Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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Twisted Tales of Mayhem Page 31

by Sapphire Knight

  Turning away before he got a glimpse of those lust-filled eyes, he grabbed a crumpled ball cap out of his saddlebag, and shoved it on his head, pulling the brim low. Best they had as far as disguises. “Don’t make eye contact with the guy working the desk if you can help it. We want to be as forgettable as possible.”

  “Got it. I bet they have one of those displays with pamphlets of things to do in the area. I’ll browse through them while you check us in.”

  “Good thinking.” For someone so obviously rich and sheltered, she sure rolled with the punches well.

  Hand in hand, they walked into the lobby of the motel, checking-in with cash as Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson from Wyoming. The clerk handed them an key with a large rectangular plastic keychain. A peeling number seven sticker indicated their room. Cassie played her part perfectly. As soon as they entered the lobby, she kissed his cheek and moseyed on over to the brochure display. Try as he might, Viper couldn’t stop the rush of blood to his cock as her soft lips brushed his stubbled face.

  The clerk was slow as shit, but Cassie had managed to look interested in what the area had to offer the entire fifteen minutes it took to get a damn reservation. After securing a room, Viper moved his bike, parking right outside the room so Sarge could find them easily. He should be rolling into town within the next few minutes.

  Once they arrived at their room, it took a few seconds to work the key into the rusted lock. Once he finally had the door unlocked, Viper opened it to reveal a very unimpressive motel room. He suppressed a chuckle. In her most terrifying nightmares, Cassie probably never imagined herself staying in a place with stained yellow walls, the distinct odor of stale cigarettes, and faded bedding.

  “After you, m’lady,” Viper said, sweeping his arm in a grand gesture.

  With a giggle, Cassie marched on into the room. Slowly, she spun. “Nice place.” Her eyes sparkled, and playfulness was evident in her voice. “Though it’s about a thousand times better than where I was headed, so I’m pretty damn happy to be here with you.” The teasing expression turned into one of sincere gratitude.

  Damn, she kept surprising him. He’d at least expected a wrinkled nose or a shudder at the accommodations. Looked like he had a lot to learn about the rich girl he’d rescued.

  As though driven by an invisible force, he walked to her. He’d only had the barest of touches, yet his hands itched to feel her skin once again. “You don’t need this anymore,” he said, sliding his hands into her hood and drawing it off her head. She kept her mesmerizing green gaze locked with his as he worked her long hair out of the sweatshirt. This time, he didn’t even try to pretend he wasn’t touching her on purpose. He stroked the pads of his fingertips along her neck, tracing her hairline.

  A soft puff of air left her lips, and she quivered as she’d done in the parking lot.

  “That tickles,” she whispered.

  “Yeah?” He took a step closer. All he had to do was bend a few inches forward, and those gloss-free lips would be his. For the first time since he started having sex at fifteen, he hesitated. She was a goddamned virgin. A virgin who’d been kidnapped, roughed up, and sold. He might have saved her before they raped her, but still, she probably wasn’t feeling too great about men at the moment. “Want me to stop?”

  Her eyes drifted shut. “No. Definitely don’t stop. It tickles in a good way. In a tingly—"

  “Well, shit, didn’t think I’d be a third fucking wheel.”

  Cassie’s eyes flew open as she jumped away from Viper.

  Shit. Viper turned to find Sarge standing with his shoulder propped against the door frame, arms crossed, and a shit-eating grin on his face. Viper sent an apologetic smile Cassie’s way before running his hand down his face. Nothing he could do to hide the damn boner tenting his jeans.

  Christ, he hadn’t even closed the damn door. Whatever fascination he was developing with Cassie was causing him to lose sight of the big picture.

  Safety and protection. He couldn’t neglect simple shit like closing and locking doors. At some point, the club would realize they’d been played. He and Sarge needed to remain vigilant at all times.

  “Hey, brother,” he said. “Any trouble getting out of town?”

  Sarge shook his head, but his focus was squarely on Cassie, whose face was an adorable shade of red.

