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The Darkness of Dawn

Page 52

by Braden Michael

  “Truly?” Vai inquired, inclined to believe.

  Before Schafer could respond, he looked beyond Vai and then immediately shot into attention stance. Vai turned around to see a fully armored Asher leading a horse-drawn funeral pyre with what could only be Miles’ body. With a devastated look on his face, and dried tear-stains on his face, he continued walking towards Vai. She rushed forward to meet him as the thousands of nearby soldiers looked on inquisitively.

  “Asher!” she exclaimed. She looked into his grief-stricken eyes while grabbing and holding his hands with hers. “I’m so sorry, love.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” Asher’s voice was raspy and lacked any malice.

  Vai hugged him fiercely, the cold steel of his gorget on the skin of her cheek. “I won’t be satisfied until the traitor’s head decorates a spike,” she proclaimed.

  “The traitor is only one man. We need to focus on the one hundred thousand men that wouldn’t hesitate to kill any one of us,” said Asher.

  Vai pulled back from the hug, looking at Asher quizzically. “I…” She failed to come up with any other words.

  “We’ll burn the pyre come night and offer him to the Stars. Then we’ll descend upon Howell’s corpses-to-be, unite the Dawnlands, and the only refuge for the traitor will be the Deadlands of all places.” Asher’s voice was no longer raspy but filled with vitality. His eyes were no longer dampened by loss and had returned to the full fierceness that Vai had come to know.

  CH 53 – Alexey XII

  Once he was done with his bath, Alexey climbed out, shaking and shivering, despite how warm the air was. He did not know what to make of seeing Anton again, nor could he process what he said. Was it all my fault? Is it fair to blame myself? he wondered. All he had was more questions, and no answers. The Artifact that once gave him clarity now only gave him confusion.

  Alexey’s mind may not have been refreshed, but his body was. He dried himself off then put on his new outfit. The undergarments were soft and soothing to his skin, the pants hugged his legs comfortably, and the tunic sat on his torso formidably. He grabbed the Artifact and stuffed it into his pocket, then walked out the door.

  As soon as Alexey started down the hall, he heard angry voices faintly echoing from the main room. The voices were too muffled for him to make out any words clearly, until a boisterous shout roared from the room.

  “I need a better answer than that! Why would you refuse gold!?” a man screamed.

  “I’m not selling my body!” a younger woman protested.

  Natalie? Alexey recognized.

  “That’s the perfect body to sell!”

  Alexey furrowed his brow, finding himself filled with anger. He quickly cut the corner to peer out over the balcony. Down below, a man with gray streaks in his hair loomed over Natalie, staring down at her angrily.

  “I’m not a whore!” Natalie shouted defiantly.

  The man’s hand shot up to Natalie’s throat and seized her tightly. Her defiant stance was immediately replaced with terror.

  “HEY!” Alexey shouted instinctively.

  The man flinched at Alexey, a furious glare plastered on his face. Fuck why am I involving myself? he thought.

  The man’s furious glare was instantly replaced by the artificial kindness of a salesperson as he dropped Natalie to the ground. The man took a couple steps towards the balcony and clasped his hands behind his back, a large smile on his face.

  “Hello, mister! I sincerely apologize for my daughter’s rude refusal. I do see that she was at least successful in selling one of our finest tunics to you! Is there anything else I can assist you with?”

  Alexey glanced over at Natalie, who looked back at him helplessly. The body that had once hypnotized him into lust now filled him with sympathy as she curled into a ball, massaging her throat. The father’s smile slowly morphed into a concerned frown as Alexey continued to stare him down as he descended the stairs in silence. Once he reached the first floor, he stopped in his tracks, glare unbroken.

  “What’s going on here?” Alexey asked coldly.

  “Well, I was simply trying to discipline an insubordinate employee. I’m very sorry you were there to see it,” the man said, the friendliness of his mask slipping.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry too,” Alexey said disingenuously.

  Alexey took another step forward. The father’s face was now entirely concerned while Natalie’s was both curious and hopeful.

