Book Read Free

The Complete Perfect Series

Page 68

by Lindsey Powell

“You bet I am.”

  “Great. Meet you at The Den at eight?”

  “It’s a date. You know though that this means that I get to boss you about, being your substitute father and all.”

  I laugh at his response. “Don’t let it go to your head. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “You sure will, baby girl. Oh, I am so excited.”

  “Me too. Bye, Mart.”

  “Byesy bye.” I hang up and sigh with relief.

  Well, that’s two more things crossed off of the list.

  I best get showered and dressed to go out to dinner with my husband-to-be.

  Chapter Twelve


  Jake takes me to the upscale restaurant that is Claringtons. Thank goodness I opted to wear a dress, as he didn’t tell me beforehand that we would be coming here. I have on a long grey dress that hugs my body. The fabric feels like silk against my skin. There is a slit in the side which goes to just above my knee. It has spaghetti straps, and down the sides runs a line of little diamanté gems. I teamed it with my old faithful black stilettos and I decided to leave my hair down after taking an age to straighten it.

  Jake looks very handsome in his black suit, grey shirt and black tie. In fact, he looks so good that I would rather eat him than anything from the actual menu, but I will restrain myself.

  Eric drove us here in the limo, so that Jake can enjoy a few drinks with his meal. We enter the restaurant and the hostess immediately recognises Jake. She is tall with her red hair swept to one side, and she is wearing a little too much make-up in my opinion. Her black dress hugs her frame and shows plenty of cleavage. She thrusts her breasts forward as we approach her. I roll my eyes at how obvious she is being, but Jake doesn’t seem to notice.

  “Good evening, Mr Waters,” she says in a low voice. I presume that she is going for a husky tone, but she actually just sounds like she has a sore throat. “If you could follow me, I have your table all ready for you.”

  Jake just nods at her whilst I narrow my eyes at her. She puts her nose in the air, doesn’t greet me at all, and then sashays her way to our table. We follow her, and Jake lets me go in front of him, placing his hand on my lower back. As we walk through the restaurant, I see several of the female diners’ glance in our direction. They are all hungrily assessing Jake with their eyes and it starts to piss me off.

  Am I invisible to these women?

  The hostess stops at a table for two, at the back of the restaurant. It is in a secluded corner which means that we will have some privacy from all the wandering eyes. At least I won’t have to watch all these women ogling my man.

  Jake pulls out my chair for me and I graciously thank him as I sit down. He then goes around to the other side of the table and takes his seat before ordering a bottle of wine without looking at the menu.

  “Excellent choice, Mr Waters. I will have it brought over to you right away,” the hostess says.

  “Thank you,” Jake replies, ever the gentleman. He keeps his eyes fixed on me and I continue to quietly rage at the hostess’ ignorance of me. She walks away, and I see Jake begin to smirk.

  “What are you smirking for?” I ask him.

  “I must say, Miss Paris, it’s a major turn on for me seeing you jealous.” His voice is low and laced with desire.

  “Pfft. I’m not jealous. I am simply irritated by her snotty attitude,” I reply with a casual wave of my hand.

  “Uh huh,” Jake mumbles as he picks up the menu and peruses the various courses on offer.

  The last time that we came here, it ended in us having to leave before actually eating any food, so I am hoping this time it will be a much more enjoyable experience. I open the menu in front of me and my eyes go wide at the prices.

  Eighty-five pounds for a friggin’ steak! That is just ridiculous.

  “Don’t look at the price,” Jake says. He knows me far too well. “Just enjoy being spoilt for the evening.”

  “But, Jake, these prices are extortionate. How am I meant to enjoy myself and relax when I know that the food costs more than what my shoes did?” I know that Jake has money, and I know that we won’t ever struggle, but I can’t help my reaction.

