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Wrong For Me

Page 2

by Meagan Brandy

  My dick starts to harden. If either of us moves any closer, she’ll feel it.

  She’s not ready for that.

  “Tell me ... will those things mess up your perfect little day?” When my right hand dares to reach out and plant itself on her hip she gasps her eyes flying to mine.

  I see her confusion, feel her wariness.

  This is me after all. The one that outed her for stuffing her bra for her seventh-grade dance when I noticed every guys’ eyes on her chest. The one that flipped her dress up in front of her entire eighth grade class when she made it a point to ignore me. The one that warned the entire freshman football team to stay away from her, claiming she was a lot like Velcro and a bit on the crazy side – something no teenage dude just exploring girl’s wants.

  But behind the worry and suspicion is a deeper reaction she can’t quite place. One she refuses to reach for - curiosity.

  She doesn’t understand me and why I treat her the way I do. If only she knew it was hard for me to watch her cry, even though I’m typically the one to make it happen.

  The fact that my words and actions cut her deeper than anyone else’s should make her understand, but she refuses to pull the blinders off. Either way, I know what I see in her baby blues, and buried deep beneath her feelings for someone who doesn’t deserve her and will never want her like I do... is me.

  Her antihero.

  Her breath locks in her throat when I lower my head, bringing my lips even with hers.

  “What are you doing?” she whispers.

  I let my mouth brush hers. “Anyone ever kissed these lips of yours?”


  “Don’t lie,” I breathe against her. “I know the answer already.”

  “How could you possibly know?”

  “I make it my business to know everything.”

  “About me?”

  I slide my cheek along hers until our eyes lock again.

  “Yes.” My hand glides up her ribs, loving how she inhales deeply as it does. No other asshole’s lips have touched hers.

  “You were mine first.” I step into her and those lips part, her eyelids growing heavy. “It’s only fair...”

  I don’t say anything else but attempt to calm myself for when my mouth meets hers for the first time and goddamn, I wasn’t fucking ready for it.

  Soft as silk with a hint of chocolate frosting, her lips shake against me, but I feel her press back, and I don’t imagine the fraction of an inch her mouth opens to feel more of me as she presses them firmer against mine.

  Her fingers graze my stomach, her need to touch me too strong for her to fight, and damn if I don’t want her to run her hands all over me, but a loud squeal outside has her pulling back.

  “Oh my God!” She covers her face, and when her hands fall and desire disappears, something I never wanted to witness when her eyes were locked with mine shines back clear as day.

  Regret. Disgust.


  She’s clearly not ready to understand what it means. Eventually, she won’t be able to push it down, she won’t be able to push me out of her head.

  It makes her feel wrong for wanting me because she’s not ready to let go of him, so I’ll ease her mind, for now. I’ll play the role she so badly wants me to stay in.

  “Well, that was less than I expected,” I lie through my teeth, fighting to keep my mask on when her eyes start to water.

  “Why did you do this?” she speaks low, but her temper rises. “I can’t ever get that back, and now it belongs to someone I can’t stand.”

  Damn right it does.

  “Don’t care. All I know is, now you can’t give it to the person you wanted to give it to, not that he wants it.”

  Her jaw drops with her tears. “You did this, so it couldn’t be Rowan.”

  “It wasn’t his to take.”

  “Says who?!”

  “Me. I do,” I force through clenched teeth. “Like I said, you were mine first. Not his. You’re not even his now.”

  “Stop pretending to know anything about mine and Rowan’s relationship!”

  I push into her and she gasps. “Stop pretending you have one!”

  “I hate you.”

  A sharp pain hits in the center of my chest, but I ignore it and back away.

  And even as I do, even after I stole something she was saving for someone else, her eyes tell me she’s lying. She doesn’t hate me, and she can’t understand why when we both know she should.

  “Glad to see nothing’s changed over summer, Oakley.” I open the door, throwing a “happy birthday” over my shoulder on the way out.

  Twenty Years Old

  She’s buzzin’ hard.

  And her hips are swaying dangerously slow and wide and motherfucker, if I don’t have to adjust in my jeans to keep from drawing attention to myself.

  I shift deeper into the shadow and let my eyes rake over every inch of her body, a body that’s far too fit and firm to not stand out in this crowd.

  Her jeans are too tight and her shirt form fitting, but she doesn’t feel the need to share her skin with all these assholes to feel good about herself. Bettin’ she spent fifteen minutes tops getting ready. Yet, low maintenance as hell and wearing more clothes than every girl in this place, she’s still the one every motherfucker seems to notice first.

  The way that long blonde hair of hers teases her waistline and falls to the side when she tips her head, twisting to the music like a damn video vixen is making my fingers hum with the need to touch what isn’t quite mine, but damn well should be.

  Thing is, she’s not his either.

  I thought for sure Rowan and her would have made it official by now, but they graduated this week and still, he hasn’t claimed her for himself, something she thinks she wants. Most people assume they’re a secret couple based on how they act around each other, but that wasn’t good enough for me.

  I pay attention to everything, observe with a critical eye and I can guaran-damn-tee, it’s crickets in that department. Not sure what’s holding him back, but he hasn’t made a move.

