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Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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by Sapphire Knight


  Copyright ©2019 Sapphire Knight, Piper Davenport, Ryan Michele, Esther E. Schmidt, MariaLisa deMora, Colbie Kay, K E Osborn, Jack Davenport, Lilly Atlas, Kathleen Kelly, Harley Stone, Vera Quinn, Shelly Morgan, Sandy Alvarez, Crystal Daniels, Daphne Loveling, Jaime Russell, Ginger Ring, Morgan Jane Mitchell, Kailee Reese Samuels, Angie M Brashears, K.A. Ware, Xavier Neal, Amy Davies, Kristine Allen, Crimson Syn, Teagan Brooks, Linny Lawless

  All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States

  All stories in the Twisted Tales of Mayhem are works of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the authors’ imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




  Sapphire Knight

  When it comes to his club and his woman, he's a savage. Always has been, always will be.


  Piper Davenport

  When the beloved Sargent at Arms for the Dogs of Fire MC finds himself falsely incarcerated, his woman must move heaven and earth to release him, while holding back a pack of ravenous bikers whose bite is worse than their bark.


  Ryan Michele

  Cooper and Bristyl are tying the knot. With the Ravage MC in attendance, what could go wrong?


  Esther E. Schmidt

  Have you ever disassembled a ticking bomb? I have. Steady as fuck hand, the longest last breath, and the will to live. There’s nothing I can’t do and I have to admit, with all my brothers claiming an Old Lady, I’ve been craving to claim one. Circumstances aside, I never in a million years thought it would be Paisley.


  MariaLisa deMora

  Amanda lost her husband to war. Alex lost part of himself. Together, they’ll discover hope and peace can be found in the most unexpected of places.


  Colbie Kay

  I've never been a man to follow rules, but one night I went too far, crossing lines that should have never been touched. I'm about to break the rules again, but this time I'm ready to make her mine. Only one problem stands in my way, she's getting married in one week.


  K E Osborn

  Doing deals in a hotel room seemed like the safe option. No outside eyes, no mess, no damn fuss. What I didn't count on was being blindsided by a feisty maid who ended up seeing far too much. Now she's a problem - my problem. But maybe that problem will surprise me in a way I never saw coming.


  Jack Davenport

  Home from a war my country hated me for, I’m looking for my place in the world, managing to find myself in jail instead. But when a vision of perfection walks up the jailhouse steps, I’m lost. Now I just have to convince her to get lost with me.


  Lilly Atlas

  With his shiny new patch and legacy blood, Viper’s life is dedicated to one day becoming president of the Devil’s Tribe MC. One look at the beautiful and terrified Cassandra has him questioning everything his club stands for. Never had loyalty to his club taken a back seat, but how could he ignore the pleading in those green eyes?


  Kathleen Kelly

  The Harbingers of Death MC have wronged me. They don’t know it yet, but I’m coming for them. They will all pay. For she will be avenged.


  Harley Stone

  When a near-death experience brings a sexy Latino biker into her life, Jessica will be tempted to throw her cautious nature to the wind. Will Spade's charm and panty-melting smile be enough to make this good girl go wild?


  Vera Quinn

  Two people on different paths when their world's collide. One by chance and the other by plan. No promises made but even the best of plans can unravel over time.


  Shelly Morgan

  Gemma DelBene is the daughter of the most infamous mafia Crime Lord and sister to the next in line. But what happens when her mother and brother are brutally murdered and her family is left without an heir?


  Sandy Alvarez & Crystal Daniels

  Demetri- Ruthless ruler of the Volkov empire. If you're not with me your against me. I give no second chances. Glory Keller- she's feisty, independent, sexy and I'm going to make her mine. Thirsty for power, someone crosses the line, threatening to take her and my empire away from me. Now, I'm out for blood. No use in hiding from the devil himself- I will find you.


  Daphne Loveling

  When a mysterious biker starts hanging out in the bar where Samantha works nights, she thinks he's just interested in a one night stand. What she doesn't know is that she's been placed under Crow's protection... and he's about to risk his own life to keep her safe.


  Jaime Russell

  Justice needs to be served. But whose way; his or hers?


  Ginger Ring

  You know you're having a bad day when the man hired to keep an eye on you is one that makes people disappear. Permanently.


  Morgan Jane Mitchell

  When Onyx O’Connor’s father dumps her in their old home town, a tattooed, bad boy takes an interest. Discovering he's not who he seems, she finds out, neither is she


  Kailee Reese Samuels

  Keep your secrets simple and your lies dirty.


  Angie M Brashears

  In a world where love is a ghost story, no one is safe. Not even familia. Peligro.


  K.A. Ware

  Biker bitch royalty, strippers, a club whore, and a bachelorette party...what could go wrong?


  Xavier Neal

  What happens when Lion accidentally finds his Lioness?


