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Wraith (Dixie Reapers MC 8)

Page 3

by Harley Wylde

  The receptionist gave us a warm smile, and her gaze softened as she took in Rin. “Dr. Myron is waiting for you. Exam room two.”

  I went back with Rin, but I didn’t enter the room with her. I hesitated in the hallway, not sure if she’d want some privacy or if she wanted me there.

  “Maybe I should go back to the waiting room?” I asked.

  “Please stay,” she said.

  I nodded and stepped into the room. There was a gown out on the table, and I shut the door, knowing she’d need to change. I offered to turn my back, even though I’d already seen her half-naked today. Rin undressed in front of me, and the fact that she didn’t even expect privacy broke my heart. Not more so than the rest of what her body looked like, though. If I’d thought her back was bad… My gut clenched. What Joe Banner had done to her made me want to hunt him down and put a bullet in his head. And if he’d done that to his own sister, I could only imagine what he did to the women not related to him. Then I wanted the name of every fucker who had ever laid a hand on Rin, and I’d make them pay too.

  She handed me her clothes after she’d put on the gown and I folded them, then set them aside. I helped her onto the padded table, and she gripped my hands tight, not letting me move away. She was strong yet fragile. For her to have survived the things done to her, and still try to escape, took more courage than most people possessed. My hands tightened on hers when I felt a tremor run through her.

  “When’s the last time you saw a doctor?” I asked.

  “A real one? Not since my dad took me to the clinic for whatever shots were required for school. Since then, Joe hired hacks to treat me and the other women in his stable.”

  “Dr. Myron is loved by all the women in the club. You have nothing to fear, okay?”

  She nodded.

  There was a quick knock on the door before it swung open. Dr. Myron came in, a warm smile on his face. Rin seemed to lean a little closer to me, and I hated that even a man as nice as Dr. Myron would make her feel afraid.

  “You must be Rin,” Dr. Myron said, holding out his hand to her.

  She gripped mine tighter and I gave the man an apologetic smile.

  “Sorry, Doc. She doesn’t mean anything by it,” I said.

  He nodded. “Quite all right. Rin, Venom told me a little about what happened to you. Would you permit me to examine you and maybe run some tests?”

  She refused to look at him.

  “Would it help if I told you that I’m gay and very much in love with the man in my life?” the doctor asked.

  Rin peeked at him and Dr. Myron nodded.

  “It’s true. I’m gay and not the least bit interested in the female body except from a medical perspective.”

  “Can Wraith stay?” she asked.

  “If you want him here, that’s fine with me,” Dr. Myron said. “The exam will get a little… delicate. If you’d like him to step out at any point, just let me know.”

  “Rin, maybe it would be better if I left the room,” I suggested.

  “Please don’t leave me,” she said.

  Dr. Myron moved closer and listened to her heart and lungs. He did a routine exam he’d give any patient, including checking her blood pressure and temperature. At my request, he did a full blood panel and ran a urine test for STDs. When he had her slide farther down the table and put her feet into some stirrups, I made sure I was standing near her head and couldn’t see anything from the waist down, wanting to give her as much privacy as I could considering she refused to let go of my hand. I might have seen her undress and put the gown on, but this was different. Like the doc had said, it was a rather intimate exam.

  The dark look that crossed Dr. Myron’s face made my gut clench and I wondered what he’d discovered. He pulled Rin’s gown down and removed her feet from the stirrups, but he kept her lying on her back. He stepped out of the room and returned a moment later with some sort of machine on a cart. It almost looked like a small computer.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “I’m going to do an ultrasound. I just want to make sure there’s no internal damage.”

  Dr. Myron pulled a sheet over Rin’s legs, then lifted her gown to expose her belly. He squirted some gel on her, then used some sort of handheld thing and pressed it against her skin. I didn’t know what he was looking for, but the tension in his shoulders eased a little.

  “Any known pregnancies?” he asked.

  “No,” Rin said. “He made me take birth control, and the men were told to use condoms.”

