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Sweet Love

Page 11

by Lolah Lace

  I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel in the aftermath. I couldn’t fathom what it meant because I’d never been in this situation before. All my musings had to wait. I knew I wasn’t alone in my apartment because I could hear him moving around.

  I finally opened my eyes and let them adjust to the daylight beaming in through the window. I sat up with a clear understanding that I was completely naked under this thin bed sheet. I cared how I looked and tried to smooth my hair down and tuck it behind my ears.

  I didn’t want to dwell on the fact that I slept with a man twenty-something years younger than me. Twenty-something sounded better than twenty-four. That’s a huge age difference, but true to form Jason made me forget all about Erik. I little chuckle almost escaped my chest. A cheesy smile would spread over my face if Jason weren’t moving around my apartment.

  Jason sauntered into my bedroom dressed from the waist down. His hair was a bit messy. He looked like he hadn’t banged my back out several times throughout the night and early in the morning. As if he hadn’t locked me into doggystyle for twenty minutes straight and pounded me so hard my knees started to give out. Whoo chile the memories!


  “Hey.” I held the sheet up to cover my breasts. They were still sensitive from his overzealous mouth action.

  In seconds, Jason was standing over me. I stayed very still while he placed both hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

  “I would’ve made you breakfast but I can’t cook— at all. My uncle is ringing me like a mad man. I have to go home. You have a few hours before the shop opens if you want to go back to sleep.”

  I cleared my throat and looked away from his chest to his eyes. “Your uncle, he’s calling you?”

  “Yes, he’s calling me.”

  “Okay, I can open up by myself.”

  “Of course you can.” He grinned.

  Jason walked across the room to the chair in the corner. I had another chance to admire the snake tattoo. Oh my God! He had long deep scratches all over his lower back. One of the scratches was oozing blood. The scars were fresh and I knew exactly who did it. It wasn’t a wild feral animal that attacked his back. It was me. I was the wild animal.

  He grabbed his t-shirt off the edge of the chair and turned back to address me. His muscles flexed as he pulled the black shirt over his head. A Rolling Stones tee wasn’t what he wore yesterday. He had a change of clothes? My mind kept flashing back to the orgasms. The visions were making it hard for me to be present in the moment.

  “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “Okay,” I said. If only I had a few more words to add. “Do you need a ride?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  Yes, ma’am, he was good. His dick was so dynamic I almost offered him my car. Looking up at him, he seemed like his mellow self. I was the one that was exhausted. I could definitely go back to sleep and stay that way for at least four hours. I wasn’t sure I had a full two hours of sleep counting back from the last time he was inside me.

  Jason snatched his backpack off the floor and tossed it over his shoulder.

  “Hey, Kat, I’m sorry I was a bit rough with you. I haven’t had sex in a very long time.”

  What did a twenty-year-old man consider a long time? Why did he stop having sex? When did he start having sex for this first time? His skill level was well beyond his age. I had too many questions but I wasn’t going to let them ruin this for me. Getting completely ravished was too pleasurable to be diminished by my silly questions.

  “You’re okay right.” He asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I tried to sound cool, normal, and unfazed. I tried to sound like my pussy wasn’t sore.

  He started grinning and I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

  “Shit, you’re so fucking beautiful.”

  I didn’t expect him to say that but he was always saying things that caught me by surprise. I should be used to it by now. I should be used to his game. But it didn’t seem like he was running game on me. He seemed genuine and that was refreshing and frightening. I wouldn’t know when a man his age was trying to play me. I wouldn’t know if I was being played.

  “Kat, I have to stop standing here. I’m trying to leave but it’s so hard. I believe I’m leaving now.”

  He took a step backward and dumped into the side of the doorway.

  “Fuck!” He chanted.

  I giggled and he looked over and smiled at me. He took a careful step to the side and backed out the doorway. I watched him disappear. I listened as he jogged down the stairs that lead to the store. He was gone.

  I decided that I was going to freak out later. I was going to just be unemotional for an hour or two. Going back to sleep wasn’t an option. I was too sated. I was too thrilled. I wanted to do cartwheels but I wasn’t about to break my neck. I already had an injured pussy.

  I looked for my cell phone. It was connected to the charger on the table where I placed the wine bottle. I didn’t plug my cell phone into the charger but it was fully charged when I disconnected and glanced at it. Jason plugged my cell phone up? When? I got out of bed and went into the kitchen. The wine was in the refrigerator and the glass was in the sink. After I peed I drew myself a bubble bath. Once I was deeply immersed in the hot water I called my friend Rolanda. I needed someone to gossip to. She answered after two rings.

  “Hey, gurl.” She was alert. I was getting there.

  “Can you talk?”

  “Yes, the big boss is out of the office. Her admin is working from home.”

  “So you have an easy day then?”

  “Fingers crossed. If Laura doesn’t bring her dumb ass in here and ask me to do some simple ass shit she too stupid to figure out.”

  “I got some bad news yesterday but I can tell you that later.”

  “Oh shit what happened?”

  “No, I got some good news too.”


