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Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three

Page 13

by Betty Legend

  “He bought an entire collection of mine and has a painting hanging in every one of his homes, including our home on Mordeeves Island.”

  My mother closes her eyes and takes a breath. “The Artino family?”

  “Yes,” Phoenix confirms.

  Rachel and I catch my mother’s tightened mouth.

  “What is significant about your family?” Rachels asks. “I apologize for not knowing. I’m new to the supernatural world and magic.”

  Phoenix offers a small smile. “It’s quite all right.”

  My mom fidgets with her hands. “Their bloodline comes from original vampires. They are born, not turned into vampires.”

  Rachel’s mouth turns upward with her brightened eyes. “You’re born a vampire? How fascinating!”

  “Yes.” Phoenix smiles at her enthusiasm. “As an Artino vampire, we’re forbidden to turn any humans into vampires. Our bloodline must remain pure.”

  “Wow. How many Artino vampires are there?” She takes a bite of her cookie, and a few crumbs fall on her swollen belly. Wiping them away, she returns her focused attention to the conversation.

  “Many. We have covens all over the world. It’s not uncommon for an Artino vampire to have more than one companion and several children in their lifetime.”

  My mom glances at me with worry. Rachel, never one to hide her curiosity, continues her questions.

  “Do you have any vampire children?”

  Phoenix rubs my shoulder. “Not yet.”

  Caressing Phoenix’s leg, I steal his attention. He knowingly looks at me and gives an encouraging nod.

  “That’s something I want to discuss with the two of you.”

  Rachel stalls her hand on the way to her mouth.

  “You’re pregnant!”

  My mother’s eyes widen so large, I see the white of her eyes. Rachel is grinning, waiting with excited anticipation.

  “I am pregnant, but we don’t know who the father is yet.”

  Squealing with joy, Rachel leaves her chair and waits for me to stand to hug her.

  “Our babies are going to be close in age! I want them to be close like we are.”

  “I do too.” Wiping a loose tear, I smile at her rosy cheeks and excited grin. “I know it’s a boy.”

  Rachel takes my hands and wiggles. “I’m having a boy too!”

  We hug again, and my mom leaves her chair, a combination of joy and apprehension in her eyes. Motioning her hands, she beckons me, and I embrace her in a hug. She doesn’t let go.

  “My baby girl is going to be a mother. I’m going to be a grandmother.” Her voice catches, and I hear the beginning of tears. I pull back, and she’s smiling at me, but I can still see the worry as tears pool in her eyes.

  “It’s sooner than I wanted to have a child, but it doesn’t matter. I’m excited to meet my baby.”

  Phoenix stands, putting his hands on my shoulders and massages.

  “We’re all thrilled she’s pregnant. Every one of us wants to be a father. We’ve promised her we’ll be happy for the father, whoever he is.”

  My mom meets his gaze, her stance confident. “Four of you are going to be disappointed, while she and the father will be overjoyed. Don’t lie to yourselves. It’s going to be difficult and a strain on your relationships.”

  “I’m aware.” Phoenix rubs my back, soothing the blow of my mother’s words. “Even if the child isn’t mine, I’m not going anywhere. I want a life with Selene. We want a child and family together.”

  My mom exhales and looks off, her hand rubbing down the side of her face, then returns her gaze to Phoenix, her mouth tight.

  “All of you want a child with her?”


  “So, you all expect her to bear five or more children?”

  Phoenix doesn’t miss a beat.

  “Only if Selene wants to have five or more children. The choice is hers, not ours.”

  “I don’t know. Is it?” My mother’s head tilts. “When one or all of you is disappointed the child isn’t yours, will she be guilted into having more children?”

  “Mom! This is a conversation for me and my partners. Don’t put all of this pressure on Phoenix.”

  My mom steps back and drops onto the chair, wiping at a tear.

  “You’re right, and I’m sorry. I just want what’s best for you and your happiness.”

