Book Read Free

Changed by Time

Page 12

by Zoe Matthews

  They all went downstairs and sat at the large table where Barbara had the lanterns set out. She finished her lantern and could see Megan had already finished her own.

  Daniel, Keegan, and Megan started talking easily, while Laura sat back to listen. Barbara hoped she wasn’t uncomfortable down here.

  She finished her lantern, and set them all by an open window, hoping the fresh breeze would take the strong smell of paint out of the house.

  Megan helped her clean up the mess on the table, and by the time they were done, the doorbell chimed, letting them know their Chinese food had arrived. Barbara paid for the food and brought it back to the table. Daniel watched intently as she lifted each box out of the bag. She handed everyone chopsticks and plates while Megan stuck serving spoons into each box.

  Everyone served themselves and sat down to eat. Barbara watched Daniel as he tried to figure out how to use the chopsticks. He had learned how to open the package by watching Megan and Keegan, but he couldn’t seem to hold the chopsticks, and pick up the food. Barbara started to laugh.

  Daniel looked up in shock, then started laughing as well. “These contraptions are actually used to eat food?”

  “Not the way you are using them. Here, hold them like this.” She tried to show him, but they kept falling out of his hand. She finally grabbed forks for him and Laura so they could eat. Daniel polished off his plate and quickly went back for seconds before Barbara had finished half of what was on her plate.

  She couldn’t stop smiling at his enthusiasm for everything. She noticed the longer he stayed in this time period, the less formal he became, and she started to see more of his true personality coming out.

  Laura finished her plate, although she was less enthusiastic. She admitted it did taste good, but her stomach was still feeling queasy because of her medication.

  Megan and Keegan cleaned up dinner and put the leftovers in the fridge while Daniel finished his second helping.

  “That was amazing. It was exceptional. I have always wanted to try new foods that other people eat around the world,” Daniel said, standing to help take care of the trash on the table.

  “There are plenty of places that make food from different countries. We have Mexican, Indian, Italian, and a number of different restaurants that just make American food that I would be willing to bet you haven’t tried before,” Barbara said with a smile. “We will have to make an effort to be sure you get to try some of them before you go back home.”

  Daniel’s face dropped at the words, and Barbara regretted saying them. She didn’t mean to bring up the fact that he would be leaving soon.

  “Why don’t we go start a movie? I have one in mind that I think you will like.”

  She led them to an entertainment room Megan had set up last month. There were two couches set up to surround a TV with bookshelves on either side. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was comfortable. They had all spent some time relaxing in here.

  She slid in a DVD of The Scarlet Pimpernel. It had been one of her favorite movies growing up, and later she had enjoyed the book as well. She knew it was written after Daniel’s time, but the events had happened before his time, so she hoped it would be a movie that Daniel and Laura would be able to relate to more than they would a modern movie.

  She settled down next to Daniel, with Laura on the other side of him. Megan and Keegan took the other couch, cuddling under a blanket.

  Daniel was leaning forward towards the TV the entire movie and asked questions several different times. Laura seemed interested in it, but quickly became tired. She excused herself after a half hour of the movie, ready to retire for the day. Daniel jumped up to help her.

  “Oh, please, Daniel. I can find my own way to my room. You finish the…” She paused, trying to remember what it was called. “Movie.”

  Daniel hesitated. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely.” Laura smiled. “Thank you, Barbara, for the new experience. It was enthralling.” With that, she left the room quietly.

  They all finished the movie in silence, letting Daniel get the full experience of it. When it was over, it took a moment for Daniel to recover from the experience.

  “That was incredible!” He talked quickly about the experience, and how real it had all felt.

  Barbara sat and smiled at him while she listened. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “I’m going to head home.” Megan came over and gave her a hug. “It was nice to get to know you better, Daniel.”

  “Indeed. I can see why Barbara is so fond of you,” Daniel said pleasantly.

  “Please be safe driving home. And remember, I don’t want to see you at work tomorrow. You take the day to catch up on things you need to do for the wedding. You only have two more days,” Barbara reminded her with an excited smile.

  “I know! I can hardly believe it is actually happening.” She and Keegan shared a happy smile, and she gave him a hug as well.

  She said her farewells and left. Keegan went with Megan to walk her to her car.

  “I hadn’t realized so much time had passed,” Daniel said, shocked as he looked at the clock.

  “Yes, it is easy for time to pass quickly while you are watching a movie,” Barbara agreed, then yawned. “I think I’m going to head up to bed as well. Do you need anything before I go?”

  “No, I am well satisfied from that dinner. Thank you.”

  He looked straight into her eyes, and Barbara seemed unable to move. She longed to lean forward and kiss him. Feelings overwhelmed her. She hadn’t felt remotely attracted to any man since high school, but she still somehow knew that what she felt for Daniel was more than just attraction. She took a step towards him.

