The Collins Class Submarine Story

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by Peter Yule

  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O RY


  A unique and outstanding military and industrial achievement, the

  Collins class submarine project was also plagued with difficulties and

  mired in politics. Its story is one of heroes and villains, grand passions,

  intrigue, lies, spies and backstabbing. It is as well a story of enormous

  commitment and resolve to achieve what many thought impossible.

  The building of these submarines was Australia’s largest, most

  expensive and most controversial military project. From initiation in

  the 1981–82 budget to the delivery of the last submarine in 2003, the

  total cost was in excess of six billion dollars.

  Over 130 key players were interviewed for this book, and the

  Australian Defence Department allowed access to its classified archives

  and the Australian Navy archives. Vividly illustrated with photographs

  from the collections of the Royal Australian Navy and ASC Pty Ltd,

  The Collins Class Submarine Story: Steel, Spies and Spin is a riveting and accessibly written chronicle of a grand-scale quest for excellence.

  Peter Yule is a Research Fellow of the History Department of the

  University of Melbourne.

  Derek Woolner is a Visiting Fellow of the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University.





  S T E E L , S P I E S A N D S P I N

  P E T E R Y U L E

  D E R E K W O O L N E R

  cambridge university press

  Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,

  Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City

  Cambridge University Press

  477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, vic 3207, Australia

  Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York

  Information on this title:

  © Peter Yule and Derek Woolner 2008

  This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

  and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,

  no reproduction of any part may take place without the written

  permission of Cambridge University Press.

  First published 2008

  A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library National Library of Australia Cataloguing in Publication data

  Yule, Peter

  The Collins Class Submarine story: steel, spies and spin/authors, Peter Yule, Derek Woolner.

  Cambridge; Port Melbourne, Vic.: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

  978-0-521-86894-5 (hbk.)

  Includes index.

  Australia. Royal Australian Navy – Procurement.

  Australia. Dept. of Defence – Procurement.

  Collins Class (Submarine)

  Submarines (Ships) – Australia.

  Woolner, Derek, 1946–


  isbn 978-0-521-86894-5 Hardback

  Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or

  accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at

  the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee

  the accuracy of such information thereafter.

  C O N T E N T S

  List of key people


  List of acronyms







  1. ‘The one class of vessel that it is impossible to build in

  Australia’: Australia’s early submarines


  2. Australia’s Oberon class submarines


  3. The submarine weapons update program and the

  origins of the new submarine project


  4. The new submarine project


  5. ‘We can’t build submarines, go away’: Eglo

  Engineering and the submarine project


  6. The acts of the apostles


  7. ‘But how will you judge them?’: the tender evaluation

  process 1984–85


  8. Spies, leaks and sackings: from tender evaluation to

  project definition study


  9. The project definition study 1985–86


  10. Debating the laws of physics: picking winners 1987




  11. ‘Keen as mustard to do a good job’: setting to work





  C O N T E N T S

  12. Designing the Collins class


  13. Building submarines


  14. The automated integrated vision


  15. Steel, sonars and tiles: early technological support for

  the submarines


  16. ‘On time and on budget’




  17. End of the honeymoon


  18. The trials of Collins


  19. ‘They were problems we didn’t expect’


  20. The role of Defence Science: noise and diesels


  21. ‘A patch on this and chewing gum on that’: the combat

  system 1993–97




  22. ‘Hardly a day went by without the project getting a

  hammering in the press’: the project in crisis 1997–98


  23. ‘Bayoneting the wounded’: the McIntosh-Prescott



  24. ‘That villain Briggs’ and the submarine ‘get-well’



  25. ‘Inside the American tent’: the saga of the replacement

  combat system


  26. ‘We’ll do it and get rid of the buggers’: Kockums, ASC

  and Electric Boat


  27. ‘We would find that challenging’: comparison and







  L I S T O F K E Y P E O P L E

  Note: date/s of interviews with the authors are indicated in square

  brackets following the names listed below.

  Carl Johan Åberg, Swedish Minister for Foreign Trade

  mid-1980s [10 November 2006]

  Marcos Alfonso (Commander RAN), submariner; engineer

  HMAS Collins [2 August 2006]

  Eoin Asker (Commodore RAN), submariner; fourth Project

  Director 1997–2000 [14 June 2006]

  Paul Armarego, lawyer for SMCT [16 May 2006]

  Jack Atkinson, General
Manager Design and Engineering, ASC

  [31 March 2006]

  Tony Ayers, Secretary, Department of Defence 1988–98

  John Bannon, Premier of South Australia 1982–92 [11 July


  Paul Barratt, Secretary, Department of Defence 1998–99

  [10 April 2006]

  John Batten (Commander RAN), project office; developed

  Australian industry involvement policy and contract

  management system for project [2 March 2006]

  Kim Beazley, Minister for Defence 1984–90 [28 February 2006]

  Allan Behm, Defence policy analyst [20 April 2006]