  “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Having more children is a conversation I’ll have with my partners when we’re ready. None of them would try to guilt me into having children if I’m not ready.”

  My mom gives a half-smile. “Of course, but are you aware of the toll it will take on your body if the child is his?” She points to Phoenix. “The risk you’ll be taking?”

  I start to reply, but Phoenix gives my shoulder a squeeze.

  “What I’m about to share with you is privileged information. It’s information we Artino vampires don’t share with anyone but our companion. However, I feel it’s important for you to know. You as well, Rachel.”

  “Of course.” Rachel gives a reassuring smile. “Whatever you share will stay with me.”

  “Same,” my mother agrees, staring at him inquisitively.

  “Our bloodline must remain pure because our blood is used to help our companion survive a healthy pregnancy and conceive a healthy vampire child.”

  “How?” My mom asks, her brows scrunched in confusion.

  “Selene drinks my blood.”

  Rachel gags, her hand over her mouth. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” I pat her shoulder. “It doesn’t taste like normal blood. His blood is almost sweet, and it’s revitalizing. It’s helped with my nausea and muscle aches.”

  “Give me a moment to process all of this.” My mother rubs her forehead.

  Rachel gives me a crooked smile and mouths, “It’s okay.”


  “I… I feel much better knowing you won’t suffer a painful and draining pregnancy. That your life won’t be at risk.”

  Phoenix rubs my shoulder and down my back. I smile up at him, and he kisses me.

  “I wouldn’t let anything happen to Selene. I love her. She’s my better half. She makes me want to be a better vampire.”

  “My daughter might be having a vampire child,” she smiles as she laughs to herself, then rubs her face with both hands. “I might be a grandmother to a vampire.”

  “You might be, but we don’t know if he is mine yet.”

  “Right,” my mother remembers. “He could be a wolf shifter, Fae, warlock, or an angel-demon hybrid.” Her eyes widen. “An angel-demon hybrid,” she repeats, staring off. “My grandbaby could be part demon.”

  “Mom! Stop thinking of all the worst scenarios.”

  Looking at me, her fingertips still at her chin. “It’s what a mother does. Just wait and see.”

  “But on the other side of things,” Rachel begins. “She’s having a supernatural baby, and that baby is going to be magical!” She takes my hand. “They can go to the supernatural university together! Oh, I hope my son is magical.”

  “He will be,” my mom assures her. “He’ll still have magic in him from you.”

  “That’s what Cataleya told me. Druid witches give some of their magic to their children.”

  “What? When did you speak to Cataleya?” My mom’s eyes widen again.

  “I had a dream or vision. Saw dad, too.”

  “You did?” My mom sits up. “What did he say?”

  “He was the one who told me I was having a boy. He’s excited to be a grandfather.”

  My mom chuckles, her expression softening. “Of course, he would be. He’d be thrilled you’re loved by the men in your life and having a supernatural child.”

  “That’s pretty much what he said.” My head lowers, an ache building in my chest. “I hated seeing him leave. I wanted more time with him.”

  “Ask him to visit you in your dreams,” she says matter-of-factly. “He’ll co


  “You use your magic to pull his spirit to your dream world.”

  “You have blood and air magic.” Phoenix looks at her with interest.

  “Yes,” my mom confirms. “You need both to be able to talk with the dead.”

  “So, that’s how I was able to see Cataleya and Dad?”


  “You’re practicing magic?”

  My mom’s head falls into her hands. “I miss him so much.”

  Phoenix steps forward and places a hand on her shoulder. “I understand your loss.”

  Wiping at her tears, she looks up at him, surprised. “I’m sorry you lost someone you cared for.”

  “It was difficult to accept, but now I have Selene in my life, and I’m grateful for her.” Squatting down in front of my mom, he takes her hands in his. “I love your daughter. I’m going to take great care of her and be the man she needs me to be.”

  A smile pulls her lips back. “My late husband said something similar to my father.”

  “Then your husband was a good man.”

