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Price Of Love (Written In the Stars Book 4)

Page 14

by Erica Marselas

  “I get it.” Tim’s a big fat liar and good at it.

  “By the way, I didn’t call Nate’s mom. Tim did that. Leo mentioned it, and I thought you should know.”

  “Oh,” I say somberly and glance down at my hands. I feel not only deceived by Tim but Nate’s mom. Why didn’t she mention to Jo or Nate that Tim was behind the bribes?

  “When I talked to Leo and he told me he was with you, I knew right away I didn’t have a chance. So, this afternoon, I wished him all the best and closed all the doors on us. Sometimes things aren’t meant to be. At least that’s what Leo says.”

  “You really did just kiss goodbye.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry.” She frowns and tucks a strand of her red hair back. “I would never have if… It was impersonal, like kissing my brother…okay, not my brother, but you know what I mean.” She laughs softly, but then quickly sobers. "I kiss lots of people in my profession and it means nothing. With Leo, it was friendly and nothing more, I swear,” she insists, looking me dead in the eye, and I believe her. And just like that, the world stops crashing down on me and the speed bump vanishes. “If I wanted, I could be trying to make you angry, think the worst, so I get him back, but I'm not that kind of person. I'm not like Monica. I don't have a vengeful bone in my body.”

  I snort a laugh. “Yeah, one of her is enough.”

  Izzy places her hand on my arm. “Real talk. Leo is in love with you, and I won't get in the way of that. I want him happy."

  "Love…." I shake my head wildly. "No."

  "Come on, even when I dated him, he had this soft spot for you.”

  “I don't get why everyone says that.”

  She grins, giggling softly. “Maybe because you just didn't want to or maybe Tim didn’t let you see it. But I think it’s something Leo needs to confess if you don’t know the whole story.”

  “You do?”

  She nods and plays with the ends of her red hair. “Yep. And like I said, I have no hard feelings. Leo was good to me. He never made me feel less than, but at his birthday party, the one where Tim treated you awful on the front lawn, that’s when I knew I lost him. He was just always going to be wondering what if or waiting for his chance somewhere in his mind if we stayed together. That’s why I took the job in California when it was offered to me because it was over between us; we had drifted apart. But honestly, I think we would have no matter what. Don’t get me wrong, when Tim told me there was a chance again with Leo, I wanted to take it. Leo is special, he made me happy, and hell when I lost it, I realized what I had. When I thought there was a chance I could get it back, I jumped. I thought, maybe he already tried with you.” She waves her hand and sighs. “The men, especially models in California, are awful. But it’s too late for me, and I'm not a crazy person fighting a losing battle. What Leo and I were talking about most of the time was you and he kept telling me how my person is out there. The good thing about Leo, he’ll never kick you when you’re down, like someone else we know."

  “He’s a gem,” I mumble more to myself, but I realize I say it loud enough when she agrees with me. "Hey, thank you for telling me all this. I needed to hear it.”

  “No problem. I have no personal vendetta against you.”

  “Are you sure you won’t stay?" Knowing now she’s not a threat, I’d hate for her to have to travel all this way to at least not to enjoy some fun.

  "No, like I said, I should've never come, but again I'm glad I closed a door forever. Take care, Claire."

  "You too, Izzy. Good luck in California."

  "Don't let him slip by, alright." She winks and walks by, her suitcase trailing behind her.

  I won't.

  I rush up to his room just hoping and praying he'll be there. Maybe sitting on the edge of the bed in his boxers like the other night, but the second I walk in, all hope is dashed.

  Who knows how long he'll be out with the guys tonight and I had planned to stay with the girls because we need to get ready for the wedding early tomorrow morning.

  I take his not being here as a sign that we might still need space and it isn’t the time to talk. Before I go, I grab the hotel notepad and pen to leave him a note.


  I talked to Izzy, and I understand now. I also talked to my crazy friends and grandmother. I hope you have/had fun tonight. I'll see you tomorrow. I hope you'll still want to talk.

