I look up to the house, and I realise how much I have missed this place. It may not have been my home for long, but I feel like I belong here.

  There is no sign of Jake’s car, so I presume that he has already left for work.

  I open the boot of my car and take out my holdall and handbag, then lock the car and make my way to the front door.


  I feel like shit.

  After drinking half a bottle of scotch last night, after talking to Brad, I am left with a pounding headache.

  I make my way down the stairs and to the kitchen, where I proceed to make myself a coffee, drink a pint of water, and take a couple of tablets to curb the pain in my head.

  I sit at the kitchen island, close my eyes and sip my coffee. After finishing the first cup, I immediately make another one. Sitting back on one of the stools, I place my head on the counter top and allow my coffee to cool.

  I think back to what Brad told me last night, but my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. I sit up and strain my ears to make sure that I’m not hearing things.

  When I hear the front door close a few seconds later, I quietly stand up and make my way to the kitchen doorway. If this is some fucker trying to break in, then I don’t fancy their chances of getting away unscathed.

  As I peer around the kitchen door, I am blown away by the sight before me. I move into the hallway and just stand there, looking at the vision before me.


  Her back is to me as she places her pink holdall on the floor and takes off her shoes. I watch her, drinking in the sight of her, almost afraid to blink in case it turns out that my mind is playing tricks on me.

  Her long hair is in a high ponytail, her petite frame is masked by a jumper that is slightly too big for her. She places her keys on a hook by the front door and then I hear her take in a deep breath.

  She’s here.

  She’s really fucking here.

  She starts to turn around and my heart feels like it is going to jump out of my chest. Her head is down as she turns in my direction, and she takes a few steps forward before she freezes on the spot.

  Her head whips up in surprise, and her wide eyes lock with mine.

  It takes every ounce of control for me to stay where I am.

  All I want to do is go to her, hold her, and never let her go.


  When my eyes lock with Jake’s, I freeze.

  He stands at the end of the hallway, his hands by his sides, his jogging bottoms hung low on his hips, and his chest bare.

  My heart does a flutter at the sight of him.

  This man takes my breath away.

  He may have hurt me, but that doesn’t take away the chemistry that is between us.

  My body hums in response to him being so near.

  He doesn’t speak.

  He doesn’t move.

  He just watches me.


  It’s now or never, Stacey.

  I came here to speak to him. I came here to repair our relationship. I came here to put the bad behind us, but as I stand here and look at him, I realise that I don’t need explanations.

  I don’t need to rehash what happened at The Den.

  I don’t need him to apologise over and over again.

  I don’t need him to promise me that he won’t ever hurt me again.

  I don’t need any of those things, because deep down, I know that he loves me, and I know that he would do anything for me.

  I know that he would never have done anything with that woman.

  I know that he was just looking for a reaction that day because he was hurting.

  I know that he regrets his actions, and I suppose that I regret mine too.

  We are both to blame here.

  If I had just been honest with him about Lydia, then none of this would have happened. I thought that I was doing the right thing by Lydia by keeping quiet, but in the end, all I did was hurt myself and Jake.

  I make a promise to myself that I will never again keep anything from him, no matter who asks me to.

  Adrenaline pumps through my body as I start to move forwards. I take slow, steady steps towards Jake, and I can see his chest rising and falling with each breath he takes.

  I keep my eyes locked with his as I come to a stop in front of him. I don’t leave much room between us as I tilt my head to keep his eyes on mine.

  “Stace––” Jake starts to speak, but I move my hand up to his lips and place my fingers over them to stop him from saying anything.

  I don’t need him to speak.

  I can see everything that he wants to say just by looking into his eyes.

  I let my other hand come upwards and I place it on his bare chest. The heat coming from him and the feel of his skin on mine makes my body sizzle.

  He is the only man that has ever lit me on fire.

  I move my hand from his lips, and I move it to the back of his neck. His body vibrates with the need to touch me, but he is still holding back. I apply pressure to my hand behind his neck, and I bring his face down to mine. He closes his eyes as his face comes closer, and I stand on tip toes and brush my lips over his.

  He omits a low growl in his throat and it makes my insides turn to jelly. I close my eyes and I let my lips connect fully with his. As I move my other hand up his chest, I let it travel to my other hand and I link my hands behind his neck. I push my body into his and that is all it takes for Jake to lose control.

  His hands find my ass and he lifts me up. I move my legs and wrap them around his waist, still not feeling as if I am close enough to him. I open my mouth to him and our tongues entwine, our kiss deepening by the second. The desire coursing through me becomes overpowering and I moan into his mouth.

