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Pineapple Persuasion Valentine

Page 8

by Danni Roan

  “This has been eating me up inside,” he confessed. “Then when you didn’t write or call…” he looked up his dark eyes full of sorrow and hope. “I guess as long as I’m telling all, I have one more thing to say. I love you Brittany. I know it’s just as crazy as everything else. I’ve only known you a week, but my heart doesn’t think that’s too little time.”

  Brittany smiled, a tear coming to her eye. “I don’t think it is either,” she admitted. “That’s why I came here. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I needed to know once and for all if I was just a distraction during your vacation, or if it was something more.”

  “Now you’re probably just convinced that I’m some nut job who should be locked up for my own well being.” He tried to smile but failed miserably.

  Brittany’s mind raced as she looked at James. He seemed so up front, so honest and true. Standing she took a turn around the table gently touching the flowers with her hand.

  She needed a minute. Lifting the lid from the chocolates she peered inside spying a note written on embossed pink paper covered in tiny hearts and arrows.

  Picking up the note she read, her breath freezing in her throat at the words. Believe Brittany, stranger things have happened in ‘dis world. Like a Longshoreman inheriting the business of romance. Trust me, Cupid

  “James, is this some kind of a joke?” she asked handing the note to him.

  James read the little card twice then looked up at her in disbelief. “This is crazy,” he said. “These things just showed up. I didn’t order them I swear.”

  Brittany slipped around the table taking his face in her hands. “You know I might be crazy too, but I believe you,” she said leaning in and kissing him softly then stepping back. “Somehow out there on that sunny beach amidst dropped pineapples and shimmering sunsets I fell in love.”

  James pulled Brittany to him holding her tight as his heart sang.

  Chapter 18

  Cupid stood at the corner of the old barn shooing a nanny goat away as she tugged on his shirt tail.

  “Go away,” he grumbled waving at her with no effect. “I’m workin’ here.”

  Careful not to be observed, he watched James walk hand in hand into the Alberton farm with Brittany, her finger glimmering with the sparkle of the ruby ring he’d hidden in the chocolates.

  “Q what in the world are you doing here?” Mrs. Claus chided as she took the goat by its collar and led it to a stall. “You know you’re not supposed to be here.”

  “Look who’s talkin’.” Cupid said rubbing the five o’clock shadow on his jaw. “You of all people should be miles away.”

  “I know,” Candy admitted. “I just wanted to see everyone together for a second.”

  “Does Nick know you’re here?” Q asked.

  “Let’s just say he didn’t ask, so I didn’t tell.”

  Cupid laughed. “How’s the new apprentice coming along?” he asked watching as all of the Alberton Aunts fussed over Brittany.

  “She tries really hard, but she gets things fuddled now and then. It’s a hard job to adjust to you know, and well she gets so excited that sometimes she makes mistakes.”

  “And you left her up there on her own while the Mr. trains her better half?”

  Candy blushed. “You do have a point,” she admitted. “I just wanted to see this.” She gestured toward the front door of the old farm house and the gathering of people she could see through the windows.

  Audrey and Holden were congratulating James while Lisa was hitting them with a million questions all at once.

  “You think they can keep your secret a little longer?” Q finally asked taking her arm and dragging her away from the happy scene.

  “Yes, I think if James and Brittany work together, they’ll be able to manage just fine.” He grinned drawing a shape in the air and seeing a bright red heart appear on the kitchen windows. Drawing a final slash with his finger an arrow appeared through the heart as James and Brittany’s names blazed across the heart.

  “You really are a drama king you know,” Candy teased, secretly liking the emblem.

  Together Cupid and Mrs. Clause walked into the hay field disappearing into the winter white like apparitions in the mist while a tight knit family laughed celebrating a new beginning once more.


  “James we’ll talk about this later,” Audrey said with a laugh. “Today is your wedding day so stop fussing.”

  James grinned, turning to look at Brittany in her flowing white gown. “You’re sure everything will be alright until we get back from our honeymoon?” he asked one more time.

  “I’m sure. We finished up all of the big Valentine’s Day parties and your wedding, now it’s time for you to learn what it’s like to be a married man.”

