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Safe Havens Bundle

Page 16

by Sandy James

  He crooked his finger at her.

  She took a step closer.

  Pinching off a small piece he held it up to her lips.

  Grace smiled, opened her mouth and let Adam feed her. He handed her back the plate, and she fed him a piece of cake. As she pulled her hand away from his mouth, he captured her wrist and gave her icing covered fingers a kiss.

  “Best cake I ever ate.” Will set his empty plate down on the table. Grace reached to pick it up, but he shook his head. “Not this time, Grace. We’ll take care of the cleaning.”

  Victoria and Matthew each grabbed empty plates and carried them to the kitchen.

  “Thank you,” she whispered before turning to meet Adam’s gaze. “I suppose it’s time to go home.”

  “Are you ready?”

  She nodded, knowing somehow everything would work out fine—because he loved her.

  As he reached for her hand, the front doors of the saloon slammed open.

  “Bar’s closed, Henry,” Will told the young man whose eyes were darting around. “You’re a mite young to be lookin’ for a drink.”

  “Got a telegram,” the boy insisted, holding up a crumpled envelope.

  “Well, then give it over.” Will held out his hand.

  “Ain’t for you. Gotta give it to who it’s addressed to.”

  “You’re trying my patience, boy.”

  Adam stepped up and extended his hand. “It’s gotta be for me.”

  “For you?” Grace asked. “Who would send you a telegram?”

  “Probably Ty—letting me know he got the cattle sold.” He gestured to Henry. “Let me have it.”

  The boy took a step back. “It ain’t for you, neither.”

  “Then who’s it for, boy?” Will asked.

  “Miss Victoria.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Where’s Miss Victoria? This here telegram’s for her,” Henry insisted.

  Adam reached for the message again.

  Henry jerked it behind his back. “Cain’t give it to you. I keep tellin’ ya—it’s for Miss Victoria.”

  “For me?” Victoria asked as she came out of the kitchen. “A telegram for me?”

  Matthew stepped up to her side and tossed a scowl at Henry. “Who’s it from?”

  “Cain’t tell you that. It’s for Miss Victoria.” Henry hurried to her, handing over the wrinkled envelope. Then he held out his dirty hand.

  “For the love of…” Will dug around his pocket and set a coin on the boy’s palm. “Now git.”

  Victoria opened the envelope and read the message. She had no idea who would be sending her a telegram because it was far too soon to have news of a job from any of the letters she’d sent requesting information. Unexpected telegrams never held good news.

  ty bishop injured stop in hospital stop asks for you stop come to denver stop

  It was signed good samaritan.

  She passed it to her father. “Ty’s been hurt. He’s in a hospital in Denver.”

  Grace leaned in to wrap an arm around Adam’s waist and watch as he read the message. “Ty’s hurt? How?”

  “Doesn’t say,” Adam replied. He glanced down at her and frowned.

  “You’ll want to go to him.”

  He nodded, but his frown didn’t ease. “I hate to leave you, Gracie, but something’s not right. I need to see what I can do to help Ty.”

  Victoria snatched the telegram back.

  This was exactly what she’d been hoping for—a chance to escape. She’d written so many letters to answer advertisements for nannies and governesses, but the right opportunity had literally fallen into her hands. The air of mystery as to the sender made this trip an adventure.

  In Denver, she might be able to find a job and make a new life for herself. It would hurt to leave her father and the ranch behind, but she couldn’t wait around until she no longer belonged at Twin Springs. Her heart would break. Going to Denver would also put some much needed miles between her and Matthew.

  She could leave him before he left her.

  “He wants me, not you,” she insisted. “You and Grace are newly married. You need some time alone, not for you to go running off to Denver.”

  “You want to go to Denver for our honeymoon?” Adam asked his new wife.

  Before she could answer, Victoria tried putting some important points out there for the couple to think about. “No matter what you decide, I have every intention of going to Ty. Who would tend the horses if you go too, Daddy—especially if Grace goes with you? Someone has to stay at the ranch.”

