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Twisted Tales of Mayhem

Page 53

by Sapphire Knight

  “You’re a horrible liar but thank you.” We get into his SUV and head to the police station. When we walk in, Matthew is standing there, and I remember him now. My emotions get the best of me, and I charge him, punching anywhere I can, and then knock him down to the ground.

  “What you couldn’t come after me, so you kill an innocent child? You’re a dead man.” I scream into his face, as I feel arms wrap around my waist, pulling me up into the air.

  “Knock it off, psycho bitch.” Matthew spits at me, as Gamble throws me over his shoulder and walks to the opposite side of the room, setting me down in a chair.

  “Alright, Tyson. Just calm down. You’re not doing anyone any good by attacking him, and you just made yourself suspect number one. You can’t threaten people like that out in the open. I thought you were smarter than that.”

  “I wasn’t expecting him to be here, and all I saw was red. He’s out in the open, and we know he had something to do with Rocko’s murder. Wait, what are you doing here?”

  “Text messaged me about bail money, so here I am.”

  “I’m sorry.” I say, looking at my shaking hands covered in blood. “I need to clean up.” Gamble points to the bathroom, and I notice that him and Text are both guarding me.

  I walk into the bathroom and head to the sink. Running my hands under the water, I stare at the blood going down the drain, and I cry. “Rocko, I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. Please, forgive me, buddy.” Once all the blood is off, I wash my face. Chelsea doesn’t need to know that I was crying. I’ve got to keep myself together. When I walk out, I hear raised voices arguing.

  “Dude, you want to press charges against two women for assault? You know you’ll be the laughing stock, right?” Text laughs, which makes Matthew angrier.

  “Forget it. I’m done with you morons. Freeman, book her, too.” He comes over, handcuffing me, as Matthew smirks.

  “Enjoy it now, asshole.” I tell him, as Freeman starts to take me to the back, but I ask him to stop, looking at Gamble and Text. “My apartment is paid for, so use it as collateral for Chelsea and me. I don’t want the club’s assets tied up with this. Gamble, my secretary’s number is on your phone. Call her, and she will have the paperwork faxed here, please.” They both nod.

  “I’m sorry about this, but he is in charge, right now. Why did you attack him?” Freeman asks as if he really feels bad.

  “He had something to do with my nephew’s death, and I want him to know that I know. When I saw him in the lobby, I remembered him from his grandfather’s trial. He threatened to take everything I care about from me. Chelsea was there with Rocko, and she was pregnant with Shawna at the time. I’m going to kill him.”

  “You know, if anything happens to him, you’re going to be my prime suspect.” He looks at me, and I shrug.

  “It will be worth it.” I mutter, as he puts me in a cell next to Chelsea, who starts laughing.

  “This is funny. What did you do to get locked up?”

  “I beat up Matthew Bale out in the lobby, and I told the detective I’m going to kill him. He had something to do with Rocko’s death, and it makes me sick to my stomach.” I tell her about everything that’s happened, and even explaining this might have happened because of me. I’m pretty much begging for her forgiveness at this point.

  “Melissa,” Chelsea whispers, reaching her hand through the bars. I grab ahold of it, and we both sit on the floor.

  “Do you remember, when he turned three?”

  We both begin to laugh at the memory of him, thinking that he knew everything, and how he tried to tell his dad how to cook hot dogs on the fire. I can still hear him now. “Dad wait! This is the stick, and you have to make sure and slide the hot dog on it, but don’t burn it.”

  “Jace was so confused that he dropped the whole package into the fire, and Rocko turned, giving him an I told you so face. I still have that picture in a frame at my house.” We both let out a sigh, knowing this is going to be the hardest thing we’ve ever done.

  “I can’t believe he’s gone. What am I going to do?” Chelsea asks me.

  “I don’t know, and I wish I had the answers, because life as we know it will never be the same. Poor Shawna isn’t going to understand what’s happening.” Before either of us can continue, we hear keys, as someone walks towards us.

  “Oh, this is priceless, and I need a picture. Maybe your dad will love this for his family Christmas card.” We flip Text off, as he snaps the picture. “Freeman is working on your release.”

  “Did my secretary come through already?”

  “No. We couldn’t get a hold of her, so I put up the club. Just don’t jump bail.”

  “Is he still out there?” Chelsea asks, as she stands, kissing Text through the bars.

  “No, he left. Freeman told him he needs to lay low, or take a trip for a while, because there are several people that aren’t too pleased with him, right now.”

  “He doesn’t need to flee. I will make his death quick, but full of pain.” I laugh.

  “Stop talking.” Text says, giving me the dad look.

  “Alright, ladies. You’re free to go, but don’t go near Matthew Bale. There is a restraining order against you both.” Freeman tells us, and I roll my eyes.

  Chelsea and Text embrace each other, and I feel a ping of loneliness. We walk out quietly, and I see Gamble sitting on his bike, talking to someone on the phone. He rushes off, when I get close. Damn, he really is sex on a stick. I would love to start something with him, if things weren’t so fucked up, right now.