  Amy Davies

  Reckless Angels MC are my life. I work hard and play hard and can have any woman I want, but there’s only one woman for me. Why do I push her away when all I want to do is to pull her close to me and never let go? It’s time I work hard to get my own angel.


  Kristine Allen

  I'm the Enforcer for the Demented Sons MC, I don't do beach hook-ups with a prim-ass school teacher. And I sure as hell don't obsess over the chick afterward. But that's exactly what I did.


  Crimson Syn

  Hate simmers between the Hellbound Lovers and the Devil's Syndicate. But when love and jealousy collide, decisions will be made, and there's no saying who might get burned.


  Teagan Brooks

  When the girl who broke his heart years ago shows up at the Blackwings MC clubhouse for the president’s daughter’s wedding, Badger, the VP, is not only shocked, he is pissed. But a few words from his best friend’s wife leaves him with more questions than answers. And Badger never lets anything go unanswered.


  Linny Lawless

  Torque, the owner of Hardcore Cy
cles is only focused on one thing, the V-twin engines that come into his shop. There's no time for women or love, that is until Ronnie, a raven-haired beauty comes into his sights. When the biker beauty needs help, Torque's primal instincts kick in, and there's no stopping him when it comes to protecting the woman he loves.



  A growl leaves me as I find her at the bar surrounded by members of other clubs. Snatching the bitch up by her hair, I yank her off the barstool. Better me than Viking finding her in here amongst other men—alone. This woman has been a cross between a mother and older sister to me and I’m not about to let her fuck up her or my brother’s life.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” she screams furiously, ever the spitfire. She throws her arms wildly, hissing like a damn feral cat as I wrap a forearm around her waist and tote her ass far from the bar. I toss a nod in Nancy’s direction, grateful she had enough sense to send me a discreet text about my sister-in-law.

  Fucking Princess, I swear.

  “I’m saving your ass; that’s who the fuck I am.” With a grumble, I toss her into the trunk of her car. She’s going to kill me when she sobers up, but that’ll be Viking’s problem to deal with by then. She was flirting far too openly, and if that gets back to my brother, he’ll be cutting off fucking heads as payback. I can’t have that in a club and area that he’s struggled so fiercely to help bring peace to.

  The compound’s a short drive, just a few minutes of Princess’s muffled screaming insults and kicking to attempt to ignore and I’m pulling the car close to the main entrance. I hop out, slamming the car door in my wake. Holding my breath, I press the button under the trunk, and it pops open easily. Princess launches herself at me like a rabid dog. Ducking off to the side, I catch her from behind before she drunkenly face-plants on the ground. Adjusting quickly, I shift her until her biceps are to her sides, locked securely in place by my massive arm wrapping around her again.

  Oh, she’s pissed all right. This woman is livid and part of me can’t believe my nuts were big enough to make her ride in the trunk. One day we’ll look back on this and laugh, if she doesn’t gouge my eyes out in retribution anyhow.

  “I don’t care if you’re ten feet taller than me!” she screeches. “I will always be bigger damn it, and I’m going to kick your ass, kid!”

  With a snort, I mumble, “All right tiger, rein it the fuck in. You caused enough of a scene back at the bar. Rein it the fuck in before the brothers see you in such a goddamn mess.”

  She yells random threats as I continue to tote her ass through the club. My steps don’t falter as I storm through the bar—the brothers bearing witness to the shitshow unfolding right in front of them. I can’t believe this bitch has put me in this position. She’s the most respected female on this fucking compound and she pulls this shit. Hesitating at the office door, I take half a step backward then launch a kick powerful enough that the door flies open, banging into the wall.

  Viking jumps from behind his desk, shocked, grabbing his twelve-inch hunting knife. “The fuck?” he shouts when he locks gazes with me.

  It’s too late, though; the fighting female in my hold has gone limp, gut-wrenching sobs ripping from her chest, and I see what she does. My brother’s pants are down his thighs, a club whore on her knees and then the world shifts for me. My mission changes.

  Gently tossing Princess on the couch, I head for Viking, fury in my gaze. He tosses the blade to the side just before my fist rains down on him. The knuckles on my hand slam into his right eye, my other fist hitting low, crushing into his ribs.

  “Oof,” he grunts and shoves me away hard enough that I begin to stumble.

  It doesn’t sway me, however, and I charge him, my shoulder low, driving into his gut. He slams into the wall hard, the impact jostling him. Rising, I let loose a roar so loud it echoes throughout the office mimicking thunder. My fists fly upward then pound down on him in untamed fury. I want to beat the motherfucker until he can no longer stand. He doesn’t deserve this family.

  I’m not alone in my anger; if Princess were sober, she’d be peeling the bitch’s skin from her face right now. She’s too broken, however, and her whimpers drive me on to inflict pain on the one person I’ve always admired the most. He’s been my strength and hope growing up. Now he’s ruining his life.