  Bo Benell, General Counsel, Kockums [21 November 2006]

  Fred Bennett, Chief of Capital Procurement, Department of

  Defence 1984–88 [8 March 2007]

  Jim Berger, executive, CBI and ASC

  Doug Bews, Production Manager, ASC

  Kurt Blixt (Major General, Swedish army), Assistant

  Under-Secretary for Procurement, Swedish Ministry for

  Defence [14 November 2006]



  L I S T O F K E Y P E O P L E

  Richard Brabin-Smith, Chief Defence Scientist [16 February


  Peter Briggs (Rear Admiral RAN), submariner; submarine policy

  maker; head of SMCT [7 March 2006; 18 July 2006]

  P ˚ar Bunke, executive, Kockums; Deputy Managing Director,

  ASC 1990–93 [18 November 2006]

  John Butler (Rear Admiral USN), led American assistance to the

  project [1 February 2006]

  John Button, Minister for Industry 1983–93 [25 October 2005]

  Doug Callow, Senior Engineer, ASC [31 March 2006]

  Rick Canham (Captain RAN), submariner; led project team in


  Roine Carlsson, Swedish Minister for Defence mid-1980s

  [14 November 2006]

  Laurie Carmichael, Australian Metal Workers Union, ACTU

  Tony Carter (Captain RAN), Project Support Manager

  Don Chalmers (Vice Admiral RAN), Chief of Navy 1997–99

  [17 May 2006]

  Graeme Ching, executive, CBI and ASC

  G öran Christensson, engineer, Kockums and ASC

  Bob Clark, Operational Software Manager, SWSC, project and

  DMO [6 October 2006]

  Peter Clarke (Rear Admiral RAN), ex-RN submariner; Project

  Manager [18 May 2006]

  Peter Climas, technical officer, DSTO

  Janice Cocking, scientist, DSTO

  Colin Cooper, ex-RN submariner; engineer; Combat System

  Project Manager [18 April 2007]

  Orm Cooper (Captain RAN), director of major procurement

  projects in the early 1980s [30 March 2006]

  Tim Cox (Commodore RAN), Director General of Maritime

  Development [15 November 2006]

  Harry Dalrymple (Commodore RAN), Director General of

  Naval Design 1980–89 [10 March 2006; 3 April 2006]

  Geoff Davis, Managing Director, Wormald Limited; first

  Chairman ASC [14 August 2006]

  Phil Davis (Rear Admiral USN), led USN assistance to Collins

  project [28 February 2007]

  Peter Dechaineux (Commodore RAN), engineer; prepared

  history of project 1999 [18 May 2006]

  L I S T O F K E Y P E O P L E


  Paul Dibb, Defence policy strategist [30 May 2006]

  John Dickens, scientist, DSTO

  Ron Dicker, Dutch submariner; managed Signaal bid; Combat

  System Manager, ASC [24 July 2006; 31 August 2006]

  John Dikkenberg (Captain RAN), submariner; squadron

  commander, test and trials [15 August 2006]

  Brian Dixon, scientist, DSTO

  Bill Dovers (Rear Admiral RAN), logistics and personnel issues

  [30 May 2006]

  Jim Duncan (Commander RAN), managed South Australian bid

  [27 April 2006]

  Mick Dunne (Commodore RAN), submariner; critic of Collins

  project [27 April 2006]

  Ulf Edman, Swedish submariner; Commodore, Swedish

  submarine squadron [14 November 2006]

  Martin Edwards, engineer, ASC [10 July 2006]

  David Elliston, Commercial Manager at project office [1 March


  Bruce Fairlie, scientist, DSTO

  Rod Farrow, Combat System Project Manager, CSA

  [19 February 2007]

  Rod Fayle (Commander RAN), submariner; Operational

  Requirements Manager [26 April 2006]

  David Ferguson, lawyer, Minter Ellison; acted for Kockums and

  other Swedish companies [22 November 2005]

  Mark Gairey, naval architect; sixth Project Director [22 August


  Mike Gallagher (Commander RAN), first CO of Farncomb;

  worked for STN and Raytheon [8 August 2006]

  Paul Gashler (Captain RAN), Project Support Manager 1988–90

  Mark Gobell, engineer, ASC [10 July 2006]

  Geoff Goodwin, scientist, DSTO [18 June 2007]

  Paul Greenfield (Commodore RAN), submariner; fifth Project

  Director [1 March 2006]

  Ken Greig (Captain RAN), submariner; Project Manager and

  Senior Engineer [1 June 2006]

  Steven Gumley, CEO, ASC and DMO [8 June 2006]

  Ove Gustafsson, CEO, Pacific Marine Batteries [31 March


  Kenneth H ˚akansson, welding engineer, Kockums


  L I S T O F K E Y P E O P L E

  John Halfpenny, Secretary, Amalgamated Metal Workers Union


  G östa Hardebring, General Manager, Saab Naval Systems

  [15 November 2006]

