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Wraith (Dixie Reapers MC 8)

Page 13

by Harley Wylde

  “That’s it, baby. You can take all of me, can’t you?”

  “Please, Will. More.”

  I gave here everything I had, and once I’d bottomed out inside her, it was like something inside me snapped. I held her open and fucked her hard and deep, watching as she stretched around the width of my cock. It was fucking beautiful. Her cries of pleasure spurred me on, and my sweet little vixen came twice before I unloaded every drop of cum from my balls, filling her tight little ass.

  “Mine,” I said, slapping her ass cheeks until they turned red. “This is my ass.”

  “Yes, yours,” she said.

  I plunged my fingers into her pussy, thrusting them a few times. “My pussy,” I said.


  I reached for the chain running between the nipple clamps and tugged on it several times, triggering another orgasm that had her screaming my name.

  “All of you is mine, isn’t that right, Rin? Completely mine. Mine to fuck.” I leaned down and brushed my lips across her shoulder. “Mine to love.”

  I heard her breath catch.

  “You love me?” she asked so softly I almost didn’t hear her.

  “Yeah, baby. I love you. Didn’t realize it until you said the words, but that’s the emotion I’ve been fighting this entire damn time. I think I loved you the moment I saw you sitting there, all broken and scared, yet still fighting.”

  I slipped free of her body, then unlocked the cuffs and removed the nipple clamps. I carried her into the bathroom and we showered together. As much as I wanted my scent on her, we had other things to do than stay in bed all day. After our shower, I realized she only had one outfit to put on. I’d been so focused on finding Rin that I hadn’t even thought to grab her bag of clothes from the wrecked SUV, and I doubted anyone else had thought about it either. At least, I didn’t think they had. No one had said a word about getting her things. I wondered how much she’d fight me about a shopping trip. After everything she’d been through today, and all that I’d just put her through in the bedroom, she probably needed rest more than anything else.

  I took her hand when we reached the front door and lifted it to kiss her fingers. “Just a few more things to do, then we can have hot chocolate, turn on the tree lights, and watch whatever movie you want.”

  “Better watch it. I’ve found I have a love for sappy Hallmark movies,” she said.

  “If you want to watch sappy movies, I’m all right with that.”

  Truthfully, after damn near losing her today, I’d give her whatever the fuck she wanted. If she wanted to paint the damn house pink, I’d have a Prospect outside painting it pink. Even though I knew the men who had been at town hall were never coming after her again, there were still others out there. Men who would have to be dealt with sooner or later. Wire had compiled a list, and Shade was helping him gather the latest intel on each individual who had ever hurt Rin. One by one, I’d put them in the ground, but I wasn’t about to let Rin know that. She’d figure it out eventually, if she paid attention to the news, but she’d stressed enough already.

  “Where we are going right now?” she asked as we stepped out onto the porch.

  “I’m going to have Dr. Myron take a look at you. I just want to make sure everything is all right with you and the baby. Honestly, I should have taken you straight there after we got cleaned up earlier, but…”

  “But I distracted you,” she said.

  “Yeah.” I smiled. “I don’t regret it either, but I feel like an ass since I didn’t exactly put your well-being ahead of getting you into bed.”

  She tugged on my hand until I turned to face her.

  “Will, I needed that. What we shared in the bedroom helped me. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, make you feel guilty for not taking me directly to Dr. Myron’s office. You did something for me that he couldn’t.”

  I lifted a brow. “I sure as fuck hope he wasn’t going to help you with that.”

  She playfully slapped my bicep. “You know what I mean.”

  Yeah, I knew what she meant, and it humbled me that she trusted me that damn much. Someone had left one of the club trucks in my driveway with the keys in the ignition. I was grateful since I really didn’t want Rin on the back of my bike while she was pregnant. We made it to the doctor’s office without any difficulty since the traffic was pretty much nonexistent, and the receptionist sent us straight to the back.

  My phone rang while we were waiting and I answered when I saw it was Torch.