  “And did they?” he asked.

  “Most of the time, but not always,” she said.

  “Do you want to remain on birth control?” Dr. Myron asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  He nodded. “Well, I can call in something for you, and if you decide to take them you’ll be prepared. I should have the results back on your lab work in about two to three days. Someone in the office will call and let you know if the tests were normal or if you need to come back for a follow-up.”

  He wiped the gel off her belly, pulled her gown down, and helped her sit up.

  “Do you have any questions for me?” he asked.

  “Not right now,” Rin said.

  “Do you know what type of birth control Joe Banner gave you?” Dr. Myron asked.

  “I just know it was a pill. A small one. He had someone give me a shot the first time, and I had a bad reaction to it. Then I had a reaction to the next two pills he tried,” Rin said.

  Dr. Myron froze and his gaze sharpened on her. “You had a reaction to three types of birth control?”

  She nodded.

  “I’m not calling pills in for you. Can you describe the ones you were last taking?”

  “They were blue, like a bright blue, and maybe the size of the head of a straight pin,” she said.

  “Rin, there are not birth control pills that I’m aware of that look anything like that. I don’t think that’s what you were given. Do you remember feeling anything after taking them?”

  “Maybe a little lightheaded. Sometimes it felt like the room was spinning and my body would feel heavy.”

  “Did he make you take them every day?” Dr. Myron asked.

  “No, only when I had to…” Her cheeks flushed.

  “Rin, I think he was drugging you to make you more compliant,” Dr. Myron said. “I’m going to take one more vial of blood and a run a test for date rape drugs. Do you remember when you last took one of those pills?”

  “Two days ago.”

  “It might be too late depending on what he gave you, but I’d like to see if there are any traces left in your system. Let me get the blood drawn, and then you can dress and leave.”

  It didn’t take long for the doctor to take more blood, something I’d always thought a nurse did, and then I helped Rin dress and we walked out to the truck. I didn’t like being in town with her any longer than necessary, not with her half-brother possibly hunting her. I did go through a drive-thru to make sure she had something hot to eat. I didn’t know when she’d had a meal last, and she was too damn skinny. It was obvious that Joe hadn’t given a shit about his sister’s health, and I doubted that regular meals had been part of her life since her dad had died.

  We hadn’t even made it back to the house before she’d devoured her meal. Without a second thought, I handed her one of the burgers I’d ordered for myself, and smiled as she chomped into it. The happy sounds she made as she ate filled the cab of the truck. Whatever it took, I would keep her safe and make sure she was cared for.

  Chapter Three


  When we pulled up to the gates of the compound, a tow truck was just pulling through. The guy at the gate waved us by and Wraith stopped by the clubhouse and rolled down his window, motioning one of the other Dixie Reapers over.

  “What’s up with the tow truck?” he asked.

  “Ridley’s car wouldn’t start, and none of us can figure out what’s wrong with it. She insisted on calling t
his new place in town. Camelot Towing.” The guy snorted. “Ever heard of anything more ridiculous for a towing company?”

  “Camelot Towing?” he asked.

  “The guy’s name is Lance. His wife’s name is Gwen. They own the business together. Ridley met Gwen in town the other day at the coffee shop and I guess the company name is one of those cutesy things that women like,” the guy said. I noticed he was trying to peer around Wraith and check me out.

  “Bats, this is Rin,” Wraith said, pointing to me.

  “You settling down?” Bats asked. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

  My cheeks burned. “He’s just helping me.”

  The humor left Bats’ face. “You’re the one everyone’s talking about. The woman related to Joe Banner.”

  I nodded.

  “You need anything while you’re here, doll, you just give me a shout.” Bats smiled. “Although I get the feeling Wraith will be keeping you close.”