  “The drought is over. I had sex.”

  “Oh my God, Jehovah and Allah. Oh, I’m about to cry.”

  “Oh gurl, you doing too much.”

  “Haha, I know. Who ‘dis man that popped yo’ divorce cherry? Oh, snap, you slept with Nelson. I didn’t think you were feeling him like that.”

  “It wasn’t Nelson?”

  “Look at you. Let me guess. It had to be one of those townies.”

  “Not exactly. It was my employee, Jason.”

  “That little white boy? Eminem?”

  “He looks absolutely nothing like Eminem.”

  “I thought you said he was annoying.”

  “I didn’t say he was annoying. I said he was weird and extra.”

  “So if he’s weird and extra, how did you end up naked and stretched out?”

  “I don’t know. I wish I knew.”

  “How old is he again?”

  “He’s twenty?”

  “You sure? I’m trying to pay off my car. Baby, I do not have no money put aside for bail on statutory rape charges.”

  “I’m sure. He’s really twenty. We check for ID over here at Sweet Treats”

  “Okay well, you cool. But how terrible was it? These young men are horrible in bed.”

  “He wasn’t horrible. He was good.”

  “Huh, was he good or you just haven’t had any in so long that it seemed like it was good?”

  “No, it was great. It was so good I don’t even have anything to compare it too.”


  “Yes, I know I shouldn’t be talking about this but it’s been so long and I’m kind of excited about it. You know I live a boring life.”

  “No, no. It’s okay. You have every right to speak on a good dick. Sharing is caring.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So spill the tea.”

  “He was experienced. I don’t know how that’s possible. I’m not so old I don’t remember how terrible sex was back when I was in my early twenties but he wasn’t terrible in any way. He didn’t blow on me or do any
thing annoying. He’s not a sloppy kisser and his height actually matched his dick size. He’s six-four.”


  “Right, I couldn’t believe it,” I added.

  “Tall guys with short dicks are so disappointing.”

  “Even though it’s been a minute I definitely remember that. Jason was so good. He had moves. He could last long. He could stay hard. He wasn’t nervous or clumsy.”

  “Sounds like a keeper to me. What are you trying to do with this little boy? Is this a one-time thing or you trying to breastfeed him or what?”

  “Okay, so I don’t know what’s going on. I wasn’t trying to go there in the first place. He wasn’t feeling that so that's how it happened in the first place.”

  “So did he leave last night or this morning?”

  “This morning.”

  “Was he acting weird?” She asked.

  “No, not really. He kissed me on the forehead and was like I’m going home and I’ll be back in a few hours. I don’t know what anything means. I can’t read any signs. I’ve been off the dating scene for more than two decades. This guy is just too young.”

  “Too young for what?”


  “What you trying to do, marry him?”

  “Gurl, never. You know I’m not trying to do nothing but live life.”

  “Right, so go ahead and fuck him. You’re not going to get in trouble. You don’t even live in Galena.”

  “I know but it feels so wrong. He’s younger than Kennedy.”

  “Katrina, I’m not sure why that matters. In a few weeks, you’ll be back home. Absolutely no one is going to know what happened in Galena and with whom. You know I’m not telling nobody.”

  “I know but I don’t even know if he’s coming back.”

  “Gurl, you crazy. He said see you in a few hours. Of course, he’s coming back.”

  “You think so?”

  “Ah yes, why wouldn’t he?”

  “I don’t know. I’m new to this.”

  “True, but just go with it. Don’t overthink it. As long as he’s not a crazy person you should be good.”

  “No, he’s not a crazy person.”

  “Well then just let him know what’s up. Y’all just chilling until you go home or whatever.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “This is all good news. You got to pop your vintage pussy. What was the bad news?”


  “Ugh! What he do?”

  “He has a kid.”

  “His girlfriend had a baby?” She came to the logical conclusion. Erik didn’t make sense.

  “No, LaTasha doesn’t have a baby with him. Some other girl has a baby by him.”

  “I know you lying?”

  “No, no, he has a three-year-old with someone named Stephanie.”

  “Gurl, no. Is this a rumor or facts?”

  “Big fuckin’ facts. My son told me. Erik has been hiding this three-year-old little girl from me and I don’t know, maybe everybody.”

  “He’s a whole piece of shit.”

  “Ah yes, because I know you can count. Shit don’t match up. I know I’m not supposed to care but I’m so glad I’m here in Galena because if I was home— I don’t know. I could just knock his big ass head off his shoulders.”

  “I feel you. That’s more of a reason for you to do you. I know that’s your ex-husband but he a real piece of shit.”

  “Yes, he is. I told you that when you were talking about don’t just give up on your marriage.”

  “Shit, Black love is so hard to hold onto. I’m sorry. I just hate seeing Black couples divorce. I’ve never even been married.”

  “Marriage isn’t all that. I will never do it again. Never.”

  “At least you tried. I’m not going to take back your invite to the cookout if you fuck this young ass White man.”

