Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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Twisted Tales of Mayhem Page 32

by Sapphire Knight

  “Ready to come?” he asked.

  “Uh-huh,” she said.

  “Here we go.” He buried his face in her, licking, sucking, and nibbling everywhere his mouth could reach. Two minutes couldn’t have passed before she was thrashing on the bed, and begging for relief. He showed her no mercy, plunging his tongue into her, and fucking her with it. Thank God she was lying down. She’d surely have collapsed otherwise.

  Two thick fingers breached her, making her back arch which only pushed her clit harder against his tongue. “Fuck, you’re tight,” he said, though it seemed he was talking more to himself than to her.

  He stroked the front wall of her pussy, and she saw stars. When his lips wrapped around her clit, Cassie swore she died a little at that moment. Her world shrank down to the pleasure between her legs before exploding into a sensation so intense, she screamed. Screwing her eyes tight, Cassie gave herself over to the wonder of it.

  When she joined the world again, she realized he’d moved her farther onto the bed. Now, her head rested on the pancake-flat pillow. Viper hovered over her, propped up on his elbows.

  “Hey,” he whispered.

  “Hey,” she said. She was far to sated to feel embarrassed about the way she lost control and screamed.

  “You ready for me?”

  “I’m ready.”

  He winked down at her. “You sure you can handle all this?” As he spoke, he nudged her opening with the thick head of his cock.

  Cassie gasped. “I’m sure. Do your worst.”

  He chuckled then grabbed one of her hands. Guiding it to his cock, he wrapped her fingers around him.

  Without waiting for instruction, she stroked her hand up and down his length, dying to discover all there was to learn about his body, and what made it feel as good as hers did. He was long, thick, hot, and hard against her palm. The grunts that came from him had her smiling and stroking harder, faster.

  “Stop,” he ground out. “I gotta get inside you, baby.”

  Cassie nodded. She needed that too. Though he’d satisfied her only seconds before, her body was already craving more of the pleasure. Keeping her gaze on his, she guided him to her pussy.

  “Tell me if you need me to stop,” he said in a strained voice as he began to push inside her.

  There was an immediate burn and stretch that had her gasping and biting her lower lip.

  Viper froze. “Too much?”

  “No, no. Please keep going.”

  He slowly thrust his hips forward. He didn’t stop until he was buried to his balls. Cassie breathed through her mouth, panting as her body adjusted to the forcing sensation of having a man—a large man—inside of her.

  Viper held still. He seemed to be waiting on her before he made another move. It only took a minute for her body to soften and relax around him. Feeling playful, she squeezed her pussy muscles, clenching hard around his shaft.

  “Shit,” he yelled as his hips jerked. The action pushed him even deeper inside her sending the most incredible pleasure through her entire body.

  She laughed and wrapped her legs around his body.

  “You trying to tell me something, minx?”

  “Think it might be time for you to move.”

  “Happy to oblige ma’am.” He drew back at a maddening pace. Her pussy clung to him, pulling and stretching as he dragged himself out her. It was so incredible, her eyes rolled back in her head.

  When just the tip remained inside her, she stared at him. Sweat beaded across his forehead. His arms shook with the effort of holding himself in check. Well, it was time to put an end to the restraint. “Viper,” she said in her most authoritative voice.

  His lips curled, and he raised an eyebrow.

  “Fuck me.”

  Now, he gave her a full-blown sexy smile. He powered forward, no longer concerned with going slow or being gentle. Cassie absorbed every thrust, every moan, every grunt that he poured into her. It went on and on, the pleasure driving higher each time he rammed into her.

  Her body coiled tighter and tighter until she teetered on the edge of another explosive release. “Viper,” she said, losing her grip on reality. The sensations were so powerful, they were almost scary.

  “I got you, baby,” he said. “Keep your eyes on me and come. Come with me.”

  She stared into his deep brown eyes, shocked by the depth of emotion shining back at her. There was something there. A connection that went beyond the mind-blowing physical pleasure. Something she hoped to have the opportunity to explore after tonight.