  Releasing her hands, they stare at one another, seemingly coming to an understanding.

  “I’m glad you came to visit with her, Phoenix. It’s been good getting to know the vampire my daughter loves.”

  “It has been great,” Rachel agrees. She gives Phoenix a pat on his shoulder. “It’s clear how much you love Selene, so you have my respect and friendship.”

  Phoenix curls me into his arm and gives Rachel an appreciative nod. “Thank you. That’s what I hoped for.”

  “Is it all right if we stay the night? We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.”

  “Of course. It will be nice to spend time with you and Phoenix.” Standing, my mom pulls me in for a hug. “I’m sorry for being so worried. You know how much I love you.”

  “I do.” The warmth of her hug seeps into my body and settles in my heart.

  “Congratulations, my sweet girl. I’m truly happy that you’re happy.”

  “I am, Mom. I’m excited to have a son. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  She glances at Phoenix and smiles. “He’s going to have five great fathers.”

  Phoenix puts his arm around me. “He will.”



  Rachel and I curl under a quilt blanket on the patio couch while Phoenix and my mother talk in the living room. Touching my neck, she examines the fresh bite marks.

  “Does it hurt?”

  Putting my hand to my neck, I release earth magic. Removing my hand, I show her the healed skin, and her eyes brighten with fascination.

  “A little, but I like it.”

  Holding her teacup, she chuckles. “You always were into kink.” She takes a sip, and I grin.

  “It’s true. Probably what makes me a perfect match for my guys. I like the way each of them is intimate. It keeps things interesting.”

  “Do you have a favorite yet?”

  Steam rolls off my mug, and I blow on the hot tea.

  “Nope. I love how different they all are in the bedroom and out of it.”

  “Phoenix seems so poised and intelligent.”

  “He is, but in the bedroom, he’s a vampire.” I wink, and she giggles.

  “I can only imagine.”

  Autumn leaves break from the trees and dance in the breeze as they fall around us. Taking a sip of my chamomile tea, I relax as it warms my body.

  “Are you worried about the ultrasound? What if it shows horns or wings or something?”

  “It’s too soon for any of that to show. I need to know my baby is healthy, then I’ll start seeing Ancor and a midwife on Mordeeves Island. I won’t be able to have my baby here in the states.”

  “Does that scare you?”

  “No, I trust they know what they’re doing. They’ve been doing natural births on the island for decades. Ancor will give me something for the pain, and the midwife will handle the birth.”

  “I’m sure you’re excited to find out whose child it is.”

  “I’m very excited. I’ll be waiting for wings, fangs, ears, fur, or a sparkly baby.”

  “Sparkly?” Laughing, her nose scrunches.

  “Cyrus says warlock babies have an awakening of magic at birth and glimmer with silver essence.”

  “Aww, that is so cute.” Rachel’s head tilts as she smiles. “So, I’m going to make a guess at whose it is.”

  “Yeah?” I ask, intrigued. “Who do you think is the father?”


  “Why him?”

  “He’s so alpha, I can see his sperm breaking right through any barriers.”

  Laughing, my tea water sloshes in the mug. “That’s hysterical and probably true.”

  “I’m right. I know it. It’s Killian’s baby. You’re having a wolf shifter baby.”

  “We shall see.”

  Watching the sun dip below the horizon, I look toward the house.

  “It’s getting to be that time. Phoenix booked a private doctor who understands discretion.”

  “If he knows Phoenix and his family are vampires, I’m sure he knows to keep his mouth shut.”

  “I’m sure,” I agree. Setting the mug down on the small patio coffee table, I remove the blanket from my legs.

  “The others should be arriving soon.”

  Phoenix and my mom step out of the sliding door as Cyrus and Griffin come through a portal. They each pull me into a hug and kiss me, then give my mom a hug.

  “Hey, Rachel,” Griffin greets.

  She gives a wave from the comfort of her seat on the patio couch. “It’s good to see you guys again.”

