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The Complete Perfect Series

Page 65

by Lindsey Powell

  “I have to go,” I say as Jake groans at my words.

  I give him a lingering kiss to cushion the blow of my absence.

  “I’m sorry,” Jake says, his eyes conveying his sincerity for his earlier actions. “I am so proud of you, but I will be glad when this book tour is over, and I get to have you back home with me.”

  “Me too.”

  Chapter Five


  Jake insists that Eric drives me to the hospital, and I don’t argue. I say my goodbyes to Jake and go and wait outside the building for Eric. He pulls up to the curb a few minutes later and gets out to open the car door for me.

  “Hi, Eric.”

  “Miss Stacey,” he says with a simple nod of his head.

  I get into the back of the limo and relax into the plush seat. The partition is up, and as much as I don’t want to be rude, I am not really in the mood to make chit-chat right now. I just watch the scenery go by as Eric drives me to the hospital.

  When we arrive, Eric opens the car door for me and I thank him for the lift and tell him that I will see him soon. After bidding Eric farewell, I make my way into the hospital and up to Lydia’s room.

  The door is closed when I get there, so I gently knock and wait to be invited in.

  “Come in,” Lydia shouts. I open the door and am greeted by the sight of Lydia propped up on the bed, with her little girl cradled in her arms.

  Lydia breaks out into a big smile when she sees me. “Hey, babes.”

  “Hi, Lyd. I hope that you don’t mind me coming back, but I couldn’t leave to go to the hotel without seeing you guys again.” I walk over to the side of Lydia’s bed and my heart melts at the sight of her little girl’s face. She is gorgeous. Her eyes are closed, and she looks so peaceful.

  “Oh, Lydia, she is so beautiful,” I exclaim. I reach out and brush the baby’s cheek with my finger. “Ah, her skin is so soft.”

  “I know, right?” Lydia answers. “I can’t believe that she is here.” Lydia’s eyes are full of love as she gazes at her little girl. “She is just so perfect. Do you want a cuddle?”

  “Oh my God, yes.” I feel excited and nervous as Lydia hands me her baby. I gently cradle her in my arms and take a seat on the chair, next to the bed. “She’s so tiny and precious.”

  I coo over the baby for the next few minutes as Lydia looks on proudly.

  “Where’s Paul?” I ask.

  “He went home to get a change of clothes for me, as well as a few other bits I asked him to bring in. He’s been great, Stace, even with me threatening to emasculate him during the labour.”

  I laugh at her. “Yeah, Paul did mention something about you wanting to kill him.”

  “Oh well,” Lydia says as she shrugs her shoulders. “Blame it on the hormones.” She smiles but then winces slightly.

  “You okay?” I ask, concerned by her expression.

  “I’m okay, just a bit sore. I need to take it easy for the next few days.”

  “I should think so.”

  “Paul’s got the next couple of weeks off of work, so that we can get settled at home, and hopefully, by the time that he goes back to work, I will be healed and in a routine.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Lyd. You did amazing.”

  “Thanks, babes.”

  We sit in silence for a few moments, both looking at the little bundle of joy in my arms. “Have you thought of a name yet?” I ask her.

  “Actually, we have.” Lydia doesn’t expand on her answer as she looks at me.

  “And?” I ask her, the suspense nearly killing me.

  “We’re going to name her Amber.”

  “Oh, Lyd, that is such a beautiful name. Hello, Amber,” I say, talking to the baby. “I’m your Auntie Stacey.” I know that the baby is sleeping, but I just feel the need to talk to her. “And when your mummy is being unreasonable, just give me a call and I will sort her out.”

  “Hey,” Lydia pipes up. “I am going to be a cool mum. There will be no sorting out needed,” she says whilst smiling.

  “Uh huh. If you say so. I will remind you of this moment in years to come though.”

  We both laugh in unison. I know that Lydia is going to be so protective of Amber.

  “Do you want to know her middle name?”



  “What?” I reply, wondering why the hell she is saying my name out loud when we are already having a conversation.

  “Her middle name is Stacey. Amber Stacey Connors.” I feel tears sting the backs of my eyes at Lydia’s words.

  “You’re naming her after me?” I ask in a hushed voice. The emotion of this moment is threatening to get the better of me.

  “Yeah. Who better to name her after than my best friend who has always been there for me?” Lydia’s eyes also fill with tears and when Paul enters the room, we are both crying.

  “Oh my God, what’s wrong?” Paul asks, looking at both of us with worry etched all over his face.

  “Oh, nothing,” Lydia says with a wave of her hand. I can’t speak right now. Lydia wipes some of her tears away. “I’ve just told Stacey the baby’s name and, you know how us women are, emotional and all that nonsense.”

  “Ah,” is all that Paul says, instantly understanding the tears. He puts down the bags that he brought in with him and then he goes to give Lydia a kiss on the cheek. He is looking at her like she is the only woman in the world. I love that he looks at her in that way. Lydia deserves this happiness, and I am so glad that Paul has been the one to give it to her.

