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Nights With Fitzwilliam Darcy

Page 19

by Sophia Grace

  Fitzwilliam's hand fell on her thigh. Elizabeth's face heated along with another area of her body. She hadn't known her body to respond like that. She liked it, which would account for her flaming cheeks.

  Fitzwilliam touched her cheek and made her look at him. "I know there is much to acquaint you with here, Elizabeth, but may I ask you one favor?"

  She felt breathless as his hand inched up her thigh. "Anything."

  "That we start all that tomorrow. Your body and your mind have called to me long enough. These weeks have been the best, but most painful."

  She raised her eyebrows. Painful?

  "Not in the way you are thinking," Darcy explained, slipping a loose curl around her ear. "I implore you to let me possess you, body and soul."

  Elizabeth nodded. She'd known this was coming. Welcomed it, even.

  She tipped her head up, her lips pressing into her new husband's in a shyness that begged for familiarity. Fitzwilliam made a choked noise in the back of his throat before pulling her to him. "I must have you," he told her, his hands sliding up her back.

  Elizabeth felt a brush of hardness against her thigh before the carriage abruptly stopped. Fitzwilliam immediately distanced himself from her, rearranging his clothing and checking her over before the footman opened the door for them. He stepped out of the carriage and reached for her hand. Though he gave her a reassuring smile, he barked orders at the servants that were lined up in front of the house. "Mrs. Darcy and I are retiring straight away to our private quarters. We do not wish for anything right now. As you can imagine, it has been a tiring day. She welcomes to meet you all tomorrow."

  "Of course, Mr. Darcy," a gentleman said. From his appearance, Elizabeth recognized him as Mr. Darcy's steward.

  She could not even dwell on that fact before he ushered them through the grand front doors and up an immaculate staircase. They traversed through enormous halls adorned in the finest things until he pushed open a door. "Here we are," he said.

  He pulled her into the room and pushed the door closed behind him. She walked into a large room with such finery she could not have imagined. A fire roared in the fireplace and through a window, she could see a tree-spotted park with a happily situated lake. Though she yearned to inspect it further, strong arms came around her, pulling her back into a hard body. He nipped at her ear, and she gasped. Her body shivered, quite liking this aspect of her betrothed.

  "I have never wanted anyone but you," he said. His hands fisted in her skirts until a draft came up her legs. Then, his hands were on the skin of her thighs and inching further and further up. "These past few weeks have been a tease. To be so close to you, but not to behave in a way that meant you were mine."

  Elizabeth understood that feeling. Many times, she had thought she would've liked to move up the ceremony so that they could start their life together, including this. She did not feel any nerves as she thought she would. She was ready. So, when he urged her toward the bed, she went willingly.

  He started with her laces. Untying them so that her dress draped in the front until it fell to the floor. He kissed her neck until a tremor overtook her body. He closed in on her, moving her chemise up and over her head. From behind, he pulled her undergarments down until all her clothes were at their feet.

  Her stomach churned. Perhaps she was a little nervous, but she knew Mr. Darcy was her one and only love. When she thought of that, what was there to fear?

  He turned her around and sat her on the edge of the bed. His gaze touched on her bare skin and she felt it prick in kind. Before long, he pulled at his own clothes, and Elizabeth even felt brazen enough to help with his pants. His clothes joined hers on the floor, and when they gazed at one another with no barriers, a hunger came over them both.

  Darcy moved forward while she slid herself back on the bed. His hard cock poked her, and she stilled before Darcy covered her lips in long, breathy kisses.

  Curious, Elizabeth reached out, her hand cradling his cock. Darcy broke the kiss. "Oh, Elizabeth." He inched forward until he pumped into her hand.

  Elizabeth could feel him straining over her. She widened her legs, inviting him inside. Instead of doing as she proposed, he kissed her again. Everywhere he touched, her body burned in excitement. His hands wrapped around her hips, and a muscle jumped beneath his touch. He inched closer to the throbbing area between her legs until she was practically panting. Finally, his finger reached out and ran the length of her. She cried out.