  “Sarge this is Cassie. Cas, Sarge.”

  “Hi, Sarge,” she squeaked. “I know it’s not nearly adequate, but thank you.”

  With a nod for her, Sarge strode into the room. He made a big production of closing and locking the door. Viper rolled his eyes at his brother. If possible, Cassie’s face turned an even deeper shade of red.

  “Ain’t a thing, doll,” Sarge said with a wink for Cassie, as though they’d helped load her groceries in her trunk instead of rescuing her from sex traffickers.

  “So everything went as planned?” Viper asked. Cassie took a step closer to him. Then another. And one more until her shoulder bumped his. And, damn, if he didn’t like the fuck out of that. Meant she felt safe with him. Wanted to be near him. Maybe it was just the high stress of the situation, but he had the distinct urge to puff out his chest and beat his fists against it, Tarzan-style. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tucked her against him.

  “Yeah, it’s all good,” Sarge said, eyes shifting between Viper and Cassie. “Place burned fast. The body burned too, but not enough to be unrecognizable. Should buy us enough time to get across the country before the coroner IDs the guy.”

  “Where are you going?” Cassie asked.

  “Tennessee,” Viper answered.

  “Oh, wow, that’s far.”

  “That’s the point,” Sarge said. He scratched at the back of his neck then met Viper’s gaze. After prospecting together for a year, they’d developed a sort of non-verbal communication. It’d come in handy, saving their asses a few times. Tonight, though, Sarge didn’t seem to be picking up what Viper was putting down. And that was to keep his ass in the motel room.

  “Okay, kids, I’m all amped up. Need to find a place to have a drink. Wanna join?”

  Damnit, could he be more obvious? Leaving Viper and Cassie alone was a bad fucking idea. He could only resist so much temptation.

  “Oh, um, I don’t think I’m up for it now,” Cassie said, twisting the ends of her hair. She gave a little chuckle. “Especially in this outfit. Plus, I need to shower.” She stepped out of Vipers hold. “But you guys go.”

  She was crazy if she thought they’d leave her alone and unprotected. Viper scowled at his brother. “I’m staying.”

  “Okay,” Sarge said with a shrug. “Don’t wait up, I’ll be a few hours.” He winked at Cassie then started for the door.

  Viper clenched his teeth. With his luck, Cassie would be terrified he was gonna be on her like a starving mutt on a steak the second Sarge closed the door. “Here. Take this.” Viper tossed the oversized keychain to Sarge who caught it with a downward swipe of his hand.

  “What the fuck?”

  Cassie giggled. “Think of it as an accessory.”

  “Whatever. Be good, kids.” The door snicked shut, leaving Viper and Cassie in charged silence.

  “Well, um, I guess I’m going to take a shower.” She seemed to be looking everywhere but at him.

  “All right. Take your time.”

  Without another word, she scurried into the bathroom. He didn’t miss the distinct click as the lock engaged. Guess that was that. She didn’t want his company.

  With a sigh, Viper dropped onto one of the beds. After kicking off his boots, he hefted his feet on the bed and flopped back. Damn, as shitty as the bed was, it felt good to be horizontal.

  The shower rushed to life, a comforting sound that lulled him into a pensive state. Just one day had changed everything. Instead of rising to the top of a club he’d always felt was part of his soul, he was on the run with only one friend and a girl who was worming her way deep under his skin.

  He didn’t regret leaving. It
had to be done. Even at just twenty-one, Viper knew himself. He couldn’t take part in what was going to happen to Cassie. Not with his history. He’d never be able to look in the mirror again. The only potential regret was leaving without speaking to his old man first. Fox would grieve the loss of his only son fiercely. It’d be a wound that would never heal. Although, Fox would probably prefer Viper’s death to his abandonment of the club. What he and Sarge had done would be seen as the ultimate betrayal. The greatest act of disloyalty.

  If he was honest, Viper was starting to feel disloyal. When he’d patched in, just two nights ago, he’d sworn to do anything and everything asked of him by the club. He’d sworn in blood, to shed more blood to protect his brothers if necessary. He’d vowed nothing would ever come before the club. He’d keep no secrets from the club. He’d love nothing or no one above his brothers.

