Book Read Free

Sweet Love

Page 19

by Lolah Lace

  “I’m getting you a bag.

  “I don’t need it.” He put his backpack in the chair and shoved the food sideways into a huge zipped compartment at the front of his pack.

  “You better make that bus. I’m not driving you to school.” I walked out of the kitchen and headed for the front door. Aaron trailed behind me.

  “Bye, I love you,” I said.

  “I love you too.” He responded and held his arms out for our daily hug.

  “Have a good day at school.”

  Aaron unlocked and opened the front door. “Bye Ma.”


  Aaron dashed out the door. I noticed his beats headphones were around his neck. His hair looked nice. I stood in the doorway and watched him skip across the street to join the five other kids that were waiting for the school bus. The bus was only two blocks down. Tomorrow he was getting pop tarts. I almost made him late making a full breakfast.

  I pulled the door closed because I wasn’t fully dressed. I looked out the window until I saw all the kids get on the bus and the bus drove away. I needed a nap. I went back into my bedroom and placed my body in the open space right next to Jagger. It was so easy to fall asleep next to his huge warm body. Within seconds his arm snaked over me.

  We both woke a little before noon. We showered together and of course, wet slippery sex was involved. He overwhelmed me with so many hugs and kisses. Jagger put on jogging pants and a plain white wife beater that was a little too fancy to have come from the local Target. I beat him into the kitchen because he had to return one of the many phone calls he received while he was asleep. I left him in the bedroom. I wanted to give him his privacy.

  I couldn’t believe Jagger was here. This was a huge surprise. We were both hungry and I decided to cook breakfast again. Jagger entered the kitchen after he walked around the entire house without an escort. He just looked around the place because this was his first time here. He looked at the windows. He walked out in the backyard. He went out on the front porch and I just hoped my neighbors wouldn’t notice a tall White man roaming around my property.

  Jagger strolled into my kitchen like he’d been here before. He took a seat at the table. He ran a hand through his tousled hair. He had a mustache and a goatee now and it was so sexy. I didn’t see any of this full facial hair back in Galena.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “It was just Glynn. He checks in on me all the time. The— I made it to my destination text just wasn’t enough for him. I’m trying to get away for a few days, which bloody means get away from him also.

  “A few days?” I tried to sound casual as I flipped a pancake over with my spatula.

  “Yes, are you going to put me up?”

  I thought that probably meant he was asking if he could stay here. “Yes.”

  “Lovely, I want to be in your face day in and out. I really missed you.”

  “I missed you too.”

  “I like your house. What time does your son get home from school?”

  “Two-fifty, why?”

  “I want to know how long I have to fuck you.”

  I turned the stovetop fire off and I made a plate for Jagger. He ate it like he was starving. He finished it all. I started loading the dishwasher. I got a tingle in my tummy thinking about the sex we would probably have sometime soon.

  “Kat, I want to tell you something.”

  “Okay.” I turned to look at him sitting in the chair like he belonged here. Maybe he did.

  “Glynn has been giving me shit.”


  “He wants me to present you with an NDA.”

  “Oh.” Was all I could say because I didn’t expect that or think of it.

  “I told him hell no. Every single person that comes into my life has signed one. Even Dr. David and Fiona. You are the only person that hasn’t. I don’t want you to sign one. I don’t want our relationship to have legal stipulations. I don’t want you to be afraid of saying my name. When I told you who I am I didn’t think you were going to tell the world. Back in Galena you could’ve told someone or called a tabloid. You didn’t. You didn’t even tell your sister. I don’t want to put a gag over your mouth. I just want us to be as normal as possible.”

  “I don’t want it to stress you. If you want me to sign something saying I can’t sell my story or your story or talk about you, I will do it. Privacy is important. I get it. You hardly have any.”

  “I wanted to mention it because Glynn wants it but I don’t want you to sign it. I want to tell him you said shove it up your arse.”

  “I would never say that.”

  “What would you say, love?”

  “Probably just, hell no, with a little neck roll.”

  “That’s brilliant. Hell no. I can say I presented it to you and you gave me a bloody hell no.”

  “That’s me but I have a son. He’ll probably know who you are.”

  They were only a few years apart in age and thinking about it made me feel weird. But I was already head over heels for Jagger and I couldn’t just take it back because he was four years older than my son.

  “Huh, that’s probably true. I am quite famous.” He joked. “I can’t really stay hidden for the next few days. Can he keep secrets?”

  “Ah, yes, I guess.” Teenagers had big mouths. I didn’t know if Aaron would be a blabbermouth.

  “You look worried. Don’t be worried. He’ll be fine. I have a way with the younger generation. I am the younger generation.” He laughed out loud.

  “Come here. Sit on my lap.” He reached one of his hands out to me.

  I took the many steps across the kitchen floor and walked over to his side of the table. Jagger pushed back his chair. He pulled me down on his lap.

  As soon as my ass landed in his waist I could feel his rock hard dick. It was a nice feeling being poked. He positioned me so his dick was in between my butt cheeks. I was faced toward the table. I pushed his empty plate toward the middle of the table.