  “What’s up, Pres? Everything all right?” I asked.

  “Not fucking hardly. That dumbass FBI agent decided to take the blame for the mess you made,” he said.

  “Uh. You mean Montoya?” I asked.

  “Yeah. She turned herself in to her superiors, but not before she sent a message to Tank that she’d call in a favor later for cleaning this up now,” Torch said.

  What the fuck?

  “They’re going to throw her ass in prison,” I said.

  “Probably, but she doesn’t seem to care. She said that getting Rin back and making sure those men never drew breath again was more important. I think she’s going to try to pull some strings and get a light sentence,” Torch said. “I don’t know if she’s calling in favors or what the hell she’s doing, but maybe she has some powerful people in her corner.”


  “Yeah. My sentiments exactly,” he said. “Try not to upset Rin with the news, but I didn’t want you to hear it from someone else.”

  He ended the call and I stared at the ceiling a moment before focusing on my woman again.

  Rin sat on the padded table, swinging her feet, as we waited for the doctor to show up. Some people might think she didn’t have a care in the world, but I could see the nervousness in her eyes. She placed her hand on her belly every few minutes, and I could tell she was concerned about our baby. I was too for that matter. She hadn’t given me a chance to take care of her physical injuries, but hopefully I’d given her some emotional and mental healing. Dr. Myron would probably have a few things to say about taking so long to come see him, especially when he saw her head injury.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “It’s going to be fine, baby. Nothing for you to worry about right now.”

  She didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t press me for details either. Thank fuck for that at least. I knew she’d blame herself, even though none of this shit was her fault. I’d find a way to help Montoya, even if I didn’t know how right this second.

  When the doctor came in, he narrowed his eyes first at Rin, then at me.

  “Before you say anything, she needed me and I wasn’t going to tell her no,” I said. “I took a chance on her injuries not being severe.”

  Dr. Myron shook his head and started examining Rin, asking her questions as he listened to her heart, checked her eyes, and gave her a thorough checkup. He had her lie back and pressed on her belly, then he cleaned her cut and put a bandage over it.

  “Well, you don’t seem to have anything broken, don’t need stitches, and as far as I can tell the baby is all right,” Dr. Myron said. “It’s too soon for an ultrasound, and you can’t hear the heartbeat just yet. If you start spotting or have heavy bleeding, go straight to the ER and call me. Otherwise, try to get some rest and limit your stress.”

  He gave me a pointed glare and I got the message. No sex. At least not for a few days. Hell, I’d gone a month without so a few days wouldn’t be a problem. Getting Rin to cooperate might be difficult, though.

  I tipped my head toward the hall, and Dr. Myron and I stepped outside for a moment.

  “I want to have her inked. How long do I need to wait?” I asked.

  Dr. Myron folded his arms. “I know how you Reapers can be once you find the woman you want to keep, but while she’s pregnant I would advise against tattoos. If you absolutely have to have your name on her, get a bunch of custom-made temporary tattoos that she can reapply when one wears off. The good ones las
t a week or more.”

  I raised my eyebrows and Dr. Myron rolled his eyes before lifting his sleeve to show a tattoo around his wrist.

  “It’s not permanent. Yet. I wanted to see if I’d like having something like that on my body before I made a decision, so I bought a handful of temporary tattoos. I’ll wear it for a month and make a decision, then see Zipper if I want to get one,” he said.

  “All right. Thanks, Doc.”

  When I opened the door, Rin was looking at me in curiosity. I crooked my finger, and she got down off the table and came toward me, slipping her hand into mine. I knew that move would get my ass handed to me with some women, but Rin didn’t take offense. Since Dr. Myron had said she needed to rest, I knew a shopping trip wasn’t a good idea. I’d write down her sizes and get someone to pick up a few essentials until she was able to pick out her own stuff.

  “Time to go home, baby,” I said as I boosted her into the truck.

  “I like the sound of that,” she said, smiling.

