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Her Second Chance Unforgettable Groom

Page 9

by Kim Koby

  She pressed her head to his chest. “I want to believe this. I really do. I want to spend our lives together. It’s just—”

  He dropped to his knee. “Marry me. Will this convince you that I’m serious about our future? Brandy Summers, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She sighed. “Jett, get up. You don’t have to do that.”

  “What do you want? How can I prove to you that I’m serious?”

  “You show up tomorrow. And the next day. Then the day after that…”

  “I have practice tomorrow,” he said.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “You’ve got it, babe. Does that mean you won’t be my wife?”

  “Oh, you know I will, but we don’t have to rush things. Let’s see what happens.”

  “Who are you and what did you do with my Brandy?” he teased.

  Chapter 19

  Sunday meant running drills to correct errors found on previous game footage. Some players worked with the trainer, others with injuries were scheduled for physical therapy. It was crucial they played their best against the Miami Surf if they wanted to get to the playoffs. And after losing Terry Jones so suddenly, they’d push harder and do it for him.

  With laser focused precision, when they were on, they were unstoppable. Finding that sweet spot, the energy to get fired up and go for the win was something that’d been lacking throughout the season. It was time to turn things around.

  He chatted with DJ during Sunday’s practice, knowing they were on the same wavelength.

  “We’ve got to win this one,” he said.

  DJ nodded. “We will. No question about it. We’ll do it for Terry.”

  Jett patted his shoulder. “Sounds good.”

  To have Monday off, Brandy traded shifts. She spent Sunday working while Jett was at practice.

  He’d suggested they do a late dinner, but as much as she’d love to see him, she needed a few hours of time alone. So much had happened in the course of a week. Early into the week, she was enthused, excited, and ready to take on the world. Then she was heartbroken and realized that maybe her feelings were one-sided. Then Jett showed back up and threw her another curve ball.

  What would tomorrow bring? Would things finally stabilize? Had she pressured him too much? Brandy closed her eyes. If only things had happened slower, she wouldn’t be questioning it as much. Or would she? Argh!

  Monday’s game was going to be a big one for the Rebels. San Antonio needed a win. Jett arranged for a limo to pick Brandy up at her place, so she didn’t have to drive or deal with the crowds. Once there, she was swept inside and brought to the private box level. There were a handful of seats, a bar, and some appetizers set out. She settled into one of the deep, red velour chairs and looked out at the field.

  It was a far cry from when she used to sit in the bleachers at high school to watch him play. Jett always mesmerized her. Jett, Jeff…She smiled. He’d transitioned into a stronger player each year. Now here he was, playing on a pro football team like he’d always dreamed of doing.

  The door opened behind her. Another person was being led inside. A woman. She nodded discreetly to acknowledge her, then went back to watching the field. Cheerleaders danced on the sidelines, getting the crowd riled up and excited. The game would be starting soon.

  A server took her drink order. She opted for a Diet Coke. She’d skip the snacks for the time being. She was too nervous to eat. Being there meant a lot. It had nothing to do with the fancy box arrangements and everything to do with Jett asking her to marry him the day before.

  He’d done it on a whim…she knew, but to hear him say the words left quite an impression. She never thought she’d hear them. As a teenager, she dreamt of the moment he’d propose. That was before she realized they’d be parting ways in college. Had ten years really passed?

  After a while, a couple more people were escorted into the private boxed seating. There was more activity on the field. The players would be out shortly.

  When she finally got to see him play, so many memories rushed back at her. Brandy’s stomach twisted with butterflies as she cried silent, happy tears. She reached up and wiped them away. A smile spread across her face. She loved him. Oh, how she loved him.


  He took a hard hit.

  Brandy jumped to her feet, and quietly begged him to get up. Her gut warped in panic. No, he’ll be okay. He’s tough. He wears padding…

  She was mesmerized and couldn’t look away. Seconds felt like hours as she waited for a thumbs up, or his attempt at standing. She whispered to the heavens, “God, I love him. Please help him stand.”

  Finally, she was able to breathe again. He stood, shook it off, and stepped out of the game for a few plays. He was back in the defensive line soon enough.

  After an incredible show of domination, the San Antonio Rebels got their win. Brandy shot onto her feet, clapping and whooping with excitement. She knew how much it meant to him.

  Chapter 20

  Jett drove over to pick up Brandy. They’d made plans to announce their relationship and share the happy news with their folks. It was perfect timing, being as it was Christmas Day and they’d need to make appearances.

  He wore dark, blue jeans, a black button-down shirt and coffee-colored cowboy boots. The jeans fit him perfectly, which was quite a feat, considering the size of his muscular legs. Shopping in the big and tall section sometimes did the trick, otherwise he had things custom tailored. Being a ball player, he carried a lot of bulk to his frame, though it was strong, muscled bulk and oh so sexy.

  Brandy melted a little when he showed up. “Hey, handsome.”

  He smiled and drew her into his arms the second she opened the door. “Come here, you.”