  Jagger put his hand under my sleep shirt. His fingers lightly clawed at my back.

  “Lift up babe.”

  I rose off his lap. I stood bent over the table as he pulled my shorts down my legs. I waited and when his hands lowered me back on his lap I felt the pressure of his hard smooth head fighting to enter me.

  “Did you save this for me?” He asked.

  I was moving as slow as a turtle lowering myself on his huge pole. If I fell down his dick would painfully rip into me. I wanted to be gently impaled.

  He guided me down slowly but the fit was strained.

  “I asked you a question. Did you save this for me?”

  Jagger pulled my ponytail back.

  “Yes.” My insides warmed. My inner walls opened. We only had a few minutes to have fun, shower and get dressed before Aaron came home from school.

  I was waiting at the door when Aaron got off the school bus. I gave him another hug. I hugged him a lot. I never wanted him to feel unloved out in the streets. He was a young Black man and if something bad happened I wanted him to know and feel he was loved.

  “How was school?”

  “Good.” Pretty much the only thing he ever said to me after school unless there was a fight, the police were at the school, or someone was arrested or a teacher had a nervous breakdown.

  “Do you have a lot of homework?”

  “Nope. You still got a man in the house?”

  “Yes, I do. Let’s go into your room.”

  I followed my son upstairs to his cluttered bedroom. I closed the door for privacy but I knew that Jagger was in my bedroom on the phone. Now that he was back in the music world he got a lot of phone calls.

  Aaron placed his dirty backpack on the bed and I refrained from saying anything or making a face. It was gross. The same backpack that sat on the floor at school shouldn’t be on the bed where you sleep but I just acted like I didn’t see it.

  “Okay here’s the thing.” I grabbed a dirty t-shirt off the floor and
tossed it in his hamper. Then I did the same with a pair of gym shorts.

  “What’s up? You’re acting nervous.”

  “Okay, so this guy. I met him in Galena. There’s a lot involved. He has a story.”

  “Is he a criminal?”

  “No, boy. That’s just crazy. This guy is much younger than me. Like a lot, but he’s legal. He’s not like underage or anything.”

  “Okay. How old?”

  “He’s twenty and will be twenty-one in November.”

  “Kennedy is older than this dude.”

  I’m not sure why he needed to remind me if this but Aaron spoke his mind so it was my fault for raising a kid to express his feelings.

  “I know it’s messed up the age thing but he didn’t know how old I was at first and then I don’t know.” I shrugged. “He’s not your average twenty-year-old. He’s born in London. He travels a lot for his job.”

  “Does he have a job?”


  “A good job.”

  “Uh, yes.”

  “Is he trying to make you his sugar mama?”

  “No, ugh. No way. He makes more money than your dad. He’s not trying to get my money that I don’t have.”

  “Okay, so where he at?”

  “This is hard to say.”

  “What’s so hard?”

  “He’s kind of famous. No, he’s really famous. That’s why he came in the middle of the night like that. I didn’t even know who he was and then we started like dating and he told me.”

  “This is a weird story Ma.”

  “Yes, it’s weird to me too. He’s going to stay here for a few days and then fly back to London. Could you please be nice to him for me.”

  “Yeah, I’m always nice. Harpo who dis man?”

  “I should’ve never made you watch The Color Purple.”

  “I did it for the culture. Why are you acting so nervous? Who is this famous dude?”

  “Okay.” I took a seat on the bed next to my smart-aleck son. “Have you heard of a singing group called Toxic Shock?”

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “But I don’t listen to them. Girls like them.”

  “That’s true. Well, there’s this one from that group and he’s here.”

  “It’s like four and five of them and I don’t know their names.”

  “There are four.”

  “One of them is Black.”

  I smirked. “Not that one. There’s one named Jagger.”

  “I know who he is. All the White girls love Jagger.”

  “Okay well, I’m tired of talking so Jagger is in my bedroom. We met. We’re kicking it. If that’s a thing anymore.”

  “We call it boo-ed up now Ma.”

  “Okay well that man is here, in this house, but you can’t tell anyone. I mean anyone. You have to promise me. He’s not here to do exposed to TMZ. He’s chillin’.”

  “No one says chillin’.”

  “Aaron, promise me you will not say anything to your little friends or enemies or cousins or any damn body.”

  “I swear. I’m not going to say anything. I think some dude tricked you and told you he was Jagger from Toxic Shock.”

  “Boy, I ain’t no dummy. It’s the real Jagger Bowie Adkins.”

  He made a face that made me question my level of intelligence. I swear this boy was too much.

  “Ma, you the one that taught me not to believe everything I hear.”

  I reached into my back pocket and removed my cell phone. I texted Jagger.

  [Come here.]

  I walked over to the door and opened it. I looked down at my cell. Jagger read it. I could hear him walking when he was getting closer to Aaron’s bedroom.

  I stood in the doorway and tried not to smile as Jagger approached me with a huge grin on his face.

  “Come in,” I said to Jagger. He stepped inside the bedroom with me. “Jagger this is my son, Aaron. This is Jagger.”

  “Hey man.” Jagger walked deep into the room and right toward Aaron.

