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Vicious Rebel (82 Street Vandals)

Page 32

by Heather Long

  Not wanting to think about him here, I continued to study the painting, but more, I watched Rome from the corner of my eye. His head tilted upward, like he, too, was enjoying the sunshine. The relaxed posture of his shoulders and the hints of a smile still on his lips warmed me even more than where we were.

  “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “We just got here,” he said. “Did you want to leave?” The matter-of-fact way he asked didn’t carry even an ounce of disappointment.

  “No,” I assured him. “I’m good right here. I want to see you paint.” But it was safe. Maybe not when the tide came in, but right now? We were out of sight, nowhere near the place we’d run into trouble before, and we were alone. “You wouldn’t have brought me here if it wasn’t okay for me to sit and watch while you’re up there.”

  Then it hit me. I glanced at the pair of harnesses.

  “You want me to go up with you.” There was no way to play that off in a teasing or joking manner, not when I grinned. I loved heights. It would be hard to explain, but I just loved being up in the air where no one and nothing could reach me.

  “Yes.” One word, nothing more, and yet I heard the invitation and the hope all rolled up into it. He could say so much with so little. “And no.”


  “No, we aren’t Vandals because of me.”

  I’d almost forgotten I even asked that question. Laughter swelled up in me again, and I drained my coffee. With both of us done, he collected the trash and stored it in a small plastic bag that he tucked into his backpack. Then he handed me one of the harnesses. I stepped into it and then tightened it up to fit me. Clearly, whoever had worn it before me was a lot bigger.

  When he had his on, I followed him to the wall, and this close, I could see the rigs and divots he used to climb. Excitement thrummed in my veins as I began my climb. The ropes were higher, and we’d need to hook carabiners once we got to the top. There was a climbing rope attached about a third of the way up, and I scrambled over it to where it had been looped near the abutment.

  I slid a carabiner on it and then followed it upward to the first beam. Once up there, I checked the slack on the rope. It would catch if I fell, but I’d have to be careful of the swing so I didn’t haul Rome off too.

  There was only about five feet of space above the beam to where the overpass began. I didn’t even try to stand up straight, I just scrambled across it to where the ropes were attached closer to the wall itself.

  “Which one do you want me to use?”

  I didn’t have to look, Rome was right behind me. The comfort of his presence was like a warm blanket wrapped around me.

  “The blue one.”

  That was helpful, I leaned over to look below the beam. The blue one was right there. I caught the rope and pulled it up, then began to thread it through my harness before detaching the carabiner and situating myself.

  Rome watched me for a beat, then smiled before he moved over to grab the red rope and did the same for himself. We dropped down at almost the same time, and I closed my eyes for the fall. The light bounce as the ropes caught made me grin even wider. I glanced over, and Rome wore another smile.

  That was like three this morning.

  From this angle, I could twist and see the rest of the painting I couldn’t make out. It was Liam on his motorcycle. There was no mistaking the smirk on his face. Granted, he was wearing a helmet, but his face shield was up. He sat astride the bike, cocky as hell. It was in his posture and his expression.

  But there was something else there.


  Real, open, honest joy.

  Envy flooded me, and I shook my head. It was absolutely stupid to be jealous of a painting. It wasn’t like I’d ever seen that expression on his face for real. Still, I loved it. This was Rome’s brother and not just Liam. Turning, I found Rome watching me. He flicked a look to the painting then back to me, and I grinned.

  “I’d pay to see that expression in real life,” I admitted. “It’s beautiful.”

  It was a little too shadowy out of the sun and I was glad for the extra layers to keep off the chill, but I could have sworn Rome’s cheeks flushed a little deeper pink. Yet at the same time, he nodded.

  “What are we painting here today?” I glanced to his blank canvas, and his expression shifted, minutely, but to something more enigmatic.

  “You’ll see.”

  In some ways, it turned into the perfect morning. We spent the next few hours hanging there, and I only had to climb up and then back down once to find a spot to empty my bladder. Rome nodded to deeper beneath the underpass, and he’d handed me toilet paper. I loved how prepared he was.