  His hands kneed my ass and it makes my sex stir with desire. I run my hands through his hair, loving the feel of his silky locks between my fingers. I cup his face in my hands and relish in the feel of his stubble on my palms.

  Jake turns me and pushes me up against the wall, allowing his hands to move freely. He brings one hand up to the nape of my neck, his grip holding me firm. His other hand has snaked around my back and is holding me against him.

  I don’t think that I will ever be able to get my fill of Jake.

  I whimper as he pulls his lips away from me and lets his forehead rest against mine. We’re both panting, trying to catch our breath, and I let my hands rest against his back, the smooth feel of his skin sending signals straight to my core.

  “You came back,” Jake whispers, emotion rife in his v

  “I did.” He moves his head back slightly, so that he can look into my eyes.

  “I fucking love you, Stacey Paris.” His voice cracks slightly and it makes tears sting the backs of my eyes. I don’t want to cry though. I don’t want to shed anymore tears. I blink a few times and gulp down the lump that has formed in my throat.

  “I know,” I say breathlessly.

  “I’m so sorry that I hurt you.”

  “I know that too.” I smile at him and he opens his mouth to speak again, but I cut him off. “Take me to bed, Jake.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I lie in bed with Jake’s arms wrapped tightly around me, my back pressed firmly to his chest and his legs entwined with mine. I lightly stroke his arm, enjoying the feel of goose-bumps rising on his skin from my movements. His lips are placing soft kisses on my shoulder and the side of my neck, bringing a smile to my face. The feel of his lips on my skin makes me want to make love to him all over again.

  When Jake brought me upstairs, he stripped me of my clothes slowly, savouring every moment of our reconciliation. Once I was completely naked, he took his jogging bottoms off and stood before me with his arousal on display. He gently lowered me onto the bed and began to devour every inch of my body.

  He reigned kisses on every inch of my skin, taking his time, allowing me to become more aroused with every second that passed by. What transpired between us just now was nothing short of magical. There was nothing hurried or rushed, we simply just took our time with one another, and I loved every single moment.

  With my body spent, Jake pulled me into his arms and he hasn’t let me go since. His strong, muscular arms make me feel secure, safe and loved.

  Our time apart has made me realise that I never want to be without him.

  He owns my mind, body and soul.

  He may not believe it, but my heart belongs to him. No one will ever be able to take that away from him.

  His teeth nip at my earlobe, sending sparks shooting down to my core. I turn my face to look at him and his lips capture mine in a slow and sensual kiss. I am still being held firmly in his arms, almost as if he is frightened to let me go.

  When he pulls his lips away from mine, I pout slightly, making him chuckle. His eyes hold mine, and I know that I made the right choice by coming back. I know that I would have been miserable without Jake.

  “What’s running through that beautiful mind of yours?” he asks me, placing a kiss on the end of my nose.

  “I just… I missed you,” I whisper to him.

  “Oh God, I missed you too. I really thought that I had lost you.” He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. His words pull at my heart.

  “Hey,” I say softly, nudging his head with mine, so that he looks at me. His eyes open and I can see that it is taking everything for him to keep control of his emotions right now. “You never lost me, Jake. I will always belong to you.” I pour every bit of emotion into my words. He needs to hear this. “We both made mistakes, and we are both to blame for what happened.”

  “No,” he says abruptly, his head whipping up so fast that I am surprised that he doesn’t pull a muscle. “You did nothing wrong. You were just being a good friend to Lydia. I was the one who jumped to conclusions. I was the one who got it wrong. I should have known that you would never take the life of something that was mine and yours. I know you, but when I saw those leaflets, I lost myself for a few moments, and those few moments was all it took for me to turn into a complete asshole. I will regret that day for the rest of my life.” His voice fades into a whisper and I let a single tear slide down my cheek.

  Jake notices and kisses the tear away. His grip on me has loosened slightly, allowing me to free my hand, so that I can bring it to his face. I cup his cheek in my palm, and as I look at him, I see the pain and the guilt that he is still carrying from that day. I don’t want him to feel guilty. I don’t want him to carry that on his shoulders. I need him to understand that we have to move past it and learn from it.

  “Jake, you need to stop. I don’t want you to let what happened eat away at you. If I had told you about Lydia in the first place, then none of this would have happened. I forgive what you did. I forgive all the hurt, and you need to do the same.” He frowns at me as if he doesn’t understand what I am saying to him. “I need you to forgive me for not telling you the truth in the first place.”

