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Safe Havens Bundle

Page 63

by Sandy James

  At night, Caleb held her in his arms as she drifted off to restful sleep. He never pushed her for intimacies, although he kissed her often. Their late night kisses were the sweetest, and although she’d made it plain she’d give him his husbandly rights, he never took her up on the offer. He always said he knew she’d allow more, but he wanted her to want more. What came as a surprise was that with each kiss they shared, desire took root inside her. Her body was slowly awakening, feeling things she’d never felt before. Those new sensations both excited and frightened her.

  She was beginning to believe she truly did want more.

  If only she could toss aside the shackles of fear that still lingered, the memories of the men who’d taken her before that hovered like spirits in her head. They were sluggishly fading into nothing but mists of the past, but until they were gone, she couldn’t ask her husband for more than kisses.

  Even when dreams claimed her, Caleb was still there. Her sweet knight. Kissing her. Holding her. Making her feel safe.

  He would help banish the spirits.

  One day...

  She caressed his cheek. “I need you too, Caleb.”

  “Wake up,” he coaxed, putting his hand over hers and rubbing his cheek against her palm. “I need you to see this. I’ve been waitin’ the longest time...”

  “Anything,” she said. “I’ll do anything for you.” Threading her fingers through his thick, dark hair, she stopped him from pulling back. Then she kissed him—the first time she’d initiated a kiss.

  Soon, the brush of lips made her restless, sending chills racing over her skin that had nothing to do with the cool air. The way her body responded to him still surprised her, but now that response had her wide awake and made heat pool between her thighs.

  With a low moan, Caleb crawled onto the bed and covered her body with his as he teased his tongue past her lips.

  Sara lost herself in the feel of his warm, soft lips and the weight of his body. Never had she believed she’d crave a man on top of her. Yet even though there were quilts between them, he felt right as he lay on her. He shielded some of his weight by supporting himself on his elbows, a courtesy that she simply wasn’t accustomed to. His consideration allowed her arms to slip around his neck so she could arch into him.

  He tore his lips away to kiss and lick the sensitive spot behind her ear. “God, Sara... I want you so damn bad.”

  “Then have me.”

  With a low groan, he eased back. “When you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready, Caleb.”

  He shook his head. “Not yet. Soon. C’mon, sweetheart. Get up. I wanna show you something.”

  The sleep now cleared from her mind, she frowned. He was bundled up as if the winter cold had invaded their home. “Why are you wearing your coat?”

  “I told you. I wanna show you something.”

  “What time is it?” She didn’t feel at all rested. Only the moonbeams spilling through the window gave off any light. Why was he dressed so in the middle of the night?

  All he did was shrug.

  “Is it one of the animals?” She tossed aside the quilt and sucked in her breath as the cold air washed over her. “Is a cow ill?”

  “No.” Caleb picked up her coat from where he’d draped it over the end of the bed. “It’s something really special.”

  In no time, he had her bundled up. Then he took her by the hand and dragged her out the front door.

  “Where are we going?” Sara asked as she stumbled beside him in his march across the snowy field to the north of their house.

  “Just a little farther. Gotta get past the trees to see it proper.”

  “See what?”

  “My surprise. No more questions, wife. Trust me and be patient.”

  “I dare say that is not one of my virtues.”

  His laughter floated in little white tufts through the cold night air.

  Mouth agape in surprise, Sara saw it right before Caleb said, “Look!”

  Never would she have imagined a sky could be so beautiful. Colors painted an arc rising from the mountains and looking much like flames shooting from the tall pines. Pink. Purple. Green. All dancing in a mixture of bright swirls and ribbons of light.

  “It’s...amazing,” she whispered in reverence.

  “Ain’t it? Saw it for the first time when I weren’t more than a sprout. Come out here in the middle of night from time to time just to see if it’s back. Tonight is one of the prettiest nights I’ve ever seen.”

