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Twisted Tales of Mayhem

Page 11

by Sapphire Knight

  I try to keep my breathing under control and mutter, “Because maybe, just maybe, you’re a little intimidating and I feel overwhelmed by all of it.” I make sure to land my eyes on his dick when I emphasize it.

  Now the annoying man smirks but lets himself fall down next to me on the bed. He reaches out and drapes me over his body. His fingers go into my hair, holding my head against his muscled chest.

  “What the fuck are you doing to me,” August mutters, I’m guessing to himself, “making me all soft.”

  Soft? Is he serious? “You’re anything but soft,” I snicker and wiggle against him.

  His fingers tighten in my hair, making me gasp from the sting. How does this guy keep me at a constant balance of a flare of pain which evolves into desire?

  “I would have been fucking you by now instead of worrying about you or if we’re going too fast. Fucking hell, I sound like a damn chick. Don’t ever repeat that shit, it stays between us,” August groans and it makes me snicker.

  It stays between us. It’s something he used to say when he brought me home. August just made sure I got home safe, but it made me feel special nonetheless. It used to make my stomach flip when he said it, as it does now.

  “We were both moving too fast and enjoying every second, then it suddenly overwhelmed me…but now?” I let my tongue trail over my bottom lip.

  Slightly raising myself, I stare into his eyes and even if he’s got rough features with the buzz cut, strong jaw and those deep green eyes with a hint of gray…he makes me feel safe, desired…as if there’s nothing more important in this world except me.

  “I want to go full speed ahead,” I whisper and slowly inch down to lick his lips.

  He growls and guides my head to the side, taking control over our kiss while his other hand is gripping my ass. When this man puts his hands on me or so much as glances my way, I feel myself opening up even more to let him inside. Where I froze a moment ago—feeling overwhelmed—I’m completely driven by lust and longing now.

  My hips tilt and I can feel his dick nudge my entrance. A moan slips free, swallowed by August at the same time I let myself slide down, taking his dick one slow inch at a time.

  His mouth leaves mine to bury his face into my neck, hissing through his teeth, “Fuuuuuuuuck.”

  I hold my breath and fight the urge to scream. I’m not sure if it’s from the burn of stretching to accommodate his dick or from the intense passion singing through my body by being filled and intimately connected with my August.

  My August. The realization shocks me. After all these years, now is the time to voice a teenage dream becoming reality. I wrap my fingers around his head and pull him from my neck, connecting our gaze to voice the words he said earlier, I turn the tables on him.

  “You belong to me, I’m the only one you’re fucking.” I manage to get my words out in one fluent sentence.

  I would have said “the only one you make love to” but I’m not one to fool myself. The here and now is driven by lust. Even if I had a crush on him many years ago...hell, I still do. It doesn’t change the fact it’s instinct that takes over.

  “Mine,” August replies and spins us around hopping to his knees on the mattress as he grips my hips and starts to pounce. Oh. Gosh. The angle. The way he slides in and out with his thick girth, hitting a sweet spot inside me...

  “Auguuuuuust,” I release his name on a moan and surrender to him completely.

  He doesn’t let me come down from the rush of bliss I’m riding wave after wave, but instead he picks up speed until he buries himself deep one last time. My name spills from his lips, his eyes locked on mine freely showing so many emotions, it rips my breath away.

  His hips start to slowly rock at the same time he buries his head into the crook of my neck. He’s breathing me in while murmuring sweet words. Or I imagine so because I can’t understand a word he’s saying. They sound sweet though, as are the soft kisses and the delicious tremors rocking the lower half of my body. It’s as if he’s prolonging our pleasure to keep it on a slow burn. Not that I could go another round. I feel utterly spent.

  He shifts our bodies so we’re on our side, still connected and wrapped up in each other. With my arms around him I feel myself drift off to sleep, and still, I can’t let go of him. With the turn of events, I’m not sure I can ever let him go. And with it, fear hits me, because he might just have the power to break me.

  Knowing my brother is a biker and the hurt and loss he brought upon our family makes the threat real. And with what just happened? August dragging me away from one MC incident and into the so-called safety of another MC? I might eventually be the one who needs to walk away for my own benefit.