  “How did I get so lucky?” She sank into his arms. There was a sense of security that enraptured her the moment she was beside him. “Merry Christmas!”

  “To you, too.”

  “Come see what I did last night,” she said.

  He followed behind her, inhaling deeply. “I think I can guess.”

  Fresh batches of cookies were wrapped on small trays. She slipped a chocolate chip one from a tray not yet wrapped and handed it to him. “Here. What do you think?”

  He took a bite and groaned with pleasure. “These are great.”

  “Oh, good. I thought so too, but another opinion is helpful. I’m bringing them into the hospital for the people who are stuck working today. You don’t mind swinging by there first, do you?”

  “No, that’s fine.”

  “Otherwise, I can run over and do it, and come back for you.”

  “No way am I letting you out of my grasp,” he said, finishing the cookie, then snagging her back into his arms. He kissed her forehead. “Ooh, what’s that you’re wearing?”

  “You like it?”

  “I approve. It’s soft and feminine, but not over-flowery like some perfumes.”

  “It’s a new perfume I’m trying out.” She nuzzled in closer.

  “The tree looks nice,” he whispered, “but you look nicer. I should have done more decorating, but given the situation…”

  “It makes sense.” She slipped out of his arms, took his hand, then led him to the sofa. “I got you something small.”

  “You did? You didn’t have to do that. How did you even have time? We just…”

  “I know, but I wanted to.” She pulled a small package out from under the tree.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Most people unwrap things to find out,” she teased.

  He thumbed at the corner of the bronze and gold wrapping paper, then tore the edge. With the paper finally off, he flipped open the lid of the wooden box. “Brandy?! Wow. Thank you.”

  “Turn it over.”

  He slipped the watch from the box. On the back she’d engraved a small message. “Forever Yours, Brandy.”

  “Sweetie, this is perfect. Did you…?” A smile spread across his lips. He’d given her a w
atch on Christmas so many years ago, with a similar engraving. He opened the clasp and buckled the leather band on his wrist. The watch was gorgeous, masculine, and understated. She knew him well.

  “I thought about writing something cheesy about time, but I was short on, well, time,” she said with a grin. “Besides, it seemed appropriate given the circumstances.”

  “You’re amazing. Do you still have…Probably not.”

  She slipped the watch he’d given to her years ago from her pocket. “It’s been in my jewelry box for years. Would you put it on for me?”

  Jett laughed. “You still have it.”

  “Of course I do.”

  “We’ll replace it with something fancier after the holidays.”

  “Don’t you dare. This one is perfect. It just felt funny wearing it before now since we split up. Hey, are you sure you’re okay with stopping by to see my mother? I don’t want her to ruin your day. She gets extra moody around the holidays.”

  “I’m going wherever you go. We’ll swing by and visit, then head to my folks. I told them you were coming over. They were surprised but happy. We aren’t really doing much of a celebration…anyway, I need to stop by.”

  She climbed in closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’ll go where ever you go.”

  “That sounds familiar.”

  “I’m afraid if I blink, you’ll disappear.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Never again. I finally see what I couldn’t see all along.”

  “People will think we’re off our rockers with it only being a short time.”

  “I don’t care what they think,” he said. “Do you?”

  She shook her head. “I only care what you think.”

  “I think I’m the luckiest guy in the world. A little thick at times, but thankfully I realized what was right in front of me before it was too late.”

  “When I walked into the hospital chapel and saw you there, my heart jumped to my throat. It was beating about ninety miles an hour. I’d dreamed of a chance encounter, but I wasn’t expecting it to actually happen.”

  “I can’t bring my brother back, but I can celebrate the time I have left on this planet. He would be proud of me for finally seeing that. He was crazy in love with Eva. Oh, we need to stop by and check on Eva, too. She might not be home. I think she mentioned going to see her folks, but we’ll check anyway. She’s been hiding out in the dark.”

  Brandy placed her hand over Jett’s. “You’re a good man. It’s sweet you’re checking up on her.”

  “She’s family. I know that Will would have done the same for me if it were the other way around. He was a strong family man.”

  Brandy glanced at her watch to check the time. She’d thought to get a new battery when she picked up Jett’s watch. It had been sitting unused for way too long. “Are you about ready? The last thing I want to be is late to my mother’s. The less I give her to complain about, the better.”

  “Is it really that bad? Still?”

  She groaned. “You’ll see.”

  Jett and Brandy sat in his truck, just outside of her mother’s house. Thankfully, they didn’t have to stay long. He turned to Brandy. “Is it always like that?”

  She nodded. “That’s why I don’t stay with her. I can’t handle the constant negativity.”

  He revved the engine and pulled out of the driveway. “Let’s check in with Eva, then we’ll stop by and see my parents.”

  There wasn’t a car in Eva’s driveway. “I should have just texted or called. It looks like she went to see her mom and dad after all. I’m glad. It will do her good.”

  After the small side trip, they headed over to see Jett’s mom and dad.

  Brandy got out of the truck and ran her fingers through her hair, tousling it.

  “You look great,” he encouraged.

