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Corey (Devil's Flame MC Book 5)

Page 4

by Romi Hart

  Something in her chest tightened as Regan took in the sincerity of his words, and she had a new appreciation for this man’s sense of loyalty. He could have ridden off into the sunset and never come back, but here he was, in all his glory, ready for her to hop on the back of his bike and ride out with him. Maybe not into the sunset, but the Sunset Café was her favorite coffee joint, and she almost smirked at how apropos it was.

  “Well, in that case, let’s get out of here,” she told him, suddenly more enthusiastic than nervous. What was there to lose? If she felt uncomfortable or ended up hating him, she didn’t need to worry. They would be in a public place, and she could call an Uber to get back to her car and escape him. But she doubted things would go that far downhill.

  He opened the door for her, like a gentleman, and he helped her strap on the helmet he’d apparently brought for her. It looked brand new, which was a bit perplexing. She thought bikers had a steady stream of women on their rides. Wouldn’t he need a helmet fairly frequently to hand over when he took a woman home?

  With the strap in place, she waited as he mounted the bike and slid on behind him. It was so out of her comfort zone, and she had no idea where to put our hands. She didn’t want to be too intimate, but at the same time she knew she had to cling to him, having ridden before. So, she wrapped her arms around his waist but didn’t lean forward, leaving a gap to avoid too much contact.

  Corey look back over his shoulder with a smirk. “Meet Shawna. She’s the only woman in my life.” He patted the bike fondly, and she smiled. Obviously he had quite the love affair with his bike. It was kind of sexy.

  He fired up the machine, and it rumbled beneath her deliciously. She’d only been on a bike once or twice in her life, and this was both exciting and terrifying. But she trusted him, and as he pulled out of the parking lot, he raced the engine, and she nearly screamed with pleasure.

  The ride was exhilarating, and it ended all too quickly as he pulled in next to the café. She reluctantly swung her leg over the side of the bike and stood, unlatching the helmet and handing it to him as he too dismounted. He hung it on the handlebar, and then he reached for her hand, his fingers curling around hers, warm and inviting. He led her inside, once again opening the door for her, and making her more and more curious about him. But she said nothing until they were seated and perusing the extensive coffee menus.

  She wasn’t great at conversation starters, but she thought perhaps the motorcycle club was a good place to start. “So what is your position in the club exactly? I bet you’re close to the top.” She gave him a teasing smile, but he just stared at her, and Regan wondered if she said absolutely the wrong thing.

  He inhaled deeply, and told her, “ actually, I’m the president.”

  Regan blinked at him, not quite sure she heard correctly. It made sense that he was part of the round table, so to speak, but from everything she’d learned about motorcycle clubs, which admittedly was precious little, presidents tended to be much older than Corey obviously was.

  “Wow, that’s pretty impressive. I certainly wasn’t expecting that response.” She wasn’t sure what else to say to him, already at a loss for words considering his position. She should have realized from the start that he was a leader and not a follower. He had that Alpha mentality, which stood out spite his effort to appear quiet and mild.

  Corey shrugged. “I get that a lot.” He didn't seem particularly affected by her words, but she had a feeling it was a sore subject for him, so she dropped it. Luckily, the waitress came over to take the order, which gave her moment to think about furthering the conversation. Part of her felt that since this is been his idea, Corey should come up with the next topic. So, she remained silent as the waitress walked away to get their coffee.

  “How long have you been a massage therapist?” he asked her.

  Regan nearly slumped with relief as the question popped out. She could handle this discussion. People said not to talk about yourself too much on a date, but maybe she shouldn’t think of this as a date. And since Corey was a man of few words, she needed to fill in the gaps. “I knew I had a talent for it in high school. I was a terrible athlete, but they kept me around because I could relieve a shin splint or pop a shoulder back in socket in seconds. And I enjoyed offering that sort of relief. My mom wanted me to get an education, so I went to college with a generic business focus. But I just couldn’t get into it.”