  -Your stubborn Taurus

  With my duffle bag over my shoulder, I go to Christiana’s room. Maybe since most of us are crammed into this room for the night we should just bring the party here so I can stay in my pajamas.

  Grams is sitting on the bed in her nightgown. She’s skipping going out tonight. I sit beside her and lay my head on her shoulder. "I ran into Izzy while I was downstairs. She told me what happened. That it wasn't a real kiss and Tim set her up into thinking Leo wanted her back."

  "Of course, that jealous mongoose was behind it. He always had that ‘if I can't have you nobody can’ mentality."

  “Yeah. I feel bad now.”

  She pushes back my hair. “With what you saw, not very many people would take that lightly. Don't be so hard on yourself."

  “I was hoping Leo would be in his room so we could talk, but he wasn’t there. I left him a note, but maybe I should text him?”

  “You’ll see him tomorrow. It’ll be okay to wait.” She runs her hands through my hair and curls it around her finger like she did when I was little to comfort me. “Hey, do you remember the last time I sent you that horoscope. The one that made you stop believing in them and you stopped believing in what I had to say?”


  “It said your future was bright. Great things were about to happen for you. The thing is honey, great things surround you. Sure, it didn't predict that terrible thing that happened between you and Colt. Even without cards and spirits, no one saw that change in him coming. If I could have foreseen that, trust me I would've warned you, but sometimes not everything in life is told to us. The future is now, my sweet girl and really only you can keep making it shine.” She pushes back my hair as I let her words of wisdom sink in.

  “Do you think Leo is a part of it?”

  “Do you want him to be?”

  “I do, but he doesn't deserve all my baggage, especially when it's tied to his brother.”

  “Baggage is only temporary and if he cares about you as much as he has shown, he can help you carry it. And I'm sure he doesn't come without a load of his own.”

  I sigh, “I guess you’re right.”

  “I’m always right. I’m your mom and your grandmother, so I’m double right.” She nudges me. “Now, go get changed and try to have some fun. Tomorrow is another day…a big day.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Rise and shine.” Christiana’s voice booms, making my achy head throb.

  I pull the blanket over my eyes. It’s too early for this. “Go away,” I groan.

  Last night I let tequila be my comfort and best friend. I didn’t want to remember anything that happened in the hours before and just wanted the night to end quickly. It also didn’t help my best friends took my phone away to not allow me to drunk text one Leo Price all night. It made the night even more frustrating because all I wanted to do was talk to him.

  “Nope.” Christiana pulls my blanket back, and I squint from the sun pouring into the room. “There’s a lot to do and the morning paper has arrived.” The paper? Huh? I slowly move to sit up in the bed and Chris drops the paper onto my covered lap.

  "What the hell is this?" I bark as I pick up the Franklin Bugle, dated back three weeks ago.

  "Just open it and don't ask a hundred questions.” Christiana huffs, flicking her pink hair back.

  "I need coffee," I mumble before peeling back the black and white paper.

  "Oh, page four. Before the sports section," she says as she disappears into the bathroom.

  The corners of my lips curl and I burst into laughter. Taped over my original personal ad is a newly t
yped one addressed to me.

  Well, one would assume.

  Leo searching for Love—

  Looking for a girl who went charging off like a bull.

  She knows who she is, and she’s always been my meant to be.

  Only a stubborn hardheaded Taurus can apply.

  "Who brought this with them?" I giggle, and I spy Grams in the corner chair putting her hair up.

  “I figured it might come in handy.” She shrugs.

  “Is this why nobody let me drunk text him last night?” I ask, and now it makes perfect sense why they were so adamant about me not calling him.

  “He told us he had a plan. Didn’t need you ruining it.” Grams points at me as I toss the paper aside to go looking for my phone, which thankfully, someone has plugged in for me on the nightstand.

  “Check his Insta,” Alison says as she glances up from her phone.