  My son quickly stood. Jagger was in front of him. I thought they were going to shake hands but they did something else. It was some weird new dap. I didn’t know how to do the old dap. My insides shrugged.

  “Nice to meet you, Aaron. Your mum talks about you all the time.”

  “Hey.” I could see Aaron was taken aback. I think the accent took him by surprise. “Jagger.”

  “Yea, I’m hiding out. Came in from London. Your mum said it was okay if I crash here. You cool with it?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m cool.”

  “Thanks, seriously. I needed a break. Music shit gets bloody hectic.”

  “No one will over find you here in Naperville.”

  “Is that your PS4 Pro?”

  “Yea, you play?”

  “Hell yeah. Do you have Destiny 2?”

  “Of course. Ma, I’ll do my homework later.”

  I didn’t have a chance to say anything. Aaron darted past me and was out the door with Jagger behind him. Jagger kissed me on the cheek. Then he disappeared down the hall with my son. I heard them both stump down the stairs. I stood there in the hall for a few seconds then I walked back to my bedroom.

  If only I knew I could’ve lured him here with a video game.

  Chapter 23


  I don’t know why I thought there would be an issue with introducing Jagger to Aaron. I had anxiety about it while Aaron was in school yesterday. But today there seemed to be no issues at all. This morning we all had breakfast together and Aaron went off to school like there wasn’t a boy band lead singer sitting in his kitchen. I was happy it was easy. I knew something was bothering Jagger. I didn’t pry. I learned back at Sweet Treats that he would come to me and tell me in his own time.

  After Aaron was gone I needed to go out to the grocery store. I had to leave Jagger behind. Neither him or I wanted someone to recognize him. I didn’t want to prove Glynn right. His manager wanted me to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Something about it didn’t sit well with Jagger. So that meant it didn’t sit well with me. I’d never met Glynn but I just knew I wouldn’t like him. He was constantly blowing up Jagger’s phone and that was not just annoying to Jagger. I was annoyed too.

  I shopped at the local Meijer with a bit of haste. Jagger would be gone soon and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

  When I arrived with the groceries Jagger helped bring them into the house. Since the garage was attached my nosy neighbors wouldn’t see him going back and forward. He helped me unpack but he didn’t know where anything went so he just sat at the kitchen island and watched me.

  “Look at what I posted on IG?”

  I turned to him and walked closer to see the cell phone he had pointed at me.

  “You took that out in the back.” It was a picture of his hand touching flowers in my rose bush. His heart tattoo was visible in the picture, a dead giveaway that it was his hand.

  “No one will know where it was taken. There are rose bushes all about.”

  “Do your bandmates know where you are?"

  “I didn’t tell them.” He twisted his lips. “Glynn maybe wagged his tongue. He’s really pissing me off. He’s being a real wanker lately.”

  “What happened?” I went back to putting the groceries away. I didn’t want to act too eager to hear this story.

  “There was an incident. It was pretty bad. I needed to take a break. I took this time away to come to see you.”

  “Do you want to talk about the incident?”

  “It’s a pretty terrible story. I few days ago, Toxic shock, we went to Capital’s Vaughn and Snowdon in the morning.”

  I turned to him. He could tell I was clueless.

  “It’s a Radio station in London. We went to do the top of the morning interview. After all the promotion we all head back to the hotel. Nothing out of the ordinary for the rest of us blokes but Archie gets back to his hotel room and there is a naked girl hiding in his hotel room.”

; “Geez. Scary.” He had my complete attention.

  “It happens. Not actually common for us but not unheard of. These girls are quite crafty. It’s not flattering. It’s a tad scary even for me. Normally we can fight one lone rabbit fan off, call security and get them escorted off the premises. Three days ago Archie’s groupie fan had a gun. She’s naked with a damn handgun. She threatening to kill him and kill herself and his room was connected to mine. He’s able to text me without her getting wind. I go over and she’s crying and waving a gun all for my mate she doesn’t even know. They think they know us. But they don't know us at all. It’s all such bullshit. We’re only doing our bloody jobs.”

  “What happened?”

  “I literally had to tackle this groupie like I was a bloody rugby player. I gun goes off and puts a bullet in the wall.”

  I heard him say the gun went off? I knew he was okay because he was here with me. “Is Archie okay?”

  “He was a bit shaken up. I literally had to tackle this girl and wrestle the gun away from her fingers. She was one sandwich short of a picnic. It was a nightmare. That bullet could’ve gone anywhere. I got chewed up for intervening. Glynn was made at me for saving my mate. He literal said to me what happens if two members of the group get murdered.”

  “He said that?”

  “Yea, he said it. I got cheeky and told him he would have to marker Winston and Colin as a fucking duo. Was a supposed to wait around and let my mate be terrorized by a psycho?”

  “You guys need better security.” Was all I could think to say. I wasn’t surprised by Jagger’s bravery. He had that bad boy in his blood. He wasn’t an imposter.

  “Doesn’t matter when these girls are determined. They hide in suitcases, under beds, in closets for hours, sometimes days. They will crawl into cabinets. Once there was one in my bloody armoire.”


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