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Summa Cum Liar

Page 19

by Ali Franklin

  “Come here,” she said, pulling Ryan toward an alcove. She looked around to see if anyone was paying attention. The students were immersed in their own business.

  “What you think?” asked Teddy.

  “It’s going really well. Congratulations.”

  “Are you sure? There was that spot at the beginning of the first act when Jade…”

  “No one noticed,” said Ryan. “She got right back on track and you heard the applause.”

  The voice of the ever-present Tony interrupted their conversation. “Two minutes. Final places. Final places.”

  Without another word, Ryan and Teddy went in different directions. Ryan reached her podium just as Tony called for the curtain.

  Ryan kicked off the second act with the fabulous subway scene. In it, the players danced up and down the aisle of a subway car, alternately jumping up on the seats and twirling around the poles. The vocalists entered in ones, twos and fours until everyone was dancing, twirling and singing in a fantastical setting of blinking lights and effervescent music.

  I heart NY

  I heart NY

  Don’t ever wanna say

  Goodbye, goodbye…

  The tinny voice of the conductor came over the speakers announcing the next stop and the fantasy vanished.

  Ryan felt the crowd’s excitement flowing through her veins as she mentally prepared herself for the final scenes. Then a new thought surged through her like a lightning bolt: she never found out how Teddy had changed the final scene. Would it still happen?

  She berated herself for not talking about it with Teddy. Then she returned to the task at hand. Whatever it was, Teddy had promised it wouldn’t interrupt the flow of the show.

  Onstage, Jade was traveling home for a visit. She spent time with all of the significant people in her life: her parents, her siblings and Danny. Eventually, she realized it was time to decide: was she going to continue chasing a dream that might never come true, or would she return to the home and family she loved, marry Danny and settle into an unremarkable life? She knew the right answer was out there, and she sang:

  I can’t touch you but I feel you

  I can’t hear you but I’m listening

  I can’t kiss you but I taste you

  I can’t love you but I do

  Finally, she sat down with Ellen, the best friend who’d helped her through the most important decisions in her life. They talked long into the night.

  When the sun rose on the next scene, Jade called her family and friends together to tell them about her decision. They gathered in the backyard of Jade’s family’s home.

  Jade moved around the stage while she sang, her family and friends hanging on every word. Every now and then, a member of the little group would walk over and take her hand. The song would become a duet for a moment, then Jade would shake her head and push them away. The song ended with Jade on stage left and her family and friends on stage right.

  I can’t touch you but I feel you

  I can’t hear you but I’m listening

  It wasn’t about a high school crush and it wasn’t about moving through life doing the easy thing. It was about Jade realizing the person she loved had been right there with her the whole time.

  I can’t kiss you but I taste you

  I can’t love you but I do

  As she reached the climax of the song, she moved across the stage to stand in front of the assembled group. Then she reached out both hands to envelop the person she loved. The little crowd shifted to show Jade hugging Ellen.

  The crowd reacted.

  Ryan gasped. Of course that was Teddy’s change!

  Ryan shifted her attention to the crowd. There were quick claps and even a shout of “Yeah!” from somewhere house right. Ryan checked her emotions and segued the orchestra right into the upbeat version of the song, which was the finale:

  I can’t feel anything but your touch

  I can’t hear anything but your name

  I can’t taste anything but your kiss

  I can love you and I do

  The song continued as the performers flashed back through previous scenes. Jade and Ellen danced and were congratulated by everyone. Danny hugged Jade and admitted he was glad she was happy. The scene ended with the entire cast dancing and singing as they helped Ellen pack for her move to New York.

  The last note rang out. The cast froze in place.

  The audience exploded into applause.

  ☐ ☐ ☐

  Ryan woke the next morning feeling both exhausted and exhilarated. She reached her hands above her head and stretched. Then she put a hand out to the space next to her.

  “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” said Nicki.

  Ryan turned on her side. “Did you get enough sleep?”

  Nicki opened her eyes halfway and smiled. “I don’t know, but I feel great.” She reached out and Ryan snuggled into her arms.

  “I’m sorry we had to stay out so late last night,” said Ryan. “Everyone was so excited at the party.”

  “The musical is a hit. You and Teddy have every right to be proud of it.”

  “Teddy did an amazing job.”

  “I still can’t believe you didn’t know the two girls got together at the end,” said Nicki.

  “I can’t believe how much it surprised me. I should’ve guessed.”

  A comfortable quiet enveloped the room as the two women enjoyed the comfort of waking up together.

  “Do you want some coffee?” asked Nicki.

  “Not yet. Let’s just relax for a while.” Ryan snuggled in closer. “Or we could…” She turned her head so she could kiss Nicki’s cheek.

  Nicki turned to meet Ryan’s kiss with her lips.

  Ryan’s phone pinged.

  “Ignore it,” said Nicki.

  Nicki’s phone pinged. Neither woman moved.

  The phones pinged again.

  Ryan groaned. “What if it’s important?”

  They broke the embrace simultaneously and picked up their phones from the bedside tables. There was a text from Teddy:

  You guys want to

  meet us for brunch?

  Nicki raised her eyebrows at Ryan. “What do you think?”

  “I love our friends, but I’d rather stay here with you.”

  Nicki smiled. “Me, too.”

  Ryan texted back:

  I’ll pass -

  lots to do today

  Nicki texted:

  Thanks, but I’ll

  catch you next time

  Teddy’s response arrived quickly:

  Okay. Have fun,

  lovebirds ;-)

  Ryan’s eyes widened. She texted again:


  The way you two were

  behaving last night,

  we figured we’d find you

  together this morning

  Was it that


  Only to people

  who know you

  as well as we do.