  He hesitated, and she had to remind herself that in his time, couples weren’t supposed to show affection freely. The most contact they had with each other was through dancing. Even engaged couples had to be properly chaperoned.

  She looked down, trying to hide her disappointment. Daniel caught her off guard by bending down and kissing her softly in that moment.

  She felt tingling all over, strange sensations she had never felt before. He cupped her face and deepened the kiss for a few moments before stepping away slightly.

  Barbara could barely breathe. This man was the most amazing man she had ever met; she knew right then and there that she loved him. She had known him for less than two weeks, but somehow, she was sure that she loved him. And she instantly knew that he was the only one she wanted a life with. When he left to go back to his time, she knew she would never want a life with anyone else.

  They looked into each other’s eyes for a few more moments, and Barbara wondered if he felt the same deep feelings for her.

  “Goodnight Barbara.” Daniel smiled gently before he turned and walked up the stairs to his room.

  Barbara watched him leave, unable to help the grin that spread across her face. She was, without doubt, the luckiest woman alive. Even though he was from 1816, he was here now, in her time. She was going to enjoy this time with him.

  Chapter 15

  Barbara’s eyes filled with tears as she watched her daughter walk down the red carpet they had laid out to lead into the gazebo. She was beautiful in a simple flowing gown, with a glow about her like she had never seen before.

  They had chosen to keep the wedding simple and small. There were only a couple dozen people scattered around the gazebo in Keegan’s backyard. The transparent fabric they had hung around the yard provided a little shade and gave the yard a more elegant feeling.

  Megan didn’t have any man in her life that she’d ever looked at like a father, so she walked down the aisle alone, with her head held high. Barbara felt a wave of guilt that Megan had never had a male figure to look up to, but she was also incredibly proud that Megan didn’t let it bother her or affect the way she saw her life.

  It had been a crazy couple of days leading up to the wedding. Barbara and Megan had hardly had any time to sleep, let alone relax with the men in their lives. It
was shocking how quickly Barbara had accepted Daniel as someone who was important to her. She glanced over at him and Laura. They were sitting just a few yards away, smiling at the happy couple, who now joined hands in front of the priest. Daniel met her eyes and smiled happily at her. Barbara smiled back, then focused on her daughter's ceremony.

  It was beautiful, and she could hear several people in the crowd sniffling. She couldn’t hold back her own tears as she remembered Megan as a toddler, child, teenager, and now an adult. They had experienced so many trials and so much happiness together. Now she would have to hand the opportunity for new experiences to someone else. She was thrilled Megan had met Keegan, and she knew Keegan would treat her daughter well, but it was still hard to know that the part of life where she was the most important person to her daughter was now over.

  The priest announced that it was time to exchange rings, and Keegan pulled a ring box out of his pocket. He handed Megan one ring and kept the other for himself. Barbara knew what they looked like. They were a matching set they had found at an antique shop. Both bands were engraved with an intricate design, and Megan’s band was inlaid with several simple diamonds. They slid the rings onto each other’s fingers before kissing, sealing their vows to each other.

  Barbara couldn’t help but let out a simultaneous sob and laugh as their kiss sealed their bond. Happiness shone from both of them as they came out of the gazebo, and shared hugs with those surrounding it.

  Megan came straight for her and they embraced tightly.

  “That was a beautiful ceremony. Congratulations, sweetheart,” Barbara said while still holding Megan tightly.

  “Thanks, Mom.” Megan pulled away and wiped at a few tears of her own. “I am so lucky to have found a man like Keegan.”

  “Yes, you are. He will treat you well. I know you two will have a wonderful marriage.” Barbara couldn’t stop the tears that continued to stream down her face. “Don’t take it for granted.”

  “Never,” Megan said with a teary, happy smile. “Hopefully you will soon have a man that will give you a wonderful life, too.” Megan’s eyes darted over to Daniel.

  Barbara blushed. Goodness, she hadn’t blushed since she was a teenager, but she couldn’t stop it from spreading across her face.

  “We will see,” she responded before giving Megan one more hug and, then letting her go to greet the other people waiting patiently behind her. What she didn’t say was how badly she wished and hoped what her daughter had said would come true.


  Barbara collapsed on the couch, finally done sending guests home and cleaning up the finger foods they had laid out. They had sent Keegan and Megan on their honeymoon about an hour ago. Barbara smiled at the thought of the two of them happily getting into the car and driving away, then she sighed.

  Oh, how her feet ached.

  She was grateful that the shop was to be closed tomorrow. She would definitely be sleeping in.