  Keith Harper, Project Design Manager 1983–85

  Peter Hatcher (Commodore RAN), submariner; Combat System

  Development Manager; Project Manager [23 August 2006]

  Allan Hawke, Secretary, Department of Defence, 1999–2002

  [4 August 2006]

  Bill Hicklen, executive, CBI

  Peter Hider, Deputy Project Director; negotiated contracts

  [22 August 2006]

  Ian Hill (Commander RAN), Combat System Project Manager

  Robert Hill, Minister for Defence 2001–06

  Tomy Hjorth, Managing Director, Kockums; Chairman of ASC

  [13 November 2006]

  Paddy Hodgman (Captain RAN), Chief Staff Officer to Chief of

  Navy 1997–99 [2 March 2006]

  Olle Holmdahl, headed Kockums design team; Deputy

  Managing Director, ASC [29 August 2006]

  Robert Holtsbaum, lawyer, Minter Ellison; acted for Kockums

  [17 November 2005]

  Peter Horobin (Lieutenant Commander RAN), submariner;

  worked as consultant on many aspects of project [7 August


  Mike Houghton (Captain RAN), submariner; engineer; liaison

  officer with Kockums [1 February 2006]

  Tony Houseman, Contracts Manager, CSA [19 June 2006]

  Brian Howe, Minister for Defence Support 1983–84

  [25 November 2005]

  Mike Hudson (Vice Admiral RAN), Chief of the Navy


  Oscar Hughes (Rear Admiral RAN), engineer; second Project

  Director 1985–93 [16 January 2005; 20 February 2007]

  Peter Hugonnet (Captain RAN), submariner; engineer;

  responsible for submarine safety system [8 June 2006]

  Peter Jennings, Chief of Staff to Minister for Defence 1996–97

  [19 July 2006]

  John Jeremy, Managing Director, Cockatoo Island Dockyard

  1981–91 [23 June 2005; 15 August 2006]

  L I S T O F K E Y P E O P L E


  Andrew Johnson, combat syst
em software engineer, SWSC and

  CSA [22 March 2006; 27 March 2006]

  Doug Jones, lawyer, Clayton Utz [8 February 2007]

  Garry Jones, Deputy Secretary Acquisition and Logistics,


  Wal Jurkiewicz, lawyer for SMCT [16 May 2006]

  Bruce Kean, CEO, Boral; Director, ASC [12 December 2005]

  Al Konetzni (Vice Admiral USN), Commander of Submarine

  Force USN

  John Kroll, manager, Bisalloy Industrial Steels

  Robert Lemonius, senior engineer, ASC [7 August 2006]

  John Lewis, DSTO scientist

  Hans Peder Loid, naval architect, SSPA Sweden [23 November


  Ian MacDougall (Vice Admiral RAN), first submariner to be

  Chief of Navy [16 June 2006]

  Malcolm McIntosh, Deputy Secretary Acquisition, co-author

  McIntosh-Prescott Report

  Ian McLachlan, Minister for Defence 1996–98

  Ron McLaren, Project Financial Manager [18 December 2006]

  Roger Mansell, executive, Wormald and ASC

  Robert Mansfield, corporate raider

  Andrew Millar (Commander RAN), staff officer to Project

  Director [12 August 2005; 17 January 2006]

  Chris Miller, software engineer, CSA [14 August 2006]

  Mick Millington, combat system engineer with SWSC and CSA

  [8 July 2006]

  Ross Milton, executive, CBI and ASC [10 July 2006]

  Dennis Mole (Commodore RAN), submariner; head of

  submarine squadron [15 August 2006]

  John Moore, Minister for Defence 1998–2000 [28 April 2006]

  Maurice de Morton, scientist, DSTO

  Jim Muth, executive, CBI and ASC

  Rick Neilson, combat system engineer with SWSC, Rockwell

  and Boeing [5 July 2006]

  Ian Noble (Captain RAN), Operational Technical Requirements

  Manager [22 August 2006]

  Chris Norwood, scientist, DSTO [12 June 2007]

  Hans Ohff, engineer; Managing Director of Eglo Engineering

  and ASC [6 February 2006; 9 February 2007]


  L I S T O F K E Y P E O P L E

  Gunnar Öhlund, Technical Director, Kockums [17 November


  David Oldfield, scientist, DSTO [5 May 2006]

  John O’Neill, executive, Kockums and ASC

  Bill Owen (Captain RAN), ex-RN submariner; Director of

  Submarine Policy 1971–76; head of submarine squadron

  1976–79; critic of Collins project [16 May 2006]

  Frank Owen (Commander RAN), submariner; Operational

  Requirements Manager [17 May 2006]

  Chris Oxenbould (Rear Admiral RAN), Deputy Chief of Navy

  1997–99 [15 June 2006]

  John Pascall, combat system engineer, SWSC and Rockwell [14

  June 2006]

  Stephanie Paul, Phillips Group; ran public relations for SMCT


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