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Thinking of Zoe

Page 4

by Daria White

  Alex nodded. “I agree. We can call it a day.”

  Jackson turned off his keyboard.

  “I have an idea,” Bailey said. “Why don’t we all go out to dinner?”

  Hair lifted on the back of Alex’s neck. Nothing against his band mates and their women, but he didn’t want to be a fifth wheel. He could get a date and join them, but tonight, he’d rather be alone. He needed a break. Alex wouldn’t admit to them that the pressure was getting to him.

  It was one thing to play the drums in his garage in his dad’s home as a boy, or even in the small gigs around the city. Things were changing—quickly. Though it took years of hard work, it appeared as if success happened overnight. Could Alex handle it? As long as he was playing, he felt fine. It was the other things that came with... fame.

  “That’d be fun,” Noelle said. Tommy draped an arm around her shoulder after removing his guitar.

  It was best Alex went home. Seeing his band mates with their women only made his chest tighten. Love worked out for some people, and both Jackson and Tommy had women who loved them.

  “I’ll take a rain check.” Alex grabbed his jacket. “You guys have fun.”

  “We don’t want to leave you out,” Bailey said.

  Alex smiled. Jackson picked a wonderful woman. If only he was that fortunate. “I’ll be fine. I’m tired anyway.”

  “See you later,” Tommy said.

  Alex waved goodnight and headed to his car. By the time he started the engine, his cell rang. Alex connected it to his Bluetooth. Aunt Pam?

  “You home yet?” she asked.

  “Heading there now. Why?”

  “How did rehearsal go?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Fine. Are you checking up on me?”

  “You’re the closest thing I have to a son, so yes.”

  Alex couldn’t agree more. Since he and Lisa were only six months apart, they grew up like brother and sister. Aunt Pam had been a blessing from Heaven when Alex’s mother left him and his father. He would always love her for being the mother he always wanted.

  “I’m on my way home, Aunt Pam. Don’t worry.”

  “I should worry. I won’t see any of your exes again, will I?”

  Alex’s stomach churned. It had only been one time. He and one of his exes got into an argument and of all places, at his aunt’s diner. Much to his benefit, the woman moved from Bridge Point. While the situation didn’t escalate into something worse, Alex didn’t bring dates to his aunt’s diner anymore.

  “No ma’am, you won’t. I’ve learned my lesson.”

  “Have you?” Aunt Pam asked.

  Alex tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited at a traffic light. “Aunt Pam, don’t start.”

  She sighed. “All I’m saying is, what are you proving? I haven’t seen you steady with one girl in a lifetime.”

  “That’s not me.” He’d been committed to bachelor life. Sure it was lonely, but he’d rather be lonely than with another manipulative woman. A mirthless laugh escaped his lips. High school didn’t count. She wasn’t a full grown woman yet, but it didn’t hurt any less. That was the problem, and his heart had been shattered.

  “Alex? I know you have a good heart, and if you gave it a chance, you’d find a woman who will love that heart.”

  He adjusted in his seat. “Aunt Pam. I’m good. Tell you what, if I meet her, I’ll let you know. Okay?”

  “Fine, I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to. You’re just like your father. Stubborn as a mule.”

  Alex chuckled as he turned onto his street. “I wouldn’t be too sure. He may surprise us.”

  “I’m not one to gossip, but I think there’s something going on with him and Francesca Johnson. She has a niece, right?”

  “Noelle. She’s Tommy’s girlfriend.” Alex parked in his driveway and cut the engine. His Bluetooth transferred the call back to his cell. He exhaled. He couldn’t stop his dad from dating, but was that a smart thing to do? Noelle’s aunt seemed nice, but what if she hurt him? Alex rubbed at his forehead. He could barely protect himself. He didn’t want to pick up the pieces if his dad ended up hurt again. “I don’t know if that’s true, but keep it to yourself, auntie.”

  She laughed. “I won’t tell anyone. I’m not one to gossip.”