  “Stacey,” Jake says as he leans across the table and places his hand on mine. “We don’t go to fancy places like this often, so just enjoy it. I want to treat you tonight without you freaking out over the cost. You are going to have to get used to having money, Stace. I know that you’re not comfortable with over the top expense, but you are going to be Mrs Jake Waters in a week’s time. That means that you are going to have access to my money, and you need to get used to it.”


  “No buts. You will enjoy tonight, or so help me, I will have to punish you.” The fire in his eyes leaves no room for misunderstanding.

  “But I like your punishments,” I say, batting my eyes at him.

  “Hmm. Point taken. Just enjoy it, babe, that’s all that I ask.”

  “Okay.” I don’t want to argue about the price of the food. If he wants to spend a ridiculous amount on a meal, then who am I to stand in his way? I will be having words with him about having access to his money though. I have no interest in his millions. I earn my own money, so I don’t need him to give me access to any more.

  The hostess returns with our wine and places the bottle on the table.

  “Would you like me to pour your drinks, Mr Waters?” she asks, her tone laced with sex. How she does that I really don’t know.

  “No, thank you. We can manage.”

  “Oh, okay.” She looks put out by his answer and I mentally jump up and down.

  Ha, take that you snotty bitch.

  “Are you ready to order?” At no point has she addressed me at all.

  “Actually, we need a few more minutes,” I say to her before Jake can reply. She turns her head to me and scowls. I feel anger rise within me, but I need to remember that I am in a classy restaurant and to cause a scene in here would just be tasteless. She nods at me and then walks away.

  “The fucking nerve of her,” I say to Jake.

  “Just ignore her. Tonight is about me and you.”

  “You’re right,” I say, not wanting to let her wind me up any more than she already has. I smile and return to looking at the menu. “So, what would you recommend on the menu tonight, sir?”

  “Well, the lobster is excellent.”

  “I’ll have that then.”

  “Me too.” Jake picks up the wine bottle and proceeds to pour us both a glass of the crimson liquid. I take a sip and moan at the taste.

  “Wow, that’s lovely.”

  “Only the best for you,” Jake replies.

  “I dread to think of how much the bottle cost.” I immediately cringe at myself for voicing my opinion out loud about the price.

  “Well, it’s a good job that you’re not going to find out,” Jake says as the snotty hostess comes back over to take our order. I swear that she has popped her cleavage out a bit more since she last came over here. Jake orders our lobsters and then dismisses her. I try not to laugh at how put out she looks.

  “So,” Jake says. “Did you decide when it is that you are going dress shopping?”

  “Yes, Lydia and I will be going on Monday.”

  “Okay, Eric will take you and pick you up when you are ready.”

  “There’s really no need.”

  “Yes, there is.” I roll my eyes at him. “I will be busy at the office for most of next week, so I will be driving myself, therefore freeing Eric up from his usual routine.” I decide to just go along with him. If it makes him happy for Eric to chauffeur me around, then who am I to argue?

  “Fair enough. Hey, I forgot to tell you earlier that I asked Martin to give me away. As you can probably imagine, his reaction was beyond dramatic,” I say with a smile.

  “I wouldn’t have expected anything else.”

  “Actually, he was really sweet. He started to cry on the phone. Oh, and I am meeting him at The Den tomor
row night at eight for drinks.”

  “Is it invite only, or can anyone come along?” Jake asks me.

  “Hmm, well, seeing as you are going to be my husband by this time next week, I suppose that I can allow you to tag along,” I say playfully. I love the banter that we have.

  “Tag along? Oh, that’s charming.” Jake pouts, making me laugh out loud at him.

  “Ah, poor baby. Did I hurt your feelings?” I say in a babyish voice, ribbing him. He does a crap job of scowling at me, which makes me laugh even harder.

  A waiter arrives at our table with our food, interrupting our conversation. I see that the hostess opted against bringing our food over. Maybe she got the hint? The waiter introduces himself at Claude and places our food in front of us. We both thank him, and he leaves us to enjoy our meal as I stare at my plate in awe. The food is placed intricately on the plate and looks so pretty that I almost feel bad about the fact that I will be eating it.