  Pretty didn’t come close to describing the view. “I’ve never seen anything so incredible.” She stepped in front of him and smiled. “I’m humbled you chose to share it with me.”

  His smile made her stomach flip-flop. “You’re welcome.”

  Slowly, he lowered his head, and knowing he was going to kiss her, Sara surrendered and closed her eyes. The kiss against her forehead made her open them in shock.

  Why hadn’t he kissed her?

  He’d never seemed so reticent before. There were kisses all day long, kisses she now realized she’d come not only to expect and enjoy but to need. To her, each kiss revealed a closeness that was growing between them and represented the tethers he’d put on himself not to use her again. Because of those kisses, she’d started to trust Caleb in a way she’d never trusted another man.

  When he’d touched his lips to her forehead instead of her mouth, she’d been sorely disappointed.

  Caleb had to bit his lip not to smile at the disgruntled frown on his wife’s face. Not that he’d be laughing at her... No, the smile would be because of his happiness.

  Sara had wanted him to kiss her.

  That pleased him more than she would ever know.

  “Your skin is like ice,” he said. “We should both get back to bed before we freeze to death.”

  He gave her no choice, sweeping her into his arms and carrying her back to their house. Although he felt a little guilty for having awakened her from such a sound sleep, he’d hoped she would see the beauty of the night lights that came to the mountains from time to time. He was no artist, but even he enjoyed the mix of colors and hoped Sara did as well.

  Sharing his life had been more than he’d hoped for. His new wife was an eager student, learning quickly all the things that kept the small farm alive. When he’d decided to use any means he could to acquire a bride, he’d been thinking as much with his cock as his brain.

  Now that she was here, his cock wasn’t nearly as important. Not that it didn’t notice her. Hell, he spent more time hard than he did soft. His desire for her sometimes stole his breath away. But he’d begun to realize just how important her company was. Her conversation. Her laughter. Her companionship.

  She’d never denied him her body—he denied himself. He woke up all asweat some nights, rolling over to pull her closer as he kissed her. All that remained between them was her nightgown and his nightshirt. Tempting though it was to cast those frustrating garments aside and bury himself deep inside her, Caleb never gave in to those urges.

  He wanted her to come to him.

  Ah, but tonight she had!

  Tonight, he’d caught her with her guard down in those moments where slumber dimmed her deeper thoughts. She’d kissed him. And in that moment, he’d nearly lost his control. Had he not been dressed in so many layers, he might’ve seduced her, hoping again to know the joy he’d found on that bathroom floor.

  Yet that joy had been diminished because she hadn’t shared in it.

  Back in the house, he let Sara open the door, then he carried her through. He didn’t set her on her feet until he reached their bed. Crouching, he doffed his gloves, boots, and coat and then helped her remove her boots. Her legs were bare since he’d urged her to follow him too quickly to don stockings.

  Her soft skin, pale in the moonlight, was hypnotic, and Caleb slid his fingertips up the flesh of her calves.

  She shivered. From the cold or his touch, he wasn’t sure—didn’t really even give it a care for his plan had a
lready taken form in his thoughts.

  Rising, he unbuttoned her coat, brushing it from her shoulders to let it drop to the floor next to his.

  Sara stood statue-still until his hands covered her breasts. Then she began to tremble as her nipples hardened beneath his touch.

  Caleb didn’t allow himself to linger there, wanting to overwhelm her in a way he knew she’d never experienced. He didn’t consider himself much of a lover, but his wife had only known possession of that Frenchman who’d probably treated her in the manner a master treated a slave. She’d never been with someone who gave her pleasure simply for the desire of watching her enjoyment.

  He vowed she would learn that tonight.

  Allowing himself one luxury, he tore off his shirt and whipped her nightgown over her head, wanting to be skin to skin with her. He dare not remove his trousers, aware that there would be nothing to stop him from taking her if that barrier didn’t remain.

  Tugging her into his arms, Caleb kissed her—a kiss that he filled with the hunger that gnawed at him. His tongue stroked hers, claiming the sweetness of her mouth. The way her tongue returned the caress emboldened him, letting him know that he was right.

