Book Read Free

Don Juan

Page 5

by Leanne Tyler

  “He wasn’t.”

  “I know that now, but at the time, I didn’t.”

  “You’ve got to learn to trust us. Me, Brand, Wyatt, and Will. The four of us will do everything in our power to keep you and your girlfriends safe. That is our job. Do you understand that?”

  Simone nodded, slowly sinking in the oversized armchair in her living room.

  “Good. Is there a workout room in the apartment building?”

  “No. Why?”

  “I was curious. Some apartment complexes have them. I thought yours might. I need to work off my anger right now. What about the roof?”

  “I’ve never been up there.”

  “Okay. Go change into workout gear. We’re going down to Chicago PD. There’s a gym at the station. You can either join me or look the part whichever you prefer.”

  “I don’t see why I can’t just stay at home,” she said.

  “Because we tried that before and it didn’t work. You broke that trust already.”

  He saw her roll her eyes before she went into her room.

  “You’re making me feel like a child.”

  “When you act like one then you deserve the repercussions.”

  Simone slammed her bedroom door. And she’d thought Brand was a hard ass. Don Juan was no light weight either. But she had to admit she deserved it. She’d left the apartment even though he’d trusted her to stay put while he was gone. Carly tried to tell her to stay home, but she wouldn’t listen. She never listened. She was too much like her father on that account. Wasn’t that what her mother always said?

  Simone sighed, opened up her dresser and pulled out her workout clothes.

  What was done was done. She wasn’t going to regret it for one moment now. She’d seen Colleen. She’d found out what had happened to her friend. No harm had come to them. So what was the big deal?

  If she’d been shot while she was gone, that would have been on her, right?


  The blame would have landed on Liam’s shoulders for not keeping her safe. He’d left her alone in her apartment while going out to do the shopping when he should have called in back up to watch her apartment while he stepped out. He’d trusted her to stay put. And she’d broken it. Now he wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

  “Stupid, Simone. Really stupid move,” she grumbled, changing into her yoga pants and tank. She slipped on a zippered hoody, pulled her hair back into a ponytail and put on her socks and tennis shoes before going back into the living room.

  “I called for a driver. He should be here in ten.”

  “I’m sorry, Liam. I didn’t think about the position I was putting you in when I left the apartment. I wasn’t just risking my life, I was putting your career on the line.”

  He looked at her for a moment, and then nodded. “I appreciate you saying it, Simone. Just remember that before you make a rash decision again. Ask yourself first how this will affect me and others. We still don’t know why that gang member singled you out at the bar and pulled the trigger. Did he know the chamber was empty when he did? Was that why he laughed when he saw the horror on your face? Did he do it to get a rush?”

  Simone nodded, moisture pooling at the corner of her eyes with him talking about the incident. Her mind immediately went to her dad missing for some reason and how he’d react if something were to happen to her. Likewise, how would her mom and her stepdad, Leland handle the news as well. She hadn’t even thought to give them a call and tell them what had happened to her, and didn’t know if she should because that would only alarm and worry them for nothing. But in the same instance, she didn’t want either to be upset with her for not telling them, especially if something more serious were to happen later. What if the bar shooting had made the national news?

  “You got quiet. What’s running through that head of yours?”

  “Whether I should call my mom in Florida and tell her about the incident in the bar or not. I have a relationship with my family, unlike Carly.”

  “Then I think you should.”

  “Yeah. I’ll do that tonight.” She followed him toward the door. “I’ll also tell her about my dad missing.”

  “Your father is missing? Wouldn’t she know that?”

  “They’re divorced. She’s remarried.”

  “How do you know he’s missing?”

  “Because his coworkers haven’t heard from him in three weeks. I went looking for him last week when I was on a business trip to DC where he was reported to have been before his business partners lost touch. But I no luck finding him. I’m worried something is wrong.”

  Liam turned and looked at her. “Simone, why didn’t you tell me about this before?”

  “Why? What does my dad being missing have to do with anything that is going on?”

  “Probably nothing. But that explains the vibe I got from you in the bar last night that you weren’t telling me everything when you bit your lip.”

  “You sensed that?”

  “Yeah, I did. Brand did too.”

  She smiled at him. “Carly always says that a tell-tale sign that I’m lying.”

  “She must know you well.”

  “We were sorority sisters in college. We’ve been very close ever since.”

  “Still, does your dad up and go missing a lot? Is this typical behavior for him?”

  “Sometimes. His business partners aren’t worried because they say he’s usually working on a new lead for a client, but no one goes incommunicado for three weeks.”

  “What kind of work does he do?”

  “Sales. Some big name contracts. He’s mentioned having a few government contracts in the past.”

  “Is that all you know?”

  “Pretty much. He changes divisions within his company every few years, so I can’t keep up with what line of clientele he is working. He’s happy and that is all that matters. I see him more now than I did as a kid really, so that makes me happy.”

  “You don’t think he’s into anything shady, do you?”

  “My dad?” Simone asked, shaking her head. “Never.”