  Laura had gone to bed a couple of hours ago, but Daniel had stayed to help Barbara clean up. Barbara was grateful and impressed. In his time, he didn’t have to do any of the trivial things that came with a party. He had people to do that for him. Now, he was in the kitchen making some tea. He hadn’t ever made tea before, but he insisted he knew how to do it. Barbara didn’t want to complain because she only wanted to get off of her feet.

  Barbara was impressed that he was always so eager to jump in and help when he saw a need. He had such a caring and giving heart.

  Daniel came in with two steaming cups of tea and gave one to her. “I used your lavender blend. I thought you might prefer this right before bed.”

  Barbara smiled. “You read my mind. Thank you.” She took a sip and sighed. “This is a good cup of tea.”

  “I am glad my first tea-making experience didn’t go awry,” he said with a gleam in his eye.

  They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes while they sipped at their tea.

  “Laura is nearly done with her antibiotics. She wants to get home right after she has finished them.” Daniel spoke softly, as though he wished he didn’t have to talk about this.

  “Oh. I guess that would be coming up soon. This week has gone by so fast. You haven’t even gotten to experience much of the culture in my time.” Barbara felt like she wanted to ask him to stay so they could continue to spend time together, but she knew she couldn’t.

  “I have gotten to experience what your life is like. That is how I would have wanted it, even if I had a choice.”

  Barbara’s heart melted. “We need to make sure you get to see something outside of the house before you go. Tomorrow I can take you both to a farmer’s market. They sell locally grown fruits and vegetables and art, and we can even get lunch there. It won’t be anything exciting or crazy, but it will be something.”

  Daniel’s eyes lit up. “That would be wonderful. I will talk to Laura in the morning to see if she is feeling up to it.” His eyes hooded a little. “She doesn’t like being in the future. She feels it is against nature; it’s not where God intended us to live.”

  Barbara nodded. This was how Keegan’s family viewed time travel as well. Love couldn’t stop them from choosing each other despite the difference in years, but they didn’t want to continue using time travel because they didn’t want to change history any more than they already had.

  “I can understand that. If I’d had a choice, I probably would not have traveled back to your time.” She waited for a beat before she spoke again. “I am glad I didn’t have a choice.”

  Daniel looked into her eyes and gave her his sweet smile she loved so much. “As am I.”

  He leaned forward, hesitating only for a moment, and cupped her face comfortably in his warm hand. He leaned forward and kissed her gently and simply. He pulled away slightly, then leaned his forehead against hers. The simple, tender way he treated her made her heart race. It made her want more, which she never thought she would want. This man was everything she needed and more.

  “I love you,” she whispered to him. She hadn’t meant to say the words, but she still knew they were true.

  Daniel looked slightly surprised, but his gaze softened with warmth. “And I love you.” He kissed her again sweetly and sighed gently against the top of her face.

  “I will see you in the morning, sweetheart,” he whispered to her before he stood and left to his room.

  Chapter 16

  The next day, she woke earlier than she thought she would, excitement for the day ahead filling her with energy.

  She got up, showered, and fixed her hair quickly in the mirror. She stopped as she looked at herself for the first time since before she had moved into Keegan’s house. Her reflection a few weeks ago had been stressed, tired and almost grumpy. Now, her whole face seemed happier. The lines around her eyes looked more like laugh lines than stress lines. A small smile stayed on her lips.

  She knew a change this drastic could only be because of one person. Her smile grew at the thought of him.

  She took the stairs quickly as she heard Daniel and Laura in the kitchen.

  She stepped into the kitchen, savoring the smell of eggs, with a smile on her face. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” they both responded with a smile.

  Daniel was at the stove, which impressed Barbara again. He was embracing every new experience he could.

  “You’re not going to burn those, are you?” she teased him.

  Daniel shot her a teasing look. “I can if you want me to.”

  Barbara chuckled. “They actually smell amazing.”

  Daniel spooned eggs onto three separate plates that already had toast on them. She and Laura thanked Daniel and dug into their breakfast.

  “Did Daniel tell you about what we were thinking of doing today?” Barbara asked Laura.

  Laura looked uncomfortable. “Yes, but I think I would prefer to stay here. I am sure you have a fun day planned, but I am still tired.”

  Barbara thought that it surpr
ising that Laura was tired today; she’d had plenty of energy yesterday.

  “We can find something less active to do if you would prefer,” Barbara suggested.

  “Oh no. Don’t change your plans just because of me. Besides, I found a good book in your library that I would like to finish before we go home tomorrow,” she responded with a smile.

  Daniel looked at Laura as if trying to decide if he should really leave her or not. He finally nodded. “If you are sure.”

  “I am. You two go have some fun!” Laura smiled again.

  Barbara had been looking forward to going with both of them, but she felt a thrill of excitement shoot through her at the thought of being alone with Daniel all day.


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