  “Yeah, right.” He looked over at Lisa’s place. Zoe’s car was in the driveway. Lisa must have had a late shift. Alex rubbed at his chin. Would she let him in if he wanted to visit? He could see Celine anytime he wanted to. Though he had a key, perhaps it was best to knock.

  Alex slid out of his car and locked it. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Are you checking in on Zoe?”

  Alex stopped in his tracks. “Why?”

  “Just making sure, in case Celine’s turned off her charm and started getting fussy.”

  Alex smiled. “I think Zoe can handle it.” A sudden flush of warmth spread over him. He never felt this powerful pull before. At least, he hadn’t felt it in years. He stared down at his free hand. Who was he kidding? He knew who he was dealing with. He dated long enough to know the difference between casual and long term women. Zoe screamed long term.

  “Alex?” Aunt Pam said.

  “I’m here. I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up and stood on the porch of Lisa’s home. Ring the doorbell. His mind shouted to stay away. It wouldn’t do either of them any good. Yet, his hand reached for the doorbell. Did Alex dare to go in?


  Zoe reclined on the couch with Celine asleep on her chest. She was fuzzier tonight, but it was understandable since she was growing in some new teeth. Zoe gave the baby her teething ring, rubbed her back, and Celine fell asleep. Zoe did too. She’d forgotten what it was like, but she loved taking care of kids.

  Celine jerked in her sleep and Zoe patted her back. The baby relaxed once again. Then a knock sounded at the door. Zoe rose from the couch, careful not to wake Celine.

  The baby whimpered. Zoe’s nostrils flared. Whoever it was, it was too late for a visit. Checking the clock, it was only eight thirty at night. Zoe looked out the peephole. Alex? What did he want?

  Though she pressed her lips together, Alex was Celine’s cousin. He could visit when he wanted. It wasn’t as if it was after midnight. Was it only for Celine? Did he come... Zoe rolled her eyes. She opened the door, refusing to entertain the thought anymore.

  Alex smiled. “Bad time?”

  She motioned to the sleeping baby in her arms. “She’s knocked out.”

  “Looks like she’s waking up to me,” he said.

  Zoe looked down. Celine’s eyes were open. She sighed. She hoped she could use her sleeping as an excuse to get rid of Alex.

  He reached out and stroked Celine’s cheek. “You awake, princess?”

  Zoe’s heart rate picked up. He was so sweet to his cousin. Was that cologne? She took in his fitted jeans and shirt. She could not deny his broad chest. His eyes. Why did his eyes make her stomach flutter? It was as if every time he looked at her, he saw past her walls.

  How could he? Zoe had been a train wreck. She’d been irresponsible, because of her actions, someone she cared about suffered for it.

  Would Alex understand? Her eyes prolonged on him. She gave Celine to him, and the baby rested her head on his shoulder. Was this even the real him? Was this all to impress her?

  Zoe rubbed at her eyebrow. Who was she kidding? She’d seen how Alex acted in public. The women flocked to him. He couldn’t be the one-woman man type. Zoe wouldn’t settle, so it was best to keep things the way they were. What were they? Nothing, and she intended to keep it that way.

  “How’s it going so far?” he asked. He rubbed Celine’s back and kissed the top of her head.

  Zoe folded her arms over her chest. “So far so good. Why? You’re checking up on me?”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m used to coming over.” Alex cleared his throat. His expression looked pained for a moment. “I hope I can still see her.”

  “Why wo
uldn’t you?” Zoe asked.

  “With the band taking off, I know we’re going to be busier.” He cradled Celine’s head. “I don’t want her to forget me.”

  “She won’t.” Zoe’s heart melted. Why he was sharing, she didn’t know, but she reached out and touched his shoulder. “She knows you love her. Lisa’s grateful for all your help.”

  Alex walked over to the couch and sat down. “It still bothers me sometimes that she’s a single mom. She tries not to complain, but I know she didn’t plan on this.”

  Zoe sat next to him. “She’s doing an amazing job. Give her credit for that.”

  “I know.” He rocked Celine. “I’m sorry.”

  Zoe shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. Maybe you needed someone to listen.”