  Liam nodded, crossing his arms over his chest as they waited in the lobby of the apartment building for the driver to arrive. When he pulled up, Liam ushered her quickly into the black SUV.

  The workout room at Chicago PD was nice and she used the treadmill, the elliptical, and did about a hundred spins on the bike while Liam used the punching bag and lifted weights. The whole time she worked out, her mind was on what Liam asked about her dad. You don’t think he’s into anything shady, do you? What would give him that idea from what she had said?

  An hour and a half later, they were headed back to her apartment. He had the driver stop by a street fair on the way back and they sampled a few of the food trucks before they finally made it back to her place. She was amazed at the amount of food Liam could put away for someone so fit and muscular.

  “I’m going to go shower and then call my mom,” Simone said, as soon as she opened the door. “I’ll let you know when the bathroom is free so you can use it.”

  “Sure, take your time.”

  Liam headed to the guest room, kicked off his shoes and sat down on the edge of the bed to text Brand. He’d been thinking about that text he opted not to send that morning about Carly. After his conversation with Simone this afternoon, he decided maybe he should share the fact that Carly’s ex-husband and parents were overbearing with Brand after all. He also wanted to let Brand know there might be something up with Simone’s father. That was definitely something he was going to be looking into. If the man was really missing, he needed to be found, connected to the bar shooting or not. He could tell that Simone was worried, whether she admitted it or not.

  In fact, he was pretty sure that Simone’s brashness was all an act. She’d admitted as much to him when they returned from the hospital. The only thing he couldn’t understand was why? Why did she feel she needed to act that way? Was it for attention growing up? Had her parents fought often
before their divorce and that was a way for her to gain their attention? Or had it been an attempt to get her father’s attention? She’d also said she spends more time with him now that she did when she was growing up.

  He had to admit one thing, Simone Reid was one complex woman to figure out. She was more than the feisty red head he’d first seen in the aftermath of the Pied Piper Bar shooting. She was vulnerable, and if you were able to get past her smart mouthed exterior, there was a softness, he was sure of it.

  Chapter 7

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Simone screamed at her phone, half-awake, as she reached for it to turn off whatever was making it explode with beeping and singing at the same time.

  Her bedroom door burst open, banging against the wall, and Liam was in her room with his gun drawn, but pointed toward the ceiling.

  “Holy crap!” She sat up quickly, forgetting about her squawking phone. She pulled the sheet up around her with one hand and grabbed the phone with the other, shutting the noise off. She laid down the phone and with both index fingers pointed toward her door. “Get out! Get out!”

  “I heard screams.”

  “That was me yelling at my phone.” She unlocked her screen and viewed the text message from her boss, Robert Cranston. He wanted her to come into the office immediately that morning, even though it was Sunday. “Jiminy, this can’t be good.”

  “What?” Liam asked, ignoring her order to leave the room.

  “I’ve been summoned into work by my boss. Can you call for a car? Unless you want to risk taking a taxi?”

  “I’ll call for a car while you dress. Do you know what this is about?”

  “Oh yeah. I know, and frankly I’m surprised he didn’t call me yesterday.”

  Liam’s right brow arched and he cocked his head to the side.

  “Don’t look at me that way. I told you I spent time on my last business trip trying to find my dad. What I didn’t tell you is I spent more time on that than on my client.”

  “I see.”

  She shrugged.

  “So this thing with your dad could be more serious than you first let on.”

  Simone sucked in a breath and nodded. “Yes. Now get out of my room so I can get dressed.”

  As soon as the door shut behind Liam, Simone was out of bed and in front of her closet doors, opening them wide, stepping inside to decide what she should wear for a royal chewing out. She decided to wear her favorite pantsuit that made her look like she’d stepped out of a store on Rodeo Drive. She paired it with sedate leather pumps and a matching purse. An up-do and teardrop pearl earrings finished off the look.

  Liam had mixed up a box of muffins in the time it took her to get ready as well as made coffee for her.”

  “Our ride will be here in ten. You’ve got time to eat something and have a coffee,” he explained.

  She smiled. “Thanks. I might get used to you being around if you fix me breakfast every morning.”

  He chuckled. “I like to eat and breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

  “You sound like my mom.” She drank from her cup, welcoming the soothing effect of the java and caffeine.

  “My mom, you mean.” He refilled her coffee cup. “She was big on starting each day with something in your stomach, even if it was a piece of dry toast as you ran out the door for the bus.”

  Simone grinned. “I think I’d like her.”

  “She’d like you too.”

  “Would she?” Simone cocked her head to the side.

  “My mom likes everyone until they give her a reason otherwise.” He turned away and washed up the muffin pan, dried and put it away.

  When she brought over her empty coffee mug, she noticed he’d already washed the mixing bowl as well. Everything was neat and tidy before they left, and she was certain that if she went to his bedroom that she’d find the bed was made without a crease in the covers.

  When they arrived at her office building, she swiped them in with her badge and was greeted by a security guard who escorted them to the elevator, unlocking it for them to go up to the appropriate floor. Her boss was waiting for her, so that meant the security guard must have been instructed to radio up that she was on her way.