  He’d also followed me down and planted himself with his back to me. I was hardly shy, but it was a bit awkward to squat and pee with the chilly wind tickling me and Rome standing not five feet away. But at the same time, I utterly appreciated the gesture.

  I wasn’t alone.

  When I finished, he motioned that he was going to do the same, so I took up watch for him, and I didn’t miss his low chuckle or his wink. The fact he had hand sanitizer, however, just made me laugh all over again, and I leaned up to kiss him after we’d washed our hands.

  The brush lasted all of about three seconds before he wrapped me up and gave me a real kiss. The slow, devastating pressure of his mouth massaging mine as he half lifted me up onto my toes sent tingles racing through my blood. When I parted my lips, he darted his tongue against mine, then away. Once. Twice. On the third stroke, I sucked against his tongue, and his laughter sent a pulse straight to my cunt.

  With one hand, he tugged my hood back and cupped my nape as I tilted my head. The slow swaying motion as he kissed me and turned us in a circle was like dancing in a way. I opened my eyes and gazed up at him as he teased my tongue with swipes of his own. It was both erotic and playful. The serene expression he wore made me smile, and that clacked our teeth together and then I laughed aloud.

  Rome chuckled as he lifted his head. The laughter shining in his eyes just made me grin wider. It was ridiculous and carefree and…

  “So this is where you two have been hiding.” Liam’s voice sliced right between us and I shivered, but Rome didn’t turn around.

  “Fuck off,” was all Rome said, then he winked at me. That open joy on Liam’s face in the painting above, it glowed in Rome’s eyes right now, and not for the whole world—or a stubborn Liam—would I move and ruin this moment.

  “Love you too, bro,” Liam retorted as he crossed into my line of sight. He wore his motorcycle jacket and boots. The intensity that had been in his gaze for the last couple of weeks burned right through me as we locked gazes.

  Shifting, Rome turned us in a circle until my back was to Liam and he could meet his brother’s gaze over my head. The gentle way Rome cupped my nape asked me to keep looking at him and not to turn, but he wouldn’t stop me.

  The brothers said nothing. The hairs all across my body seemed to stand up as if charged by an electrical current. The air around us positively crackled with all the words they weren’t saying to each other. The silent argument seemed to explode all around us, but I kept watch on Rome. His eyes narrowed. His nostrils flared. For a moment, a smirk tilted his lips before it vanished and they compressed again.

  It was like being outside in the midst of a gathering thunderstorm—all that static and kinetic energy preparing to unleash flooded the air. Maybe I imagined it, but the longer this went on, the angrier Rome seemed to grow. While I couldn’t understand the content of their argument, it involved me.

  Closing my eyes, I curled into Rome and pressed my forehead to his collarbone. He settled his chin against my hair as he shifted his weight. Some of the tension drained out of him.

  “Fine,” Liam said. “But Hellspawn and I have a date.”

  “Excuse me?” That actually brought me back into the conversation, and when I lifted my head, Rome loosened his hold so I could turn.

  Liam smirked at me. �
��Yeah, Southpaw, we’re going to work on that swing.” There was a devilish gleam in his eyes. “I’ll pick you up on Tuesday, you’re spending the day with me. Be ready to get that little ass of yours in shape. Some of us have jobs.”

  Rome’s hand came up in a perfectly formed middle finger, and Liam just grinned.

  “Tuesday,” he reminded me, then pivoted on his heel. For a split second, he paused to look at the painting of himself, then to the one Rome had just started on the far wall. Without another word, he stalked off.

  I leaned back against Rome. “He was serious,” I murmured. I’d brought up the boxing lessons mostly to get everyone off Freddie.

  “Yeah,” Rome said, lifting my hand and kissing my knuckles. I tilted my head back, but he wasn’t looking at me. Instead, his gaze tracked where his brother had gone. “He likes you.”

  I didn’t know. “You sure about that?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Just not sure if it’s a good idea.”