  “Okay thanks, because I’m so good with leaving all the drama in the past.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Talking with Rolanda made me feel so much better. We talked for a few more minutes and I got out of the tub and made me something to eat. The bath helped with the aches. I had been worked over pretty damn good.

  Jason was rough a few times last night but it was a turn on. His power and enthusiasm made me feel desired. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt like a man wanted me so badly.

  In one night, Jason made me feel young. He made me feel like I was enough. He reminded me of those days when guys were so into you they would practically pop your buttons or rip your clothes trying to get them off of you. Those were the days before we all had to grow up and start acting like adults. Those were the days before sex started to become routine and planned.

  When you were with someone for a long time you knew exactly what position they were going to put you in. You knew when they were going to come and how long sex was going to last. It was boring. While married I personally didn’t seek pleasure with someone else because I believed in loyalty and commitment.

  Chapter 13


  I didn’t want to leave Kat. I was starving for sex and I wanted more. My mobile was on silent but I knew David was blowing an entire blood vessel. My text saying I will be home in the morning didn’t go over well with him. I sent it before I went to Kat’s bedroom. I couldn’t check my mobile while we were shagging.

  In the morning I saw his messages. I didn’t listen to the voicemail but I’m sure it wasn’t pretty. All these people were so concerned about my well-being. I should be happy they cared but they were getting paid to care.

  I knew I was a rule breaker but that had never been my intention. I didn’t set out to be a bloody fuck up. I just seemed like it was inevitable. I was a former child star after all. I fit the mold. Most of my old co-workers had turned out worse.

  I rode my bike for a mile then I hopped off and decided to walk. I wasn’t in a major hurry to get scolded. I wanted to preserve my positive and happy energy for a few more minutes before the shit hit the fan.

  I decided to put Billy Idol’s music on in my ears. I turned the volume up. My mobile began to ring right at the beginning of Rebel Yell. I already knew who was ringing me. The party was officially over so I answered.


  “Jag, what the fuck is going on over there?”

  I let my bike fall to the grass and I planted my bum on the grass beside it.

  “I broke one of his rules,” I admitted there was no reason for lies at this point.

  “He says you didn’t come back to the house last night. He said you went M.I.A.”

  “That is true.” I sang. “I didn’t come back last night and since I’m in a sharing mood. I’m not back now.”

  “Fuck! Where are you?”

  “I’m on my way back.”

  “Jag, where are you coming from?”

  “The candy shop.”

  “What are, what were you doing there?”

  “I had a sleepover.”

  “Why? Are you off the wagon? Be honest with me.”

  “No, not exactly. I’m not using again. No drugs. No booze.”

  “So what the fuck is going on? David is livid.”

  “I broke the shagging rule.”

  “Jesus Jag! How? You don’t even know anyone in that town.”

  “True, sort of.”

  “Jag you are there for one reason. No one is even supposed to know that you aren’t in London.”

  “Calm your chest hairs. I’m incognito.”

  “Okay, you broke the sex rule. Who did you sleep with?”

  “The candy shopkeeper.” I smiled thinking about her face as she came all over my cock.

  “What, the old lady?”

  “She’s not old. She’s in her forties.”

  “What the hell?”

  “Not hell but a rather nice slice of heaven.”

  “All you have are jokes.”

  “Glynn it was just a shag? I’m not about to spiral out o
f control.”

  “I don’t’ know what to believe. Did you really fuck your boss?”

  “I did and I don’t regret it. You haven’t seen her. She’s a fucking goddess. She has all her original parts. No surgeries. She’s like a bloody unicorn.”

  “Why do you set out to self-sabotage all things?”

  “Bullocks, I fell asleep. It’s not a big deal. I haven’t fallen back into my addiction. I’m sober and I’ve been sober. The celibate thing didn’t work out but that doesn’t mean I’m a complete and utter failure. I crashed at her place. I didn’t mean to stay out all night. Shit happens.”

  “First you said you were at the candy store? Now it’s you crashed at her place.”

  “Her flat is on top of the sweet shop.”

  “Does David know about any of this?”

  “I sent a text yesterday saying I was staying out and I will be back in the morning. I didn’t tell him what I was doing. I didn’t give him a play by play. ”

  “You broke one of his rules. It’s a rule Jag.”

  “It’s a bloody stupid rule. I’m not a regular bloke. I literally couldn’t toss off anymore. I was going blind. I was going to need bifocals or that Lasik eye surgery.”

  “Fuck you and your jokes. This is serious.”

  “What I do with my knob shouldn’t be that serious. Honestly, that no shagging rule is rubbish.”

  “I talked to David before I called you. He wants you gone. He thinks you stayed away to use.”

  “But I bloody didn’t. I don’t have a drug connection in Galena Illinois.”

  “There are rules.” I heard him sigh into the line. “This was a major slip up. He wants to kick you out.”

  “For what, shagging? I haven’t done anything else. I haven’t missed one of his therapy sessions. I haven’t failed any of his drug tests. I’ve been a model patient.”

  “No, not exactly. Jag, he’s the best addiction therapist in the U.S. He is discreet. No one even knows you’re away.”


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