  “Maybe Grace can—”

  “There are too many animals for her to handle all alone.” Victoria knew Matthew wouldn’t speak up to offer his help. He already had one foot out the door.

  Adam tried again. “Matthew could—”

  “He’s leaving. Soon. Probably in the week or so.” Merciful Lord, it hurt to just to say the words. There was no way she’d stay behind and watch him ride away, not when she had the perfect reason to skip town first.

  Grace gaped at her brother. “You’re leaving?”

  “We’ll talk about it later,” he replied.

  Victoria pressed harder. “You’ll need to watch the ranch, Daddy.”

  “Maybe Jake could—”

  “Jake can’t. He needs to be here to work for Will and to keep an eye on Emily. She’s expecting, after all. Only a few more weeks until the little one arrives, and who knows how long Ty will need help before he can come home.” She begged with her eyes for him to understand. “Please, Daddy. I want to do this. I need to do this.”

  Matthew held his hand out and nodded to the message.

  She frowned before sighing and handing it to him. “It isn’t from Ty,” she said, knowing he would probably overreact.

  He flicked his fingers against the paper. “The only name is good samaritan. You don’t even know for a fact that Ty’s been hurt. Why, anyone could have sent this!” He handed the telegram back to Adam. “You can’t let her go by herself.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Ty needs me.”

  “You’re not going there alone.” He turned and folded his arms over his chest.

  “Why does it even matter to you?”

  His jaw clenched. “Damn it, Victoria. I’m not letting you go to Denver alone.”

  “You don’t have any say!” She whirled to grab the telegram from her father. “I’m going, and you can’t stop me.” The vow was punctuated with a decisive nod.

  Grace cleared her throat, drawing everyone’s attention. “Perhaps there’s a compromise.”

  “What do you suggest?” Adam asked.

  “You should stay here to care for the horses. Victoria should go to Denver to check on Ty.”

  Victoria scoffed at Matthew. “See? Even Grace thinks I need to go.”

  “I’m not finished.” Grace glanced to her brother. “Matthew can go with Victoria on the stage until she can catch the train in Butte. Then he can be sure she’s safely on the train to Denver.”

  “I’ll go all the way to Denver,” Matthew insisted. “That way I can make sure she gets settled and find out who sent the message.”

  Grace moved to his side and laid a hand on his arm. “You’ll have to come back to help on the ranch. A day or two is fine because I can help, but with Ty gone, Adam will need you back here.” She turned to Victoria. “Let him take you to Butte. Then you can go on to Denver. We’ll wire ahead to make sure you have a place to stay so we won’t worry.”

  Victoria hadn’t wanted a tag-along, hoping for a clean break, and she sure didn’t want to be stuck in a stagecoach with Matthew for hours on end.

  He shook his head. “I’m going to Denver.”

  “Butte,” she blurted out. “I’ll let you take me to Butte. Then you come back to help at the ranch until Ty’s well enough to come home.” Her heart leapt at the thought Matthew would be staying until she remembered how thoroughly he’d rejected her.

  No, she was the one who wouldn’t
be coming back. There was a new life waiting for her in Colorado. And why in the hell did that make her stomach hurt so much?

  She’d made up her mind. This was for the best. She went to her father. “I’m going to go to the ranch, packing a trunk, and coming back here tonight. I can sleep in Grace’s old room before I can catch the morning stage.”

  Her father shifted that knowing gaze of his from Victoria to Matthew and back again. While Matthew couldn’t talk her out of this trip, all it would take was one word from Adam to stop her escape.

  “Please, Daddy. Please.”

  He thought it over a good long while before he finally nodded. “But Matthew takes you to Butte.”

  “All the way to Denver, Victoria,” the stubborn cowboy scolded.

  “We’ll see.”


  Adam held Grace’s hand as they waved farewell to Victoria and Matthew.

  The sun had set a few hours before, and the evening chill was setting in. He put an arm around her shoulder and tucked her closer to his side.