  Mercenary and Nightmare storm into the office with a shout, but I’m too far gone to pay any attention to what they’re yelling. I want to hurt Viking like he’s hurting Princess. Payback is a motherfucker to anyone who causes her pain. It’s been my job since I was sixteen years old to protect her, and I always will—with my own life, if necessary.

  The guys work to come between us, as they’re the two biggest motherfuckers in the club besides Vike and me. Torch jumps in moments later to help as I’m not fucking moving. Chaos is next, the four finally separating us as Blaze rushes in. “What the hell is going on?” he asks, his panicked gaze shooting between all of us and then landing on Princess. Eventually, he sees the whore on the floor, and it clicks in place.

  I’m close enough to grab my brother’s cut, and I do the one thing that will hit home for him. I rip the president patch from his vest. “You don’t deserve this family,” I declare coldly with a glower.

  Coldness takes over my brother’s features as his mask comes on, and he decides to fight back. It’s no use. I’m nearly the same size as him, and there are more of us. “Get away from my bitch,” Viking thunders, and then it’s Blaze coldcocking him. He hits hard enough to knock Vike’s ass out.

  The brothers stare at me with wide eyes. They’ve seen everything, but no doubt this was the last thing they were expecting. Hell, it was the last for me too. I’m fucking ripped in two over this shit. It’s club law not to stop brothers fighting, but they must’ve seen it in me that I was out to hurt the motherfucker.

  Exhaling, Blaze moves to draw Princess into his arms, holding her closely. She’s precious to all of us. We’ve dealt with her attitude and bossy ass, but we’ve also been on the receiving end of the care and compassion she shows every single one of us. She’s been a big piece in making this place our home.

  Chaos and Mercenary release me as Nightmare finally asks, “What do you want us to do with the Prez?” I know he’s torn as well. That’s his best friend he just watched get knocked out. He can read between the lines, though; he knows what’s going down.

  The brothers all wait for my order. I’m the VP, after all. The youngest vice president in club history and now I’m holding the president patch in my palm. I love my brother, but this path he’s headed down must be stopped. If that makes me the bad guy, then so be it. I’ll do what I must for my family. “I don’t care if you leave him in a fucking parking lot somewhere but get him out of here. And grab some shit for Princess from their house.”

  They nod without question. I turn to Blaze. “Set her up in a clean room. I want her here, so she has us to lean on. I don’t want him showing up and bullying her into submitting to him. What he’s putting her through is fucking bullshit.”

  I’m such a goddamn hypocrite. I’ve never only been with one woman at a time, but then I’ve never married one either. Viking and Princess are what each of us hardened bunch of assholes strive to be, but I guess this shows that all relationships have problems. I get that, but I refuse for the club to see this shit. It’s the least Princess deserves after everything she’s sacrificed to live this life.

  With a huff, I glare at the club slut. “Get your shit and get the fuck out of this club.” She should know better. Princess has earned every damn ounce of respect we give her. Club sluts fucking with her either get turned out by Princess herself or by the brothers. P is the queen bitch when it comes to the Oath Keepers.

  With a shaky nod, she scurries like the home wrecking whore she is, and I turn to Chaos. “I could use a gallon of moonshine right about now.”

  “Come on, kid.” He slaps his hand on my shoulder, the older man offering his support. “I t
hink we can all use some ‘shine after that shit went down.”

  I need time to think, time to sort this out before my brother comes to and decides he wants his club and wife back. He’ll be furious, and I’ll need a plan, so he doesn’t kill me in the process.


  Princess has been holed up in the room Blaze put her in for two days and hasn’t left or eaten a thing. I’ve attempted to give her space, but the brothers are beginning to express their worry. I can’t blame them, as I am concerned for her and Viking both. If I know my brother, he’s licking his wounds at home, drinking every ounce of liquor available to him.

  Knocking gently on the door, I wait. After a beat of silence, I call through. “It’s me. I’m coming in.” Pausing, there’s still no reply so I take it as her compliance.

  With a twist of the knob, I’m greeted with her bright blonde hair in all directions, the down comforter cocooning her like she’s two days in with the flu. “You’re not eating,” I state and the covers shift. No doubt it was her shrugging. I know this woman as if she’s my own sister and she’s always been full of attitude. “Everyone’s noticed that you’re withering away, and shits gotta be serious if a bunch of men are picking up on it. You wanna let me in on what the fuck’s goin’ on?”

  She blows out a breath and finally sits up. Still wrapped in the blanket, her puffy face and glossy gaze finds mine. It wordlessly pleads with me not to make her talk about it, but that’s not what this is. Things don’t work that way with me; I’ll let you stew a whole minute but eventually you better move on or speak the fuck up. “Not really,” she admits, her voice cracking from not speaking and crying too damn much. This is so unlike Princess it has us all fucked in the head. The bitch is nuts with a poker face like her pops and a set of lady balls that if she were a man, she’d be the baddest motherfucker around.


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