  I licked my lips and pivoted to face him. “Because of you and me?”

  Rome spared me a real smile and stroked my cheek. “No.” Without another word of explanation, he kissed me lightly, and then we went back up for more painting. Oddly, the lack of words didn’t bother me. Then again, I wasn’t bringing it up either. It took a while, and he was nowhere near done when he called for us to leave, but I recognized the shape of my face and the flow of my hair.

  He was painting me here. In his favorite place.

  The warmth that blossomed grew brighter when he pulled my hand over to rest on his knee. We’d barely pulled back into the warehouse when Jasper appeared at my car door. A grin pulled my mouth wide. I’d missed him the last few days. The texts had been fun and funny, but it wasn’t the same as seeing him.

  “Hello, beautiful girl, did you have fun?” The question held none of his surly grumpiness.

  “We did,” I said. “Welcome back.”

  “Miss me?”

  It was midafternoon, and there were dozens of rats here offloading a truck and sorting them onto different pallets. But I ignored all of them at the singular note of hope edged by teasing in Jasper’s voice. I threaded my arms under his and then around his torso.


  He gave a little jerk of surprise. That made me ache a little. Things between us had been complicated. But I thought he understood some of my feelings. Then again, I wasn’t terrifically skilled at discussing them. When his arms closed around me, I smiled against his shirt.

  The scent of him was crisp, clean, and freshly showered. I recognized the hint of spice from his soap. “Did you miss me?”

  “Hell yes, I did, my beautiful girl.” Then he leaned back. “Go out on a date with me?”

  I blinked slowly.

  “No big plans, we’ll just go. Right now. You and me.”

  I glanced down at my outfit. Not that I had anything really nice.

  “Trust me,” he said, and an echo of what he’d said in my nightmare rushed back. Maybe you should have.

  Licking my lips, I glanced over at Rome. “Do you mind?” I had been spending time with him.

  He just winked, then gave Jasper a long look.

  “I know how to look after her,” Jasper said, sounding aggrieved for the first time since I’d arrived, before he looked back at me. “What do you say?”


  His eyes lit up. Without glancing back, he palmed some keys from his pocket and threw them to Rome. “Make sure they all head out on time? And find out what Kel needs. He left me a message, then didn’t answer his phone.”

  Rome nodded, a bemused expression on his face as Jasper clasped my hand and led me to his car.

  “Oh,” Jasper said as he held open the passenger door. “Don’t call me. I’m taking a few hours off.”

  I laughed as he made a show of turning off his phone.

  Rolling his eyes, Rome just flipped him off before he began to stroll toward the trucks, spinning the keys in his hand.

  Jasper slid into the driver’s seat and started the car up.

  “Are you sure you can just turn everything off?” He’d been so busy lately and…

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve been gone more than I’ve been here, and I want some time with you without the world burning down. One night won’t kill anyone.”

  I chuckled. “I’d offer to turn my phone off, but I think it’s still in Rome’s car.” I’d set it in the cupholder.

  “That’s perfect. It’s just you and me. Trust me?”

  Maybe you should have…

  “Yes,” I said slowly. “I do.”

  “Then let’s go have some fun.” He turned up the music, and we peeled out in a screech of tires that made me wince and laugh at the same time. I wiggled my shoes off and put my feet up on the dash as Jasper headed away from the clubhouse.

  I could have asked where we were going, but I decided to trust him.

  Just like coming back had been my choice, this was going to be my choice too, and the warmth from earlier burst into a thousand butterflies in my stomach.



  “Would now be a good time to tell you I’ve never been on a date?”

  Chapter 28


  We drove north for almost two hours, following the coastline. I had to admit, it was a stunning drive. The ocean views alone were worth it. Even with the sunny skies, the water looked gray and stormy. It foamed where it crashed against the rocks. We alternated between listening to music and Jasper telling me stories.