  The wagon made the turn to the main road and was soon out of sight.

  He turned to his new wife, stroked the back of his knuckles across her cheek, and smiled. “We’re finally alone.”

  “So it would seem,” she replied, a quiver in her voice.

  “Oh, Gracie…” He tugged her into his arms. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me. We don’t have to—”

  A kiss silenced him. She stood on tiptoes, pushed her arms around his neck, and pressed her mouth to his. Her tongue teased his lips until he opened them to her, then she deepened the kiss.

  Her fear didn’t seem to be an obstacle, but he had to take this slow. While he loved that she deliberately tempted him, she was still fragile.

  After she eased away, Grace rested her cheek against his shoulder.

  Adam rubbed his chin against her temple, eliciting her sigh in response.

  “You confuse me,” she whispered.

  “Confuse you?”

  “I’m afraid, yet I still want to–to let you take me to your bed.”

  Her honesty brought a smile to his lips. “Don’t be afraid, darlin’. I’d never hurt you.”

  “I don’t know if I can do what you want me to do.”

  “I’ve got no expectations. Let’s just…see what happens.”

  “I’ll disappoint you.”

  “You could never disappoint me.”

  Before she could protest, he swept her into his arms and kissed her soundly.

  Her arms encircled his neck as she kissed him back every bit as thoroughly.

  He carried her into the house and up the stairs to his bedroom—their bedroom. Deliberately ignoring the lantern, he figured the mood would be better set by the dim moonlight spilling through the window. After he set her back on her feet, he took off his jacket and draped it over the chair. Then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her again, trying to let her feel his desire without overwhelming her.

  Praying for patience, he thanked the Lord that with age came control. Had he been younger, he probably would have been tempted to give in to the demanding needs of his body. He was already hard, aching. He wanted her. Desperately. But he wouldn’t force Grace to do anything she wasn’t ready for. If that meant they didn’t come together tonight, he would try again tomorrow. And the next day. However long it took. He would show her that making love was something they could share rather than something she should fear.

  She tensed against him when he slid his hand up her side, caressing her waist before palming a full breast through the soft material of her bodice. The tension only lasted a moment before she arched into his touch. Her slender hands found the buttons of his shirt.

  Oh, how he loved her. He kissed her again just to show her how much.

  Clothes were suddenly in the way, and they tugged and pulled at his shirt and her dress, stealing heated kisses. He wasn’t able to get her arms out of her tight sleeves and growled with aggravation.

  With a frustrated groan of her own, Grace stepped back, jerked her arms out of the dress, and shoved it to her waist and over her hips. It fell to the floor. Her teeth tugged on her bottom lip as she untied her petticoats and let them puddle around her feet.

  Kneeling down, Adam helped her slip off her shoes. Trying to hold her gaze, he slowly peeled down her stockings. While he’d hoped to show her there was no hurry—no frantic need to rush her—he was also torturing himself. Undressing her was tantalizing—erotic and maddening. Her skin was silk, and touching her thighs and her calves became sweet torture.

  He stood, pleased that she now wore nothing but her thin camisole and pantalets. Aside from her furiously blushing face, she didn’t appear to be anything other than curious.

  “Your turn?” she asked, her eyes sweeping him from head to toe.

  With an enormous smile, he met her challenge. She’d managed to pull down his suspenders, so he yanked off his shirt and cast it aside. He kicked off his shoes and socks. Unsure of whether to take off his pants, he watched her for any sign that she didn’t wish to continue. But how in the hell was he supposed to stop if she said no now? His body was screaming to claim her. Yet he’d find the self-discipline if he had to.

  For his Grace.

  With a shy glance, she moved closer. Her trembling hands reached for the ribbons on her camisole. He stepped forward to help her, giving each of the baby blue bows a tug until they gave. As the last of them were untied, the camisole parted, revealing two full, perfect breasts.

  He closed his eyes and prayed again for patience.