  Yeah, I did too. Before I pulled out of the parking space, I shot off a text to King.

  Get two orders of ravioli from that Italian place Zipper and Delphine like and drop it by my house.

  He responded right away. Anything else?

  I tried to remember if I actually had the hot chocolate I’d promised her. Probably not since I’d barely been existing while she was gone.

  I sent another text to King. Hot chocolate. Either instant or get some from the coffee shop.

  He responded just as fast. On it.

  I put the truck into gear and headed for home. Rin was asleep, her head resting against the window, by the time I pulled up to the gate. A new guy I hadn’t seen before was standing guard.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I asked, as we came to a stop.

  He glanced at my cut, then held my gaze. Kid couldn’t have been more than twenty-one or so.

  “Cal. My brother and I just started prospecting today.”

  I stared at him. “When the fuck did anyone have time to vet you for prospecting? It’s not like we just take on anyone.”

  “Saint vouched for us,” he said, pushing his shoulders back. “He knew us from before, me and Fenton. We’re twins.”

  “What’s Cal short for?” I asked.

  “Calder.” He motioned to the gate. “I can let you through.”

  “You don’t know me, but you’ll me through?” I asked.

  His gaze flicked down to my cut again. “You’re Wraith. They told me what you did today. I don’t want any trouble.”

  I leaned back and glanced at Rin who was still sleeping.

  “I won’t let anyone in who doesn’t belong,” Cal said. “I promise your woman will be safe. Wire already left a list of men who are not only not permitted inside, but they’re to be detained immediately for hurting your girl.”

  “Fine. Open the gates.”

  What the fucking hell? I knew we were short on prospects, but since when did we just randomly add people without some sort of discussion? I’d have to hope that Torch and Venom knew what the hell they were doing because if Cal or his brother fucked up and got Rin or my kid hurt, I wouldn’t stop to ask questions, I’d just start taking heads.

  He opened the gate and I pulled through, going straight to the house. After I parked and shut off the truck, I tried to wake up Rin, and she blinked at me sleepily before closing her eyes again. I figured she was crashing after all the shit she’d been through today.

  I got out and went around to the passenger side, then lifted her into my arms. Carrying her into the house, I walked back to the bedroom and eased her down onto the king-size bed. I slipped off her shoes, then covered her with a blanket. Looked like that movie watching would have to wait, along with dinner.

  I stared down at her, watching her sleep, and something inside me warmed. She was safe. At home where she belonged, and tucked into my bed. There was only one thing missing. Walking over to the dresser, I pulled out the bottom drawer and removed a small box from the back. It held the few things I owned that had been my parents. I opened the lid and took a moment to look over the items tucked inside, picking up a picture of my family. We’d all been happy that day.

  Digging farther down, I pulled out a small box and flipped the lip open. My mother’s engagement ring winked up at me. She’d been buried with her wedding band, but I’d kept this, thinking I’d give it to my sister when she was older. With Elisa gone, I was the only one left, and I knew that my mom would have wanted Rin to have her ring. It was a marquis-cut canary diamond on a white-gold band, and I knew it had set my father back a lot of money.

  I plucked it from the velvet box and carried it over to the bed. I sat on the edge of the mattress and reached for Rin’s left hand. Hesitating only a moment, I slid the ring onto her finger, smiling a little when I realized it was a perfect fit. She’d likely wake up and wonder what the hell it was doing on her finger, but I’d ask her the important question over dinner tonight, or breakfast tomorrow if she slept all night.

  She was mine, and I was never letting her go. I might not be able to ink her right now, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t mark her.



  It was Christmas Eve, and the Reapers had thrown a huge party earlier in the day, a family event that even the kids had enjoyed. The sun had set a while ago, though, and now a different event would take place in the clubhouse. I smoothed my hands down the silk sheath dress that Isabella had brought over this morning. When I’d woken the morning after my ordeal and found a ring on my finger, Wraith had dropped to his knees and asked me to marry him.