  I’m pretty sure I’m going to leave my heart with this man…the man who stole it the day I turned sixteen and he picked me up alongside of the road to bring me home safe.

  But for now, I need to let my body rest and soak this moment into my memories. Tomorrow I’ll open the app I always use to find a new job opportunity. There’s always a family looking for a nanny. This time I’ll accept an international job and be sure to fly far, far, away from my hometown.

  Besides the man I’m holding in my arms—the only man my heart has longed for—there’s nothing keeping me here. Not even my brother who screwed up all his life, got my mother killed, and almost had me raped by his biker buddies…or worse. No. Other than August, there’s nothing keeping me here.

  Chapter 05


  “Any news?” I grunt at Ronin who’s sitting at the bar next to Bark.

  Ronin turns to face me. “Ah, look who finally crawled out of bed to join us this morning.”

  “This morning?” I chuckle. “It’s noon, and yeah…so what if I just crawled out of bed. I’ve got an Old Lady wrapped up in my sheets. Be fucking glad I decided to leave her there to rest while I make sure she can stay safely in my damn bed.”

  “So, the two of you have a history, huh?” Bark questions as I take a seat next to him.

  A prospect places a steaming cup of coffee in front of me. I nod my thanks as I face Bark. “Yeah, the girl next door since we were teenagers, sister of my friend, all that cliché shit.”

  “Nice,” Bark chuckles, “gives you a foundation to build on instead of perfect strangers fucking like bunnies within hours of getting hooked.”

  Now it’s my turn to chuckle, and though he’s right…my gut also reminds me, “Even if we didn’t have a history…I still would have claimed and fucked her within hours of landing my eyes on her.”

  “Nice, Mister Romantic.” Ronin shakes his head. “But we still have to face the consequences of the mess she got us tangled in.”

  “I got us tangled in. Not her. It was my fucking decision to go to her,” I growl, somewhat pissed he puts the blame on her.

  “Meh, it was my decision to back you up.” Ronin shrugs. “And like I mentioned yesterday, the timing is acceptable since all our Old Ladies, and our kids, are out of town. We just need to clear it up before they get back and all will be fucking dandy again.”

  “You guys discuss a plan of action?” I question.

  “Yeah, brother, we did,” Crane grunts while he sits down next to Ronin. “Prospect, get me a bottle of water.”

  The prospect dives into the refrigerator but comes up empty. “I need to go get some from the storage room.”

  Crane sighs, “Well, run along then.”

  The prospect rushes away toward the back of the clubhouse where the storage room is.

  Ronin chuckles. “Regretting the whiskey from last night, huh?”

  Crane snorts. “I only had three glasses. I fucking hate sleeping without my Old Lady. My bed is cold and I can’t get enough hours of sleep I normally get.”

  “I think you mean you’re missing the fucking…draining away the energy so you sleep better,” Bark chuckles. “Same here man. But they’ve been planning this girl’s week for months.”

  “I know,” Crane is about to say something else bu
t there’s sound of glass shattering, followed by loud stumbles coming from down the hall.

  “The prospect?” Crane questions.

  “Fucking doubt it,” Ronin grunts and palms his gun, as do we all.

  A few other brothers of mine rush into the main clubhouse, guns drawn. The prospect comes out of the storage room the same time I see the door of my room swing open. My heart is pinned with a knife the same way one is keeping Paisley in place on her damn throat, as a guy behind her moves forward with her. Seems like her hands are tied behind her back and in this moment I’m thankful she grabbed one of my shirts to sleep in after we had another round of sex early this morning.

  “Ronin,” the guy snaps as two other men appear behind him. One of them grabs the prospect in a chokehold.

  “Ugo,” Ronin snaps, “what the fuck are you doing in my fucking clubhouse uninvited and holding one of my brother’s Old Ladies…a damn knife to her throat? Let her go and leave while you’re still breathing.”

  Ugo shakes his head. “I’m not the one who stuck his nose into someone else’s fucking business, Ronin. Now I’m here to discuss this mess we’re in so the both of us can get out of each other’s hair.”

  “Don’t try to pin this shit on me,” Ronin growls. “I remember walking into a damn motel room—in my fucking town—and stumbling into two of your guys molesting an Old Lady who’s under the protection of Lost Valkyries MC.”