  Grace loved him even more for all the consideration he showed for her fears. His shuddering sigh told her of his hard-fought battle. He’d promised not to rush her—not to hurt her.

  Adam always kept his promises.

  The uncertainty vanished. All she felt was love to the depths of her soul for this man—this kind, loving, and eternally patient man.

  The fire inside her he’d kindled from their first kiss—the one that flared with each stroke of his hands on her body— demanded attention. So why wasn’t he touching her now as she longed for him to?

  Because he was worried about her fear. He promised not to force her. She needed to give him permission.

  Grace took his hand and placed it over her right breast. “I want you, Adam.” Then she reached behind his neck and urged him back into a tongue-dueling kiss.

  Adam slid his hands over her breasts to her shoulders where he helped her shrug out of her camisole.

  She eased back and gave him a nervous smile as she untied the knot. When it opened, she reached for his hands, put them on her hips, and waited.

  He tugged the garment over her hips and let it fall to the floor.

  Her hands fumbled with the waistband of his pants. She was awkward. He gave her some assistance. The pants were quickly kicked aside, and he waited for her reaction.

  She rolled her eyes to focus on the ceiling, afraid to get a glimpse of Adam’s body. If she saw him aroused, she was afraid she’d turn and run out of the bedroom. The only other time she’d seen a man in that state, he’d used his body as a weapon. Yet Adam approached her with reverence rather than violence. His tenderness made her feel cherished.

  He kissed the top of her head when she hurried into his arms and rested her cheek against his bare shoulder. “It’s all right, Gracie.”

  She released a trembling sigh. “I’m being silly. It’s just…you’re so–so…strong.”

  “I won’t hurt you, darlin’. I won’t do anything you’re not ready to do.”

  Telling herself she was being a ninny—that she was a grown woman and shouldn’t be afraid of a man simply because he was aroused—she stepped out of his embrace and let her gaze find his. Ever so slowly, she lowered her eyes to look at his body. A broad chest covered with a patch of dark brown hair. A muscular stomach. An intimidating erection.

  She took that important step forward to press her body against his and then brushed a kiss on his mouth
. “Take me to bed, husband.”

  “Anything my lady wants.” He lifted her into his arms and set her on the sheets.

  Adam covered her body with his. Taking his time, he kissed her, letting his tongue stroke the roof of her mouth, coaxing her tongue to follow into his mouth. He acted as if they had all the time in the world.

  Her hands fluttered over his shoulders to caress his back, trying to encourage him. His lips moved to her neck, which she tilted with a happy mewl. Everything he did felt wonderful—from the way his kisses spread heat through her body to how his growls let her know she was pleasing him.

  When he shifted those kisses to her breasts, she let out a surprised cry at the way the action sent a jolt straight to her core. She wanted more—needed more. She arched up, offering herself to him.

  He drew a nipple into his mouth, making heat shoot to her core. His love burned away whatever fear had lingered, branding her with passion. As he nudged her thighs apart with his knee, she spread her legs for him.

  Adam moved between her thighs, and as he shifted his attention to her other breast a type of madness seized her. Everything inside her cried out for completion.

  He moved back up until he was staring into her eyes. His had darkened with desire. “I want to be inside you, Gracie.”

  She knew what he was asking, knew that he was waiting for her permission. Her body was ready to welcome him. “Make me your wife, Adam.”

  His hand slipped between them, robbing Grace of her ability to think. After he stroked her, plunging a finger deep inside her body, he mumbled something about how wet and warm she was. She honestly didn’t care. As his thumb found a sensitive spot, she thought she’d die if he didn’t come to her. He teased and fondled until her nerves tingled and every muscle tightened. She planted her heels against the mattress and rocked her hips up.

  When he pulled his hand away, she groaned in disappointment. Then he settled himself between her thighs again, his erection pushing against her entrance.

  Grace tensed.

  “It’s all right, love. I won’t hurt you.”

  Forcing herself to relax, she gripped his shoulders and buried her face against his neck.


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