You Will Be Mine (Forever and Ever #7)

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You Will Be Mine (Forever and Ever #7) Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  She kissed my cheek and gave me a look full of affection. “They already do.”

  I did something I’d never done before and rubbed my nose against hers. It was something I’d seen other couples do but never understood. But it made sense when I shared the touch with Silke.

  She stared into my eyes for a long time like she was reading a book. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded.

  “What did my dad say to you?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Things…not worth mentioning.” I’d keep her father’s secret. The fact he shared it with me at all was meaningful. I wouldn’t betray his confidence.

  “I told you my parents would love you.”

  A slight smile stretched my mouth. “I guess you were right…for once.”

  “I’m always right,” she argued.

  “Don’t gloat.” I got comfortable in her childhood bed then hooked my arm around her waist.

  She left the jacket and box at the foot of the bed then lay beside me. “Since it’s Christmas, I’ll let it go.”

  “How kind of you.” My hand moved up her shirt and felt the skin of her ribs. I liked it when she wore my clothes. It turned me on in an inexplicable way. The sight always made me feel warm. My hand moved down to her smooth legs, feeling the softness. Silke was the most gorgeous woman I’d ever been with. I’d taken a lot of girls, but none of them compared to her. I’d never shared more than a few sentences with them either. With Silke, I told her everything, even things I vowed I would never speak of again. She was my treasure, a fortune that men searched for to no avail. But she was mine, and mine alone. I didn’t know why she gave herself to me, why she picked me out of every other guy in the world, but it didn’t matter. As long as I got to keep her, I wouldn’t question it. “Can I make love to you?”

  She wrapped her leg around my waist and found my lips with hers. Her warm kiss answered my question. She even pulled me on top of her, making it clear what she wanted. Then she broke our kiss and looked up at me, her eyes glazed over with passion and adoration.

  I watched her face as I inserted myself. That affection only grew the further I moved. She clung to my shoulders with her lips slightly parted. Her eyes shined bright just for me. A quiet moan escaped her lips, telling me she loved the way I felt.

  “You’re the greatest gift I’ve ever had,” I whispered.

  She cupped my face and brought my lips to hers. “Merry Christmas, Beast.”

  I started to move inside her, feeling her bare skin. “Merry Christmas, Beauty.”

  Chapter Six


  I decided to call Mom because she wasn’t as annoying as Dad. “Hey.”

  “Hey, honey.” Her loud voice echoed over the phone. “I’m so excited to see you soon.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Do you mind if I bring someone?”

  “Who?” she asked.

  “A friend. She doesn’t have anywhere else to go for the holidays.”

  She paused. “A girl?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, she has boobs. But she’s just a friend.”

  My mom moved away from the receiver. “Conrad is bringing a girl,” she whispered.

  I growled in annoyance. “Don’t tell Dad!”

  “Is he now?” His voice was heard in the distance. “Let me talk to him.”


  “So…is she cute?” he asked.

  “You’re way too old for her,” I said. “Don’t be gross.”

  “I don’t know…the ladies like me.”

  “And you shouldn’t be so thrilled about that,” Mom said with a threat in her voice.

  Dad ignored her. “Is she staying with us?”

  “If that’s okay,” I said.

  “She’s more than welcome.” There was a smile in his voice. “We’re excited to meet your…friend.”

  “I’m serious,” I snapped. “She’s just a friend.”

  “That you stalk?” he asked incredulously.

  “I never said it was the same girl,” I argued.

  “But we both know it is.” His smile was still evident.

  “Don’t make her uncomfortable. I mean it.” I hated my parents sometimes.

  “No fucking in the house,” Dad barked. “She stays in her room and you don’t go in there.”

  “For the last time, we’re just friends,” I hissed. “And secondly, I’ll do whatever I want.”

  “Not on my watch,” he growled.

  “Whatever. I have to go.” Actually, I didn’t. I was just sick of talking to them.