  “I should have notified you we needed to pick up one of our own who ran off, I’ll give you that. But it doesn’t diminish the fact you killed two of my guys. I fucking heard it myself, I had one of them on the phone when you two barged in there. Payback is a bitch, like the one I’m holding.” The corner of this fucker’s mouth is twitching, as is my finger on the trigger to blow a hole in his head.

  But he’s holding Paisley at knifepoint. Never in my damn life has fear taken root in my bloodstream. Not while dismantling a fucking bomb set to blow any damn second. But putting Paisley’s life at risk? Leaving shit in the hands of others? Fuck. I can’t lose her. But I need to let my Prez deal with it, even if it’s slowly killing me with every passing heartbeat.

  “I hate repeating myself, Ugo…but you need to let the lady walk. Only then am I willing to discuss shit.” Ronin’s voice is icy.

  “Gale,” Ugo snaps.

  The fucker behind him—holding the prospect at gunpoint—steps closer. In one smooth move Ugo pushes Paisley forward and replaces her with the prospect.

  Paisley crumbles to the floor and I’m both filled with relief about the fact she’s not the one with the knife at her throat, but fucking furious that he threw her to the floor. Not to mention I want to run to her, and drag her away from those fuckers, but I need to stay in place.

  “Come here, darlin’,” I croak, unable to keep my fucking emotions at bay when it comes to her.

  Fuck. I promised to keep her safe and she was still ripped from my own fucking bed to be dragged out of my room with a fucking knife to her throat.

  She pushes her shoulder against the floor to get to her knees and scrambles up to rush toward me. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her flush against my body while my other arm is still taking aim at Ugo, the President of Helios Darkness MC.

  Normally we don’t run into or have any issues with other MCs. Mainly because they don’t stumble into our town without letting us know. It’s more of a courtesy when they have business here. Mutual respect, that kind of thing. Ugo knows very well he fucked up first.

  “Now, as I was sayin’,” Ugo sneers. “You need to make up for the two brothers you killed. Here’s my first demand…I want you to deliver Keegan.”

  “Keegan?” Ronin snaps. “What the fuck? He’s not one of mine.”

  “One of your guys has his sister as an Old Lady. Like I said, you fucking owe me so deliver him to me. How? Your fucking problem. Now I’m done here and will expect you to pull through within twenty-four hours or I will take four of your men, and the woman, to make up for the two I lost.” Ugo doesn’t wait for Ronin to answer him but backs up the same way he came, his two buddies stepping in front of him as he drags the prospect along with him.

  The door to my room slams shut and I hear Ronin curse along with Bark, Crane, Titan, and a few others. I lower my gun, tucking it away to wrap both arms around my woman. She’s shaking and it’s no damn wonder with the shit that just went down.

  “Crane,” I bark. “Hand me your knife or some scissors, anything to get this zip tie off her wrists.”

  Crane rushes toward me and I bury Paisley’s head against my chest and put my mouth next to her ear. “Stay still, darlin’, Crane is gonna free your wrists.”

  I barely finish my sentence when Crane grunts, “Done.”

  The next thing I feel is my woman pushing me away. “Fucking asshole!” she seethes.

  Wait…she’s mad at me? Fuck. I’m mad at myself for not protecting her, but come the fuck on.

  “Calm down, and don’t call me a fucking asshole,” I growl, unable to contain my own frustrations about this fucked-up situation.

  She punches my shoulder, her cotton candy colored hair waving from the action. “I didn’t call you a fucking asshole. I meant my brother. He’s the one who pulled us into his MC ramifications. And I can’t believe I let myself get close to you. You! Another MC. Look at where it gets me!”

  I lean down and get right in her face. “Don’t ever compare me to your asshole brother or compare one fucking MC to the next one you run into, because we’re nothing like the one your brother belongs to. But you really want to, right? Well how about this…your brother fucked-up, I fucked-up by not protecting you just now…but,”

  “Gust,” Ronin snaps from behind me. “Back off, brother, before you say shit you can’t take back.”

