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Wedding Dragon (Lewiston Dragons Book 3)

Page 8

by Liv Rider

  Mitchell wondered what was going through Shaun’s mind. He’d heard from both Cameron and Joel that while they hadn’t known Parker and Thomas were their fated mates, they had felt an immediate and intense attraction. Shaun, however, looked like he wanted to run back up the stairs. If he was attracted to Mitchell, he definitely wasn’t happy about it.

  “You, um, you said you had something important you wanted to talk to me about.” Shaun sounded hesitant as he walked over to them, his eyes darting over to Mitchell before looking at his sister.

  “It is, yes.” Dale nodded at Mitchell. “He’ll be helping me with it. Right, Mitchell?”

  “Right.” Mitchell could only look at Shaun, taking in the curve of his biceps as he folded his arms across his chest, the dark stubble across his jaw, and the curls Mitchell wanted to run his hands through as they kissed.

  “Great!” Emily clapped her hands together. “Let’s go!”

  Mitchell sighed, gesturing for the others to lead the way. There was no going back now.

  The sun was hanging low in the sky, and with the peaceful forest and the beautiful lake on either side of them, it was almost romantic. While Mitchell had attempted to walk alongside his brother, leaving Emily with Shaun, the couple had different plans. Dale and Emily were now walking ahead, Dale’s arm around her waist, and Mitchell was sure he and Shaun could head back to the Inn right now and they would be none the wiser.

  Shaun had been quiet, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans. He radiated discomfort and Mitchell felt bad for him. The silence stretched between them, and Mitchell didn’t know how to break the ice.

  “Do you know what the important thing is they want to tell me?” Shaun suddenly asked. “Or why we have to walk halfway around the lake? I think they’re beyond needing chaperones.” He nodded at Dale and Emily.

  Mitchell grimaced. “Yes, it’s an important thing, but it’s also a big secret.” They couldn’t risk people back at the Inn seeing two enormous dragons. While it was a shifter-friendly Inn, not every guest knew shifters existed.

  “Is she pregnant?“ He grinned. “Emily! Am I gonna be an uncle? Is that what you want to tell me?”

  Emily turned around, shaking her head. “No! Not as far as I know.”

  “Not yet,” Dale added.

  Mitchell wouldn’t be surprised if there’d be a little boy or girl soon. His parents would be over the moon with a grandchild, and he would be the best uncle any niece or nephew could wish for.

  “Whatever important thing you want to tell me, I’m already disappointed,” Shaun replied. “I’d be a great uncle. The best uncle.”

  “No, you wouldn’t.” It was out before he realized, and he heard Dale and Emily laugh as they kept walking.

  “Oh?” Shaun threw him a sideway glance. “Are you saying you would the best uncle?”

  We would guard that child with our life, his dragon insisted. We would teach it how to shift and fly!

  “I’m saying you shouldn’t be buying any World’s Greatest Uncle mugs just yet,” Mitchell replied, relieved to have Shaun talking to him at last.

  But there was no way the other man would be a better uncle, fated mate or not.

  “Greatest is one thing. I’m talking about the best. And that’d be me.”

  “You sound very confident.”

  “I am.”

  “Guys.” Emily turned her head to look at them for a second. “One, being an uncle is not a competition.”

  Shaun scoffed at that, and Mitchell shook his head.

  “Two, no one’s pregnant,” she continued. “And three, whichever one of you changes the most diapers will be the best uncle.”

  “Ah.” Shaun’s face fell at the mention of diapers.

  Mitchell looked at him. “All right, you can be the best uncle. I’ll settle for greatest.”

  “What, no,” Shaun spluttered. “You deserve a chance to earn that title.”

  Emily shook her head. “Cowards.” She took Dale’s arm again. Dale was smiling, clearly not scared of diapers.

  “The whole point of being an uncle is that you don’t need do the diaper-changing,” Shaun muttered, low enough for Emily to miss. “You give them back to the parents for that.”

  “I think your sister disagrees.” Mitchell kept his voice quiet as well.

  “Pretty sure your brother does too.”