  I pick up my knife and fork and try to attack the lobster with as much finesse as I possibly can. I fail miserably as one of the lobster claws goes flying off of the plate and off of the table. I feel my face colour instantly as it hits another lady who is sat on the table across from us, on her foot. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Jake is trying not to laugh. The woman looks round at me and I literally wish that the ground would swallow me up.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say to her. She just snorts at me and then turns back around, kicking the lobster claw away from her as she does. I look to Jake and his eyes are watering from trying to hold in the laughter.

  “It’s not funny,” I whisper to him.

  “Oh, I beg to differ.”

  “See? This is what happens when you bring me to fancy places. I end up making myself look like a complete twit.” My comment seems to be Jake’s undoing as he can no longer suppress his laughter. His laughing fit lasts for a couple of minutes and all I can do is stare at him incredulously.

  “Jake, stop it. She keeps looking round at me.” The woman looks at me again and gives me the evil eye. “Christ, the way she keeps looking at me, you would think that I had thrown the lobster at her on purpose.”

  “Just ignore her,” Jake says now he seems to have composed himself. “This kind of thing must happen all the time.” Jake is trying to reassure me, but I know that it is complete and utter bullshit.

  “Next time can we just order in a pizza? At least at home I only have you to watch me make a prat of myself.”

  “Sure,” Jake says grinning. “Now, eat up. We need to get to dessert. And I don’t mean the ones on the menu.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  The music is loud, the beat is throbbing through my body, and I let myself go to the music.

  The Den is packed, as it usually is on a Saturday night. Martin comes bobbing his way through the crowd to join me on the dance floor.

  “Shake it, baby, shake it,” he shouts at me. I laugh and put a bit more oomph into shaking my booty at him. “Work it, girl.”

  Martin starts to get his groove on and it isn’t long before he is dancing with some guy. Martin has been single since him and Clayton split. I know that he still isn’t over the hurt that Clayton caused him. Martin thought that Clayton was the one for him. I haven’t heard from Clayton since he left, even though we were friends, and I don’t wish to either. My loyalties lie with Martin and I just hope that he finds happiness soon. He’s got a lot of love to give.

  The Weeknd, “I Feel It Coming,” comes on over the speakers and the crowd starts to cheer. I am having such a good night. Susie has been doing a great job of running The Den, but I have to admit to myself that I am a little jealous. This was my project not so long ago. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pleased that Susie has taken over the role, but I do miss it.

  I spot Jake snaking his way towards me, and as usual my heartbeat accelerates. He is looking mighty fine in his dark denim jeans and black shirt. I lick my lips as he makes his way closer and I can feel him devouring my body with his eyes. He reaches me, grabbing me around the waist, and his body moves in sync with mine to the beat of the music.

  Not only is Jake seemingly perfect in every other way, but he can actually dance as well. He really doesn’t make it fair for other men. I know that I am probably the envy of most women here tonight, but all this thought does is bring a smug smile to my face.

  In just a few short days, I am going to be Mrs Jake Waters. I never thought that we would get to this point, what with everything we have been through. Just shows how much I underestimated our strength as a couple.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Jake whispers in my ear.

  “Just thinking about our wedding.”

  “Oh, really? And?” Jake prompts me for more detail as he grinds his hips against mine.

  “I just… I can’t believe that we made it. After everything, we are still together.”

  “We’re soulmates. We are meant to be, and the more that life throws at us, the more we put two fingers up and work through it together.”

  He is so right.

  My life would be incomplete without him now.

  “Come with me,” I say as I grab his hand and lead him to, what was, my office. I open the door and pull Jake through.

  I turn to make sure that the door is shut when Jake pushes me against it, lifting my hands above my head. His lips are on mine before I can speak, and our kiss is hot and fevered. I moan into his mouth as he continues to hold my hands above my head with one of his hands, whilst the other snakes its way down my body. His hand finds my sex and his fingers begin to work their magic. I push my body against his to increase the pressure, and my legs begin to quiver as he plunges two fingers into me, making me cry out with pleasure.