  Enjoy yourselves :)

  “Do you think we were too obvious at the party?” Ryan asked.

  “No. We spent most of the night on opposite sides of the room. And you had students around you the whole time.”

  Ryan pressed herself back into Nicki’s arms. “I hope you’re right.”

  “Don’t worry. Nicki kissed the top of Ryan’s head. “The students have enough on their plates with the show and the end of the semester. No one’s wondering if the dean and chief are an item.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  They stayed there with their arms around each other for so long that Ryan drifted back to sleep. She jerked awake when Nicki’s phone rang.

  “What now?” asked Ryan.

  Nicki glanced at her phone. “It’s Jack.”

  “The case is over,” said Ryan. “Let him leave a message.”

  Nicki laid the phone back on the table. It pinged, signaling a message. Nicki didn’t move.

minute later, Ryan shifted to look at her face. “Go ahead. You know you want to.”

  “No, it’s okay.”



  “Ohmygosh—just listen to the message already,” laughed Ryan.

  Nicki lifted the phone and pressed the button to play the voicemail over the speaker. Jack’s voice came through:

  Nicki, it’s Jack. We need to talk about my offer to join the department. Things are busy here and I need a partner. Please give me a call.

  Ryan sat up. Nicki laid a hand on her arm.


  There was a long pause. Then they both started talking at the same time.

  “Nicki, I want—”

  “—Ryan, listen.”

  They looked at each other and stopped.

  “Go ahead,” said Ryan.

  “No, you first.”

  Ryan took a deep breath. “I know I’ve said some things about you joining—or not joining—the Sheriff’s Department. And it’s just because I care about your safety.”

  “I know.”

  “Hang on; let me finish.”

  “Sorry.” Nicki grasped her hand. “Go on.”

  “I also want us to be able to spend as much time together as possible.”

  Nicki nodded as Ryan continued:

  “But you miss being a detective. And if you accept Jack’s offer, that time together will be less about the college and more about us.” Ryan used the back of her hand to swipe at the tear rolling down her cheek. “So what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t make your decision based on what I want. You need to do what’s right for you.”

  “Do you really mean that?”

  “I do.”

  Nicki lifted her hand and kissed it. “Well, we’re together now.” She leaned in and kissed away another tear. “That means I need to do what’s best for both of us.”

  “I don’t want to be the reason you’re unhappy.”

  “You’re the reason I’m happy.”

  Ryan looked down at their intertwined fingers, the tears flowing freely now. “I’ll go make coffee.” She rushed from the room.

  “Ryan, wait…”

  But she was gone. Nicki took a deep breath and pressed the “Call Back” button.

  Ten minutes later, Ryan looked up to see Nicki entering the kitchen.

  “Did you find everything you need for your coffee?” asked Nicki.

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  Nicki bustled around making her own cup. Ryan stared out the window, determined not to ask about the decision. Then she felt arms around her shoulders.

  “Hey,” said Nicki.


  They stood in silence for a few minutes as they watched a blue jay hope from branch to branch in the Live Oak outside the window.

  Finally, Ryan couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “What did you tell Jack?”

  Nicki put her hands on Ryan’s shoulders and turned her around. “I told him I’ll join his squad.”

  Ryan gasped as she stepped back. With a start, she realized she was happy.

  “You’re going to work with Jack?”

  Nicki bent her knees a little so she could look right into Ryan’s eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  “I…am. If it will make you happy. But I’ll miss seeing you at the college every day.”

  “I may not be there in an official capacity, but I’m going to have to stick close. If I don’t, who will take care of you?”

  “Hey! I take pretty good care of myself.”

  “Really? Last summer, I had to save you from your own girlfriend. A few months later, I saved you from a rogue reporter bent on revenge. And over Valentine’s weekend, I had to save you from a guy who abducted you and took you to a cabin in the middle of the woods.”

  “I remember those situations a little differently,” said Ryan. “I think we got out of them together.”

  “You’re right—we did. We make a good team.”

  “We do.” She snuggled back into Nicki’s arms.

  Notes and Acknowledgments

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  A huge thank-you to Pati Martinez for another incredible cover design and the map of the Haverwood College campus. Find out more about Pati at Cover photo credit goes to Clint Mckoy, whose work can be found on

  Special thanks to Gloria for sharing her knowledge of police procedure. You helped make the story more exciting and believable.

  Sue, you’re the best editor I could ever hope for. Thanks for your feedback and amazing ideas. I also appreciate all of the special encouragers, including Susie, Laura, PK, PJ, Dana, Marilyn, Rhonda, Lori and Tree.

  Ginger and Ali, you are my best friends and my “sheroes.” Most of all, you are the meaning of family.

  The Haverwood College Series

  Her Own Drum (Book 1)

  Bare Bones (Book 2)

  No Good Deed (Book 3)

  Summa Cum Liar (Book 4)

  About the Author

  Ali Franklin grew up in New Mexico, where she spent her childhood riding her bicycle back and forth to the public library, checking out the maximum number of books allowed each week. Today she holds degrees in Communication, Higher Education & Student Affairs, and Organizational Learning & Instructional Technologies.

  Ali has been a member of the faculty, staff, and/or administration of colleges and universities in New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, and Texas. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading, playing tennis, cycling, and indulging her Star Trek addiction from her home in Dallas, Texas.


  Copyright © 2018 | BL Kamm | All Rights Reserved




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