  James squeezed his friend’s hand. “You know if you ever want to be a bigger part of the business Brittany I can make room.”

  “James, I’m still a third partner in this but I want you and Brittany to run the show. I need more time with Holden and I’m happy to just handle bookings and phone calls so you two can do all the crazy running around.”

  “It must have been a tough decision stepping down like this though,” James persisted.

  Audrey’s eyes scanned the room falling on her handsome husband. “Actually it wasn’t hard at all. Holden and I will be much more comfortable out at the ranch and I won’t have to work so hard.” She laid her hand on the arm of his black tuxedo. “It’s time I start thinking about home and family a little more,” Audrey said a soft light entering her eye.

  James wrapped an arm around Audrey’s shoulders. “I’m lucky to have you as a friend.”

  “Me too,” Lisa said tripping over to them with a grin. “I can’t believe you finally got hitched,” she teased poking James in the ribs with a sharp elbow.

  “I don’t know what the two of you are nattering about,” James protested. “Audrey’s been married less than two months and you’ve barely been married two weeks.

  “Yes, but it’s always better when we do things together. We’re the terrible trio and have to stick together.”

  Brooks sidled up to Lisa with a grin. “Care to dance?” he asked.

  “That depends are you wearing your steel toed shoes?”

  “Always,” Brooks joked.

  “What do the Ls think of you letting Brittany and me take over the business?”

  “They think it’s a great idea and keep asking me when I’ll give them their first grand niece of nephew,” she said rolling her eyes.

  James laughed. “That sounds like your aunts.” For a moment he considered confessing everything he knew about her parents but something nagging at his brain told him it wasn’t his place to break that news to her now or ever.

  He would probably feel like a heel when she found out that he knew but for now, it wasn’t right to get her hopes up that they would be coming home any time soon.

  “You have that look again,” Audrey said watching Brittany make her way past her guests to her groom.

  “Sometimes it’s hard to know what the right thing is to do,” James mused.

  “I think the right thing for you to do is go dance with you lovely new wife. Whatever else is going on will work out James. Have a little faith.”

  James dropped a kiss on Audrey’s hair then reached for his wife twirling her onto the dance floor his heart full of love.


  “Oh dear, this isn’t quite right,” Henrietta said shaking her head as she studied the little ornament. “I’m sure Candy won’t like that at all.”

  Deftly the middle aged woman with the white blonde hair scooped up the item looking for a way to dispose of it where it wouldn’t be noticed.

  Gazing around the orderly craft room she spied a basket full of colorful hand carved eggs and smiled.

  Hurrying to the basket she pried the lovely decoration apart and stowed the imperfect ornament inside.

  The little trinket could rest there for ages undisturbed as
she learned to perfect her craft, and no one would need to know.

  Dusting her hands Henrietta made her way back to the work bench and rolled up her sleeves. She loved her new job and was determined to show everyone just how good she was at it.

  The End

  Other Books by this Author:

  From the Cattleman’s Daughters

  Katie Isabella


  Meg Mae

  Tales from Biders Clump

  Christmas Kringle

  Quil’s Careful Cowboy

  Bruno’s Belligerent Beauty


  A Teaching Touch

  Prissy’s Predicament

  Lucinda’s Luck

  Ferd’s Fair Favor

  The Travels of Titus

  Strong Hearts: Open Spirits

  Maggie’s ValleySadina’s Stocking

  Celestre’s Song Beloved Beulah

  Whispers in Wyoming

  Love Letters & Home

  Counting Kadence

  Mercy’s Light

  Falling Forward

  Racing Destiny

  The Ornamental Match Maker

  Carousel Horse Christmas

  Loose Goose Christmas

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  About the Author

  Danni Roan, a native of western Pennsylvania, spent her childhood roaming the lush green mountains on horseback. She has always loved westerns and specifically western romance and is thrilled to be part of this exciting genre. She has lived and worked overseas with her husband and tries to incorporate the unique quality of the people she has met throughout the years into her books. Although Danni is a relatively new author on the scene she has been a story teller for her entire life, even causing her mother to remark that as a child “If she told a story, she had to tell the whole story.” Danni is truly excited about this new adventure in writing and hopes that you will enjoy reading her stories as much as she enjoys writing them.




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