  She shook her head. She’d been distracted by other things, but she didn’t feel like talking about that. She skipped to the important part. “I got a job and put myself through school for it, and I’ve been doing it ever since. I even paid off all my student loans from the college career I didn’t finish.” She swirled the coffee stirrer in the drink in front of her. “What about you? Did you go to college, or has it been all bikes and hard riding for you?”

  Corey scowled. “My dad made me get a degree in business management. I did it online while working with the club. I didn’t have any interest in school, or the people there. I did it so I could run our business and maintain a profit.”

  So, he was hot and smart. And brave. Regan liked his intensity, she found the combination incredibly arousing. “And has it helped?”

  Corey laughed, a deep, soulful sound from the barrel of his chest that slithered down Regan’s spine and made her want to humor him again and again. It was raw and honest, and it was gloriously deep and resonating. “In my opinion, running a business is more about instinct and intuition than book learning.”

  She liked the way he thought. “Fair enough, but what about accounting? And marketing?” she asked, playing devil’s advocate and hoping to elicit another chuckle.

  He shook his head and leaned forward conspiratorially. “We don’t need to advertise what we do. Our insignia reminds people of who we are, and they come to us on their own.” He leaned back, a cocky smile on his face. “And I have a treasurer who keeps track of the finances. He has an accounting degree.”

  Regan nearly snorted, thinking that maybe ‘Bikers with Brains’ would be a more apt name for the Devil’s Flames. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could Corey leaned in again. “I don’t ask women out.”

  She blinked at him, tilting her head in consideration of his words. “What do you mean? You’re not trying to tell me you’re gay, are you? I mean, I know it’s a popular genre in romance, but…” She trailed off as he threw his head back and laughed loudly, and it was infectious, drawing her own laughter out.

  As he calmed, he shook his head. “Not even close.” His eyes caught hers and smoldered in a way that had her wanting to fan herself, her stomach twisting and churning like in hadn’t in years. “I don’t ask women out because I don’t care that much. I don’t have time for complications.”

  So, that was it. It wasn’t that Corey didn’t have interest in her. He’d just delved deep into his work and didn’t want anything to pull him out of it. They were on the same page of music, and that gave Regan the confidence to offer an arrogant grin of her own as she sat straighter. “For the record, I’m not a complicated person. And I don’t go out with clients.”

  His eyes blazed, and when he spoke, his tone was gruff and deep, almost guttural, belying the calm on the surface and giving away his desire. “So, we understand each other and what we’re doing here.”

  Glancing down at her cup, Regan took a deep breath, polished off the liquid, and gazed at Corey with conviction. “Clearly. Why don’t we go back to my place?” She didn’t even try to imply that she wanted to invite him up for a drink, or that she had any interest in the niceties that would ensue if they hung around here.

  And while he quirked a brow at her as if challenging her question to assure she meant business, she slipped the strap of her purse over her shoulder and stood. “Come on, it’s not far.”

  Corey was on his feet in an instant, nearly knocking his chair over with the abrupt movement. He took her hand and practically dragged her back to the bike, which was still making p
opping noises as it cooled off. Had they really been there such a short time? Her willpower was obviously nonexistent, and her libido was in charge.

  “Where am I going?” he asked, and Regan was reminded of the lack of communication available on a bike as she strapped on the helmet. She rattled off the easiest possible directions to her apartment complex, and he nodded, the two of them climbing on and taking off without any further discussion.

  This time, Regan wrapped tightly around him, feeling the crackle of tension and chemistry between them as he drove. The road slid beneath them, and the ride was so smooth she felt like they floated along, the rumble the only sign the beast beneath them actually connected with the warped pavement. She didn’t know if that was because the bike – Shawna – was that great or because Corey was an incredible, experienced rider. Maybe it was a combination.