  “We’re excited to see you and Ms. Satini.”

  “Call her Beatrice,” I said firmly.

  “Why isn’t she spending the holidays with her family?” he questioned. “If she’s just a friend?”

  I didn’t want to pass on her personal issues. “She just…doesn’t want to.”

  “Well, we look forward to seeing her. Your mother can’t stop smiling. She’s been waiting for you to bring a girl home for a long time. Me too. I was worried you were gay.”

  “Shut the hell up.” I hung up before he could talk more shit.


  When I picked up Beatrice, she seemed nervous.

  “Don’t stress about anything,” I said. “You’ll like my family.”

  She held a pie in her hands. “I made this…”

  “They’ll love it.” I gave her an encouraging smile then carried all her things to my truck. After we got inside, we headed to the road.

  I watched the neighborhoods disappear the closer we got to home. Beatrice was quiet and thoughtful, her eyes glued out the window.

  “They said it was okay for me to join?” She looked to me for confirmation.

  “Yes,” I said firmly. “They’re excited to have you.”

  She nodded then looked out the window again.

  “We do take an ugly sweater picture every year. So be ready for that,” I said with a laugh.

  “An ugly sweater picture?”

  “Yeah…it’s a stupid tradition.”

  She smiled then looked away. “Your family sounds fun.”

  “They’re okay…sometimes.”

  “Will your sister be there?”

  “Yep,” I said. “She’s living there for the time being.”

  “What’s her name?”

  “Trinity,” I answered.

  “Pretty,” she whispered.

  We spent the rest of the drive in silence until we reached my house. It was a three-story place with a large roundabout driveway, and a backyard that led to the beach. I loved growing up there. And chicks always loved my house.

  “Wow.” Beatrice stared at it out the window. “It’s beautiful.”


  She turned to me before she got out. “Conrad?”


  “Did you…tell them about me?”

  I met her look. “No. I keep my word, Beatrice.”

  She nodded then looked away.

  “I just said you wanted to spend the holiday with me. Nothing else.”

  “Do they think we’re…more than friends?”

  The question hurt. I already knew she didn’t want anything romantic with me but the reminder didn’t feel pleasant. “No. I made it clear we’re just friends.”

  She released the air from her lungs. “Okay.”

  I brushed it off then got out of the truck and grabbed our things. When we reached the front door, it was unlocked. I stepped over the threshold and dropped all our bags. “Your favorite child is home!”

  Beatrice chuckled then shook her head slightly.

  “He’s here!” Mom yelled from the other side of the house.

  “Great,” Dad said sarcastically.

  Mom reached me first then hugged me tightly. “Honey, you’re more handsome every time I see you.” She leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

  I pushed her away. “Yeah, thanks.” I didn’t want her kissing me in front of Beatrice.

  Mom came to her an
d pulled her in for a hug. “Merry Christmas. Thank you for joining us.”

  Beatrice returned the embrace. “Thank you for having me.”

  Mom pulled away and studied her face. I knew what she was thinking and what she wanted to say. Beatrice was unbelievably beautiful, and I knew my mom wanted to mention this obvious fact.

  “Mom, where’s Beatrice staying?” I asked before she could embarrass me.

  “One of the guest rooms,” she said. “It overlooks the beach. You’ll be comfortable there.”

  “Great,” Beatrice said. “Sounds lovely.”

  My dad reached us with a smirk on his lips. He eyed Beatrice before giving me a knowing look. “Christmas came early for some people…”

  I gave him a hateful look. “Dad, this is Beatrice. Be nice.”

  “I’m always nice.” He extended his hand and shook hers. “We’re excited to have you. Conrad never brings anyone around.”

  “He doesn’t have many friends,” Mom said.

  I rolled my eyes. “Ignore them,” I said to Beatrice.

  “He’s a bit of a loser,” Dad said.

  “You want me to beat you up in front of Mom?” I threatened.