  She was ready for more.

  But not for all.

  Tearing his mouth away, he lowered his head to pull the tight bud of a nipple into his mouth, suckling as she tangled her fingers in his hair and let out a small cry. He shifted to her other breast, loving how she tugged at his locks and arched into him.

  She didn’t know yet what he intended for her, and he smiled against the soft skin between her breasts. With no warning, he lifted her into his arms and laid her against the linens so her legs dangled over the side of the bed. Spreading her thighs, he kissed his way down her flat stomach.


  He rose over her again, giving her one hard kiss. “Let me play, wife. I promise to please you.”

  “It is I who should be pleasing you.”

  “Then you’re in luck.” Another quick kiss. “Because this pleases me.”

  Caleb traced her collarbone with his tongue as he slipped a hand to the juncture of her thighs. She clenched her legs together, but he simply eased them apart with his knee and explored her with his fingers.

  Sara gasped at the feel of his hands teasing and probing. His journey of kisses down her body was detoured when he drew her nipple between his teeth and tugged. She hissed in a breath and let the heat of his touch burn straight through her.

  It had never been like this before. No man had ever taken the time to coax her body to respond. Even Jean-Claude had seemed more concerned with his own agenda than whether she was a participant in the act.

  She’d been nothing to the men who came before her husband. Nothing but a lump of flesh.

  Caleb made her feel more—so much more. Cherished. Desired. Needed.

  His tongue circled her navel before his fingers separated her folds and his mouth was suddenly...there.

  “No. You musn’t...” She squirmed, trying to stop him.

  He held tight to her hips and brushed a kiss against her inner thigh. “I must. Let me have my way. I promise this is for you.”

  The words made no sense. Men had often asked her to use her mouth on their bodies, even offering to pay more. But she’d always refused. It was the same with kisses. They were too intimate for her to share with a man she’d not see again until the next payday.

  “For you...this is for you,” she insisted. It was the only explanation that she could find for what he was suggesting.

  “I ain’t gonna lie. I’ll like it right fine. But trust me, Sara, I do this for you.” He dipped his head back between her thighs and loved her with his mouth.

  Only a few strokes of his tongue and she surrendered. Her body betrayed her, growing taut with desire like she’d never experienced. Heat surged through her, flowing like fire through her veins. She drew her knees up, opening herself to him and receiving more pleasure than she’d dreamed of in return.

  Caleb’s fingers joined the assault on her senses, finding a spot so tender and full of heat that her heels dug into the mattress as she raised her hips in rhythm with the moving of his tongue over the sensitive flesh.

  Her muscles tightened, a knot settling in her lower belly. “Caleb...please...”

  Her pleas seemed to spur him on. A finger slipped deep inside her as he tugged at the nub of flesh with his teeth.

  Sara shattered, crying out in wonder and surprise as waves of pleasure washed over her. She pulled his hair and called his name until the spasms began to subside.

  And then he was gone, hurrying away before she could stop panting like a well-run horse.

  When her senses returned, she snatched up the quilt, wrapped it around herself and went to find out where her husband had gone.

  A groan came from the bathroom, so she headed there, skidding to a stop when she saw him.

  Caleb stood with an arm braced against the wall, a washing cloth clenched in his fingers. His head was bowed, his eyes closed. His pants were bunched around his ankles, and his hand moved over his erect cock, pumping up and down the length in a fast, steady cadence.

  She was hypnotized by him. The strength of his body in the moonlight rendered her mute. Roped muscle was covered with skin that gleamed a ghostly white. Her sated body leapt back to life, and for the first time in far too long, she looked on a man’s body with a flicker of desire rather than fear.

  Another groan slipped from his lips as his hand sped its rhythm. Suddenly, he threw his head back, held the washing cloth over the end of his cock, and grunted her name.

  She damned the floorboards that squeaked as she tried to ease away before he saw her.