  Wraith shoved Bats back and pulled away from the clubhouse, with the other man’s laughter following us. Everyone seemed to think that Wraith was keeping me, but I knew men like him didn’t end up with whores. Even if I hadn’t chosen that life, it’s what my brother had turned me into just the same. I didn’t delude myself into thinking my life would end with rainbows, puppies, and a loving family of my own. Joe Banner had destroyed whatever chance I had for a happy life long ago.

  The truck came to a stop outside his house and I climbed out, then waited at the front door for him. He might have welcomed me into his home, but that didn’t mean I had the right to walk right in. Wraith pushed the door open and we stepped inside. The food I’d eaten sat heavy in my stomach. It had been a long time since I’d had something that substantial. Joe kept all of us barely fed, saying his customers preferred skinny women. I knew the truth, though. If he kept us half-starved, it was easier to handle us. When you weren’t at full strength, it was hard to fight back. He’d also hooked most of the girls on hard drugs. They’d do almost anything for their next fix.

  “Shit. We were supposed to go to Torch’s place and pick up some clothes for you,” Wraith said, running a hand through his hair.

  “It’s fine. It’s not like I’m staying here long-term. If someone could just help me get out of the state, then I’m sure I’d be fine.”

  He folded his arms. “And how are you going to provide for yourself? Do you have money in your pockets to get you started? A place to stay? Food to eat? Not to mention it’s nearly Christmas. You shouldn’t be alone during the holidays.”

  “No,” I said. “I’d rather starve on the streets than go back to Joe. And no offense, but Christmas hadn’t meant something to me in a long while. It’s just another day except with pretty lights in the store windows and holly on the light posts around town.”

  “Sweet girl, no one is making you go back to him. Not ever, okay? But running off on your own isn’t the way to handle this.” He sighed. “And Christmas should damn sure mean more to you than that. If anyone needs one day of happiness and hope, I think it’s you.”

  “I’ll stay for a few days,” she said. “If I start getting in the way, tell me and I’ll go somewhere else. You’ve been nice enough to help me so far, and I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

  He had a look in his eyes that said he would try to make me stay through the holidays. I had to admit that his tree was pretty, and it made me think of happier times. It had been a long time since I’d sung carols, opened presents, or sipped hot cocoa while staring at a lit tree. Part of me wanted those things again, but I didn’t trust that I’d have that in the future. I’d rather not get it now and have to give it up again.

  “Would you like a hot bath? I can run and grab the clothes from Isabella and Torch while you’re soaking in the tub.”

  “Wraith, you don’t have to --”

  He held up a hand to stop me. “I don’t ever do anything I don’t want to. Well, unless Torch orders it. I’m helping you because I want to, all right? You’re not a burden, Rin.”

  “No one’s ever been nice to me before without wanting something in return.” I cocked my head and studied him. “What is it you want from me, Wraith?”

  “I just want you to be safe,” he said. “I’m not asking you to repay me.”

  I nodded and let him lead the way to the bathroom. We passed one in the hallway, but he kept going. When we entered a large bedroom, I realized it was his room, and he was taking me to his bathroom. The tub was huge and he started filling it with hot water, then he retrieved a navy tee from his bedroom and laid it on the counter.

  “I don’t have any of that girly bath stuff,” he said. “You can wear my shirt when you’re done. After the day you’ve had, I’d imagine you wouldn’t mind a nap.”

  I glanced longingly at the king-size bed in his room.

  “I’ll be back soon,” he said. “Enjoy your bath, and try to relax, Rin. No one is taking you out of here against your will, and no one expects payment for helping you. You’re safe.”

  I started to remove my clothes and he hurried from the room. It was strange seeing a man run the opposite direction when I got undressed. Usually they were unzipping their pants and expecting me to service them. The water was hot enough my skin turned red when I stepped into the tub, but it felt divine. Closing my eyes, I tried to relax like Wraith had said, and slowly the tense muscles in my body unclenched. My fingers started to prune after a while, and Wraith still hadn’t returned. I got out and dried off, then pulled on the shirt he’d provided. His bed was far too tempting and I crawled under the covers.