  I can see that he wants to argue with me about how he doesn’t think any of it is my fault. I give him a death stare, as if daring him to argue with me, to which he starts to smile. I feel myself relax as his gorgeous smile lights up his face.

  “I love it when you look at me like that,” he growls in response. Jake has always told me that there is a certain look that I do that makes him hard. And true to form, I can feel his length pressing against my leg.

  He moves so that he is nestled between my legs, his body covering mine and my legs parting so that he can get comfortable. He kisses the tops of my breasts and my hands run through his hair. I sigh as his kisses start to travel downwards. My eyes close and I press my head into the pillow as he reaches my sex. He parts my legs more, so that I am exposed to him. He lightly blows over my clit and excitement races through my core. I can feel his lips hovering above me, making me wait.

  “Eyes, baby,” he says, making me lift my head to look at him. “I want you to watch as I make you come.” His words and the glint in his eyes make me wet with want.

  I watch as his tongue darts out to lick my sensitive bud. He looks up to me every so often to make sure that I am watching. It takes all of my strength not to throw my head back and cry out in pleasure.

  As I feel my orgasm approaching, I part my legs wider, giving him more access. His fingers make their way to my opening and he inserts two, all the while keeping his lips attached to my clit.

  His eyes fix on mine as I start to tighten around his fingers. My hips move, so that I can rub against his mouth, and I start to pant as my climax gathers speed.

  Jake increases the pressure slightly with his tongue, and that is all it takes to tip me over the edge. I cry out his name over and over again. My eyes are still connected with his, making my orgasm more powerful.

  He intently watches me as he slowly works me down from my orgasm. When I feel that I can give no more, I let my body relax onto the bed and Jake quickly climbs up my body and inserts his cock at my opening. His lips cover mine and I can taste my arousal on him.

  He plunges himself into me, making me scream into his mouth. I wrap my legs around his waist and push his ass with my feet, making sure that he has buried himself in me as much as possible.

  My hands fly up to his shoulders and I grip on for dear life as Jake starts a punishing rhythm. Straight off of the back of my first orgasm, I feel another one building. With Jake’s hard thrusts and his lips on mine, it doesn’t take long for my climax to ignite.

  I break my lips away from his as I moan and writhe beneath his strong body. My sex pulses around his cock, and a few seconds later, Jake roars from the impact of his orgasm.

  As I wrap my arms around his neck, I pull his body as close to me as possible. I squeeze my muscles and bite Jake’s ear lobe as he calls out my name. He collapses on top of me when he is finished, and I let my hands move up and down his back. My legs are still wrapped around him, and he is still inside me.

  “Fucking hell,” he says quietly into my ear. I smile and place a kiss on his cheek. He places his arms by the sides of my head and lifts himself up slightly, allowing him to look at me. “That was––”

  “Amazing,” I finish his sentence for him.

  “I’m never letting you go again.” I take comfort in his words, and I know that he means them.

  Jake doesn’t open himself up to people often, but when he does, it’s pretty special.

  I count myself as lucky to be one of the special ones.

  He rolls over, taking me with him. He lies on his back, me on top of hi
m, and I know that there is nowhere else in the world that I would rather be right now.

  We have been through a lot in the short time that we have known each other, but whatever we face, we always seem to come through it stronger.

  Every hurdle we jump brings us closer.

  Every obstacle that stands in our way, we manage to find a way through it.

  I close my eyes and place my head on Jake’s chest, so that I can hear his heart beating.

  His heart beats for me, and mine beats for him.

  I will fight for this man every step of the way.

  Our relationship is worth every single moment of pain that we have endured.

  I close my eyes with a smile on my face and with the simple knowledge that I am home.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I am the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.

  I watch Stacey as she shakes her fine ass on the dance floor. She is wearing the sexiest come-fuck-me heels ever, and her long legs are on display due to her wearing a pair of black, tailored shorts. The silk and lace camisole top that she wears shows off her womanly curves, and her long hair is straightened, flowing down her back, begging for me to grab hold of it and tug gently as I fuck her from behind.

  I have noticed several men looking at her this evening, but I stand here with a smug smile on my face, because they will never get their hands on her.

  She is mine.

  They can look all they like, but I’m the one who gets to take her home and touch every inch of her body.

  I am the one who makes her scream in pleasure.

  I am the one that she chose.

  Even after what I did to her, she still loves me.

  She still wants me, and I am going to do everything in my power not to fuck up again.

  When she left me for those few days, my life went to shit. I can’t function without her. I never thought that I would ever be one of those men who needs a woman in their life. I never thought that I would ever give my heart over to another person, but here I am, letting her have it.


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