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Marco: Lucian & Lia: Book 8

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by Sydney Landon


  Lucian & Lia: Book 8

  Sydney Landon

  Copyright 2018 Sydney Landon

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Graphic Content Warning: This novel contains depictions of violence, sexual abuse and child abuse.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13



  The Pierced Series

  Also by Sydney Landon

  About the Author

  Also by Sydney Landon



  I sit in my car outside Nina Gavino’s apartment as I’ve done often in the past year. Only this time, things are different. Unrest akin to panic exists in the Gavino organization, and it’s no longer safe for Nina to be on her own. I have been fixated on the beautiful little minx since she quite literally rescued me from a pile of dog shit after I was poisoned. I’ve pursued her to no avail. She wants nothing to do with the mafia… or me. She had enough of that as the stepdaughter of the recently deceased Franklin Gavino—head of the Gavino family. And considering I am the son of the head of the Moretti family, I’m completely entangled in the life she’s so determined to avoid.

  But none of that matters any longer. Franklin and his son, Frankie Jr. were killed last night, and now no one is safe or above suspicion. The Morettis might be allies of the Gavinos, but my word alone will not stop them from harming Nina should they decide to. And thanks to Frankie Jr.’s obsession with his stepsister, many in the organization know her name all too well.

  The only way I can ensure her safety is to have her under my protection. And that’s exactly what I intend to do. It’s a drastic step to take for someone who is essentially a stranger. Especially one who avoids me like the fucking plague. Why, you might ask, would I do something like this for her when there are so many willing women out there? Because I want her more than I’ve ever wanted another woman. And… I feel responsible for her predicament. After all, I killed Franklin and his son.

  Wait, did I forget to mention that rather pertinent fact?

  Possibly, I should have led with it. But being mafia means that I’ve never been one to freely share information, especially the type that could get me and a shitload of people I care about killed. Or “deaded” as Lee Jacks’s son, Victor, calls it. That kid cracks me up. Personally, I also like that he’s calling everyone a “fucker” now, but we’re under strict orders from the Wrenn women not to laugh about it. He’s two, says fuckerrr with the cutest bad-toddler face, and attempts to wink at the same time. Who could not laugh at that? And why must Nic and I listen to—and obey—the Wrenn women even though Lee and Tony are the ones who married Jade and Jacey? Fucking family.

  I know I’m deliberately taking a trip down memory lane to postpone the inevitable confrontation with Nina. There’s no way she’ll meekly pack her bags and come with me. Abducting her would be less painful than enduring the tongue-lashing I’ll receive. Why does something that sounds so naughty make my balls sweat—in trepidation? Fuck it all, I’m Marco Moretti. I’m feared by men who’d kill their own mother without hesitation. I’ve seen and done more in my thirty-seven years than most will in a lifetime—if they’re lucky. I’m an enforcer for the Moretti family, but not the type you see in movies. I’m no low-life thug who gets his kicks by breaking fingers when someone can’t repay their loan. That shit is old school. Sure, some gangs do that very thing, but not the Morettis. We’ve evolved and have varied and complex holdings all over the world. And like Lee and Tony, much of those are legal—or close enough to escape detection by the authorities. Those legit businesses launder vast amounts of money through our organization. Nic and I jokingly refer to ourselves as dry cleaners because, in a sense, that’s exactly what we oversee for the family. Up until last night, the Gavinos had been one of our biggest customers. But with the death of their leader, chaos has ensued, and until they get their shit together and someone steps forward to take charge, the Morettis can no longer risk being financially linked with them. The police in Asheville, North Carolina, might be able to look the other way at times where we’re concerned, but there is too much noise on the streets right now for them to ignore the situation should it continue to escalate. And I sure as fuck don’t intend to stand around with my dick in one hand and a guilty sign in the other.

  I’m still sitting in my BMW X6 when my cell phone rings. I glance down and see Nic’s name. Nicoli Moretti is my cousin a few times removed and my best friend. He’s also one of the few people brave enough to give me hell, which he does without preamble when I connect the call. “You chicken shit.”

  I don’t often play dumb, but now seems like a good time to try. “What’re you talking about, asshole?” Yeah, that even sounds weak to my own ears.

  “I’m speaking of the fact that you’ve yet to speak to Nina, much less encourage her to be your lady friend.”

  “My lady friend? Have you been reading those historical chick books again? No one says stuff like that anymore, man. I’m embarrassed for you.”

  Instead of sounding offended, I literally hear the amusement dripping from his voice when he says, “Be that as it may, bro, it doesn’t change the fact that you need to grow a pair and handle this. Otherwise, walk away and let it be. There’s a chance the Gavinos won’t even look her way, so this could all be for nothing.”