  Instead of stopping, he caressed her even more. Elizabeth did not know it could feel this good. She arched into him until his finger slipped inside her. Both of them cried out at the same time. "Elizabeth, you're so wet."

  Her eyes widened. Was that good? She thought it must be because he kept at what he was doing, moving his finger in and out of her until she trembled. Too soon, he removed his fingers. Elizabeth started to protest until she felt his cock at her entrance. "Oh," she said, her voice catching.

  Mr. Darcy gazed at her. "I love you with all my heart, Elizabeth Darcy."

  Elizabeth nodded. "And I you, Fitzwilliam."

  With that, he pushed inside her. Elizabeth clenched her teeth as a cry threatened to spring from her lips. Mr. Darcy didn't hold back. He let his feelings go. A roar that only heightened Elizabeth's pleasure ripped through the room.

  She clasped onto his arms as he rocked inside her. He hit a point that felt as if there were a barrier inside her. He gazed at her, and she nodded. Darcy reared back then pushed forward harder. This time, Elizabeth did cry out from a sudden spark of pain. Darcy stilled over her until she relaxed.

  "Are you well?" he asked.

  She nodded, gripping his arms once more, eager to see what more of this felt like. She pulled her knees up, and Darcy groaned. He started to move inside her again until they were both meeting one another, bodies pushing off one another only to come together in a moan of pleasure.

  Fitzwilliam started to tremble. Elizabeth reached up, running her hands through his hair as he pumped inside her. "Is this what you wanted?" she asked.

  His voice strained, he said, "More than what I wanted. I'm about to empty my seed inside you."

  Elizabeth's mouth rounded. Her hips came up to meet his. He ravished her body, and she took in every moment of it until Darcy's jaw tensed. Her own body was reaching toward something so powerful. She strained against him, her body was certainly not her own at that moment as her breath sawed in and out of her and moans escaped her mouth. Though it looked like Fitzwilliam would explode, he mercifully kept going. Soon, the bed rocked, creaking noises mingling with their own strangled cries. On instinct, Elizabeth knew Fitzwilliam was waiting for her, so they could experience this new pleasure together, and she was so ready.

  She lifted her hips in time until delicious friction poised her body high above them. A cry cut short from her lips as he dove inside her, and then she freefell. Pleasure coursed through her, turning her body into a lightning rod of delicious feelings. As soon as she came, Fitzwilliam toppled over right after her, his descent roaring out of him for several moments until he collapsed on top of her.

  Elizabeth held him to her as she fought for breath. She stared up at the ceiling, the fine carvings in the wood, and smiled. She could not have imagined a better life for herself. As if fate was reinforcing this for her, Darcy pulled himself up until he was hovering over her. "I daresay we won't be getting much sleep tonight, Mrs. Darcy. I hope you're ready."

  She pulled him down, kissing her answer into him until they pulled away laughing. As she stared at his crinkling, shining eyes, she knew there was nothing contrived about their marriage. Nothing at all. She loved him, body and soul.


  False Presumptions

  A Pride & Prejudice Sensual Retelling

  Chapter 1

  It is a truth universally acknowledged that when a woman is made to marry out of danger for her reputation, she must grovel at her new husband’s feet.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wif

  Elizabeth Bennet felt the cold chill all the way to her toes. She did not dare look up at the imposing figure standing next to her at the altar. With head bowed, she turned and walked back down the aisle of the small church. If it was not for her mother who was making quite the commotion, she probably would not have even looked up for the rest of the day, but her hysterics echoed around the quaint church walls.

  Elizabeth closed her eyes and chanced a glance. Mrs. Bennet, a tissue to her eye, waved at her excitedly. She pushed past her sisters—even Jane who gave Lizzy a sad smile—and walked right up to the new couple. “My dear, Lizzy, I am so happy for you.”

  Elizabeth grimaced at her mother’s ridiculous words. Happy for her? She certainly was not in any position to find enjoyment.

  She’d unknowingly entangled Mr. Darcy in a scandal where he had to agree to marriage or face the ruin of both their reputations. Elizabeth gleaned that although he did not care about her own reputation, he had done it for himself. Of course, he had, and she could not blame him for it.