  “Sir, I’m happy to assist you with anything else you—”

  “No.” Alexey interrupted. “Have you been selling your own daughter to strangers?”

  The father’s face immediately turned defensive. “No! I—” He paused, then studied Alexey’s face intensely. “Wait… You can’t be Colonel Sokolov’s kid… I thought he—”

  Alexey’s confidence instantly wavered. He knew my father, so he must know I was a Winterguard recruit, a deserter…

  Natalie began to stand up and was met with the protest of her father. “I did not tell you to stand, whore!” He landed a painful kick in her abdomen, and she cried out in pain and began to whimper.

  Alexey immediately dashed up to the father and kicked him in the crotch. He reacted painfully, but was still able to counter, striking Alexey just below the chest, knocking him onto the floor. The father furiously stormed over and grabbed his neck, lifting him up.

  Alexey kicked his legs in the air feebly and tried ripping the attacker’s hands away from his neck, but he remained locked in place, choking the life out of Alexey with an inhumanly furious glare on his face.

  What… Do I… Alexey panicked as he struggled for air. His kicks, scratches, punches, and jabs did nothing. The darkness began to obscure his mind, until an idea popped into his mind. No… I can’t… It’s too dangerous… His hand made it into his pocket as he desperately clutched the Artifact. Its unforgettable sensation shot through all his body. Every fiber of his being pleaded for him to deploy it, but he could not do it. The father’s icy grip continued to suck away his life, and the darkness advanced. I have no choice… He began to pull the Artifact out of his pocket.


  A dense metal bludgeon struck the father’s temple, making him drop Alexey to the floor. The father went tumbling off to the side, clutching his head desperately and shrieking in pain.

  “Ugh! What the fuck!” the father screamed, wiping blood away from his face.

  Natalie quickly knelt over Alexey, shaking him. “Hey! Get up!”

  Alexey blinked heavily before coming to. He quickly scrambled to his feet, despite being heavily disoriented. He looked around, everything too blurry to make out clearly. When Natalie’s face popped in front of his, he was able to refocus his sights on her.

  “Alexey! Are you—”


  Instinctively, Alexey walked up to the disoriented father and kicked him in the head. He then prepared to continue before Natalie pulled him back.

  “Alexey! Don’t! Let’s just leave!” Natalie pleaded.

  “What? Where can…”

  “Anywhere but here!” Natalie countered, pulling him towards the exit.

  Outside, it was the precipice of night, and the city streets were sparsely occupied. Mostly Winterland and Midland civilians could be seen, and most of them were different degrees of drunk. Natalie and Alexey slipped past them unnoticed. A few patrolling soldiers offered them passing glances but paid little mind.

  Whatever Natalie did, Alexey did. When she got them farther down the street, she slowed down and began walking around like any other person. Alexey followed suit, catching his breath the best he could. She led him through several streets, alleyways, and avenues.

  “Natalie, where are we going? Why are you helping me?” Alexey questioned.

  “I don’t know,” said Natalie.

  “Your father…”

  “He called you a deserter?” Natalie asked.

  Alexey quickly gestured his hand at her to keep her voice down. “Not. So. Loud. You understand?”

  “As soon as he sends out the word, every soldier in the city will want you dead,” Natalie said solemnly.

  “Then why are you helping me?”

  Natalie looked down, grimacing angrily. She looked around, not addressing him directly. “My life is… ruined. My father will alert the soldiers. I… I can’t stay…” Her tone was hauntingly desperate.

  Alexey had a reluctant yet accepting look on his face. “I’m not staying here either.”

  Natalie looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “But you just got here, didn’t you?”

  “Get us somewhere safe, and I’ll explain,” said Alexey.

  Natalie nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’ll tell you every detail once we’re at the second inn. I can’t let anyone hear,” he explained.

  “I’ll take you to a nearby inn. I’m sure you have the coin to afford a room,” said Natalie.

  “Good point,” Alexey said with a hint of residual shame. “And Natalie?”

