The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 77

by Lindsey Powell

  “What are you doing here?” Charles asks me, clearly shocked that I have just rocked up next to him in this dive.

  “I could ask you the same thing. I wouldn’t have thought that this would be your kind of place,” I reply as I look straight ahead.

  “I don’t have to explain myself to you,” he answers, sounding pissed off.

  I smile to myself.

  I am going to enjoy the next few minutes of this conversation.

  I take a sip of my beer and I place it back on the bar. I turn to face Charles and am a little shocked at his gaunt appearance. If it was anyone else then I might feel sorry for them, but this is Charles. He has hurt the one person that I care about more than anything in the world. I despise him.

  “I’m not quite sure what to make of this Charles. One day you’re sipping champagne at one of my functions, and the next you’re drinking a flat lager from a back-street dive.”

  “Yeah, well, sometimes life doesn’t pan out as it should.”

  “You’re right there. In fact, your life has gone to shit since Stacey left you, hasn’t it?” I say as I take another sip of my beer.

  Charles looks at me with a frown on his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, I think you do.”

  “What do you want, Jake?” he asks, defensively.

  “I want to know why you sold a story about Stacey.” I know why, but I need to see if he is going to tell me the truth.

  “I don’t want to talk about that bitch. You’re welcome to her.” I feel my hackles rise at the use of the word bitch in reference to my wife. My hands curl into fists and I fight the urge to smack him off of his bar stool.

  “It might be a good idea for you to not call my wife a bitch. I told you once before that if you disrespected her, then you disrespected me. You don’t want to disrespect me, Charles,” I say, my tone laced with warning.

  I can see the war going on inside Charles’ head as I stare him down. A war that he must quickly decide that I am prepared to start, seeing as he is starting to look nervous. “Why don’t you just tell me why you sold a story about my wife.”

  I see Charles physically gulp. “I needed the money.”

  “And why do you need the money?” I can see that Charles really doesn’t want to answer this, but I want this asshole to squirm. I want this asshole to show some remorse over his treatment of Stacey.

  “I’m fucking broke, okay? There, now you have the answer, you can fuck off and leave me alone.” He clearly thinks that I am finished with him, but he couldn’t be further from the truth.

  “I’ll go as soon as I’m finished, which I’m not, just so we’re clear.” I take another sip of beer before I forge ahead with what I came here to say.

  “You must be loving this,” he says as I wait to see where he is going with this comment. “I bet you have always wanted to see me fail. Well, here you go, this is it. This is me fucking failing.” He holds his hands out either side of him in defeat.

  “Believe me, Charles, I couldn’t give a toss what happens to you. If you hadn’t of involved my wife in the press, then I wouldn’t have come near you, but you did and here I am.”

  “The story isn’t even relevant anymore, so why the hell do you care so much?”

  “I care because you put private information out there about her. I care because you put private pictures of her all over the internet. I care because I fucking love her, and I would do anything for her.”

  “Why?” he scoffs. “She’s just going to leave you like she did me when you’re no use to her.” I laugh at him. I actually fucking laugh.

  “I’m not even going to respond to the bullshit that just came out of your mouth.”

  “Well, it’s true. She had everything with me, and she threw it all away.”

  “Everything? Really?” God, this guy is an absolute moron. “You know, that resentment you’re holding on to is why you are in the mess that you are in right now.”


  “Yeah. You’re pissed that your life fell apart the day that Stacey left you. Look at yourself, Charles. You’re sat in some run-down shitty bar, you are about to lose your business and probably your house too. Your mother has disowned you, leaving you with no-one. And there is no-one to blame but yourself.”

  “How the hell do you know all of that?” he asks looking shocked that I have just revealed some of his inner turmoil.

  “I have contacts. Just like I also know that you have whittled away money on prostitutes over the past few months. And just like I know that you have picked up a nasty little drug habit which has fuelled your money problems.” Charles hangs his head down in shame. “I also know that you would sell your soul to stop people finding out any of this information.”

  His head snaps up and he finally seems to see that I have an agenda here.

  “What do you want, Jake?” I lower myself down slightly, so that I am eye level with him.

  “I want you to give a full, public apology to Stacey about what you did. You are also going to say that you made up everything that you said about her in the story that you sold. You will say that you were bitter over your split and you now realise how childish your actions were.”

  “And how am I meant to do that?”

  “By contacting a fucking magazine or newspaper and having them publish your apology.”

  He scoffs at my answer. “And what if they won’t publish it?”

  “Then you better be prepared for me to bring your shitty existence into the public eye.” I don’t waver from looking at him. He needs to understand that I will go through with this. He seems to get the gist pretty quickly as he nods his head in response. “You are also going to get rid of every single photo that you have of my wife.”

  He nods again. “And you are never going to speak about her again, or to her for that matter. If you see her in the street, then you look the other way. You are not worthy of speaking to her, do I make myself clear?” I can hear the venom in my voice and it doesn’t take more than a few seconds for Charles to answer me.