  His eyes met hers. “Thank you. For helping my cousin.” He looked down at Celine. “Both of them.”

  Her breath caught. “You’re welcome.” She touched her throat and swallowed. “Can I um... you want something to drink?”

  He shook his head. “No, I came to say goodnight to her.” He kissed her forehead. Celine snoozed in his arms, with her baby lips cracked. “You mind if I put her to bed. I’ve gotten in the habit.”

  Zoe nodded. Loss for words for what was happening. Alex rose from the couch and carried Celine to her room. Zoe ran her hands over her pant legs. Did she have a moment with Alex?

  Her body temperature rose as she walked to the kitchen for a drink. Inspecting Lisa's refrigerator, she grabbed a water bottle. Zoe gulped it. It was ridiculous. She had dated the “bad boy” before. It only got her into trouble.

  “You okay?” he said.

  Zoe jerked, causing some water to spill on her top. The chilled water shocked her. She forced a smile, despite tingles sweeping up the back of her neck and across her face.

  She reached for a nearby dishtowel. “I’m fine.” She patted the wet spots on her shirt. “What did I tell you about sneaking up on me?”

  He covered his mouth as if to stifle a chuckle. “My bad.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “That’s all you have to say?”

  “I’ll remember that for next time. I promise.”

  She wouldn’t believe his promises. She knew the drill with guys like him. “Sure.”

  Alex stuffed his hands in his pockets. “About what I said earlier, I uh... didn’t mean to dump that on you.”

  She met his gaze with hers. “I didn’t think you were.”

  “Thanks.” His eye contact was firm as it focused on her.

  Zoe placed the dishtowel back on the counter. “I think I... should go.”

  “Sure.” He nodded. “I can stay with Celine until Lisa gets home.”

  “Your aunt said if you were here, I could leave if I needed to.” She needed to. She should have never let him inside. “I have some... things to catch up on at home.”

  How would she get pass him? Lisa’s kitchen was narrow, Alex stood in the middle of the floor. Zoe cleared her throat. He pivoted to let her pass him, but not before he took her hand. Zoe paused. The sensation of her body being filled with warmth took over. She bit her bottom lip and looked into his eyes.

  “Thank you,” Alex said. “I appreciate you listening.”

  The corners of her mouth raised. “You’re welcome.” She drew her hand away and headed for the living room for her purse and phone. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Zoe.”

  Her heart fluttered the way he said her name. Zoe didn’t look back, but hurried to her car after closing the door behind her.

  Chapter 7

  Alex didn’t visit the bridge often, but he rested his elbows on the cement wall. The clouds in the sky ranged from billowy puffs to feathered strokes. The sun illuminated them to where it appeared back-lit, with one side glowing brightly than the other. Rays appeared to shoot toward the ground, creating a beautiful scene.

  Birds circled high on the up drifts and planes flew overhead. Blooming flowers filled his nose with their floral scents. Insects buzzed around, but Alex only rubbed his palms together. Did he spill his guts to Zoe the other night?

  His mouth slackened as his chest tensed. Not only did telling her make his brow wrinkle, he wanted to share more. Zoe listened with understanding. She wasn’t like any of the other women who he’d met in the past who batted their eyelashes at the sight of him.

  All Alex had to do was smile. A woman would bend over backwards to please him. Not Zoe. She had a mind of her own. She didn’t fall for his lines or his charms.

  He stared at the open sky. He should leave her alone. It was best. He couldn’t get over on her. In the past he would leave, but with Zoe, it only intrigued him further. What would it take to get her to say yes to a date?

  Alex straightened from leaning on the bridge wall. Didn’t he learn his lesson the last time? Layla. His first love—at least that’s what he thought. She didn’t care about him. The night of his junior prom, her words cut through him like a butcher knife. She only went out with him to make his school band mate, her ex-boyfriend jealous.

  Seventeen-year-old Alex’s stomach had hardened. He’d been a fool to think love would work for him. He’d seen the damage it’d done to his father. Why did he let Layla convince him that she’d cared?