  “There,” he said, pointing ahead of us to the far side of the bridge we were crossing. I sat forward and squinted. Even with the sunglasses on, the angle of the sun gleaming off the cars made for a glaring effect. “That’s the cliff.”

  “You all jumped off that cliff.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Yep, the night I turned eighteen. We came out here, cracked open a case of beer, got drunk enough to not give a fuck, and jumped.” The absolute glee in his voice made me stare at him sideways.

  “That’s insane.”

  “It was fun as fuck, Swan.” He shot me a look, and the reckless grin he wore seemed such a stark contrast to his normal grumpiness. The expression filled me with such an inexplicable joy. “Trust me. Having seen you perform? The way you just float on those silks and fall with such rapture? You’d fucking love it too.”

  Okay, while I wasn’t arguing with that… “When’s your birthday?”

  His expression turned sly. “Do I get a present if I tell you?”

  “Is it today?” Well, two could play that game. “Because if it is and you jumped in that water, I’d be worried about your balls surviving the cold.”

  Deep throated laughter escaped him, and he reached over to squeeze my knee. “I would love to tell you my birthday is today, Swan. Maybe it is ’cause you said yes to a date, but trust me when I say my balls are just fine.”

  “That still doesn’t answer the question.” I raised my brows and lowered my sunglasses so I could make a face at him over them.

  He chuckled. “Fine, it’s in the late spring. So while the water was chilly, it wasn’t frigid. My balls are perfectly intact.”

  “Hmm.” I shoved my sunglasses back up. It had been just around two when Rome and I left the beach. My stomach grumbled, but I’d gone hungry plenty of times. Though honestly, I’d eaten more in the last few months than I was used to. I was gaining weight, so I needed to work out more and make sure I wasn’t losing muscle.

  “Don’t believe me?”

  I bit back a smile and gave a little shrug. “I mean, you could be lying about your birthday.”

  His snort followed by a smirk had me biting down on the inside of my cheek. “You worried about my present or my balls?”

  “Both?” I suggested. “Neither.” I gave it a beat and made a point of glancing out the passenger window because this was far too much fun. “I mean, I suppose I could answer both concerns at the same time.”
/>   The brief, albeit distinct, waver in the car’s course coupled with the way his hand flexed on my knee made me smile. “Swan, don’t tease me.”

  Facing him again, I leaned my head against the seat. “I’m not teasing. I may not know how to date, but I do know sex.” I’d learned a lot more from Vaughn and from him. “I know about attraction.”

  He cut a look at me. “I want to take you out somewhere nice. I was going to buy you a pretty dress and we could go dancing…or play pool or…at least have a fancy dinner. I know I don’t have everything you’re used to but…”

  No, we needed to stop this right here.

  “Jasper,” I exhaled his name slowly. “I don’t need pretty dresses or fancy dinners. Believe me when I say I’ve had more dresses bought for me than I ever wanted to wear or will wear again. In fact, I’d cheerfully burn every single one of them.” All of them. “Fancy dinners are boring and filled with staid rules and requirements. The food is expensive, the portions are small, and sometimes they’re just awful, but we’re all supposed to pretend that because it’s served on some pretty platter it’s not rubber chicken.”

  Sadness curved through me at his frown. Yeah, I was revealing a piece of myself here. I was telling him something I’d told no one else…except Lainey. But then, she felt the same way I did about society.

  “Money is useful for making things expedient and for getting away with whatever you want whenever you want.” I sat up more in the seat and put my feet down. “What I want is to spend time with you. To get to know you more to…build on my choice to trust you.”

  “And you want to have sex?” Far from disinterested, I swore he seemed to be fact-checking that one part of my statement.

  My lips twitched. I couldn’t help it because it was fucking funny. A giggle escaped. Then another.

  “What?” He shot me another look, clearly divided between watching the road and watching me.

  “Just, I confess all of that to you, and the part you focused on was the having sex part.” It was hilarious.

  “First, that’s not all I focused on, I heard the bit about money and dresses you hate that were bought for you and the hints of misery and unhappiness beneath all of that.”


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