  And at the first test of that commitment? He’d bailed like the boat was fucking sinking.

  A soft throat clearing jolted him out of his head.

  Cassie stood next to the bed wrapped in the thin hotel towel. Jesus, it barely covered her from tits to snatch. Both hands clutched the terrycloth where it was tucked to hold closed. Her damn hair hung even longer with the weight of the water. God, he loved long hair. Then there were those innocent green eyes, peering down at him, uncertainty clear as day.

  “You okay?” he asked when he found his voice.

  Her chin dipped in a nod. “W-Will you have sex with me?”

  If she’d asked him to slit Sarge’s throat in his sleep, Viper wouldn’t have been more shocked.

  “What?” He said, struggling to sit up.

  Her throat worked as she swallowed. Viper could practically see her shoring up her courage. “We’re on the run. I may have been sheltered for much of my life, but I’m not stupid. If we’re caught, I know exactly what will happen to me,” she whispered.

  He frowned. “You don’t think we can protect you? You don’t think I can protect you?”

  She shifted, biting her plump lower lip. Viper groaned. Why the fuck did she have to be so sexy?

  “That’s not it. It’s just…” She sighed. “There are two of you against a whole club out for your blood. I just want to be prepared if something goes wrong. If they get me, I want to have the knowledge of what good sex is. I want to know that it’s not just what they’ll do. I want to be able to remind myself what it’s like to lose my mind from pleasure.”

  Shit. He was going to cave. “Cassie.”

  She held up a hand, keeping her elbow tucked to hold the towel in place. “It’s not just that. I want you. You have to know how hot you are. I feel safe with you. Drawn to you. When you touched me—”

  Fuck it. He wasn’t even anything nearing a goddamned saint. Cassie was an adult. She’d asked for it. Asked for him. Viper rose to his knees, grabbed a handful of her gorgeous wet hair and crushed her mouth to his.

  Chapter Five

  This wasn’t a kiss. Cassie had been kissed before. She’d even been kissed well. But this was an entirely different experience.

  Viper owned her mouth. In the minutes he spent sliding his tongue against hers, nipping at her lips, and controlling her head, she lost awareness of anything but the man making her crave more. His taste flooded her mouth, hot, spicy, and more delicious than her favorite candy.

  This wasn’t the first time Cassie had been aroused either. She’d felt desire, want, lust. But, holy crap, never to this extent. Her breasts literally ached. Her nipples were tight points of need. If she’d had more experience, maybe she’d have begged him to touch her, but as it was, she had no idea what she was doing. Between her legs, a dull ache formed making her aware of how empty she was. And how wet she was becoming. All she knew was that if he walked away from her now, she’d crumble.

  “Fuck, you taste so sweet,” he muttered against her lips. “Give me more.” He dove back in, tightening his fist in her hair as he plundered her mouth again.

  Cassie couldn’t help it, she moaned shamelessly into his mouth and wrapped her arms around him. When her body came in flush contact with his, she pressed her chest into his, finding just a tiny bit of the pressure her nipples demanded. She moaned again, and it seemed to douse Viper with cold water.

  “Shit,” he growled as he tore his mouth away.

  She stood, eyes wide, holding up the towel, panting just as hard as he was. Her head spun.

  “Jesus, Cassie. For the love of God, cover your tits.” Viper groaned, running a hand down his face.

  With a quick glance at her chest, Cassie realized she was all but flashing him. After adjusting the towel, she peered up to find him staring at the ceiling. Uncertainty and embarrassment filled her. Had she misread the situation? Was he not as into her as she was him?

  “Baby, I’m not first-time material,” he said, still gazing up.

  Cassie frowned. “Why not?”

  Finally, he gave her the gift of eye contact. “I have no idea how to make it all…” he waved a hand in her direction, “perfect for you.”