  It didn’t matter. This was everything, and her excitement grew as they neared her complex. She could have chosen anyone and hoped for the best, if she was looking for a little sexual satisfaction. But in taking a chance on Corey, the first man she’s really lusted after in so long, she felt like she’d won the lottery and would have her mind blown.

  Danger and intrigue were her drugs, and she’d managed to avoid both for so long. But now, she was going to get a fix, the kind that was short lived and didn’t lead to addiction. It would settle her and make her world a little shinier for a while, and then she could breathe and return to the status quo.

  In the parking lot of her complex, she directed Corey to her building, and he parked in front of the staircase that led up to her flat. For a moment, she sat there, suddenly eager to make excuses and send him away. But you only lived once, and Regan wanted to live life to the fullest. So, she put on the airs of complete confidence and determination, letting her eagerness to feel more of his flesh under her fingers, and even better, inside her, fueling her actions.

  This time, she took his hand and led him up to her door, deftly wielding her keys and letting them both inside. The space was fairly clean, with a few loose items of clothing scattered about, but she had nothing to be ashamed of here. Besides, she didn’t intend to spend much time here in the living room, and once in the bedroom, his attention better be firmly on her and nothing else.

  She barely had the door shut before his fingers curled around her waist from behind splaying over her stomach and making it do flips as he stood behind her, just an inch separating them as his warm breath teased at her ear. “Nice place,” he growled. “Where’s the bedroom?”

  “Just down the hall,” she croaked, not even recognizing her own voice, heavily laced with desire. But she didn’t give him a chance to move them in that direction. Instead, she leaned her head back against his shoulder, wrapped her hands around his neck, and pulled him down into a kiss, moaning as her toes curled with the delicious taste and scent of him.

  He sucked in a breath and returned the passion, his hand pressing harder against her abdomen, his thumb between her breasts caressing with the lightest stroke. His erection pressed into her lower back, and she pushed up on her toes, wanting to drink more from him as she parted her lips to welcome his tongue into her mouth. His exploration was purposeful, and it drew out her need with expertise. She could only imagine what his hands would do, once they did away with the clothes and gave into the pressure of arousal that seemed to enrapture them both. Yes, she’d made the right decision, she thought as moisture leaked from her core and reminded her just how ready she was to take him inside her.


  From the moment the invitation left Regan’s mouth, Corey had known he’d accept. He also knew it was a terrible idea. He just didn’t care anymore. Her body sang to him like a siren calling to a sailor. It didn’t matter if she drug him beneath the waves and drowned him at that point. He’d held out longer than he’d thought he could manage, and it was time to end the dry spell.

  And when her lips touched his, Corey was lost. The taste of a woman intoxicated him, but this was more. It felt like he’d searched for something he craved his whole life, and he had just now found it. She was sweet and sassy, just like her personality, and he couldn’t drink enough of her.

  The angle of her head, leaned back against his shoulder, was scintillating but didn’t allow him to explore deeply enough. He ran his hand from her stomach, brushing his fingers lightly over one breast, and up her throat, stroking the side of her neck with his thumb as he tilted her back further, testing the limits of her flexibility. She used her arms around his neck as leverage to balance herself, and Corey groaned at her eagerness to please.

  But it still wasn’t enough.

  He broke the kiss, and in a series of swift movements, he shoved Regan away, twirled her around, and yanked her to him, chest to chest. She stared up at him, breathless, as he cupped her face in his large hands, practically engulfing it, and dove back in for more. He smashed his lips into hers, and she opened willingly, letting him take from her and feeding him her passion. He nipped at the corner of her mouth, and she sighed. He licked over her jaw, and she whimpered and pushed against him, practically begging for him to give her everything he had.

  And holy hell, Corey had every intention of showing her just what he had to offer a woman.

  He wanted her right here, right now, and he would have pushed her against the door and driven his cock deep into her without even getting undressed. But he wouldn’t disrespect her like that out of desperation borne of being celibate too long.

  Or was it just her that made him need it so badly?

