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Bank On Love

Page 13

by Iris Bolling


  Her heart was pounding, her moisture dripping, her inner lips throbbing at his closeness. She could feel his breath against her lips, her legs tightened around his waist, willing him to enter her.

  He kissed the corner of her lips so gently she whimpered.

  “Grace,” he whispered again.


  With that his head slowly eased into her. A moan escaped from her parted lips. The heat, the thickness, the solid steel moved upward filling her like she had never been filled before. When he was fully embedded inside of her, he stilled.

  His breathing was ragged, as his head rested against hers.

  “I love you, Grace.”

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  “I have always loved you.”

  Her legs tightened more.

  He groaned. “Only you, my love.” He kissed her eyelids. “Only you.”

  He kissed her lips, easing his tongue inside, merging their juices as it twirled with hers.

  Tears poured down her cheeks, as her arms held his head in a death grip, savoring, taking everything he had to give, from his lips to the tip of his toes and all points in-between.

  His hands moved her hips up, then slowly back down on him. Her inner lips trembled at the feel of hot steel moving up as if leaving her, then slowly coming back down, filling her with an unexplainable joy that was building inside of her with each move he made. The tender, gentle movements made her cry out again, and again, and again until the pressure threatened to burst through her heart right into her soul, then escape through her mind, causing her to scream out in pure joy.

  Jonathan’s head fell to her shoulder as his movements became more demanding, more direct, pinging off every nerve ending inside of her, then she felt the release of him flowing through her, like a volcanic explosion, the heat of his semen running down her behind. She squeezed her inner lips wanting to capture all of it and keep it safe and warm inside of her.

  They stayed against that wall, his hands kneading her behind, her hands stroking the back of his head. Neither wanting to move.

  “I love you, Jonathan. I always have and I always will.”

  The words drew a groan so deep she could feel his chest swell.

  Relishing this moment, this woman, this life. He had waited without any certainty from her, never allowing his heart to be taken by another. Praying she was doing the same. He waited for the chance to show Grace just how much he loved her. To hear the words from her lips unleashed something within him.


  She attempted to put her legs down. He shook his head.

  “End of the hall.”

  Refusing to move from inside of her, he carried her, to the room with the double doors. He laid her on the edge of the bed, moved her legs to his shoulders, then began gliding in and out of her. Smoothly caressing her thighs, as he leaned over her bending her legs, going deeper inside of her warmth, gently touching every corner with the love he was feeling. He was branding all of her as his, with each gentle stroke.

  Grace’s hands fisted the sheets in her palms, as sweet stroke after stroke touched every corner of her. The touch was so damn sweet she had to gulp for air after every skillfully delivered stroke. His movements were deliberate, controlled and making her long for more of him.

  “Don’t stop,” escaped her lips, “don’t….”

  Her words must have penetrated his mind, for his strokes came faster, harder, direct, with a force so fierce she screamed out his name the moment he exploded.

  His arms eased her legs down. His body covered hers, he kissed her neck, her cheeks, her eyelids, then her lips. God, his loving her was so thorough, so gentle, so complete. Her hands cupped his face as his tongue mingled with hers. She could feel their juices flowing below spreading a warmth down her thighs. His love making was so beautiful it caused tears to form in her eyes. She moaned at the completeness of it all. Nothing had ever made her feel so sprung, her body was limp, as if a weightlessness had entered her, releasing all the tension, the questions, and finally the love she had for this man.

  Jonathan felt the wetness on his cheeks. He rolled over, pulling her into his arms. Her leg fell between his as she whimpered while her tears flowed down his chest. He covered her leg with his, wrapping her in his loving embrace, giving his strength to her.

  “Tell me why you are crying, Love.”

  She inhaled, then held him tighter. “I will never be able to make love to another man again.”

  Jonathan smiled. “That was a brilliant try, however, your attempt to use humor to avoid hard conversations will not work with me.” He kissed the top of her head. “Shall we try again?”

  “You never would let me get away with that.”

  “No, Love. Your happiness is too important to me not to know what makes you sad.”

  He felt her adjusting in his arms, once she settled on a position she spoke.

  “The news about my father hurt my mother.” A tear fell to his chest. “I could feel her pain, see her battle to stay strong.” She shook her head then sighed. “No one should have to endure that kind of pain.”

  “Your father told me that the joy of his life was a smile from your mother. That kind of love doesn’t end at death. It continues to flow through her from beyond the grave. The strength you see is his love flowing through her.”

  She looked up into his eyes. He looked down into hers. Gazing at him for the longest time, he wondered what was on her mind.

  “This is the first time I could think on my father’s death with a smile.”

  He pushed her hair from her face. “You have the strength of your father flowing through you as well. You will find the person responsible for his death. Then you will give your family closure and a sense of peace. For now, know that I am here for you to lean on day or night. You will not endure all of this alone.”

  He gently kissed her lips. “Now close your eyes and sleep knowing my love is surrounding you.”