  “Good,” I reply as I take another swig of beer. “I guess we have nothing else to talk about.” I place my left-over beer in front of Charles. “You can finish that. Let’s hope that you stick to your word, because if I have to come and speak to you again then I can assure you that it won’t be ending this amicably if I do.”

  “I get it, Jake.”

  “Just remember that I will be keeping an eye out for your apology.” With that I walk away and out of the run-down bar. I get back in my car and start the engine.

  Today is the one and only time that I have lied to Stacey about what I am doing. I feel terrible for doing it, but I don’t want her worrying.

  It is my job to protect her and keep her safe, and that is exactly what I shall continue to do for the rest of my life.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Shocked is an understatement right now. I have been back from America for a week, and I am sat at the kitchen island, staring at the front page of the newspaper with wide eyes.

  I have read the article in front of me over and over again, and all I feel is confusion.

  There, in black and white before me, is an apology from Charles about the story that he previously sold about me.

  I am flabbergasted as to why he has done this. The whole article is dedicated to how Charles fabricated the story of me, and it expresses his deepest regret at making private pictures of me public. Chloe has been ringing me non-stop to let me know that she has been inundated with offers for me to be interviewed. I never got the chance to set the record straight last time, so I guess my silence has made reporters want my side of the story even more. I told Chloe that I needed some time to think about what I wanted to do.

  I don’t relish the thought of laying my life bare for some stranger, just so other strangers can read about it. I may write books, but at least the characters are made up. If I
go and give an interview about Charles’ apology, then essentially, I am giving up my privacy on the matter. I am not sure if I am ready to do that.

  “Morning, gorgeous,” Jake says, startling me. I jump and place my hand over my heart. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “Why do you look like you have seen a ghost?” he asks me.

  “Um, there’s something that you need to see.” Jake had been having a lie-in, so he doesn’t have a clue about the newspaper article yet. He frowns as he walks over to me and ruffles his hair with his hands. I simply push the newspaper towards him and stay silent as I let him read what it says. I watch for his reaction, but he is keeping a straight face.

  “Huh,” he says when he has finished reading. He pushes the newspaper away from him and then busies himself making a coffee.

  Okay, that was not the reaction that I was expecting.

  I patiently wait for him to finish making his drink and join me back at the kitchen island. When he takes his seat next to me, I turn so that my body is facing him. He takes a sip of his drink and I see him look at me out of the corner of his eye.

  It is at this point that the penny drops.

  He had something to do with this.

  “Jake Waters, what did you do?” I say, narrowing my gaze on him. He looks at me and tries to put on an innocent face, but I don’t buy it. I fold my arms across my chest and wait. He sighs and eventually turns to face me, so that our knees are touching.

  “I didn’t do anything,” he says as he looks to the floor.

  “Pfft. Seriously? That’s the line that you’re going with?” I ask incredulously. He looks back up at me and my heart starts to flutter at the way he holds my gaze. His eyes are smouldering. I am a complete sucker for those caramel pools of his. “I don’t need to know the ins and outs, Jake, I just need to know that nothing is going to come back and bite you in the ass.”

  His eyes widen at my words. He was obviously expecting me to be mad with him.

  “I promise you that nothing will come back on me.” I stare at him for a few moments. Jake’s jaw is set firm as he waits to see what I will do next. I don’t have the energy or the inclination to argue about this. And to be honest, I don’t want to argue about it. I actually feel a little thrill at the fact that Jake got Charles to apologise. I know that Jake is a man of many talents, but I would never have thought that he could get Charles to retract everything he said about me.

  I stand up, keeping my arms crossed, and I place a kiss on Jake’s lips. When I pull away, he looks as shocked as hell.

  “Thank you,” is all I say to him. His mouth drops open and I smirk. I then exit the kitchen and make my way to our bedroom, so that I can take a shower.

  I strip my clothes off and leave them in a trail to the ensuite. I turn the shower on and step underneath the hot water. Jake enters the ensuite a few minutes later and pops his head around the shower door.

  “Can I join you?” he asks tentatively.

  “Sure.” Jake’s head disappears as he gets undressed. He must strip in record time as he saunters into the shower seconds later. I pick up the shower gel and start to wash myself.

  “Um, am I missing something here?” Jake asks.

  “What do you mean?” I respond as I continue to wash myself.

  “Are you not mad with me?”

  I stop what I am doing and let the water cascade down my back as I step towards him.

  “How can I be mad with you when all you do is try to protect me?”

  “I––” I place my finger on his lips to stop him from talking.

  I put my other hand on the back of his neck and pull his face down to mine, letting my tongue slide along his lips. He groans but I’m not finished talking to him yet.

  “Just know that I would do the same for you, if the roles were reversed.” I don’t get the chance to say anything else as Jake’s mouth crashes down on mine.

  It doesn’t take long for me to be pushed against the wall, with Jake inside me.

  I shout his name as he pounds into me.

  He owns me.

  Heart, body and mind, he owns me.


  My wife is the most amazing woman to have graced this earth.