  So, I’m going to.

  I waited long enough, gave the two of them more time than I ever planned to work through the teenage nerves and hormones, just in case that’s what was stopping them, and still, nothing’s come of their friendship.

  Rowan knows I’ve wanted her since we were just a bunch of kids running around the neighborhood, but he never would let her down so she could see who else was standing right in front of her.

  I plan to open her eyes.

  When Havannah, Oakley’s friend, starts to pull her off the dance floor, I walk along the wall to keep her in sight.

  She’s handed another shot and she throws it back, making me frown.

  I almost told the bouncer outside they were only eighteen, but when I saw him let them straight in without even checking I realized what type of place this was – not one she’d normally be in.

  When Havannah tries to pull her back on the floor, Oakley shakes her head, her fingers moving to her temple.

  She’s done.

  I head straight for her.

  As soon as my feet plant in front of her, she glares.

  “What in the hell are you doing here?!”

  “Taking you home.”

  Her brows jump. “That doesn’t answer me.”

  “Let’s go.”

  “No! We came with Rowan. I don’t need-”

  I get in her face and she clamps that mouth of hers shut. “Rowan and his buddies left an hour ago.”

  “I-” she cuts herself off, licking her lips as she looks away.

  “Don’t act so surprised, Oakley. You know as well as I do, you’ve never been priority number one in his eyes.”

  “That’s fucked up,” Havannah snaps and I glare her way before looking back to Oakley.

  Her glossy eyes come back to mine and I grimace.


  “I’m not a child, Alec. I can get home on my own.”
br />   “Walk your ass out willingly, or I carry you.”

  “I’ll go when I’m ready, not when you say!”

  I lift an eyebrow. “Did you not just tell her you were ready to go?”

  She scowls. “Were you watching me this entire time?”

  “Every move.”

  Her mouth drops open.

  When I smirk, her cheeks turn red, but not in embarrassment. She’s getting pissy.

  Love when that happens.

  “Let’s fucking go.”

  “Hey, hi!” Havannah buts in. “How about—”


  Oakley’s eyes flash and she steps forward but stumbles over her own damn feet. I catch her as she falls into me and she chuckles to herself, shaking her head.

  “Whatever you say, Alec. You always get your way as it is.”

  I hold her up by her waist as her muscles start to give, my stare locked on hers. “Not even close, but we are leaving. Now.”

  “You want me to leave?” she slurs, tipping her face closer to mine. “Make me.”

  I grip Havanah’s wrist while bending to toss Oakley over my shoulder and we’re out.

  She tries to growl, but it comes out as a raspy sigh. “Is this necessary? Put me down.”

  “Say it without sounding sloshed and I will.”

  “I can...” she scoffs, flopping against my back. “Don’t want to.”


  “Uh...” Havannah tries to jerk her hand from my grasp. “You can let me go, you know. I’m cool with heading home.”

  I ignore her and both girls sigh.

  When we get to my truck, I open the door for Havannah to jump in and move around to the driver side, setting Oakley between us.

  Her head drops back on the seat and not two minutes down the road, her eyes are closing.

  Havannah laughs. “She’s wasted.”

  No fucking shit.

  Ten minutes down the road and I’m pulling up in front of Havannah’s house.

  She hops out, throwing a “thanks” over her shoulder and I kick it back in gear and drive one block down to park in front of Oakley’s house.

  She’s slouched in her seat, so I don’t bother trying to wake her, but instead, pick her up and carry her inside.

  Her dad’s out of town on business, so I pull her keys from her bag and let myself in, choosing to lay her on the couch.

  When I set her down her lids pop open and she stares at me, her eyes sharp but I know her head is fogged.

  A fact that becomes clear when she reaches out to touch my jaw after I cover her with the throw blanket from the armchair.

  Her hand trails across my stubble before sliding down my chin and falling to the blanket.

  “I’m gonna get you some water, all right?” I tell her, and she nods.

  I quickly grab a water bottle from her fridge and bring it back to her, finding she’s sitting up a little more, her head lying against her hands on the back of the couch.

  She takes the water, keeping her eyes on me as she drinks.

  “You can go now,” she slurs.

  “I’ll go when I’m ready,” I mock her earlier words and she scoffs, a small grin on her lips.

  She’s quiet a few minutes as she surveys me. She sighs, her blinks slowing as the alcohol starts to win over. “You’re a mean boy.”

  I smirk. “I’m not a boy.”

  “No...” her eyes trace over me, before slowly making their way back to my face. “Guess not.”

  I don’t look away and neither does she.

  “You stole a kiss from me once.”

  I nod. “I did.”

  “Why do I feel like you wanna steal another?”

  “’Cause you feel me. On the inside.”

  She doesn’t deny it, but she’s also not so sure it’s true.

  “Are you going to...” she whispers. “Steal another one?”



  “Nope.” I sit back. “I’m gonna wait till you give it to me.”

  Her lips smash together, but her laughs still breaks free, making me grin. She shakes her head. “You’re crazy.”

  “You make me crazy, princess.”