  If only she hadn’t ducked into that shelter to get away from Mr. Collins! How unlucky had she been that Mr. Darcy himself had been in the same place? To make matters worse, Mr. Collins had discovered them, and either from a jealous heart, or a righteous one, had declared their meeting a tryst. He spoke openly about it until Mr. Darcy, unable to even reason with the man himself, saw no other course of action but to ask for Elizabeth’s hand. She had tried to think of a way out of it, but there was none.

  And now her life was doomed forever.

  A loveless marriage. A prideful husband. She did not care that he had ten thousand a year, she wanted someone sensible. She wanted a man with her sense and sensibilities, and Mr. Darcy was not that.

  “Oh, what fun you will have,” Mrs. Bennet said. “Your wedding night! Oh, what I would not give to go back to mine.”

  Mrs. Bennet pat Mr. Darcy on the forearm. He stilled, and Elizabeth immediately blushed and scurried to say something. “Mother, won’t you please thank the reverend for me?”

  “Of course, dear. What do you think I am? A simpleton?”

  The sparse English sunlight parted the clouds, and when Elizabeth emerged from the church, she stared up. It was a lovely day. Too bad it was a lovely day for such a horrid occasion. She would have to talk to Mr. Darcy tonight about what he had done for. She had been putting it off for days. With the marriage hastily put together, she told herself she did not have time to speak to her betrothed, but really, she was delighting in putting it off. They had not spoken two words together except for the day he came to Longbourn to ask for her hand.

  “Lizzy!” Lydia called.

  Elizabeth jumped. She spun just in time to see her youngest sister come flying out of the church toward her. She wrapped her arms around Elizabeth, who stumbled backward. If it weren’t for Mr. Darcy’s sure hands on her backside, they both would’ve toppled over. Elizabeth quickly righted themselves and stepped away from Mr. Darcy, sick that he had once again had to save her.

  “I cannot believe you were the first to marry! How happy you must be!”

  Elizabeth’s stomach rolled. She hated that Mr. Darcy was getting all the wrong ideas from her family. It sounded as if she’d trapped him into this marriage when she would never do such a thing in all her life. “I would be just as happy to see any of my sisters marry under different circumstances.”

  Lydia frowned, but shrugged shortly after.

  Mary made her way up to them next. She sneered at Mr. Darcy. “Yes, well, we are so very lucky that at least some men do what they ought.”

  Fire burned through Elizabeth. The tips of her fingers tingled as horror swept through her. She and Mr. Darcy both knew that they had done nothing wrong, but that fact didn’t matter when country gossip came into play. Perhaps Mr. Darcy was right about country manners. They did not seem to fit her well at the end either.

  Jane called her sisters, begging them to make sure Mr. Darcy’s carriage was ready. Elizabeth gave her a thankful look.

  What would she do without her Jane to steady her? It seemed only she had believed in Elizabeth’s tale. Her mother might have, but all she cared about was Mr. Darcy’s proposal once it was given. Her father, who seemed to never find sense in things he did not want to do, told her she did not have to marry Mr. Darcy if she did not want to. What would become of them if she hadn’t though? She had already sullied their reputation, and this was the only recourse.

  Knowing the truth in her heart, Elizabeth straightened her back and faced Jane. They shared an intimate hug, each of them gripping tightly to the other. “You will visit,” Elizabeth said.

  “Of course,” Jane replied. “As soon as you will have me.”

  “It cannot come soon enough,” Elizabeth whispered, her fingers digging into Jane’s shoulders. “I am afraid you may find my new husband and I will have pushed one another to the brink.”

  Jane rubbed her back. “It will not be so bad, Lizzy. Trust that Mr. Darcy did these things because he has an affection for you. We all know he has a strong will. You know my feelings on this. All will be well.”

  Yes, her feelings. Her feelings were that Mr. Darcy harbored some sort of secret fancy for her. Elizabeth did not buy into it. Mr. Darcy had a strong will, but his pride was stronger. He would not let anything ruin the reputation of the Darcy family.