  “Who’s this with you, Simone?” Mr. Cranston asked.

  “Liam Donovan, my bodyguard. I don’t suppose you heard about the Pied Piper shooting Friday night?”

  “I did hear about that. It made the front page of the Saturday morning paper and was on the local news. Were you involved?”

  “A witness, sir. And Mr. Donovan has been assigned to keep me safe until I can testify at trial.”

  “I see. But you are free to leave the city? Even the state if necessary?”

  “Of course, sir. As long as I inform Chicago PD of my whereabouts. Isn’t that right, Liam?” She turned to him.

  “That’s right.”

  “Very well. Can we speak privately in my office? Or will Mr. Donovan need to check it out first to make sure I’m not luring you in there on false pretenses? Or that I plan you harm?” Mr. Cranston said.

  Simone glanced at Liam and saw his jaw muscle twitch.

  “I wasn’t planning to, Mr. Cranston, but since you brought it up, I think I will check your office out. Never can be too safe in these situations.”

  “Liam, please, he was only joking.” Simone reached out, grabbing his arm, but he shrugged her hand away.

  “Let me do my job.”

  She pressed her lips into a frown and watched him walk into her boss’ office. Cranston followed him and she took up the rear.

  Liam searched the office, opening the adjoining door that lead to a conference room and called it clear. “I’ll leave you both to your meeting.”

  “Thank you,” Simone said, glaring at him. As soon as her boss closed the door she said, “Sir, I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t apologize. He was only doing his job. I’m glad he takes protecting you seriously. I shouldn’t have joked in the first place. Sit.” Mr. Cranston motioned to the guest chair before he rounded his desk to sit down. “Let’s discuss why I called you in this morning. I had a long talk with Hugh Webster of Webster-Reynolds yesterday. He told me you were less than attentive on your last meeting with them. I assured him this didn’t sound like you at all and I’d get to the bottom of it. Is something wrong, Simone?”

  There was concern in her boss’s voice which was the last thing she’d expected when he called her in this morning. She’d come here prepared for a chewing out or at the least to be threatened with losing her job. His approach made her feel she had no choice but to be honest with him.

  “My father is missing. His last known whereabouts was on business in DC. I didn’t give Webster-Reynolds my fullest attention because all I could think about was that somewhere in the city my father could be dying alone if he’d been attacked or kidnapped. It’s true, I have no proof of foul play, but I find it hard to swallow that people at his company are not concerned that he hasn’t been heard from in all this time either.”

  “I see. I promised Webster-Reynolds you’d make this right. I planned to send you back there this week, but maybe that isn’t the best idea. It sounds like you’ll be just as distracted, especially now that you are also dealing with being a witness in this bar shooting.”

  “Actually, sir, getting out of town would be the best thing for me on that front. I wouldn’t have to worry about that gang coming after me if I wasn’t in town. And with Liam by my side, I’ll stay focused on Webster-Reynolds during the day and we can search for my father in the evenings, if time allows.”

  “Are you sure, Simone?” Cranston asked. “If this goes south, your time here is over. You do understand?”

  She slowly nodded. “I won’t let you down, sir.”

  “Very well. Book flights for this afternoon and be ready for a week of making up.”

  “In other words, kissing up.”

  “I wouldn’t say that, Simone.”

  “But it really is
about stroking Webster-Reynolds’s ego, isn’t it?”

  “Public relations. It’s public relations.”

  “I won’t let you down.” She stood.

  “See that you don’t.”

  She heard the warning in his voice as she left the office, not fully relaxing until she was in the elevator, standing next to Liam. She avoided looking at him because she was afraid she’d say something she’d regret and she didn’t really feel like arguing with him in public at the moment. They had too much to do to get ready for their flight.

  “So?” Liam finally broke the silence.

  “We’re being sent to revisit Webster-Reynolds, the company I short changed with my attention when I was there last week. It will give us the opportunity to also look for my dad in the evenings. So it is a win-win if you ask me. I just have to stay focused during the day because my job is on the line. If Webster-Reynolds doesn’t feel I am giving them 100% of my focus they will give a bad report to Mr. Cranston and I’m gone.”

  “I see. I’ll let Hawkeye know we’re leaving town and I’ll text Brand, Will, and Wyatt as well. Do you know how long we’ll be gone?”

  “I flew back last Friday so we’ll be gone all week. Five nights and four days.”

  “Roger that. Good thing I did my laundry last night.”

  Simone smiled at him as the elevator doors opened. He immediately called their driver and the SUV pulled around to get them.

  Simone was able to book two business class shuttle tickets for later that afternoon. She called the same hotel she’d stayed at the week before and rebooked with them, requesting adjoining rooms. Then she threw together her suitcase and was ready to leave for the airport by the time Liam made the necessary phone calls to Chicago PD, Brand, Will and Wyatt.

  On the ride to the airport she sent her mom a text that she was on another business trip and to call her cell if she needed to reach her. But in the pit of her stomach that just didn’t seem enough. What if something bad happened to her while she was away from home? She had Liam with her, but still, he couldn’t protect her every minute of the day.


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