  “Jake,” I say breathlessly against his lips.

  “Shhh,” he says, his lips still pressed against mine. My whole body begins to tremble as my orgasm builds. I am desperate for him to be inside me, but at the same time, I don’t want him to stop what he is doing.

  With no prior warning, Jake pulls his lips from mine and drops to his knees. Within seconds his tongue is swirling against my clit as his fingers continue to plunge in and out of me. It takes every ounce of self-control for me to remain standing as Jake brings me to climax.

  I hook my leg around his shoulder for extra support as he rides my orgasm out as much as he possibly can.

  “Is that what you were after when you pulled me in here?” Jake asks as he licks his lips which are covered with my juices. I keep my eyes locked with his as he slowly stands back up, pushing his body against mine.

  “Something like that,” I say as I try to regulate my breathing. Jake places a light kiss on the end of my nose before lifting me and carrying me over to the sofa. He deposits me on the cushions and then takes a seat beside me.

  “You wait until our honeymoon. I am going to make you orgasm so much that you will be begging me to stop.”

  “I highly doubt that I would ever tell you to stop,” I scoff. The very idea of Jake pleasuring me non-stop is divine.

  Hang on a minute, did he just say honeymoon?

  “Honeymoon?” I ask him.

  “Well, yeah. You don’t think that I’m going to marry you and then not whisk you away somewhere so that I can have you all to myself for a while, do you?”

  “I just didn’t think that there would be enough time for a honeymoon. I mean, my book tour starts again in a few weeks, and I have things to prepare for before it starts. And what about your work?” I am aware that I am rambling, but I have a hundred different questions and thoughts going through my mind all at once.

  “Stacey,” Jake starts, “I am not waiting for us to have a honeymoon. You’re going to be away again soon, and I just want to enjoy some time together before that happens. My company can manage without me for two weeks. I have excellent staff who can oversee everything.”

  “Two weeks?” I say, interrupting him. I can’t go away for two weeks. Chloe will have
a fit.

  “Yes, babe, two weeks. Two weeks of alone time. Two weeks with no one bothering us.” Jake looks so pleased at the thought, and normally I would be ecstatic by this news, but I have Chloe’s nagging voice working its way into my thoughts.

  “I can’t go for two weeks, Jake.”

  “Why not?” His tone changes from happy and light to one of confusion.

  “I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I have things to do before I go to America. Chloe will expect me to be in meetings leading up to the day we leave.” I hate to be the one to put a downer on his honeymoon plans, but I have to be realistic. “I would love to go for two weeks, but it’s just not going to be possible.”

  “I’ll speak to Chloe,” Jake says, his jaw set firm.

  “Uh, no you won’t.”

  “If you don’t speak to her about this, Stace, then I will. She can sort everything out without you.” Sometimes I really wish that Jake could understand the process of being a book author.

  “No, she can’t. How about a compromise?” I pause and wait to see Jake’s reaction. He doesn’t speak but he nods his head for me to continue. “We can go for one week now and then we can have another break once my book tour is finished.”

  I feel that I am being fair.

  With this idea, we still go away after the wedding, but I can also be back home and have enough time to finalise everything for when I go to America.

  “Are you taking the piss?” Jake says, clearly not loving my idea of a compromise. “We are getting married, Stacey. A honeymoon is a celebration of that. I don’t want just a week with you. God knows when I am going to be able to see you whilst you are in America, and now you are telling me that I need to limit our honeymoon time?”

  Jake stands up and starts pacing up and down in front of me.

  “I thought that you were okay with me going to America?” I ask, needing him to be honest with me.

  “Of course I’m not okay about it.” Jake stops pacing and kneels down in front of me, taking my hands in his. “I am so happy for you, I really am, but I am going to miss you so much. And I don’t even know how long it is that you are going for because you don’t even know yet.”


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