  I’d said yes, but I hadn’t realized he’d want to do it quite so fast, but here we were, about to get married on Christmas Eve. I couldn’t think of a better present than the gift of a new family. I was gaining a husband, but more than that. The Dixie Reapers weren’t just a club, they were family. Some by blood, but all of them by choice, and they’d all welcomed me with open arms.

  My eyes teared up and I sniffled as I fought not to cry.

  “You’re going to ruin your makeup,” Ridley said as she finished pinning my hair.

  Darian snorted. “Do you think Wraith gives a shit about her makeup? As long as he can call her his by end of the night, that’s all that matters. She could go out there in a burlap sack and birds nesting in her hair and he wouldn’t give a shit.”

  Ridley snickered and I had to agree that Darian wasn’t wrong. Wraith had done a complete one-eighty, and now that he’d decided I belonged to him, he wasn’t stopping until I was his in every way possible. He’d already given me a cut that said Property of Wraith, and now we were getting married. As soon as the baby was born and I was finished breastfeeding, I’d be inked with his name too.

  “I heard about Montoya,” Ridley said, glancing at me briefly. “In case you’re wondering, they’re not giving her hard time, and she’s going to some swanky place that’s hardly even like a prison.”

  Darian growled. “What they should have done was give her a damn medal. She took out the trash or at least helped. We all know it was Wraith who did the most damage, but she won’t let him or anyone else come forward. She’s determined to put her neck on the block for the club, even though I don’t know why.”

  “Something tells me we’ll find out sooner or later,” Ridley said. “There! All done.”

  She stepped back and I looked at the mirror Wire had hung on the back of the door for me. I could hardly believe the beautiful woman looking back was me. I didn’t know Agent Montoya, but I owed her a debt. Because of her, I hadn’t been violated that day, and I was here, getting married to the man I loved. Somehow, I’d find a way to show her my gratitude.

  “Come on. Wraith looks ready to come get you himself,” Kayla said from the doorway. Wire had let us borrow his room at the clubhouse to change into my dress and get ready. Not that there was a ton of room with all his computer equipment, but it was the thought that counted.

  I walked d
own the hall with Ridley, Darian, and Kayla following me. They branched off to stand with their families as I walked across the room to join Wraith. Preacher had offered to do the honors of marrying us and he smiled as Wraith took my hand. I stared at my groom, who was dressed in his usual attire. He’d claimed suits and tuxedos were for civilians. It didn’t matter to me what he wore.

  Preacher cleared his throat and stared at me. My cheeks flushed as I realized he’d already started the ceremony and I’d been too busy daydreaming.

  “I do,” I said.

  Wraith winked at me.

  “Do you have the rings?” Preacher asked.

  Tank handed over a white-gold band for me and a titanium band for Wraith. He’d said anything as soft as gold wouldn’t last long. Apparently, he was rough on his hands. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the details about that.

  We exchanged rings and when we shared our first kiss as husband and wife, the room erupted in cheers. His tongue tangled with mine and his hand tightened at my waist.

  “Can you start the honeymoon after you’ve left the clubhouse?” Venom asked.

  Wraith drew back and smiled down at me.

  “Don’t even think it,” I told him. “They prepared a celebration for us and we’re staying for it.”

  His gaze narrowed a moment.

  “I said no, Wraith.”

  Zipper came up and slapped him on the back. “See, married all of thirty seconds, and she’s already acting like a wife. Better get used to it.”

  “Fine. Half an hour,” Wraith said. “And no more.”

  I honestly didn’t care how long we stayed, but I knew they were passing around a camera so I’d have pictures of my wedding and reception. If we ran off right away, then we wouldn’t be in any of them, and I wanted to make an album so I could look back one day and remember everything I was feeling right now.

  “I love you,” I told Wraith, pressing my lips to his again.

  “Love you too, sweet girl. Thank you for not giving up on me, and for giving me a second chance.”


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