  She came, riding a wave so high, it was nearly impossible to keep her eyes locked with his. But she did it, and it made the orgasm even more intense than the last. Plus, it gave her the opportunity to watch him come as well.

  And what a sight it was. He shouted through his release, throwing back his head and thrusting into her with a powerful slam. His body tensed, muscles straining before he went limp, collapsing down onto her.

  “Jesus,” he whispered into her neck. “You okay?”

  “I’m perfect,” she said, stroking his damp back. “So, so perfect.” Even though he’d softened, he could still feel him in her oversensitive channel.

  He grunted then rolled to his side, taking her with him. He slipped from her body. The sense of loss was startling. Two strong arms wrapped around her and snuggled her back against his chest, reestablishing the connection. Even though they were in legitimate danger, she’d never felt safer or more content in her life.

  At her back, his heart beat a rapid rhythm. As the minutes ticked by, and their bodies relaxed, she found her heart matching the beat of his. A startling thought hit her. She could fall for this man. This rough, tough, biker who risked his life to save a woman he’d never met.

  She had no idea what the morning would bring. Would they drop her somewhere along their route? Would they leave her in Oregon? She couldn’t go back to Washington, living every day of her life terrified someone would find her and take her again.

  Was there a chance they’d allow her to tag along?

  She closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep with the hope of joining them on their trip Tennessee in the forefront of her mind.

  Chapter Six

  Viper woke with a start as the door to their hotel room creaked open. He glanced over his shoulder keeping Cassie shielded with his body in case of a threat.

  “Just me,” Sarge said as he shut the door behind him.

  There was an audible click then the lamp next to the empty bed turned on. It flickered a few times before finally casting a dim light into the room.

  “What time is it?” Viper asked.

  “’Bout two thirty.” Sarge smirked. “Guess you and the used-to-be virgin had a good time, huh?”

  Viper grunted. No way was he about to tell Sarge what a wildcat Cassie had been in bed. He wasn’t sure what had happened there at the end, but it wasn’t like anything he’d ever experienced. If it wouldn’t make him sound like such a pussy, he’d swear their hearts became one.

  “You still good with the plan?” Sarge asked, sounding vulnerable for the first time since Viper met him.

  He cast his brother a narrow-eyed look. “Yeah, of course. You think I’m gonna bail now?”

  Sarge’s gaze landed on the sleeping Cassie before he shrugged.

  Shit. Viper made sure she was fully covered before propping himself against the headboard. “I’m not gonna flake out on you, brother.”

  Sarge removed his boots then lined them up at the foot of his bed. He was the neatest fucker Viper had ever met. Leftover from his Army days. Apparently, some shit got drilled so deep into his head, he’d never dropped the habit. Once Sarge was boot-free, he rested back on the bed, curling an arm under his head. “This more than a fuck?” he asked.

  Viper glanced down at Cassie. She was on her stomach, face turned away from him. He couldn’t resist stroking his hand up and down the gorgeous slope of her back. If the warmth in his chest was any indication, this was definitely m
ore than a fuck. At the very least, he wasn’t ready to walk away from her. “Not sure. Think it might be.”

  “Viper?” Cassie’s sleepy voice had him smiling. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, baby. Sarge just got in. We were talking. That’s all.”

  “Oh.” Cassie rolled over. She propped up on one elbow, taking care to keep herself covered with a sheet. “Hey, Sarge.” Between the sex and falling asleep shortly after a shower, her hair was a wild mess around her shoulders. Instead of looking crazy or scruffy, it was sexy as fuck. Viper shifted his hips to avoid giving Sarge an eyeful of tented sheet.

  “Hey, girl. Damn, now I’m kinda wishing I was the one who got to give you a ride out of Washington,” he said with a wink.