  Her heart melted at the softly spoken words. So, it wasn’t that he didn’t want her. Quite the opposite. He was afraid he couldn’t give her what she needed to make her first time special. She hadn’t realized he could be so sweet.

  Yet stupid.

  “Do you know how to make me come?”

  He chuckled, folding his arms across that firm chest. “Yeah, babe, that I can do.” He winked. “More than once.”

  “Well, then, I think that’s a pretty good place to start, don’t you?” Somewhere, she found the courage to be bold and demand what she wanted. Actually, her words might have come from fear, not bravery. Fear that they’d be discovered, and she’d be sold off to some sicko who’d rape her, and make her his toy for the rest of her life. If that were to happen, at least she’d have the memories of this night. She’d have the knowledge that her first time was with a man of her choosing at the time of her choosing. And her choice was Viper.


  She had no doubt it would be absolutely perfect.

  So, she straightened her shoulders, swallowed her nerves, and dropped the towel as she stepped forward.

  Viper’s eyes widened, gaze immediately going to her breasts. “Cassie,” he said on a groan. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”

  She rested her hands on his chest. Damn, the man was hard everywhere. “I’m willing to risk it. Seems to me like the prize might be worth it.”

  “I’m too rough, baby.” He whispered the words.

  She spoke just as low. “I think I’ve proven over the past few days that I’m not a china doll. Takes a lot to shatter me. Give it your best shot.”

  He looked up, straight into her eyes.

  She almost squealed in delight at what she saw there. She won. He wasn’t going to be able to resist her.

  “Oh, I’ll make you shatter, sweetheart,” he said right before he nipped her lower lip. “I’ll make you shatter all over my cock.”

  Cassie shivered. No man had ever spoken to her with such raw sexual intent.

  She liked it.

  Loved it.

  Viper cupped her breasts in his large hands. Just the heat and rough feel of his palms on her skin made her knees wobble. He kept his gaze on her face as though gauging her enjoyment of his efforts. When he pinched both nipples with firm pressure and gave a little twist, she cried out and grabbed his forearms.

  “Like that?”

  “Uh, yes.” Was she expected to say anything more intelligent?

  “How about this?” He bent his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth, keeping his fingers on the other.

  “Oh, my God,” she whispered. “Yeah, that’s good.”

  He chuckled then sucked harder. Cassie grabbed his hair, unsure if she was trying to drag him closer or push him away. The sensation was so new and intense, she could barely process it.

  He increased the suction. A shot of heat streaked from her nipples straight to her clit. “Viper,” she

  “I got you, baby. Just feel me. Enjoy it. I promise I’ll make it so good for you.”

  Yeah, she was pretty sure if he stopped right then, it’d be the best sexual experience she’d ever have. The next thing she knew, he was spinning them. Before she had the chance to adjust to the shift in position, he pushed her down to the edge of the bed.

  Standing before her, he stripped his shirt over his head, revealing a smooth, tanned chest with a snake tattoo curled around one pec. His cut abs rippled their way into his jeans along with a trail of fuzzy brown hair.

  Next, he lost the jeans. Black briefs held a bulge that had her licking her lips.

  “Damn, baby, you want it, don’t you?” He reached into his underwear, stroking his hard cock.

  “I want you,” she whispered, transfixed by the sight before her. Watching him touch himself was so erotic, she almost told him to forget about her and keep going.


  Viper swiped his thumb over the tip of his dick then brought it to her lips. A wet streak of precum coated the finger. Without needing to be told, Cassie took his thumb into her mouth, cleaning the salty digit with her tongue. Viper groaned.

  He yanked his thumb from her mouth and roughly shoved her back onto the bed. Before her head hit the mattress, he was on his knees, pushing her thighs wide. With her legs dangling over the edge of the bed, he had an up-close and personal view of her saturated pussy.

  Viper wasted no time diving between her spread legs. When his tongue stroked through her folds, she cried out and fisted the scratchy comforter in her hands.

  “And I thought your mouth was sweet,” he said against her sex. “It’s got nothing on this delicious pussy.”

  “Viper,” she yelped as he swiped her clit with his tongue.


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