  I smile and attempt to wipe away my tears with one hand.

  I stand up and give Amber back to Lydia.

  “I really wish that I didn’t have to go, but I need to get back to the book tour,” I say, feeling regret at being pulled away from my closest friends so soon.

  “Okay, babes. When are you back?” Lydia asks me.

  “In a few days hopefully, but I want daily pictures of this little beauty sent to me.” I point to Amber and Lydia nods her head. Somehow, I think that I am going to be inundated with photos.

  I say goodbye to all three of them, giving Amber a kiss on her forehead before I leave the hospital, despite feeling an overwhelming urge to cancel going back to the hotel. It’s a nice thought in hindsight, but in reality, I know that I can’t cancel.

  I need to see this book tour through, and then hopefully everything will be a bit more normal.

  Chapter Six


  The last few days have dragged by.

  I have travelled to four different counties and all I want to do now is go back home. I have one more book signing tomorrow, and I can’t wait for it to be over. I am so grateful for all of the fans that have turned up to my signings, but my face is literally aching from the constant smile that I have to keep plastered to my face.

  It is only just after eight at night, but I am already in my pyjamas and led in bed.

  Who would have thought that becoming an author could be so tiring?

  I am waiting for room service to arrive with my evening meal of a chicken salad. I am too tired to go to the restaurant this evening.

  I am about to watch a film on the television which is situated at the end of my bed, when there is a knock at the door. I get out of bed and plod over to the door, taking my purse with me, so that I can give the room service a tip.

  However, I open the door to find that Chloe is stood there, holding my food in her hands.

  “Uh, hi,” I say, stunned to see her here. “Thinking of a change in career?” I ask her, not able to keep the playfulness out of my tone.

  “Absolutely not,” she says, screwing her face up in disgust. God, she really is stuck up at times. “I happened to see that the bellboy was going to knock on your door when I stopped him and said that I would deliver this to you.”

  “And why would you do that?” I ask. I am not in the mood for her this evening.

  “I need to talk to you. Are you going to l
et me in?” she asks. I sigh and take a step back from the door, allowing her to enter my room.

  Chloe walks in and sets the food down on the coffee table, which is positioned between two armchairs by the window. She sits down and perches on the edge of the seat with her back perfectly straight and her legs crossed in front of her. I roll my eyes, shut the door, and make my way over to the vacant armchair.

  I sit down and curl my legs underneath me. I have no issues with making myself comfortable. If Chloe wants to sit there like her shit doesn’t stink, then she can carry on.

  She fidgets and clasps her hands together, and I wait to see if she is going to speak, but when she doesn’t, I start to get impatient.

  “Chloe, I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m hungry and tired, so if you could get to the point of why you are here, then I would be grateful.”

  “Oh, yes, of course,” she says, looking a little put out from my words. “Well, I know that your last book signing is tomorrow, but I have some news for you.”

  “And what news might that be?” If she says that they have added more dates to my tour, then I am going to be pissed off. I need a break.

  “This is so exciting, Stacey,” she says, looking the most animated that I have ever seen her. “After Christmas, we are taking your book tour to America.” Chloe’s voice has gone high-pitched and I can see that it is taking all of her willpower not to start bouncing up and down on the seat. The shock on my face must be apparent.



  “America?” I say with disbelief.

  “Yes. America. Your first book signing over there is looking likely to be at the end of January. The book is going to be promoted within the next week.”

  “Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to say that when I opened the door to you.” I am flabbergasted.

  America really want me?

  I knew that we would be going overseas at some point, but I never dreamed that it would be to America. This is a massive breakthrough for a debut novelist. I know exactly what this could do for my career.

  “I am still ironing out all of the details, but I will inform you of everything as soon as possible. This is a huge deal for you, Stacey.”

  Yeah, and no doubt the commission that you are going to be earning is a huge deal too, I think but I don’t voice this out loud. Chloe will be making a pretty packet from this type of exposure.

  “Anyway, that is all that I came to say. I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning to share the news with you.” Chloe stands up as I stare at her, still in shock. “I’ll see myself out. I will be waiting outside for you tomorrow morning at nine o’clock, sharp.” With that, Chloe heads to the door and exits my room.

  I process her words for the next few moments as I slowly come to terms with what she has just said. If I thought that the success over here was overwhelming, then America is going to be a whole other feeling entirely.

  I have lost my appetite as nerves and excitement course through me. I numbly rise from the chair and crawl back into the bed.

  I grab my phone from the bedside table and call Jake.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Jake answers. “Are you missing me?”

  “Always.” I hear him chuckle at my words and it warms me on the inside.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asks me, his voice husky.

  “Um, well, I have some news.” Some news that he will be pleased about, but at the same time he won’t be thrilled with me going away again.

  “Okay,” he answers warily.

  “I’ll get straight to the point. Chloe came over just now and told me that…” I struggle to form the words that I need to.

  “Please tell me that you are still coming home tomorrow?” Jake asks, taking my silence as bad news.