  She understands me.

  She gets me.

  She would do the same for me.

  She is absolute fucking perfection.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  There are now only two days until I leave for America. I am currently sat in Danish waiting for Martin and Lydia to join me. It has been so long since the three of us hung out together, and I miss it. I know that all of our lives are changing, but sometimes I yearn for the simpler days when we were all able to meet up more regularly.

  The waitress brings the drinks over that I ordered ready for when Lydia and Martin arrive. She is depositing them on the table when Martin comes waltzing in.

  “Baby girl,” he screeches as he bounds over to me. The waitress jumps at the loudness that is Martin. I stand up and hug Martin as he reaches me and wraps his arms around me. I almost feel like I am going to cry. My emotions are still up in the air, but they are bound to be seeing as I am going away for six months in two days’ time.

  I rapidly blink the tears away as I pull back from Martin.

  “Oh, honey, why so sad?” Martin pouts, making me laugh, which is just what I needed at this point.

  “Oh, just ignore me. I’ve been a bit emotional recently,” I say as I let go of him and sit back down at the table. Martin sits beside me, and I push his drink towards him.

  “Hardly surprising what with everything that you have going on,” Martin says as he takes a sip of his latte.

  “I know, but I don’t want to talk about me. I want to hear all about you.” At this point Martin breaks out into a massive grin and does a little giggle. I know that look and I know that there is a guy causing it.

  “What’s his name?” I ask.

  “How do you know that the reason I am smiling is down to a guy?”

  “Please,” I say sarcastically. “I have known you for too long to not know that a guy is making you smile like the cat that got the cream.”

  “Oh, I got the cream alright.”

  “Eww,” I say as I laugh at his response. “TMI, Martin!”

  “No such thing as TMI, baby girl.” Martin has no shame. I love how care-free he can be.

  “So, come on, I want details,” I say as I eagerly wait for him to update me on his life.

  “Gosh, I don’t quite know where to start.”

  “From the beginning would be good.”

  “Oh, bloody funny, ha ha,” he retorts.

  “Guys,” I hear Lydia shout from across the room. She comes hurrying over and I stand up to give her a hug. She almost knocks me on my ass as she bashes into me, her arms going around me like a vice grip. I feel Martin’s hand on my back as he helps to steady me. I mouth “Thank you” at him over Lydia’s shoulder and he gives me a thumbs up.

  “I bloody missed you, lady,” Lydia says as I hear her sniffle.

  “Oh God, don’t cry, Lyd. You’ll set me off if you do.”

  “Sorry,” she says as she releases her arms from around me. “I just… I can’t believe that it’s been so long since I saw you.”

  “Lyd, it’s been three days since I last saw you,” I say as she makes her way to sit opposite me. I lower myself into my seat once again and point to Lydia’s coffee to indicate that it is hers.

  “Well, three days is a long time when I used to see you nearly every day.” She takes a tissue out of her pocket and dabs underneath her eyes. She cried like this the other day too. It’s not like Lydia to be so emotional. The only time she has ever been like this is when she has been…

  “Oh my God. Are you pregnant?” I blurt out before I can stop myself. I hear Martin gasp beside me.

  “Shhh,” Lydia hisses at me quietly.

  “You are, aren’t you?” I
say as I try to contain my excitement. Lydia looks from me to Martin and then back to me again. The slight nod of her head is all it takes for me to squeal with delight at her news. I jump up and go round to her. Martin stands up too and we both engulf her in a hug, making her laugh. We stay like that for a few moments as all three of us soak up the joy that we are feeling.

  “Okay, guys, that’s enough. People will be staring at us,” Lydia scolds.

  “Who gives a shit if they stare,” Martin says, ever his sassy self.

  “Just sit down, you,” Lydia says, giving Martin a stern look. He looks at me and I nod for him to sit down, and I do the same. I remember Lydia’s pregnancy hormones from before, and I don’t wish to awaken them just yet.

  “Lydia, this is so exciting. I can’t believe you’re having another little jellybean,” I say as I refer to the name that she used for Amber whilst she was carrying her.

  “I know, but you have to keep it quiet as we’re waiting for the three month check before we tell people.” Lydia must see my eyes widen slightly at her request to keep it quiet. She immediately cottons on to why I might be freaking out slightly. “You can tell Jake though,” she adds with a wink.

  “Phew,” I say out loud.

  “So, come on,” Martin says. “When did you find out?”

  “Just a few days ago. We have been trying as I didn’t want much of an age gap between Amber and her sibling.”

  “I bet Paul is thrilled,” I say knowing that Paul loves kids and is great with Amber.

  “Yeah, he’s pretty excited. Although, I don’t think that he is looking forward to the hormones and the labour.” I laugh as I remember how Lydia was during labour. “I have said that I will try not to threaten to castrate him this time, but when you’re in that much pain you can’t promise anything.” She takes a sip of her drink and then places it back on the table. “I guess I might as well ask now… Will you be my birthing partner again, Stace?”


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