  Her breath gets lodged in her throat and her lids grow lower, and this time it’s not with sleep.

  I gotta get out of here.


  I hop up, cutting her off. “Go to sleep, Oakley.”

  Hurt flashes across her face, but it’s different than the kind I usually warrant from her. She feels shut down, something I’d never fucking do, but she’s drunk. She won’t remember this tomorrow. I want her sober when it hits her, she belongs with me.

  I move to sit on the porch, keeping the door open for a good hour or more to make sure she doesn’t wake up sick, then lock up as I get set to take off, but as I’m leaving Rowan is walking across her lawn.

  His glare shifts from me to the house and back. “What are you doing here?”

  “Got her home safe after you left her out alone.”

  “How’d you know she was alone?”

  I don’t say anything and he scoffs, shaking his head.

  “Bet you just loved that, huh? Another chance for the asshole to try and redeem himself.”

  “Look, I’m done with this bullshit Rowan. Over it.”

  He eyes me wearily. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you had your chance. I’m going for it now.” His nostrils flare as my chin lifts. “I’m going for her.”

  “Why now?”

  “I want her, Rowan, and it’s obvious you don’t. I’m telling you so you don’t get blindsided, even though I don’t owe you shit of an explanation. You knew I wanted her in the beginning, and still you pushed for her.”

  He laughs bitterly, but I sense his uncertainty. He knows damn well there’s something hiding behind her eyes when I’m around. It’s been there since day one. “You think it’s that easy? That you can just have her because you want her, end of story? ‘Cause it’s not.”

  I step closer to him and he meets my stride.

  “Maybe I do want her, and just haven’t said it yet.” Panic flashes across his face. “If you plan to make a move, then I’ll have no choice but to give in to our connection. I wanted to wait awhile, but if now is the time, then so be it.”

  I flex my wrist to keep from knocking his ass out.

  I know what he’s playing at.

  “You’re saying if I go to her tomorrow and tell her I want her, that you’ll do the same?”

  He hesitates a moment but then nods. “I won’t lose her to you.”

  “You’re being selfish and you know it.”

  “And you know I hold the cards here, Alec.”


  I’m confident she’s meant for me, but I also know what she’s holding on to has a grasp on her and she’d force herself to give it a try, even if, in the end, it didn’t feel right.

  I grind my teeth. “This is your last fucking chance, Rowan. I swear to God, next time you and I have this conversation, I won’t step back.”

  I turn and walk away before he can respond.

  I’m gonna take the job I was offered, show her how deep this runs for me, and when I get back, fuck everyone who tries to get in my way.

  Next time I see her, she’ll know.

  In the end, it’s us.

  Chapter One


  My leg bounces in anticipation as Hillock, my dad’s partner in crime, makes his way to the front of the room in no particular hurry. Instantly, the recruits cut their chatter, and silence fills the room.

  Eyes roaming the class, he stands there, showing no emotion, and I fight not to laugh as he goes for the intimidation factor.

  With a clap of his hands, he holds his arms out wide, and the term officially begins.

  “Welcome to Blackline Academy. We’re more than excited with the lot we have this round. We reviewed thousands of applicants, and it’s come down to the tw
enty-one of you. As you know, our focus here at Blackline is to train you to the best of both yours and our abilities in the art of firefighting. And, while you all have what it takes to graduate from this program and move forward to have a successful career as a firefighter, based on your pre-academy testing scores, this does not guarantee you will graduate Blaze. Making it in Blaze is contingent upon your performance and progression throughout the entirety of the program. We demand your all, but in the end, it still might not be enough. I will tell you the most I’ve seen make it through Blaze in a single class is four.” He looks across all the eager faces. “I’ve also seen zero.”

  I glance around the room, seeing some eyes widen, some blow out slow breaths, and others sit taller in their seats as reality sets in.

  Hillock walks the front of the room, locking eyes with each and every student. “We will push you past the breaking point—mentally, physically, emotionally. You’ll want to quit at least once a week. Don’t.” He pauses, briefly glancing my way. “You worked your ass off for this spot; don’t fucking waste it. It’s damn good to hope for Blaze, but above all, remember why you’re here. To make a difference and save lives.”

  The recruits nod, soaking in all he has to say.

  Once he’s gone over all the basics and his version of motivational speaking, the group is dismissed to get their gear from their vehicles and hit the first official session.

  When the last student exits, I make my way to him with a grin.

  “How’d I do, sweetheart?” He winces.

  This was his first go at the opening ceremony speech. Usually, it’s my dad who handles these things, but since he ran out on an unexpected and unexplained emergency three days ago, Hillock had no choice but to start us off.

  “I’d give you a solid seven-five,” I tease, and he chuckles, grabbing his belongings. “Taking off?”

  “I am. It’s just you and the rest of the staff for a bit, Oaks.” He eyes me. “You good?”

  I wink at him. “I’ve got this, Uncle. Be safe on your trip. Sorry you had to postpone it for a few days.”

  “Not your worry. See you when I get back.”

  With a wave, I make my way down the student hall to my desk, wiping the sweat from my palms onto my jeans.


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