  Ignoring my Prez, I continue, “What does it get you? It gets you fucked, that’s what. By me. Multiple times a day while I keep you locked in my room and fuck every other cunt in this clubhouse before and after I rip your cunt apart. And while I have some time in between I’ll go around town to deal some drugs, kill some innocent people, and fuck some more,” I seethe.

  My heart plummets as I see all the blood drain from her face. Her bottom lip quivers but with her next breath she throws her shoulders back and steps away from me. One fucking step and it feels like a whole continent just slid in between us.

  Chapter 06


  I might have had a knife pressing against my throat mere minutes ago, but August’s words are the ones that are slicing through me, cutting away my ability to breathe.

  “Calm the fuck down, the both of you.” Ronin’s words enter my brain.

  And though I would like nothing more than to aim my fury at August…Gust. I have to remind myself he’s nothing like the boy I knew. He’s the biker known as Gust. Entirely different, such a damn contradiction from the kindhearted man I shared a bed with last night.

  “Would it make a difference if I calmed the fuck down?” I give Ronin a sweet fake smile. “I don’t need to remind you I’m not one of your men who you can order around.”

  “Don’t be fucking disrespectful,” Gust snaps. “He stood up for you two fucking times to save your ass.”

  My attention swings back to the man who just stated he’d fuck anything. “Oh, well, excuse me, Gust. Am I supposed to give him a thank you fuck too?”

  There, implying I only fucked him last night as a way to say thanks instead of making more out of it than it was, since clearly, I am nothing more than a piece of property. Screw him. As soon as I see a chance to get out of here, there won’t be anything holding me back anymore.

  Gust’s fingers wrap around my throat, shoving his face back in mine, our noses touching as he growls, “There’s only me. No one else will ever touch what’s mine.”

  This makes me snort. “I beg to differ, with your plans to screw everything with a cunt, you taint me…dipping your dick in other people’s dirty shit.”

  “All right, yo
u two.” Ronin steps in between us and pushes Gust away. “This is a heat of the moment discussion that’s turning uglier by the fucking second. Seeing all our other Old Ladies are out of town…dammit, I need my woman right the fuck now to talk some sense into you, Paisley, while I let my fists talk some sense into Gust. But me is all you have right now and that means I’m pulling you two apart. Bark, take Paisley to the kitchen.”

  “She’s not leaving my fucking sight,” Gust growls.

  I narrow my eyes at the big baboon before I morph my face into a sweet and welcoming one for Bark. “Lead the way.”

  I hear commotion behind my back. Gust growling, Ronin and Crane cursing. But I ignore all and follow Bark into the kitchen. The rough, inked up, bearded biker, grabs a cup and pours coffee into it before placing the steaming cup in front of me.

  “He’s a good man, when he’s thinking straight,” Bark tries.

  I grab the sugar and add a scoop to the coffee. “He’s an asshole.”

  “True. But he means well. He wouldn’t be such an asshole if he didn’t give a fuck about you.” Bark crosses his arms in front of his chest while leaning against the counter.

  “Funny way of showing it. Besides…it doesn’t matter anyway, and I couldn’t care less,” I sigh, hoping Bark leaves the issue alone. I’m done talking.

  “That’s a lie. You do care, as does he. He’s been wanting an Old Lady for a long damn time, and when you returned into his life he didn’t even have time to blink but claimed you on the spot. Or so I heard.”

  “Great, he wanted an Old Lady so he grabbed the first one he knew. Oh, and let’s not forget he kinda had to or he couldn’t save me from those other idiots. Thanks for the talk, I’m feeling so much better now.” I glare at Bark over the rim of my cup.

  “Ronin’s right…we do need the Old Ladies back. Though it’s a good thing they’re not here when we’re dealing with this shit. And let me give you some club business intel so you’ll understand better.” I’m about to snap for him to save it, but Bark flashes me his palm and continues. “Lost Valkyries MC are basically mercenaries. We don’t accept all jobs, just the ones that need to be handled. Clearing the world of scumbags who have it coming so to say. But I won’t paint a pretty picture because black and fucking white…we kill for money. But there’s a huge difference between MCs and certainly between us and Helios Darkness MC. They don’t care if they deal drugs to kids; as long as they earn a buck, it’s all dandy. Every single thing they do is for their benefit. They have no conscience.”


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