  “I’d like to see you try,” he challenged.

  Trinity came down the stairs then joined us. Her eyes moved to Beatrice, and they widened noticeably. “Wow…”

  I covered my face, thoroughly embarrassed.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Trinity blurted.

  Beatrice’s face reddened.

  “What are you doing with my brother?” she asked incredulously.

  “Knock it off,” I hissed at her. “We’re just friends.”

  “I hope so,” Trinity said with a laugh. “Because she’s totally out of your league.”

  “I’m this close to pushing you,” I threatened.

  “I’d like to see you try.” She put her hands on her hips and glared at me.

  “Merry Christmas,” my dad said sarcastically.

  Mom grabbed Beatrice’s bags. “I’ll show you to your room. You can unwind a little bit before dinner.”

  “Thank you.” Beatrice tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then followed her.

  When we were alone, I gave my dad the death look. “Don’t embarrass me!”

  He had a wide smirk on his lips. “She’s puuuurty.”

  I slugged him in the arm. “I mean it. We’re just friends.”

  Trinity laughed loudly. “Sure.”

  “I’m serious,” I hissed. “Stop making jokes around her.”

  “You think bringing her here will make her change her mind about you?” Trinity asked. “That’s how you plan to get in her pants?”

  “I’m not trying to get in her pants,” I hissed. “She and I are just friends. Sure, I want something more, but…she’s complicated.”

  “Classy, you mean?” Trinity asked. “It’s refreshing to see that you’ve gotten tired of the whores.”

  “If she’s just a friend, why did you invite her for Christmas?” Dad asked.

  I didn’t know how to answer that question without betraying her secret. I promised I would keep her personal life to myself. But I needed them to understand she really was here as just a friend. “She…had nowhere else to go.”

  My dad’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “What about her family?”

  “They aren’t…on good terms,” I said evasively. “I invited her here because she deserves to have fun, not be sad. If I’d known you guys would attack her and keep making jokes about her being my girlfriend, I wouldn’t have.”

  “That’s so sad,” Trinity said quietly.

  “So stop teasing her about me,” I said. “You’re making her uncomfortable.”

  Dad put his hands in his pockets. “Well, I’ll drop the jokes then.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  Trinity gave me a surprised look. “I never knew my brother had a heart.”

  “I don’t,” I snapped. “She’s my friend and I care about my friends.”

  “Who knew my brother could be friends with a girl without sleeping with her,” Trinity said.

  “Well, she’s really cool,” I said. “We have a lot in common.”

  My dad smirked then dropped his gaze.

  Mom came down the stairs. “Oh my god, I love her! She’s so beautiful! Oh Conrad, she’ll give you such beautiful babies! She’s so sweet. I was just talking to her and—”

  “Mom, she’s not my girlfriend.”

  She shut her mouth abruptly. “Well, she better be soon. I like her. I’m sick of hearing about all the trash you spend time with.”

  I glared at my sister, knowing she tattled on me.

  She shrugged like she didn’t care.

  “Be on your best behavior,” I said. “And treat her like a human being.”

  Mom looked sad. “You’re graduating soon. I want you to settle down with a nice girl.”

  I wasn’t settling down with anybody, but I didn’t tell my mom that.


  I knocked on Beatrice’s door.

  “Come in.”

  I stepped inside and examined her room. It was sterile and the sheets had just been pressed. The window facing the ocean was open. Beatrice sat at the edge of the bed, her legs crossed.

  I studied her for a moment before I sat beside her. “Is your room okay?”

  “It’s beautiful.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Sorry about my family,” I whispered. “They’re…annoying.”

  She smiled. “It’s okay, Conrad. They’re lovely.”

  “Are we talking about the same people?” I asked incredulously.

  She chuckled, her voice deep and beautiful. “Your mother reminds me of mine. She’s warm and sweet.”

  “My mom is pretty cool…sometimes.”