  “That’s a risk I’m not willing to take—considering. And for your information, I’m waiting for her to pack right now. Bet you feel pretty fucking stupid for your assumptions.” That’s better.

  The other line is silent for a moment before Nic laughs—the bastard actually laughs. “You know, I might have bought into that if I hadn’t been sitting across the street from you for half an hour now, fucker. And the fact you haven’t noticed a vehicle as big as the Escalade is just sad, man—fucking tragic. You’re slipping in your old age. And it also needs to be said that you’re becoming a bit of a pussy. That girl weighs what, one hundred pounds soaking wet? What’s she gonna do, attack your damn ankles?”

  Fuck my life. Absolutely, fuck it. “I swear if you mention this to Tony or Lee, I’ll shoot you,” I mutter wryly.

  “Why bother?” he asks sarcastically. “They’re as henpecked as you are. Swear to Christ, the great Anthony Moretti has even admitted to buying tampons for Jacey at Walgreens. I
’m the only real man left around here.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I grumble as I glare in his direction. He’s right; the Escalade is the size of a bus. Certainly not easy to overlook, especially when you’re usually innately astute and notice something as small as an ant creeping by. With no more words, I disconnect the call and release a breath of frustration before opening my door and stepping onto the sidewalk. I don’t bother to survey the area at this point. Nic will have already done that several times over while I’ve been hiding in my car. I walk toward Nina’s apartment on legs that are unusually heavy. This is fucking absurd. Nic’s right; why am I letting this get to me so badly? Fear of rejection? Guilt? Yeah, the list is endless and varied, but now isn’t the time for this kind of self-reflection. I’ll save that for Dr. Phil.

  I raise my hand to press the buzzer and take a step back in surprise when the door suddenly opens to reveal a scowling Nina. Don’t let her see you sweat. Be cool. “What are you doing here, Moretti?” she asks crossly. A grin tugs at my lips as she puts her hands on her hips and glares at me. This is probably the way King Kong felt when he was making goo-goo eyes at his pint-sized soul mate.

  I put my hands on top of the door frame and let my eyes wander leisurely down her small body. Dear God, she has those granny glasses on the strap around her neck again. So fucking hot. Her dark hair is in a sloppy bun, and she’s wearing a short dress with one corner hanging off her shoulder. Her feet are bare, and each of her toenails is painted a different color, something that suits her quirky personality very well. My gaze returns to meet hers as I give a nod of approval. “Miss me?”

  She blinks up at me a few times in surprise before sputtering out, “Miss you? Hardly. It’s obviously the other way around since you’ve once again chosen to show up unannounced. Don’t you have some thug friends to hang out with?”

  I wiggle my brow suggestively. “There are many people who would more than enjoy my company… in a variety of ways.”

  “You’re a pig.” She scoffs, rolling her eyes in disgust. Then she has the audacity to make a shooing motion with her hands. “Please don’t let me keep you from banging some airhead. Maybe you’ll find one who can count to five without using her fingers.”

  I can’t help it; I laugh as I always do when she starts tossing out insults. I’ve never had a woman talk so much shit to my face. Granted, there have been a few haters through the years, but I usually try not to burn bridges—especially ones I might want to cross again. I click my tongue in a move that is meant to irritate the hell out of her. “Jealousy suits you, Belle. You’re even sexier when you’re all fired up. Don’t worry, though; you’re still in the running for the top position if you play your cards right.”

  She’s choking in indignation now, and I’m kind of afraid she’s going to pull out the gun she usually carries and shoot my dick off. She attempts to shut the door in my face, but I wedge my foot inside at the last moment. For such a tiny thing, she’s surprisingly strong. Thank fuck I’m wearing boots or I’d be limping for a month. “Of all the nicknames you could have picked, why Belle? You know what, never mind? You probably call your women that because you cycle through them too quickly to know their actual names. “Now, could you please go away? I have a deadline approaching, and I need to get back to work. Find someone else to stroke your ego because it’s not happening here, Romeo.”

  “Fortunately, I don’t need that from you or any other woman,” I say honestly. It’s not that I think I’m that handsome; it’s simply that I don’t give a fuck about anyone’s opinion. Except hers. I ignore the annoying voice in my head as I get to the business at hand. “You need to pack a bag so we can get out of here. I have no idea if you’re at risk, but it’s safer at this point to assume you are.”

  She opens her mouth, then closes it again before rubbing one of her temples. “Is it too much to ask that you speak in coherent sentences, Moretti? It’s getting late, and I don’t want to play the guessing game with you.”