  Caleb’s eyes flew wide and he scrambled to pull up his pants. “Sara... I’m so sorry—”

  “Stop,” Sara replied, holding up her hand. “I was...intruding. I’m the one who should apologize.” She inclined her head in dismissal and backed away to return to the bedroom.

  She’d donned her nightgown and was sandwiched between the covers when her husband returned to her.

  With no words, he tugged on his nightshirt, shed his pants, and joined her. As usual, he pulled her against him, fitting his body around hers in a way that always made her feel safe.

  Sleep refused to come. Her mind was too full of feelings and images that refused to abate. Finally, she had to ask, “Why?”


  “Why did that?”

  He nuzzled his nose against her braid and then chuckled. “Which that? The that I did to you, or the one I did to myself?”

  Since her curiosity knew no bounds, and she’d already been as embarrassed as she ever thought possible, she gave in and said, “Both, I suppose.”

  “I did that to you because I wanted to make you happy. And I did, didn’t I, Sara?”

  “Yes,” she confessed. “I never knew it could be that...splendid.” There seemed to be no words to explain how he’d made her body sing. If that was the pleasure men received whenever they spilled their seed, it was no wonder Crazy Kate made so much money.

  “As for what you found me doing... I had to.”


  “’Cause I couldn’t be inside you. Not yet.”

  Sara tried to look at him over her shoulder. “But why? I’ve not refused you.”

  “Like I told you, sweetheart... I want you to want me first.”

  The biggest revelation of a night full of them was that in the moment before her release, she had wanted him. Her body had craved the feel of him filling her completely.

  Or had she been too confused and overwhelmed to know exactly what she wanted?

  She let this statement stand without more comment.

  Caleb kissed her cheek, and she settled her head back against her pillow. “You were so sweet, Sara. All female and sugar and I ain’t got a lot of control. I had to give in to the urge. Forgive me.”

  “Forgive you?”

  “If what you saw
was too shocking, I’m sorry.”

  While she wanted to tell him she was a whore—that nothing shocked her—she refrained. Every day with Caleb made her feel less like the disgrace she’d been and more like a human being with value—at least to him.

  Maybe someday she’d value herself as well.

  Chapter Nine

  Gideon climbed out of the wagon and leveled a hard stare at Sara.

  She stood her ground and held tight to her husband’s hand as she straightened her spine. For near to two weeks, she’d enjoyed the peace of the farm. Working at her husband’s side had made her feel as though she’d finally found somewhere she belonged, and she had no intention of giving it up. Even for a disapproving brother-in-law.

  But that one big obstacle remained—she wanted Gideon’s approval. Until he accepted Sara as Caleb’s wife, she’d never truly find happiness. Something she wanted with all her heart.

  Another man made his way out of the wagon. He was a handsome devil. Blond. Blue-eyed. His smile was every bit as charming as that of an enticing salesman. She hoped that smile wasn’t every bit as false.

  While Gideon went to Caleb to cuff him on the shoulder, the blond moved directly in front of Sara. “I am Andrew Pearson. Drew to family members.” He gripped her upper arms, dragged her close, and then kissed both of her cheeks. “Welcome to the family, Mrs. Young.”

  Caleb put himself between them so quickly, she didn’t even see him coming. His arm swiped down, breaking the gentle hold Drew had on her. “Enough of that,” Caleb snapped.

  “Why, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the man insisted with a lopsided smile that belied his words.

  Why was he attempting to incite Caleb’s anger?

  “What are you tryin’ to prove, Drew?” Caleb asked as though he’d read her mind.

  “I wasn’t trying to prove anything,” Drew insisted. “I was merely attempting to make Sara feel welcome.” He shot a rather stern frown at Gideon. “I was led to believe Gideon had failed to let her know how pleased he was that she is now your wife. Isn’t that right, Gideon?”

  A laugh slipped out before she could stop it, not only at Drew’s teasing but because Gideon’s face had reddened so quickly at the pleasant scolding.


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