  “I can honestly say the same,” Griffin replies.

  Taking my hand, Griffin pulls me onto a chair with him and rubs my back.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good. Mom made us a big lunch, and I haven’t been nauseous at all today.”

  Griffin and Phoenix exchange glances. “I’m glad he’s taking care of you.”

  “He is.” I grin and wink at Phoenix, and pride flashes in his eyes.

  Before we fell asleep, he took very good care of me, ensuring I achieved orgasm. The memory warms my center.

  Phoenix brushes a hand over my head and hair as he passes, then joins Rachel on the couch. Glancing down, he checks his fancy wristwatch.

  “We’ll need to leave in fifteen minutes.”

  Cyrus is behind the chair Griffin and I are occupying. Leaning down, he kisses my head, then rubs my shoulder.

  “They’ll be here soon, I’m sure. They’re as eager for this appointment as we are.”

  My mom fills the other chair, a bright orange mug in her hand with a white T for Tennessee on it.

  “I’m proud you’re all supporting Selene and going to the appointment together.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” Cyrus tells her. “This is our first look at our baby.”

  “I love that you all say our baby,” Rachel enthuses. “It shows you’re a family.”

  “We are.” Griffin smiles. “And Selene is the glue that holds us all together.”

  “She is,” Phoenix agrees, checking his watch again. Concern etches into the lines around his eyes, making me worry.

  “When is the last time you guys talked to Emeric and Killian,” I ask Cyrus and Griffin.

  “A couple days ago.” Cyrus brushes my hair behind my ear and caresses my cheek. “All was good with… work.”

  “Work must be keeping them busy.” Fear slips out in my tone.

  Griffin releases his magic and rubs my back. “Don’t worry yet, my love.”

  “What’s going on?” My mother asks abruptly. “Selene, you’re clearly worried about them.”

  Griffin dips his chin at my mother. “The security job they’re working on is a dangerous one.”

  “Oh.” She looks at me with empathy in her gaze. “I hope everything is all right.”

  “Me too.”

  Phoenix c
hecks the time once more and frowns. “It’s time to go. They’ll have to catch up with us.”

  “Just another minute or two, please.”

  “Of course,” Phoenix’s voice softens. “We’ll wait.”

  In worried silence, I wait for them to arrive, but as seconds pass, my fear builds.

  “I’m worried,” I say aloud.

  The guys pass glances at one another. Griffin caresses his thumb over my cheek.

  “Let’s go to the appointment. It’s important. I’m sure they’ll catch up with us.”

  With fear tightening my limbs, I stand from Griffin’s lap and hug my mom and Rachel goodbye.

  “Mom, I’ll be in the mirror on Friday around seven. Eight for you, Rachel.”

  “I can’t wait.” Rachel beams a smile my way. “Let me know how the appointment goes.”

  “I will.”

  “Me, too.” My mom kisses my cheek. “You’re going to be a great mother.”

  “Thank you. That means so much to hear you say that.”

  My eyes water as I step toward the portal Phoenix created. Griffin takes my hand, and I wave to my mom and Rachel as we walk through. On the other side is an empty private office, filled with books, certificates on the wall, a sizeable corner desk, and paperwork stacked inside binders and folders.

  “Is this Dr. Sato’s office?” I ask Phoenix.

  “Yes, I’ve been here before. He’ll have a room ready for us down the hall.”

  Phoenix opens the office door and leads us down a standard doctor’s office hallway. Everything about the place looks as it should, except there aren’t any staff or patients like you’d normally see. Dr. Sato’s agreed to see us in private, after hours. I have no doubt Phoenix paid extra for that.

  One door is open with light streaming out of it. Phoenix peeks his head in, then greets the doctor.

  “Benjiro, it’s a pleasure. Thank you for seeing us after hours.”

  The rest of us fit into the spacious exam room. The middle-aged man’s brown eyes land on me. Short black hair is above a round, kind face of Japanese descent.


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