  “You are an amazing man, Jonathan.”

  “I know.” He smiled. “God made me just for you.”

  The sun’s rays flowed through the window, blanketing their bodies with a glow. Or was that the elation of his heart as he held the woman who rocked his world in his arms.

  “That was ten years of a backup we had going there.” Grace smiled as she stretched against his chest. Her hands splayed across his chest causing his nipples to harden under her touch.

  “I have to disagree, my love.” Jonathan’s finger trailed down her spine. “This is how life will be for us.”

  “No sleep?”

  “Good loving from sunset to sunrise.” Jonathan laughed, as he pulled her closer.

  “I want to start all of my mornings like this.”

  “We can, Love.” Jonathan kissed the top of her head.

  Grace moved her body over his, sat up then gazed into his eyes. “You left before” -she adjusted her body- “without saying goodbye. It took me a while to pull myself together. The hurt was deep. Having you in this way frightens me. If you were to leave again, I know I will survive.” She ran her finger down his chest. “However, you may not. I will have to take you out if you hurt me again.”

  Jonathan settled her down as she straddled him. This was important for her to hear and he did not want to be distracted by her body moving against him.

  “I need you to listen to what I am about to say with an open mind.”

  “All right.”

  “When I received the call from Phase indicating I was selected for the internship, Roark was standing next to me. He celebrated with me when I hung up the phone. The flight was scheduled for that evening. I had time to pack and catch a trolley to the airport to make the orientation on Monday morning. Roark was to find you then bring you to the dorm so I could share my news and tell you my plans. I waited so long I damn near missed the bloody plane. When Roark did not come back with you, I ran to your dorm to put a note under your door.” He cleared
his throat. “Over the years it has become clear to me that Roark was happier about my job than I was. It gave him clear access to you.”


  “Yes, Love, Roark.”

  “I was a mess when you left, Jonathan. It was Roark who held my hand. He was there when I cried night after night.”

  Jonathan nodded. “I’m sure he did.”

  “You don’t understand,” Grace sighed. “Roark has been there for me year after year, asking for nothing in return.”

  Jonathan raised an eyebrow.

  She shook her head. “Well, yes he came on to me for a while after you left, but he knew it was not going to happen. Since that time he has been a really good friend.”

  “So good of a friend that in the first year after I left he blocked every attempt I made to contact you.”

  “You could have called. You knew the number.”

  “I did.” Jonathan nodded. “I spoke with Roark several times. Each time he indicated you were so upset you did not want to speak with me. I could not figure out why every time I called you I would get Roark. In hindsight I really do owe my expertise in hacking to him. My first hack was into your phone number. I discovered someone had forwarded international calls from your phone to his number.” He looked into her eyes. “Who do you think would have done that?”

  He held her gaze.

  “Roark would not have done something like that. Hell, I’m not even sure he was tech savvy back then.”

  “He was, love. Do you remember the confrontation Roark and I had on my first trip back to the university? It was because I confronted him with what I had found.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He denied it. Said that you two had moved on.” Jonathan sighed. “He was my friend. I could not understand why, of all the men who were chasing after you why you would choose him.”

  “I didn’t choose him. I’ve never been involved with Roark.”

  “It took a while, but by the time I figured that out I was back in London and committed to Phase. I made it a mission to keep your friendship although we were over three thousand miles apart. Then to improve my circumstances so that one day I could give you the life you deserved.”

  “I never cared about that, Jonathan,” Grace declared.

  “Think back to my circumstances back then. You and Roark had mobiles, I did not. He often teased me about that, remember? You and Roark had vehicles, I did not. When I got on that plane all I had in my pockets was enough coins to call my mother once I reached London. Working for Phase was my only chance to build the life I wanted with you.”

  “First,” she exhaled. “You would have been a self-made billionaire with me long before you were with Phase. I know this because I am the type of woman that will make any man successful.”

  “You think a lot of yourself, do you?”

  “Yes, I do.” Grace laughed. “As for Roark, he could never replace you. I am certain he knows that, for I have told him so on several occasions.” She sighed. “Jonathan, you had my heart the first time you walked into the cafeteria with those bow legs and that bright smile. I don’t think I had ever seen teeth so white.”

  He laughed.

  “I’m serious,” she laughed with him. “I have been with many men, but I think Daisy was right?”


  “She said something to me that I thought was crazy at the time. She said the reason I never slept with Roark was because inside I knew you would never forgive me.” She gazed into his eyes. “With all the wild things I have done in my life, I never wanted to disappoint you. You have always been my man.”

  He pulled her down until their lips were a breath away. “And you have and will always be my woman.”

  The two made love again, sealing their love, one to the other. Both looking forward to a lifetime of love. Neither expected the turn of events that was going to jeopardize that dream.


  It was the ringing of the phone that caused Winnie to finally open her eyes. She wanted to stay in the dream with Hep holding her as she cried. Why wasn’t Daisy answering the damn phone she wondered as she sat up.