  I open up my Instagram and go straight to the photo Leo tagged me in. There are two of them.

  One, from I don’t know when, but we are both younger. He’s in his nursing scrubs and I’m next to him smiling. The second one is from the other day of us in the limo together.

  When you meet your destiny years ago, but it wasn't your time.

  Then you get your chance, and now it’s time to hold onto them—because she’s the one the stars have chosen for you.

  And she still owes you a dance.


  “I should go see him.”

  “You need to get dressed first. We only have two hours before the wedding.” Christiana comes sliding back into the room with a hairbrush and curling iron in her hand and sits beside me on the bed, lifting my messy bed hair. “Annnd, I’ve got to do your hair.”

  “Fine. I’ll text him.”

  Me: I saw your ad in the paper,

  and I'm a crazy Taurus

  looking for a good time.

  "You are so lame." Christiana chuckles, and I lay my phone on my leg as I glare at her.

  "Do you have to be nosey?"

  "I do,” she chirps and starts to brush the comb through my hair, yanking so hard I flinch. Jesus, she's vicious.

  "I was taking a note out of your book with some of the lame texts I got."

  “Mine were awesome. Thank you,” she sasses and pulls on my hair. “Now sit still, so I can make you look fabulous for your wonder boy.”

  My phone buzzes in my hand with a new text, and I open up his reply.

  Leo: You sound like my kind of girl.

  Can you meet me in the gardens in an hour?

  I have this wedding I'm going to and need a date. ;)

  "God, you're both lame. Love it."

  "It's not lame," I argue, brushing her chin off my shoulder.

  Me: I'll see you in an hour.

  …I start to press send then stop.

  And I'm sorry for running off and

  saying you were anything like him.

  Leo: Don't worry about it.

  Just promise to meet me in an hour.

  Me: I promise.

  An hour later, my hair is up in a fancy braided bun, and I’m in a dusty olive angled ruffle midi dress. I’ve saved for a month to buy this dress, and honestly, after I slipped it on, every penny I spent on it was worth it. For the first time, I feel like a million dollars.

  I walk past a large fountain and spot Leo in a full gray suit with his hair slicked back. He’s holding a pink daisy in his hand, just like our first date.

  "You look beautiful," he says, and his eyes roam up and down my body.

  "Thanks." I grin, as he places the flower into my hair.

  "I was told you have been filled in by our crazy matchmakers. I should’ve told you sooner.”

  “Maybe, but I think I understand why now.” I reach up and run my hand down the light stubble of his jaw. “As I was drinking myself into the bottom of my tequila glass last night, one thing that really stood out is what everyone kept saying about your so-called “soft spot” for me. How I was missing something in front of me.”

  “Oh, that.”

  “Yeah, that. Izzy even knew about it and said it would be something for you to confess to me.”

  “How many times have I told you that you were my meant to be?” He steps in closer to me and grips my chin between his fingers. His lips are so close I can taste the mint from his toothpaste.

  “More than I can count,” I breathe, just as he kisses me softly.

  There’s a low growl from beside us which ruins the moment. I’d know the disgruntled bear sound from anywhere: Tim.

  Always around, trying to ruin everything. Both of us spin to look at him. Monica is pulling him along, and for once, she doesn’t appear impressed by her boyfriend’s actions. He’s also supporting a nice shiner around his left eye. He’s never looked better.

  “Leo,” Tim grunts with his fist clenched, and Monica yanks harder on his arm.

  “Let’s go, Tim. You promised your dad not to do anything to get kicked out today,” Monica tells him sternly. Tim glares at me, and I bite my lip, trying to hold back my laughter at this whole situation.

  For once, it seems like Monica isn’t an idiot.

  “Yeah, you wouldn’t want dad cutting you off. Heaven forbid.” Leo rolls his eyes.

  “Fine, I’m going.” Tim pulls out of Monica’s hold. “But just remember Claire, he won’t be as good as me.”