  “Yeah, I’m still coming home.”

  “Thank God for that,” he says, relief laced in his tone. I suddenly get the overwhelming urge to scream. I want to scream from the rooftops that I am going to America to promote my book. I must be getting over the initial shock, and I feel a huge grin start to form on my face.

  “My book tour is going to America, baby.” I can hear the excitement in my voice, and I hope that Jake will mirror my emotions.

  “That’s great news,” he says, sounding genuinely pleased.

  “I know. I can’t quite get my head around it. Me, in America, promoting my debut novel. This is what I have dreamed about, Jake. I never ever thought that this would happen to me.” My words all come out in a rush as I experience a range of emotions.

  “Babe, you are a fantastic writer. I never doubted your success for a second.”

  “Thank you.” I am touched by his words. He really is one of a kind.

  I guess I was wrong about him being annoyed about me going away again.

  “I’m so proud of you.” Jake’s words cause my smile to get even bigger, if that is at all possible.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “So, um, now that I have told you my news, how about we spice this phone call up a little?” I tease.

  “Feeling frisky, are we?” Jake asks.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Well then, lie back and spread your legs, baby. I’m going to make you so wet that you are going to be rushing to get back to me tomorrow.” I whimper at his words and his deep voice.

  “I’m already wet for you,” I say breathlessly.

  “You’re a bad girl, Miss Paris.”

  “Only for you, Waters.”

  Chapter Seven


  My final book signing goes well, and I am back at the hotel, packing my stuff away. It’s just gone ten past three and my car service will be here at half past three.

  When all of my belongings are packed, I take one last walk around the suite to make sure that I haven’t missed anything. Once satisfied, I make my way out of the hotel suite and along the corridor to the lift, pulling my suitcase along behind me.

  I decide to wait out the front of the building for the car service, so that I can jump straight in and get home as soon as possible. The car pulls up just before half past three, and the driver gets out to open the door for me.

  “Thank you,” I say as the driver starts to put my suitcase into the boot of the car.

  I sit back and relax, ready for the two-hour car journey home.

  We set off and my mind starts to wander. I may have only been gone for a few days since Lydia had Amber, but I feel like I have missed so much more than that. Lydia has sent me countless photos of Amber, and I can see changes in her already. I know that sounds ridiculous seeing as she is only a few days old, but it’s true. I am looking forward to spending some time with both of them over the next few weeks.

  I haven’t even had a chance to speak to Martin properly, but I am hoping that we are still having a night out when I am back. I will arrange it with him tomorrow at some point.

  I have heard nothing from Susie at The Den, so I am guessing that all is running smoothly. I appointed Susie as the acting manager when my book took off. My first choice would have been Lydia obviously, but she has decided to devote her time to Amber. Susie is more than capable, and I know that she would have contacted me if there was anything that she may have needed help with.

  I kind of miss working at The Den. It was my first managerial role, and I loved it.

  Unfortunately, a book tour doesn’t allow you to keep a steady job. Not that I need to work in The Den anymore. I mean, I have made more than enough money from my book, but it doesn’t stop me missing the daily routine of working there.

  Maybe I could do a couple of shifts when I am back? It would just help to keep me in the loop.

  It is Jake’s business after all, so I would hate to see it fail in any way.

  My mind then wanders to Jake. I am so looking forward to going home and just being with him. I smile at the image of him in my head. Tall, handsome, well-defined muscles, and those gorgeous caramel coloured eyes that alway
s leave me weak at the knees.

  The things that he has done for me during our time together, have been mind-blowing.

  I have never felt so loved and cared for.

  I have never felt so cherished and like I am someone else’s everything.

  Jake has made me feel those things.

  Jake has made me believe in love again.

  I think back to my birthday a few months ago. Jake surprised me with a weekend away to Rome. It was truly romantic. Nothing else in the world mattered to either of us during that weekend. We turned our phones off and just enjoyed being with one another. He wined and dined me, and then fucked me like only Jake can. My body shivers at the recollection of our sex sessions.

  Maybe we could recreate some of those over the next few nights?

  My phone beeps, breaking my thoughts. I look to the screen and see that it is a text message from Jake.

  Speak of the devil, or think of the devil I should say.

  I open the message and begin to read.

  Stace, there is a problem at The Den.

  Is there any chance that you can come

  straight here when you get back? I’m

  sorry, but it is an emergency.

  I love you.

  Jake x x x

  Oh, fucking marvellous. I sigh with frustration.

  Why hasn’t Susie called me about The Den?

  It must be bad if Jake has gotten himself involved.

  I quickly text him back.

  Is it really so important that it needs

  to be dealt with today?

  Stace x x

  I await Jake’s reply. He doesn’t keep me waiting long.

  Afraid so babe.

  Jake x x x

  I let out a groan and reluctantly type out a text saying that I will be there within the next hour. I am so tired from the book tour, and I was really looking forward to just going home after living out of a suitcase for the last few weeks.


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