  Cassie laughed and scooted back until she was sitting up, the sheet still around her. Her face was flushed, and Viper wished they were alone. Wrapping his arm around her, he dragged her to him and kissed the hell out of her. When he finished, her eyes were glassy and lust-filled.

  “Looks like I’ll be at that bar a lot over the next few days,” Sarge said with a laugh.

  Cassie frowned. “The next few days? Thought you were going to Tennessee.”

  “We are,” Viper said. “We’re gonna lay low here for a few. Just to make sure no one is on to us. Then we’ll head out.” He held her gaze wanting to ask her to come with them, but afraid she’d burst out laughing.

  The whole idea was insane. They’d just met days ago. Now he wanted her to uproot her entire life and move across the country. If she did, she’d never be able to contact her family. The club would surely be monitoring them for communication from her for a while.

  A small snore came from Sarge’s bed. Cassie peeked at him then laughed softly “Guess that’s the end of that conversation.” She rested her head on Viper’s shoulder. Damn, she felt good there. Better than good. She felt right. Like she belonged in that very spot. When she sighed and melted into him, it gave him the confidence to breach the subject.

  “You can’t go home, Cas,” he said, running his fingertips up and down her spine.

  “I know. I don’t want to anyway. I was walking away from them when I was kidnapped.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  She played with the sheet for a few seconds before looking up at him. “Well, I was, um…I was thinking, maybe…well…”

  “I’d like you to come with us,” he said, keeping his voice low to avoid waking Sarge. “It’ll be a long trip, and rough at first. We’ll need to lay low, stay off the grid for a while.”

  Her gaze met his, eyes hopeful. “Why Tennessee?”

  “Sarge knows of a motorcycle club there that’ll let us prospect. They’re called Hell’s Handlers, and they’re good guys. Not into the shit the Tribe is into.”

  She tucked her lower lip between her teeth as though deep in thought. “I don’t know much about motorcycle clubs, but my one experience hasn’t been good.”

  He nodded. “It’s in my blood, baby. It’s all I know. All I want. But I’ll promise you this, I will not get involved with a club that hurts women. I don’t stand for that shit. Neither does Sarge. I was lied to my whole life about what the Devil’s Tribe was. I will be not played again. It won’t be an easy life, not like you’re used to, but it’ll be a good life.”

  “So you want me to go with you guys?”

  “I want you to go with me. I want you to be with me. Take a chance that we could become something pretty fucking great.”

  A huge smile lit her face. “I’ve been hoping you’d ask me to go with you. Yes, Viper, I want to go with you. I want to be with you. And I’m pretty sure we’re already something pretty fucking great.”

  He couldn’t believe the feeling of relief and elation at her declaration. It eased nearly all the tension inside of him. He bent down. “Thank you,” he whispered against her lips. “Thank you for giving us a chance.”

  “Thank you for saving me,” she whispered back before kissing him. Her slender arms wrapped around him, pulling him with her as she lie back on the bed. Viper groaned into her mouth as her sweetness flooded him.

  “You two start fucking, and I ain’t leaving this time. In fact, I’ll probably watch the show,” Sarge called out.

  Cassie inhaled. “Oh, my god,” she whispered. “I totally forgot he was there.”

  Viper laughed. “Guess that’s a pretty good sign, huh?”

  They gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment before Cassie said, “What if they find us, Viper? What if they come for us?”

  “Then we’ll handle it, baby. We’ll handle anything Hell sends our way.”

  About Lilly

  Thank you for reading Viper and Cassie’s story! If you enjoyed it, check out the Hell’s Handlers MC series, starting with Zach and connect with me here:


  by Kathleen Kelly

  Editing by

  Robyn Corcoran





  ~ a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.

  My hands are slick and warm. I delve deeper into my work, relishing in the heat. I pull, prod and explore but this one’s not right. I can’t find what I’m looking for in this shell. But this one will be remembered. She fought, she begged, she even tried to seduce me but nothing would or could stop me in the end. I pull my hands out of her corpse and frown, so quickly the cold wraps itself around me. I plunge my hands back inside but the fun’s all gone. With a sigh I drag myself away, blood drips from my hands as I stare out the window to the snow that covers everything. I can’t stay here long, even with the cold, she’ll stink everything up.