  It strikes me as ironic that I’m lecturing her on safety while standing in her doorway with no one watching my back. Might as well be wearing a bull’s-eye. Of course, it’s highly unlikely that anything would escape Nic’s attention. Unlike me, he’s not distracted by a woman. It’s downright scary how much of my mafia training has gone down the drain in the past hour alone. If the Gavinos wanted me, they’d have easily taken me out tonight. And that’s a sobering thought. Without asking for permission, I push her gently backward a few feet and close the door behind us. Is she growling at me? Mmm. “Until we know what will happen with Franklin and Frankie gone, you need to go to ground. You can do that at my place for now. I’ll have someone cover you when I’m not there.” The confusion in her eyes tells me something that should have occurred to me given her distant relationship with her stepfather. I assumed that Minka Gavino—her best friend—would have gotten word to her by now. Fuck.

  “What are you talking about?” she asks uncertainly.

  I’ve always been a man who believes in ripping the Band-Aid off quickly, so I do exactly that. “You haven’t heard that Franklin and Frankie were killed last night?” And there it is, the shocked expression that confirms what I suspected—she had no idea.

  “I—no.” She shakes her head in denial. “Franklin sent word just last week that he was going to be out of town for a while on business. And Frankie almost always accompanies him. I’m sure if you contacted one of his lieutenants, they’d tell you that.” She lets out a shaky laugh. “Really, Moretti, aren’t you a bit too gangster to be making assumptions?”

  I gently place a hand on each of her slim shoulders as if bracing her for my words. “There’s no mistake. I saw their bodies with my own eyes. They’re dead. That’s not something we’d ever accept as truth without proof.” She’s going down, I think a split second later as her eyes roll back into her head and she goes limp in my hold. As strong as I am, I still barely keep her from hitting the floor. Dead weight is hard to deal with even when the person is as light as Nina. “Fuck,” I bite out as I awkwardly lift her into my arms and carry her to the sofa—the same one I spent time on after Nina rescued me from the nearby woods. Of course, getting poisoned will turn most any day to shit in a hurry. Factor in all the barfing and feeling like you’re going to die, and yeah, it sucked. But it brought Nina into my life, and for that, I’m almost thankful. Unwilling to let the chance to hold her pass, I sit and attempt to arrange her comfortably against my chest. By this point, she’s already stirring, and I know this moment of closeness is almost over. In truth, clinging to her while she’s unconscious is probably a bit like rifling through a woman’s underwear drawer, but I guess that’s what I’ve been reduced to.

  “Wh—what,” she murmurs as she shifts restlessly.

  “Shh, I’ve got you,” I whisper reassuringly. “Don’t make any sudden movements unless you want to end up on your back.” That definitely sounded better in my head.

  “What in the hell?” she hisses out as she pushes against my hold. I don’t detect any real anger, though, just confusion. Join the club, sweetheart.

  I attempt to maintain my gentle tone to avoid startling her further. “You passed out. I was going to lay you down, but you were stuck to me like glue. Never would have figured you for one of those chicks who try to take advantage of a gentleman.”

  I’m relieved to see the bloom of color in her face, even if it’s caused by anger. She was entirely too pale a few moments ago. “I don’t know how you managed to get me in this position, Moretti, but there is no way—oh, shit.” She’s mid-tirade when it hits her. I see her eyes widen and fill with moisture as her words trail off. I wait, wanting to make sure I’m not reading her wrong. She blinks a few times, then her eyes lock on mine. The vulnerability I see there has me catching my breath. “He’s really gone, isn’t he? You wouldn’t tell me that unless you were positive.” The last part is a statement and not a question, but I nod once anyway. “How?” she asks as she stares off into the distance.
  “Does it really matter? The result is the same.”

  She’s pissed again now, and it’s a hell of a lot easier to handle than her sorrow. “Don’t be a wimp. You came over here to deliver the news, so don’t start withholding information now.”

  “Gunshot to the forehead,” I state bluntly.

  Her brows furrow, and then she moves until she’s straddling me. We’re face to face with only inches separating our mouths. I don’t think she realizes the intimacy of the position, but my cock certainly does. Down, boy. So not the time. “That’s not right, is it? Aren’t mafia hits usually to the back of the head? You know, execution style?”

  Fuck. I run a hand through my hair, attempting to gather my thoughts. “That’s just in the movies or on television. Real life is seldom so scripted. Hypothetically, even if a murder were planned, I’d say it seldom plays out in that exact fashion. Anytime multiple people are involved, there’s no way to predict an outcome.” That’s putting it mildly.

  She looks thoughtful now as she mulls over my explanation. “I see your point. What you mean is Franklin likely wouldn’t have accepted his fate without a fight. So the killer would be forced to take whatever shot he could, even if it was messy. I’d say we’re probably talking about an amateur here. That should narrow things down, right?”

  Messy? An amateur? Say what? Years of training keeps my face impassive even though she’s trampled upon a few nerves. “I hardly think we can deduce anything from the location of the bullet, other than the fact that the killer is obviously an excellent marksman. Have you any idea how difficult that kind of shot would be?”


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