  They exchanged smiles, and Mitchell wanted the moment to last forever. Shaun’s smile lit up his entire face, but he looked out at the lake after only a few seconds.

  Mitchell didn’t want to return to an awkward silence. “It’s a shame Lewiston is so far away from Greenville. Can’t easily drop by for a visit.”

  “I was glad they had the wedding here rather than in Greenville,” Shaun said. “It was still a long drive, but at least it was closer.”

  They chatted a little about Lewiston and favorite places to visit, and Mitchell was glad to see Shaun sounding and looking more at ease. He could do this. He could be friendly to his mate without wanting more. Just chatting to him was nice enough. His dragon grumbled, but Mitchell ignored it. Being friends was all he could hope for.

  “My friends and I took part in a trivia night last week, and we’d like to do more. You own a bar, right? Do you organize trivia nights?”

  And just like that, Shaun’s cheerful smile became tenser, and his eyes a little more guarded. “Now and then, yes.”

  Mitchell had noticed Shaun tensing up like that during the rehearsal dinner too, especially when anyone asked him about his job. For whatever reason, it was a sensitive subject. “What type of trivia nights?”

  “We usually do themed nights.” Shaun looked ahead as if Emily’s back was the most fascinating thing he’d seen in his life. “The general knowledge stuff got kind of boring after a while. A theme is more fun. But we still have a music round every time, and an art round.”

  “That sounds fun. Did you start it, or did the previous owner have them too?”

  “They’ve been going since before I started working there.”

  The answer didn’t come immediately, and Mitchell wondered why. Why would Shaun have to think about when those quizzes had started? “How often do you guys host a trivia night?”

  “About once a month. We’ve got a regular evening for it, but sometimes life happens. People get ill, you know how it is.”

  Mitchell knew all about life happening when you had events planned. He was about to ask when exactly they held the quizzes when Dale and Emily stopped walking.

  “We should be out of sight now.” Dale peered at the path they’d come from.

  Mitchell looked around. He couldn’t see the Inn, and there was a grass field next to them, surrounded by tall trees. Tall enough for him and Dale to shift. With the sun setting, it would be even more difficult for anyone to spot them.

  “Out of sight?” Shaun frowned, looking from Mitchell to his sister. “What’s going on?”

  “Well?” Mitchell expected Dale to start, since it had been his idea.

  “I brought you here to help,” Dale complained.

  Emily sighed, and Shaun was looking more and more worried. “You’ve probably noticed something’s been up every time we’ve talked over the last few years,” she told Shaun. “Awkward silences. Me changing the subject.”

  “Once or twice, yes.”

  “That’s because I’ve had to keep this a secret from you, and it’s been really hard, and we wanted to tell you earlier.” Emily moved over to stand by Shaun’s side. “Sorry about that.”

  “Okay?” Shaun frowned. “Tell me what?”

  This wasn’t going well at all. Mitchell was brimming with impatience, and his dragon was eager to shift in front of their mate. “Dale?” If his brother wouldn’t say something, Mitchell would, but he didn’t want to step on his brother’s toes.

  Dale took a deep breath. “Mitchell and I can turn into dragons.”

  Shaun stared at them, then burst out laughing. “Okay, it’s a wedding prank. A we
ird one, but sure.”

  “It’s not a prank.” Mitchell didn’t blame his mate for being skeptical.

  “Oh, sure, every full moon you turn into dragons.” Shaun’s tone was dismissive. He turned to Emily. “Come on, what’s the important thing you want to tell me?”

  “This is the important thing. Guys, I think you’d better show him.”

  Shaun laughed again. “Yes, please, turn into a dragon!”

  It was obvious Shaun still didn’t believe them. Mitchell unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, then unbuckled his belt and slid it out of his trousers. Shifting with his clothes on was easy enough, but confining clothing like belts and shoes made it uncomfortable, like wearing clothes that were just a little too tight. He crouched down to remove his shoes. He knew how this had to look to Shaun, who was whispering to his sister about pranks. Once he removed his shoes and loosened the clothes he needed to loosen, he looked over at his brother. He couldn’t bear to look at Shaun. His stomach twisted nervously.