  “No, he’ll be better.” I rub Leo’s chest and plant a kiss to his chin.

  “In your dreams.”

  “For fuck’s sakes, Tim, I’m right here.” Monica snarls and shoves him in the chest before storming off.

  “Good job, Tim, classy as ever.” Tim’s nose flares as he eyes Leo venomously before he marches off after a stewing Monica. “I guess we won’t have to worry about him or his plus one at our wedding,” Leo jokes, and I quickly find myself choking on the laugh I was holding in. “You okay there?”

  I nod and clear my throat. He lightly pats my back, chuckling.

  “Um, so, I guess that was your handy work Tim was sporting.” I throw my thumb over my shoulder to quickly change gears. “Did he get you?” I touch his face, looking him over for any visible marks.

  “He got a hit to the ribs, but I’ll live. We wrestled till dad pulled us apart.”

  “What a mess.” I rub my forehead.

  “It’s fine. He had it coming. In fact, this has been a long time coming. The last thing Tim wanted was for me to have you. It’s why he set up Izzy to come here after he saw our pictures online and after my mom had confirmed that we were together. I’m sure she rubbed it in good when she told him, so of course, he wanted to ruin it.”

  “Beside Tim being Tim and your stepbrother, I don’t understand why he would be so against us being together?”

  “I’m guessing Jo didn’t tell you everything about why her and Nate we’re interested in hooking us up. Where my ‘soft-spot’ for you started.”

  “What could be left?”

  He smirks, and the tips of his fingers run down my cheek. “Do you remember the girl I told you about that Tim took away from me?


  “It was you.” He bops me on the nose.


  “Yes, you.”

  “I—I don’t understand? When? What?” I stumble on my words.

  “From when we first met at the community center. That’s what I meant behind my Insta post about meeting my destiny, but it wasn’t our time. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to ask you out, but for some reason, I kept losing my nerve.”

  “No! You can’t be serious.”

  “I am. Nate had been over, and I was talking to him about you. That mother fucker overheard me and in Tim fashion had to have what I wanted. I swear the bastard will always be six years old. Well, he went to go meet you and said he liked you and could see the interest. Told me ‘let the best man win’ and some other shit. By the time I was going to ask you out to dinner, he had swept in and asked you out and that was that.�

  Oh, my god.

  I stumble back, and Leo captures me in his arms. It’s like the universe has just slapped me with a high dose of reality, and I’m seeing everything so clearly now. “You…” I stare at him as the weeks that we worked together flood my memory. “I flirted with you, and you never reciprocated. You were the first guy I felt comfortable around in a long time.” I nudge him, hard, sending him back a step and me out of his arms.

  “I thought I was flirting back.” He chuckles, and I roll my eyes. Who knows, maybe he was and I missed the signals because he wasn’t as suave and blatant as Tim. “But when you went with Tim, I figured it wasn’t meant to be.”

  “I wished I had tried harder.” I softly giggle. “I think about it sometimes. Maybe if I got more forceful with my flirting like with some heavy petting to get the signal out that I wanted you.”

  “I would have liked some heavy petting.” He grins and brushes his hand down my cheek. “But I think you were supposed to date my brother because now I can show you what real love looks like and all the things you deserve.” He grabs my hands and yanks me closer. “I love you, Claire. You were always meant for me. It wasn’t our time the first time we met, but it is now.”

  I open my mouth, but the only thing to release is a shuddering breath. Leo moves closer resting his forehead to mine. “You don't have to say anything yet.”

  “Shut up. I'm fine. I love you too.” I giggle. “Your sweetness always seems to leave me a little breathless.”

  “Hmm. Do you need CPR? Mouth to mouth?”

  “Do I ever?”

  “God, I told you, you both were lame.” Christiana groans, breaking our bubble. Allison and Grams trail along beside her. I glare over at her, resisting the urge to throw my heel at her. Can’t she see that just ruined this perfect Hollywood moment?

  “Chris, I love you. But your timing is shit.”


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