  Winnie took a deep breath then looked around the room until her eyes hit her cell phone on the night stand. She picked it up and answered. She listened then nodded her head.

  “All right. Tell him I will be there.”

  She sat in the center of the bed then exhaled. “What in the hell does Walker want with me?”

  Throwing the covers to the side, she walked into her shower to prepare to have this so-called important meeting with Hepburn’s brother. Lord how she detested that man. But it was her responsibility to look out for the fool now that Hepburn was gone.

  “Lord give me the patience,” she said as she closed the door behind her.


  “Hello, Myles.”

  The tall elegant man with salt and pepper hair at his temples, always reminded Myles of his father. The two ran in the same circles for years. The thought of finally working together thrilled them both, then his father died.

  “Hello, Mr. Whitfield. Thank you for meeting with me.”

  “Spencer. We have known each other for many years. There is no need for formalities between us.”

  They both took a seat at the table, placing the white linen napkin in their laps. “That’s just it, sir. You knew me before I was born. My father would come back to life to tell me a thing or two about respect if I referred to you in any other way. I placed an order for coffee for you. Black, right?”

  “Black is fine,” Spencer replied. “I am still struggling to deal with Hep’s passing,”

  “Unfortunately, the family has more to deal with,” Myles said. “It’s part of the reason I asked you to meet with me.”

  A waitress arrived at the table. She placed the coffee in front of them then proceeded to take their breakfast orders. Once she finished, Myles continued.

  “Before the news hits the airwaves and I am certain that it will, I wanted you to hear it from me in person. It may change your mind on bringing BIT to Dunning at this time.”

  Shaking his head Spencer took a drink of his coffee, then sat the cup back down. “Never. Hep and I had been planning on working together for years. It does not change with his passing. This still means as much to me personally as it does professionally.”

  “Thank you for that, Mr. Whitfield. However, I would like for you to hear me out before we move forward."

  “It is your meeting, son, go ahead."

  Myles watched as the man sat back in his seat ready to listen. It was his prayer that once he had his say Mr. Whitfield would still feel strongly about working with Dunning. Acquiring the BIT account on the tail of the Hershel Automotive account would have a huge impact on the future of the bank.

  “Dunning is fully capable of handling all aspects of BIT, from payroll to investments, we have the staff and international expertise. There are a few internal issues I feel you and your board need to know that may impact your decision to move forward. First, you know we have brought Jonathan Michael on as Vice-President of Operations.”

  “Excellent move,” Spencer said. “We know Jonathan and his work well.”

  “We are fortunate to have him,” Myles acknowledged. “What you may not know is he, as well as I, expect some form of retaliation from Phase International.”

  Spencer sat forward. “Why and how?”

  “The why is simple. Dunning is moving up in the rankings. They see the numbers as well as others. Adding Jonathan to our team strengthens our position. Acquiring BIT on the heels of Hershel Automotive has the potential to move us further up in the rankings. And let’s be honest, not many investors around the world are thrilled that an African American owned financial institution is that close to that much power. The how is not as clear to us at this time. However, with Jonathan’s insight into Phase’s way of handling threats to their standings he will be able to identify any threats.”

  “Their concern may be
Jonathan sharing proprietary information.”

  “One, Jonathan would not offer it and two, Dunning would never accept it. Our integrity would be damaged forever if we did. That is why I wanted to make you aware of the threat so you can protect BIT and the accounts you have with Phase International.”

  “With America’s Bank losing Hershel to Dunning and now with BIT on the table, Phase would be negligent if they did not suspect you were coming for their spot in the rankings.”

  “We at Dunning do not care about rankings. We care about our clients and their bottom line. Hershel came to us. We presented our package to them. They liked our proposal and signed on the dotted line. Their previous financial institution was never mentioned by them or us. And as you know it was the same with BIT.”

  Spencer nodded his head. The gesture eased Myles’ concerns.

  “Dunning has an impressive package, Myles. The reason we came to Hep was because we aspire to have the public image you all have. We are techies, as the young kids call it. We do not handle the customer service piece as well as people driven organizations do. Dunning is a people driven organization and we want to be a part of that.”

  The waitress retuned with their food, set it on the table, asked if they needed anything more. Both men shook their heads no. The waitress thanked them and said to enjoy their meals then walked away.

  “You indicated there is another issue,” Spencer said as he began to eat.

  Myles nodded. “A few weeks ago we made the decision to have my father’s body exhumed. Yesterday the medical examiner’s report came in. Unfortunately, his findings were what we feared. My father was murdered.”

  “What?” Spencer sat forward, dropping his fork.

  “There was a substance found in his body that made it appear to that he had a massive heart attack.”

  “Myles, do you have any idea who may have done such a thing?”

  “No.” Myles shook his head. “We have initiated our own investigation.”

  “I can’t believe this,” Spencer said as he sat back in disbelief. “Keep me posted on this, Myles. I want to know who did this to my friend. I want to know.”


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