  Was this how Parker had felt when shifting in front of Cameron? Worried about upsetting his mate? Anxious his mate would get scared and run away?

  Our mate will not be scared! He will be impressed. His dragon sounded very confident.

  “How about you shift first, and I’ll shift once you’ve finished?” Dale suggested.

  His dragon was pleased at the suggestion. We will be the first dragon he sees!

  Mitchell glanced over at Shaun, who had folded his arms across his chest. Shaun gestured at him to get on with it, smiling in a way that told Mitchell his mate wasn’t expecting anything to happen. He hoped Shaun would still be smiling once he’d shifted.

  Mitchell took a few steps back, making sure there was enough space between himself and the others. He closed his eyes, reaching for his dragon and the sensation of scales and claws and wings. The change came over him immediately, much faster than normal. He fell to his knees as the change rippled over his entire body. For the first time since learning how to shift, it was difficult to stay in control. His dragon’s glee at getting to shift was overwhelming.

  Finally he will see! He will see how magnificent we are!

  Once the shift was complete, Mitchell stretched his wings before digging his heels into the ground to stretch his hind legs, followed by clawing at the ground to stretch his front legs. He would definitely feel sore afterwards. He hadn’t shifted in months, and shifting this fast had been an awful idea.

  Mitchell looked over at Dale, watching him shift. Like Mitchell, Dale was a green dragon, although a few shades closer to his father’s gold than Mitchell was.

  Apart from a sharp intake of breath, there hadn’t been a word out of Shaun, which didn’t help to settle Mitchell’s nerves. He was hesitant to glance at him. What if his mate looked at him with fear in his eyes? He should have moved back further or told Dale not to shift along with him. He should never have stretched his wings and made himself even bigger than he already was.

  Our mate is quiet because he’s in awe of us!

  There was only one way to find out. He folded his wings against his body and turned his neck to look down at Shaun.

  His brown eyes were wide with surprise and his mouth open as he stared up at Mitchell. “You’re beautiful.” His voice was soft, and Shaun reached out with one trembling hand, briefly brushing his fingers across the scales between Mitchell’s nostrils. He looked up at Mitchell as if the dragon was the most amazing thing he’d ever seen.

  Mitchell couldn’t help but grin with relief, then realized this would reveal his razor-sharp teeth. He lowered his head to hide them. Scaring Shaun was the last thing he wanted.

  “Oh, sorry!” Shaun jerked his hand back. “I shouldn’t have touched you like that.”

  Mitchell moved forward a little, wishing he could tell his mate exactly how okay it was to touch him as much as he liked, wherever he liked.

  Shaun looked at Emily. “Does he want me to touch him? Am I allowed?”

  “Yes.” Emily tried not to laugh. “Yes, you’re allowed.”

  Mitchell did his best to stay still when Shaun placed his hand gently back on his snout. He wanted to push back against that hand. He wanted to curl himself around Shaun and keep him safe forever. There were so many things he wanted to do.

  And he could do none of them.



  No way.

  Even with one hand on the scales of Mitchell’s…snout? Cheek? Face? What was the correct terminology for a dragon? Even with one hand against the scales, Shaun still couldn’t believe it.

  A dragon stood right in front of him. A dragon the size of a school bus, with bat-like wings and sharp claws and a tail curled on the ground. The dragon’s neck was long and elegant, and the eyes were the same shade of green as Mitchell’s, but with slitted pupils that reminded Shaun of Rumple and Stiltskin. The scales were warm and smooth against his hand, but not so hot it burned.

  Shaun slid his hand further up Mitchell’s snout, stroking the scales under his eyes and down his neck. They were a gorgeous shade of dark green. The scales down his neck were lighter than the ones on Mitchell’s back, and the ones covering his belly were closer to turquoise. “Wow,” he whispered, because what else could you say when faced with a dragon? “You’re gorgeous.” The way the colors of the scales melted into one another was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He wished Mitchell would stretch his wings again, just so he could see them up close. “You’re amazing.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  He froze at Emily’s words, having completely forgotten she was there. He turned to look at her, leaving one hand on Mitchell’s neck, and was started by another dragon standing only a few feet behind him.