  Her cheeks heated over. “I hope your parents take the news of our relationship better than my mother did.”

  He laughed. “She had a few choice words.”

  “I’m sorry,” she offered. “I thought she’d be on her best behavior. It’s like she thinks you’re still that teenage boy and not a full-grown man.”

  “No worries. Come on,” he said, leading her to the door. He twisted the doorknob and walked inside. He called out as they walked down the hallway that led to the family room, “Hey, we’re here.”

  Jett’s father greeted them as they entered the room. “Brandy, it’s such a pleasure to have you here.”

  “Thank you.”

  He gave her a warm hug. “We were thrilled to hear that you both reconnected. Jett filled us in on the last few days. Sounds like he’s got a clear mind and on the right path now.”

  She stepped back to Jett’s side and squeezed his hand.

  Mrs. Warren gave a weak smile.

  “How are you doing?” Brandy asked.

  “About as well as can be expected.” Her eyes were red from crying.

  Brandy nodded. “It takes time.”

  “It’s nice to see you, dear. I’m sorry I’m not more enthusiastic.”

  “No explanation needed.”

  “You were always such a sweet girl. I’m glad you’re back in Jett’s life. He needs the love of a good woman to soften him up a little.”

  They visited for a short while, then went on their way. The rest of the day they’d spend together. Just the two of them.

  Jett drove Brandy back to his place. “Sweetie, can I mention something I noticed?”

  “Sure. What is it?”

  Jett took her hand. “While you were at your mother’s place, I couldn’t help seeing the difference in your posture. It’s like you’re beaten down, a shrinking violet. I think her demeanor is really taking a toll on you.”

  She looked over at him. “Is it that obvious?”


  “She’s my mother. I’m not sure what else I can do about her situation. She refuses to help herself, which is a huge piece of the problem.”

  “I was thinking that maybe I could hire a home-health aide to take some of the burden off your shoulders. Maybe a couple days of the week, so that when you visit with her it’s an actual visit and not her expecting you to do all her chores.”

  “I did do that for a while, when I was across the country, but now that I’m here it almost feels like a cop-out,” she admitted. “There’s no reason I can’t do those things by myself.”

  “But there is a reason,” he continued. “You’re wearing down. Your spirit is being diminished. You’re a different person around her. I think that giving yourself a break might be helpful. Would you let me investigate the situation and find somebody? I’ll cover the cost, but it’s more about wanting to help you.”

  “You’re sweet.” She took his hand. “I hate that I resent her some days. And yet I do.”

  “I can see that. Your relationship feels unhealthy, and you’ll enjoy your time with her if you don’t feel like a pawn in her head games.”

  She nodded, then whispered, “Okay.”

  “Great. I don’t want my girl to be weary over something like this.” He broke away for a moment, then came back with a small box.

  “What’s this?” she asked. “You didn’t have to get me anything. You just gave me the most amazing earrings.”

  “Open it.”

  She took the small box from him. When she removed the paper and lifted the lid on the box, her jaw dropped. “What is this?”

  “The key to my house. You come and go when you want. When the season wraps, we’ll look into something more permanent. I’m sorry about the timing, but I need to finish the season strong. We’ll go pick out a ring together, make some plans, and say our I do’s. Does that sound good? Sounds great to me.”

  “Jett? Are you sure about all of this?”

  “Yeah, actually I am. I’m more certain about this than anything else in my life right now.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  “Well, now. If those are
the rewards, keep them coming,” he teased.

  Chapter 21

  December 30th.

  The last week of December flew by. Jett wrapped his arm around Brandy as they walked into the small family diner. It was a local favorite for piping hot coffee, tall stacks of pancakes, and melt-in-your-mouth cinnamon buns.

  “Jett!” the hostess greeted. “How are you doing this fine morning?”

  “Good, good. Table for two.”

  “Right this way.” She leaned into them, whispering as it were a treasured secret. “You must try the kitchen sink omelet. It’s to die for.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He flashed a grin.

  “Tasha will be with you shortly,” she said before heading back to the front of the restaurant.

  Brandy picked up the menu, then peeked over it to look at Jett. He was staring at her. “What? Do I have something on my face?”

  He shook his head. “I’m just enamored by my gorgeous date.”

  She nudged him gently under the table with her foot. “You keep flattering me like that, I might get used to it.”

  “I hope you do. If I ever stop, give me a good swift kick.”

  She laughed.

  A waitress stopped by the table. They ordered fresh juice and coffee, then told her they’d need a few more minutes.

  “What looks good?” he asked.

  “I’m thinking a short stack of pancakes with eggs. You?”

  Jett patted his belly. “I usually go for the Hungry Man Platter, but the omelet she mentioned could be something special.” He glanced at the special sheet which was clipped to the menu. “It’s got a little bit of everything in it—bacon, sausage, potatoes, onions, peppers, right up my alley.”

  “It does sound good.”

  Jett’s phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID. “I better take this call. Would you mind putting my order in for me? I’m going to take this outside.”


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