  He already had trouble fitting in at school. Women saw a bad boy now, but in school, kids considered him unpopular. How did he break free? He had a talent for the drums. Next thing he knew, he was in the school band, and the girls cheered with his name on their lips. Alex grabbed the first sign of acceptance.

  Clearing his throat, he needed to head to the studio. They were leaving in a week for their tour. Their album sales were doing well, so they couldn’t let up. Jackson wouldn’t hear of it. Alex respected the guy’s ambition, which only made crushing on his sister even worse. Yet, Zoe was a grown woman.

  Zoe? He blinked as he spotted a woman on the shoreline of the lake with a camera. Her curls bounced as the breeze picked up, whistling in the trees. He licked his lips. His pulse raced. He hurried down the bridge.

  “You following me?” he asked.

  Zoe’s eyes widened. “What-how-no I’m not.”

  He chuckled, loving that he caught her off guard.

  “As you can see...” She pointed to her camera. “I’m busy.”

  He moved closer. “I see. I didn’t know you were into photography.”

  “I don’t volunteer information. If people want to know, ask me.”

  He smiled. Her spunk made the hairs raise on the back of his neck. “I’m asking then. How did you get into it?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve always liked taking pictures as a kid.” She appeared to swallow hard. “I guess it’s my outlet.”

  “Music’s the same for me,” he said.

  She shook her head at him. “Since when does a guy like you need an outlet.”

  He furrowed his eyebrows. “What do you mean by that?”

  “I just don’t see it. Looks like you can get anything you want with the snap of your fingers.”

  He turned his head to the side. “That’s a first. No one’s said that to me before.”

  Zoe’s shoulders drooped. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I say things without thinking.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I like a woman who speaks her mind.” Alex moved closer. Did he hear Zoe’s breathing hitch? Was it possible her hard shell was an act? What was behind her brown eyes? He held out his hand, directing his eyes to her camera. “May I?”

  Zoe took a step back. “I don’t let anyone touch my camera.”

  “Not even for a friend?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  She smiled. “Is that what we are?”

  For now, they were. Alex would work to change that. “I’d like to think so.”

  Zoe’s lips parted, and he heard her exhale. She clutched it for a moment but then handed it to him. Their fingers brushed again, but Alex refrained from taking her hand.

  He held up her camera, spotting the flash button. Zoe’s face glowed
on camera as the sunlight illuminated her hair. Her eyes sparkled. Alex took a few photos of her, much to her eyes widening afterwards.

  She reached for her camera. “You didn’t!”

  “You look great.” He didn’t hesitate in giving it back to her.

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “I don’t take pictures of myself.”

  “No selfies on your phone?”

  “Why would I do that? I have a mirror. I know what I look like.”

  He laughed, stepping closer to look at the photos with her. Her sweet perfume filled his lungs. Were her curls as soft as he thought? “I still think you look great.”

  Zoe cleared her throat. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She brushed a few curls behind her ear. “I need to get going.”

  “Have classes started yet?” he asked. She only looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “My aunt mentioned you’re taking classes online. I didn’t stalk you or anything.”

  The corners of her mouth raised. “They start next week.”

  “That’s when the band leaves. Any chance you can make one of our shows?”

  “Probably not. I’ll keep in touch with my brother.”

  “Too bad. It... would have been nice to have you,” he said.

  Her eyes widened slightly. “Maybe... next time.” She backed away from him. “I have to go.”

  “Thanks for talking with me.” He planted his feet on the ground. He wanted her to stay.

  Zoe waved and walked away.

  Alex released a deep breath. How would he win her over? He didn’t know, but he couldn’t give up now.

  Chapter 8

  Zoe cracked the door to Celine’s bedroom. She walked back into Lisa’s living room and plopped on the couch. Then she clicked on another lamp. Lisa was working late again, so Zoe turned on the television.

  Her phone buzzed on the coffee table. Zoe smiled at her mother’s face on the screen. If she didn’t answer, her mother would worry. Zoe wouldn’t put her through that—not again.

  “How’s the new job?” her mother asked.

  “I’m getting adjusted,” Zoe said.


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