  Karen, that was her name, did give me some information; she gave me the next person I’m to interrogate. My methods may seem brutal, horrific, even distasteful to you but it’s necessary. I must find the one I’m ultimately seeking.

  The next person on my list is a member of an MC. His name is Declan Jones. I’ll need to prepare, to change my appearance, get a motorcycle. Apparently, he’s a patched member of the Harbingers of Death, he’ll get me closer to the one I’m looking for. The one who needs to pay. I’ve been through eight people or as I like to call them, evildoers, by my figuring there can only be two or three to go before I find the one.

  Chapter 1


  It’s fucking cold. The kind of cold that rips through your leathers and bites into your bones. Occasionally, I ride through a warm spot but it’s fleeting and it makes the cold worse. I hit the city limits and slow my bike down, don’t need the police on my ass for a bullshit offense like speeding. I’m headed to the only diner in this town worth eating at and it’s also the place that we, the Harbingers of Death MC, conduct most of our business. I park at the side of the building, I get off my bike, groaning as I straighten my frozen limbs.

  “It’s fucking cold, hey?”

  I pull down the bandanna that covers the bottom half of my face and turn toward the voice. It’s a man, he’s a little taller than me maybe a little older. I cast a look around the carpark. There’s another bike parked at the other end of the lot. The Harbingers don’t pay me to consort with strangers, so I nod and keep going. Footsteps sound behind me and I glance over my shoulder, the stranger is following me in, his eyes are fastened to the ground. I pay him no more attention as I enter the diner.

  “Declan! What the fuck are you doing out in this cold?” asks Lucy the diners owner and trusted friend to the club.

  “You know, same old, same old. How’s things?”

  “Business is good. How’s Ham?”

  I smirk. Ham is Hammer our President and Lucy has held a torch for him as long as I can remember. She means nothing to him just another in a long line of hopefuls.

  “He’s good. Can I have my regular? And a large cup of coffee, the biggest you have.”

  I watch as the man walks past me and tak
es a seat in the back. Whoever he is, he’s positioned himself so that his back is covered and he can see trouble coming. Smart. It also means he’s either wanted or used to trouble. I take the booth opposite him but I’m sitting in the window. It’s not as safe as his position but I have nothing to fear here.

  “Tell me, what brings you to Medina?” I ask.

  “Nothing. Just passing through. Needed a place to warm up before I move on.” He holds out his hand across the aisle. “Gordon Barnes.”

  I shake his hand. “Declan Jones.”

  He smiles, nods and looks up at Lucy as she draws near with two cups and pot of coffee. She places one in front of me and fills it.

  “Mister, you want a cup?” Barnes nods and she does the same for him. “Know what you want?”

  “Special of the day.”

  I chuckle and both of them look at me. “Trust me, you don’t want the special.”

  “Fuck you Declan. You don’t even know what the special is!” replies Lucy sassily.

  “I’d bet my last dollar whatever it is; it’s a day or more old and eating it might just kill him. Do you want to commit murder, Lucy?”

  Lucy frowns at me then looks back to him. “Ignore him. He thinks he’s funny.”

  I nod and spread my hands wide. “It’s your funeral.”

  “What would you recommend?” Barnes asks.

  “Lucy give him what I’m having.”

  “Whatever!” replies Lucy as she stomps away.

  “You always torment her like that?”

  “Lucy is used to me,” I say loudly then I lower my voice. “The special is for suckers.”

  Gordon Barnes smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. I’ve seen that look in more than one man’s eyes. The eyes of a man who’s killed before, because he’s liked it. I reach down and touch the gun in my waistband, assuring myself it’s there.

  “You affiliated?” I ask.

  “Nope, didn’t take. You?”


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