  I breathed in his scent and closed my eyes, feeling safe for the first time in so very long. I hugged his pillow and tried not to feel sorry for myself. After living with Joe for the last eight years, I was free. That’s what I needed to focus on. My future was uncertain, but at least I would have one. If he’d sent me to Mexico, I knew it wouldn’t have taken long for me to contract something that would have killed me, after making me miserable for whatever was left of my life. I doubted they asked their clients to use condoms, and while not all of Joe’s had, the majority had followed the rules.

  If my tests came back normal, I would consider myself very fortunate. I didn’t feel sick, but that didn’t mean one of those men hadn’t given me something. Not that any of them would have cared if they were spreading disease. Self-centered bastards every last one, just like Joe. All he cared about was how much he could make off me and the other women. He didn’t care if we were hungry, if we were in pain, or if we were sick. Money was all that mattered to him. And those who couldn’t earn him cash disappeared.

  Now I wondered if maybe they’d been sent to the brothel in Mexico too, or had Joe done something even worse to them? I shivered as I thought about how so much evil could be inside one person. I hadn’t realized how much my parents had sheltered me until they were gone. Joe was quite a bit older than me, and he hadn’t lived with us. Even the times he’d come to visit, I’d felt like something was off with him, like he wasn’t quite right inside. Maybe even when I was little I’d sensed the darkness in him.

  I heard the front door shut, then booted steps came down the hall toward me. Wraith stepped into the room, a large paper shopping bag in his hand that looked like it was nearly bursting it was so full. It was the kind I’d often seen women walking with as they left the mall. Even when my mom had been alive we hadn’t been able to afford trips to the mall.

  He set the bag down and came closer.

  “You all right?” he asked. “Can’t sleep?”

  “I don’t want to be alone,” I admitted. “I used to crave the times I could be alone because it meant that Joe didn’t want something from me. Now the silence is… unnerving I guess is a good word.”

  “I can bring a chair in here and sit with you,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Or you could lie down with me,” I said, my heart pounding as I waited to see what he’d say. I’d never willingly asked a man to get
into bed with me, but Wraith was different. I wanted to feel his strength surrounding me.

  “Rin, you don’t have to --”

  “I know,” I said, interrupting him. “Please? I’ve never… I’ve never been held by a man before, and I’ve certainly never asked one to lie down with me, not without my brother receiving payment.”

  I watched his throat bob as he swallowed hard, then he nodded. Wraith pulled off his boots, set his leather vest on the dresser, and pulled off his belt before he climbed into the bed beside me. He seemed tense, and I hated that I was making him uncomfortable. Slowly, I eased closer to him until my head was on his shoulder.

  “Thank you,” I said softly. “I know you don’t really want to lie here with me, and I’m sorry I got into your bed without asking.”

  “Christ,” he muttered. “Is that what you think? That I don’t want to be here with you? That I’m mad you’re in my bed?”

  I nodded.

  “Baby, I like you being in my bed a little too much. Seeing you in my shirt, all fresh from your bath, and curled up in my bed is making me want things I shouldn’t. I’m here to protect you and nothing else. I’m just trying to convey that message to my dick.”

  My eyes went wide at his confession, and before I could second-guess myself, I slid my hand over his hip and nearly gasped at the feel of his hard cock pressing against the denim of his jeans. He groaned and I felt his body stiffen as I stroked him through the material.


  I unfastened his jeans and dipped by hand inside his underwear, then gripped his shaft, stroking it. Pre-cum smeared on my fingertips, and I wanted him far more than I’d ever wanted anything before. Being with him like this, knowing that I wasn’t being forced to do something I didn’t want, gave me a sense of power. My heart thrummed as I worked his cock. I wondered what he tasted like, but knowing there was a chance I could be carrying something, I wasn’t about to put my mouth or my pussy on him, no matter how much I wished I could.

  “Christ, Rin! You’re going to make me come in my pants like a damn teenager.”

  “Then take them off.”


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