  Natalie stopped and looked back. “Yeah?”

  “I’m sorry. About everything. If I knew about your—well, I wouldn’t have tried to—”

  “Apologize to me later. We still need to keep going, and you still need to follow me,” said Natalie, now walking away in earnest.

  “Lead the way.”

  Natalie led Alexey down another series of streets, until they reached a district of noticeably poorer quality than the one before, with cheaper and less colorful buildings, and beggars on every corner: well-dressed Alexey and Natalie stood out like sore thumbs. Eventually, they reached an inn, which was made entirely from wood and only three stories high. The first floor was equally plain, with only a few wooden furniture pieces and a poorly dressed elderly man to service customers.

  “Hello, young ones!” the elderly man proclaimed in a frail Winterland accent.

  Natalie nudged Alexey forward, and he got the cue and began talking. “Hello to you, sir. How much for a room tonight?”

  “Uh… Well, that depends on if you want the standard, or the deluxe,” the elderly man said excitedly.

  “Whichever one has some extra changes of clothes?” Alexey asked.

  “Well, I, uh, don’t have any clothing as nice as the outfits you two young ones are wearing, but all our rooms have some clothes you can find!”

  Alexey plucked a few silver coins from his pockets and placed them before the elderly man, who gawked at them with amazement.

  “Any room will do. And you can keep that,” said Alexey.

  The elderly man shambled over to a side drawer near him, opened it slowly, then sifted through the inside of it. He eventually pulled out a key, shambled back to Alexey, and handed it to him.

  “Top floor, end of the hallway on the left is where you’ll find your room, young ones!” The elderly man bowed his head politely.

  “Thank you, sir,” said Alexey.

  Natalie hurried past Alexey and clambered up the stairs. He caught up with her at the top floor. Natalie scurried towards the door, impatient for Alexey to unlock it.

  “Come on, we haven’t got much time to waste,” she said.

  “Don’t worry.” Alexey quickly unlocked the door.

  The room contained only a large cot, wicker baskets containing clothes, and a waste pot. Natalie wasted no time and emptied the clothing baskets onto the cot and began sorting. When she spotted undergarments, shirts, coats, and pants that might fit Alexey, she tossed them over to him quickly while sorting for her own clothes.

  “Look away while we get dressed,” she said, still on edge.

  “Sure, sure.” He turned around to face away from Natalie as he began undoing his tunic and pants. While he slipped into his new outfit, he heard Natalie slipping into hers.

  “When can I turn around?” Alexey asked facetiously.

  Alexey continued to hear ruffling clothes for another few seconds before Natalie cleared her throat. He slowly turned around with his eyes closed, then opened them once he was fully turned around. Natalie’s new outfit disguised her figure, and the hood she wore appeared discreet.

  “That’s…” Alexey stammered.

  “Going to serve our purposes? No?” Natalie asked, almost rolling her eyes.


  “Well what are we waiting for? This is only the first stop, no?” Natalie asked.

  “Uh, right. After you?”

  Without saying a word, Natalie quickly exited the room with Alexey shortly behind. She led him down the hallway, the stairway, and back to the first floor. The old man stood by his counter with the silver coins in hand, gawking at the money, too oblivious to notice them.

  The outside streets had a greater number of soldiers out and about than before, who seemed more focused than ever. They’re on patrol, Alexey realized.

  “Were my ears working correctly when they said we’re looking for a deserter?” a Winterguardsman questioned.

  “Yeah, that and the tailor’s daughter. A large price on both of ‘em apparently,” another replied.

  Natalie quickly turned around and offered Alexey a stiff look, holding out her hand. “Quickly, now,” she told him.

  Alexey complied and grabbed hold of Natalie’s hand. She immediately began walking a stroke faster, forcing Alexey to keep pace.

  “I think I fucked that tailor’s daughter one time,” a Winterguardsman boasted.

  “I think we all did! And for a decently low price!” another guffawed.

  At the sound of their laughter, Natalie gripped Alexey’s hand fiercely tightly. He wanted to cry out, feeling like his hand was about to break, but he forced himself to stay silent.