  Dale had turned into a dragon as well. “Um,” he managed, “you’re a beautiful dragon too?” His cheeks reddened with embarrassment. He shouldn’t call Mitchell gorgeous or beautiful or amazing. “Definitely amazing.”

  Emily walked over to Dale, stroking his neck until she reached his flank. Dale curled his neck to nuzzle her back, and she laughed. “I know. I couldn’t believe my eyes either. It’s such a relief we finally get to tell you! I hated having to lie to you.”

  Shaun felt a stab of guilt at the lies he’d been telling. He half-suspected her words were a pointed jab.

  He looked at Mitchell again. The dragon had turned his head to look down at Shaun, and he wondered what Mitchell was thinking. He’d been quiet for most of the walk. Was he happy Shaun knew? Or annoyed Dale had dragged him into the demonstration? It was impossible to read the dragon’s eyes. “I’m glad you told me.”

  “You must have a ton of questions,” Emily continued. “I did when I first saw Dale!”

  Shaun tore his eyes away from Mitchell’s slitted pupils. “Do Mom and Dad know?”

  “Yes, we told them months ago. We wanted to tell you earlier, but…” She trailed off, throwing him a meaningful look before smiling back up at Dale.

  His schedule. Her schedule. The distance between Lewiston and Greenville. “I get it. But how does it work?” He gestured at Mitchell. Did Mitchell turn into a dragon? Or did a dragon turn into Mitchell?

  “You should ask them.” Emily gave Dale’s shoulder a loving pat. “Darling, I think it’s time the both of you shift back. You two need to explain this, not me.”

  Shaun started when the scales under his hand rippled, and he jerked out of the way when Mitchell shifted again. Mitchell didn’t meet his eyes, and Shaun’s face reddened as he thought of how he’d just touched and stroked the dragon’s scales. He’d never have touched Mitchell like that.

  Although he wanted to.

  “Sorry, um, sorry about all the touching.” He stuffed his hands back into his jeans. It was far too tempting to reach out again.

  Mitchell crouched to put his shoes back on, still not looking at him. “It’s fine.”

  “Yeah,” Dale added. “It’s perfectly understandable that you want to touch a dragon. Mitchell was
happy to let you, right?”

  “Right.” Mitchell’s eyes flickered over to Shaun before he picked up his belt.

  Shaun tried not to think about Mitchell dressing or undressing. It had been hard enough earlier when Mitchell popped open the top buttons of his shirt, and Shaun briefly hoped there’d be more of a striptease. As it was, his mind conjured up the mental image of kissing down Mitchell’s neck and finding a sensitive spot to make the other man moan.

  He wanted to touch Mitchell-the-human the way he’d touched Mitchell-the-dragon.

  “Where do you want to start?” Emily asked.

  Shaun blinked, torn out of a fantasy where he unbuttoned Mitchell’s shirt while kissing down his chest. He knew exactly where he wanted to start. “Um,” he managed, swallowing hard.

  “It is a lot to take in.” Dale sounded guilty. “I’m sorry. I thought two dragons would be better than one.”

  Right. Dragons. “How does it work?” He turned to Dale, because at least looking at Dale kept his mind out of the gutter.

  Dale spread his arms and shrugged. “How does your heart beat? How do your lungs work? I wish I could give you an explanation, but all I know is that it works.”

  “A doctor knows how lungs work,” Shaun argued.

  “And there are shifter scientists who know more about shifting.” Mitchell walked over to stand by Shaun’s side. “For now, the most important thing is you knowing that shifters exist.” He smiled. “One step at a time.”

  “Excellent idea.” Shaun’s stomach fluttered at Mitchell’s smile. He needed to get himself under control. He’d just seen two men turn into dragons, and all he could think about was how he wanted Mitchell to smile at him more often. “Are there more shifters in Lewiston?”

  “Yes, plenty. Bears, wolves, owls… Lewiston is home to all kinds of different shifter types.”


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