  It didn’t matter. He wouldn’t use her like a rag-doll. He was a better lover than that. He just had to slow down a little and think.

  Bed. Right.

  Sliding his hands down her body, he cupped the back of her thighs and lifted, hitching her legs up around his waist while remaining locked at the lips. Regan clung to him, her nails biting into his shoulders deliciously. Stumbling down the hall, he ran into the wall more than once, bruising one arm and a hip, but he barely felt it, his attention fixed on the sensation of his cock throbbing against her pulsing core.

  If he didn’t grab a hold of his self control and keep his hands at the wheel, he wasn’t going to last long enough.

  Grateful as he bumped through the door frame to find a large bed that wasn’t completely littered with pillows, Corey fell gracelessly with Regan to the soft surface, bracing himself with his hands to avoid crushing her. She was solid, strong, but he was large and still imagined collapsing a lung with his weight.

  She stared up at him, wide-eyed, as if she couldn’t believe what was happening, and for the first time, Corey hesitated. He wasn’t the type to use women. If he didn’t think she was fully into it, he would rather walk away than take her word that she didn’t mind. The last thing he wanted was to convince Regan that she wanted this when she really had just made a poor decision on a whim.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked breathlessly, a sexy growl to her voice that nearly sent Corey into overdrive.

  Biting back the groan that almost slipped out, he shook his head. “No, I just want to be sure you’re into this.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him, the lust still bleeding from them. And really, from every pore of her body. The pheromones were overwhelming. “Are you getting cold feet, Captain?”

  The challenge was loud and clear, and Corey grinded his hips against hers, pressing his erection into her stomach. “Does that feel like cold feet to you ?” he asked.

  She laughed throatily and rolled her hips to rub against his cock until he thought he would explode right then and there. “Then don’t stop now. Women get blue balls, too, you know.”

  That made Corey laugh, and it turned up the heat to damn near his boiling point. Regan was one of a kind for sure, with spunk and humor aside from intelligence and a smoking hot body. And that prompted him to slide down her torso, licking his way down past her navel to the front of her jeans, making swift work of her fly and tugging the denim down her legs.

  Her skin was creamy, smooth, and he could smell her sex, the arousal sweet and tangy tinting the air. He ran his hands back up as he slinked over her, one long caress till he reached that center and inhaled deeply of her scent. When he let the breath out, Regan shivered, and he saw the moisture leaking from her and soaking the thin material that still covered her pussy. He wanted to lap it up, but his cock pressed so hard against his own jeans it was painful, and he knew he’d come in his pants if he didn’t get inside her soon.

  Sitting up on his knees and pulling away from her took great effort, but as he relieved himself of the confining clothes, his eyes remained fixated on Regan, who sat up to unclasp her bra and to shimmy out of her panties. If he’d thought the sight of her in nothing but the underwear was too much, seeing her naked was almost unbearable. She was a goddess, with all the right curves and the sort of untouchable spirit that made men weep.

  And tonight, she had chosen him.

  Mesmerized by her, Corey practically lunged at her, capturing her mouth with a desperate kiss that represented all the desire, need, and urgency he felt. Regan answered wholeheartedly, latching onto him with arms and legs, until they were tangled together in a way that it seemed would take hours to unravel. He lost track of where he ended and she began as he dove in with everything he had to offer. He would leave his mark, create a memory she couldn’t forget easily.

  Shoving an arm between them, he stroked her slit and pressed one long finger inside of her, groaning at the sensation of her wet warmth squeezing around him. And Regan moaned, riding his hand shamelessly, begging him for more. And he definitely had more to give. He just needed patience, hers and his, so he didn’t end this abruptly without either of them achieving true satisfaction.

  He nibbled down the side of her neck, and she scratched at his back, her short and carefully manicured nails heightening his arousal until he could barely stand it. “What are you waiting for?” she gasped. “Can’t you tell how ready I am?”


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