  What has happened to her? Alexey thought as he looked at Natalie. He could not see her face from behind, but he could only imagine what she was feeling.

  “Remember, they ought to be dressed quite nicely! They shouldn’t be hard to spot!” another soldier shouted.

  Natalie’s grip released enough tension to where she was no longer hurting Alexey. She continued navigating the streets and alleyways until they reached a main boulevard, where there was a sea of civilians dancing and celebrating to the music of street performers.

  “We can slow down now,” Natalie said, releasing Alexey’s hand.

  “Where’s the next inn?” Alexey asked.

  “Just a few buildings down. Now stay close, I don’t want to have to lug you over there,” she told him.

  Lacking any response, Alexey shrugged and continued following her. The sea of civilians blocking them forced them to a snail’s pace, but they slowly gained ground towards the inn. The people around them were laughing boisterously and shouting at one another. “This is the best fucking city I’ve ever been to!” a Midland woman exclaimed. “I’ve never been this drunk outside before!” a Winterland man informed everyone. Street performers carrying hand drums or stringed instruments were marching throughout, playing their tunes and beats loudly and jovially.

  “ATTENTION!” a man bellowed above the crowd. The shout was met with the gallops of several horses.

  The crowd instantly parted, making way for the incoming platoon. Dozens of Midland and Winterguard horsemen made their way into the middle of the boulevard, directing everybody out of their way. Many of the civilians around Natalie and Alexey began muttering amongst themselves.

  “Attention, civilians! We are currently in search of two very dangerous refugees. We will need all of you to cooperate with our instructions!” one of the horsemen shouted.

  “Alexey, come with me, quickly!” Natalie pleaded in a hushed tone.

  Natalie began walking incredibly quickly and Alexey forced himself to keep up. They sifted through the crowd, some of whom made way for them. The horseman continued shouting his commands at the civilians, but Natalie and Alexey ignored them.

  “This is the place,” Natalie whispered, stepping onto the patio of a building in front of her.

; The inn was far nicer than the last, made with a stone foundation and marble furnishings. The front door’s handle was gilded steel, and the lobby room inside was just as lavish, with silk-linen furniture and elegant counter tops throughout. The innkeeper was a finely dressed Midland woman, who welcomed Natalie and Alexey with a warm and genuine smile.

  “Welcome to the Rashida Inn! How can I help you both?” Her accent was as elegant as the inn itself.

  “How much are the rooms?” Alexey asked.

  “We have three different rooms for three different prices. Our most expensive room is currently unoccupied and the only room at the topmost floor, which requires a gold piece each night. Our second option—”

  “I’ll take it,” Alexey said, plopping a gold piece onto the counter.

  The innkeeper appeared surprised, but quickly regained her saleswoman caricature. “Oh, um, of course. You will love the room. It has a bath, candles, incense, and all matters of amenities you may need. If anything is not to your liking, you’re welcome to let us know.” She sifted her hand through a drawer, pulled out a gilded key and handed it to Alexey.

  “It sounds wonderful. Have a good night, miss,” said Alexey.

  “Enjoy your stay!”

  Alexey and Natalie walked up the staircase, which was constructed with marble and lit by candles. They climbed all the stairs, floor after floor, until they reached the top out of breath. Alexey entered the hallway, which was decorated with brown velvet carpets and white silk curtains, and, surely enough, a single door. Torches were placed on either side of the door, casting a beautiful orange glow over it. Alexey scurried towards the door and unlocked it with the gilded key. Once inside, Alexey and Natalie paused a moment to catch their breath and admire the room.

  A massive bed with an awning sat in the middle, with lavish vanities on either side, a fully stocked bar table, and a side room containing the bath.

  “I could have bought a house with what it costs to stay in this room,” Alexey muttered.

  “Then why didn’t you?” Natalie questioned, crossing her arms. “Now that we’re safe, I think it’s time we clear everything up. How about you answer all my questions? Why are you so careless with those coins?”


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