  “And not annoying.” She gave me a firm look. “You’re lucky you have such a beautiful family. It’s nice to see that again.”

  I felt terrible that she had such a horrible past. I wished I could wash it all away. Never in my life had I felt pain on someone’s behalf. “Yeah, they’re alright.”

  She turned to me, her green eyes mesmerizing. “What now?”

  “When we go downstairs, my mom will hand out our ugly sweaters. She makes them herself.”

  “What a cute tradition,” she said warmly.

  “And then tomorrow, we’ll head to my uncle’s house and spend the day there. Theo will be there, so you’ll recognize one face.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be great,” she said quietly. “Thanks for letting me tag along.”

  “Sure. Who says friends can’t be your family?”

  “Yeah,” she said with a smile.

  “Ready to go down?” I asked.


  We headed downstairs and saw my family gathered on the couches. My dad had his arm over the back of my mother’s seat, and Trinity sat on the other couch, her phone in her hands.

  Beatrice sat next to my sister and I sat on the other side of her.

  “Do you go to school with Conrad?” Trinity asked.

  “Yeah. It’s my last year too,” Beatrice answered.

  “What are you going to school for?”

  “To be a lawyer,” she said plainly.

  “So cool,” Trinity said with wide eyes.

  “Thanks.” Beatrice’s cheeks tinted slightly.

  “Okay, now for the sweaters,” Mom announced. She handed the boxes around to each of us, including Beatrice.

  Beatrice took it hesitantly. “I get one?”

  “Of course you do.” Mom gave her an encouraging smile before she opened her box.

  Mine was brown and had a reindeer carrying a litter of kittens. Trinity’s was pink with a bunch of Christmas squirrels. My dad had a bear that was trying to climb a chimney.

  “Yikes, these are hideous,” I said.

  Beatrice examined hers then chuckled loudly. It was a giraffe looking down a chimney while Santa was on the snow-covered lawn. �
��This is adorable.”

  “It’s okay if you think it’s ugly,” I said. “That’s the point.”

  “It’s not ugly at all.” She stared at it fondly then felt the fabric in her fingertips. “I love it. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Mom gave her a bright smile then pulled the sweater over her own blouse. “Everyone get ready.”

  We pulled the sweaters on then headed to the front yard. Patches of snow covered the ground, and our roof was caked with powder. My dad set up the camera on a tripod then held the clicker in his hand.

  “Kids in the middle,” Mom said.

  “Mom, I’m taller than you,” I argued.

  “Who isn’t?” she challenged.

  I stood beside Trinity then waved Beatrice over. She was standing off to the side. “Come on.”

  “No, it’s okay.” She kept her distance. “You guys take the picture together.”

  “Nonsense,” Dad said. “Get in here.”

  She smiled then stood beside me.

  Mom stood on the end then wrapped her arm around my waist.

  I put my hand on Beatrice’s hip, touching her in that place for the first time. Despite how innocent it was, my heart sped up. I wished I could touch her more, even hold her. But I knew that wasn’t possible.

  Dad stood at the very end with the clicker in his hand. “Alright, on the count of three say reindeer poop.”

  “Reindeer poop!” we yelled.

  Dad took a few pictures then stepped away. “Alright, I want a few with just your mother.”

  I rolled my eyes. “We may as well go inside because they’re going to start making out.”

  Beatrice chuckled. “Still in love?”

  “Unfortunately.” I nodded toward the house and we both walked inside.

  Trinity came behind us, sighing.

  “What’s your problem?” I asked.

  “I miss Slade,” she said sadly.

  “Then go to his place,” I barked.

  “He’s spending the evening with his family.”

  “Tell someone who cares.” I sat on the couch in front of the fire with Beatrice next to me. “I told you my family was annoying.”

  “They aren’t annoying,” she said. “They’re really nice.”

  “If you say so.”

  My parents came back inside with the camera.

  “Dinner will be ready in five minutes,” Mom announced. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I am,” Beatrice said.


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