  The carriage pulled up next to them. Elizabeth’s stomach knotted as she saw the footman lower the steps. She turned to smile at her family, begging her face not to portray the sorrow she felt. With a quick wave, she turned toward the carriage door. Mr. Darcy slipped his fingers under hers to help her up the steps. She closed her eyes at the touch. She was Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy now. He could touch her whenever he wanted.

  Chapter 2

  Mr. Darcy did not say much on the way to Pemberley. He was intent on their making the trip to her new home on the day of their wedding. Though he pointed out certain landmarks on the roads, the horses pulled the carriage with finesse until they were finally pulling up to an enormous house.

  Elizabeth’s jaw dropped as she took it in. She knew Mr. Darcy would have a fine house, but that it should be perfectly situated to her tastes was astonishing.

  “You like it then?” Mr. Darcy asked.

  Without thinking, she turned her head to look at her husband. “It is beautiful. I cannot wait to see the interior.”

  The words hung between them as they stared at one another. This had been the first time she’d chanced a look at him. She’d seen his backside when she entered the church, but from then on, she’d kept her gaze down. Truthfully, she was mortified she’d put them in this situation.

  His lips pulled up, shocking Elizabeth. She did not think she’d ever seen so much as a smile on Mr. Darcy’s lips. Who wouldn’t be smiling at a place like this though? It was divine.

  The carriage pulled to a stop. Mr. Darcy waited for the carriage door to open before he exited and then reached back for her hand. Taking a deep breath, she finally reached out and put hers in his. He gripped her fingers gingerly as she made her way down from the carriage. Her gaze tracked up the exterior of Pemberley and she marveled at the number of windows and the ornate columns.

  “This way,” Mr. Darcy said, giving her arm a tug.

  They walked past a row of servants. Elizabeth’s eyes widened as she took them in. She’d never seen so many of them. Everyone must have been present from the gardener to the chambermaid. He stopped once only to introduce her to the Housekeeper and to Mr. Darcy’s steward, then they were off again.

  He walked her through a courtyard of beautiful flowers. Everything her gaze touched on, she loved. “I know you would like to see inside the place,” Mr. Darcy said, “But do you care if we go through here to show you the lake?”

  He still had a hold of her hand, warming her palm. She blinked up at him, surprised he would even ask her opinion, or that he would still even be by her side. She thought that as soon as they arrived, he would leave he
r be. She imagined her life at Pemberley would be very lonely, stuck with a husband who did not want her. “You want to show me the lake?”

  He nodded once, his handsome face glowing from the smile there. “I remember you spoke of water once, perhaps at the Netherfield Ball. I always imagined you would like this particular spot.”

  Elizabeth’s heart beat once in her chest. She felt her temperature rise and her cheeks grow hot. She had not realized he had even listened to her talk of things like that. Why would he care? “I am sure I would love to see it.”

  Mr. Darcy pulled on her hand, his feet taking them faster toward an archway. They ducked underneath and Elizabeth was assaulted with the prettiest park she’d ever seen. “There,” Mr. Darcy said, his voice rough.

  Elizabeth followed his gesture and found a bench close to the lake’s edge. She gasped. She couldn’t imagine a prettier place to sit.

  “I commissioned my steward to prepare this bench for when we returned.”

  She looked back at him, her mouth dropping into an “o”. “You did this for me?”

  “Of course,” he said.

  Mr. Darcy pulled on her hand and started out at a run toward the bench. Elizabeth, a large smile on her face, picked up her skirts and chased after him.

  She put every thought about having to apologize to him out of her head. She knew she would have to tonight, but for right now, she could just enjoy this side of Mr. Darcy. The one who was all smiles. The one who commissioned a bench for her.

  Chapter 3

  With so much to see at Pemberley, Elizabeth was quite occupied until the day grew long, and the candles were lit in the fine house. They had sat in the drawing room only for a little while until Mr. Darcy started to pace. Her nerves started up again. A dark cloud seemed to loom over her. She enjoyed her time here so far, but it was time to lay out everything. They could not go on ignoring the fact that he did not even want her here, and that he had been made to marry her out of formality.


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