  “Hi.” I wave quickly, feeling like a teenager.

  “You want to go for a bike ride?” He asks, holding out a black helmet to me.

  “I don't think so. I’m tired, I need a shower, and plus, I need to get back to Cass. I’m just going to ride with Text.” I say, pointing to where the SUV is parked, but it’s gone.

  “I guess I’m going to call an Uber.”

  “I’m here, so why can’t you ride me?” Gamble gets off his motorcycle and stands in front of me. I’m on the bottom step of the police station, and I’m almost eye level with him.

  “You make me nervous, and I can’t think straight around you. I keep imagining you kissing me again, which makes me want so much more. I don’t think that’s something we need at the moment.”

  “What do you mean it’s not something that we need? It could be exactly what we need.”

  I bite my bottom lip, thinking over what he is saying. Everything is complicated right now, but my feelings for him are strong.

  Why can’t life be simple for once?


  Melissa is saying everything I’ve been wanting to say, except for the part about us not being a good thing, right now. I’ve tried to forget my feelings for her, but they only grow stronger the more time we spend together.

  “I need to focus on being here for my sister and brother-in-law. Plus, I’m leaving after the funeral, so Cass can start school. My main concern is her. I like you, I really do, but we are both so different. I’m sorry. I think I’m just going to call someone to pick me up.”

  Before she can say anything else, I take her in my arms, kissing her with so much force. I want her to feel this connection and remember the spark between us. Our moment is quickly interrupted, when my cell phone starts to ring. I groan, which makes her laugh.

  “Hold that thought, and don’t you go anywhere.” I say, tapping her nose, before I bark into the phone. “What?”

  “Hey, we got a location on Bale. He’s on a boat,” Patriot tells me. “I had one of the prospects watching him, and I’m here with him now. I see a nervous man, who is unloading suitcases from his car, and it looks like he is planning on going away for a long time.”

  “Stay with him and let me know, if he leaves. I’m heading back to the clubhouse,” I hang up with Patriot, and Freeman’s on the top of the steps. “Come on, Mel. I need to do some stuff.”

  “Don’t do what you’re think
ing.” He says, putting his hands on his hips. “I just got a call. He knows he’s being followed.”

  “You’re protecting him?” Melissa screams at Freeman, and I can see the hurt on her face. He says nothing, as she turns quickly walking away and getting into a car.

  “Fuck!” I get on my bike and head to the compound. We both arrive about the same time, and she heads inside, as I’m stopped by a few officers, sitting around outside.

  “Hey Prez. What’s the plan?” One of them asks me.

  “We’re going to make sure that Bale is taken care of, but right now, we all need to be seen by the police out in the open. Especially Melissa, because she threatened him in front of Freeman. What’s going on with the other chapters?”

  “They’ll be here by midnight.”

  "Good. Where is Text?" They all point to the clubhouse, so I walk in.

  "Text is in the office, if you’re looking for him." Chelsea sniffles, as I start walking towards the office, but I stop next to Cass first.

  "How are you darlin'?" She looks up at me with two black eyes and scratches on her cheek.

  "I'm sore and hungry, but this place doesn't have pizza." She smiles.

  "Tell Cueball what you want, and he'll go get it for you." I say loud enough for everyone to hear. "While you are at it, let him know I want a pepperoni and sausage one." She nods, as I continue to the office, where I see Text, sitting at my desk with his feet on it.

  "You're lucky I don’t cut your feet off." He chuckles, dropping them, and I continue, "The chapters will be here at midnight, and within a few hours, Bale will be gone for good.”

  "Do I want to know the plan?"

  "I can tell you, but I prefer not to have you implicated in it." I tell him, falling into my black leather chair. "We'll all be seen by the police officers, making a big ruckus, while the other chapters take care of him. They know how to get in and out without being seen. Melissa threatened him, so we need to do something to make sure she isn't the main suspect."

  "I could get arrested." She says, standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, which pushes up her chest, and I can’t help but to stare a little longer then necessary.

  "That would be one way to do it." Text smiles at her.

  "You've kept Cass safe, which is something I couldn't do today. Do you really think we can distract them, while Bale is killed?"

  "If you get arrested, and the whole club is at the police station with the cameras on us, then we can't be accused of anything."

  "Sounds good to me. We just need to make sure I can get out, since I do have work."

  We all agree, as Text jumps in, "Are we having pizza?"

  "Yeah. I'll let you know, when it gets here." She walks away, and I watch her hips sway back and forth, making my pants tighter.

  "Don't think about it. I love her and all, but she'll eat you alive." Text warns me. "Or Chelsea will bury you alive." I laugh.

  "I’m not looking to get into something with her. She doesn’t live here."


  It's almost an hour, before Cass knocks on the door, letting us know the pizza is here. We all sit around eating, laughing, and telling stories about Rocko. After a while, Melissa and Chelsea take the girls upstairs for bed, but they both promise to come down to go over the plan. I'm worried, because Bale is a bit of a loose cannon at the moment, and I don't want innocent people getting hurt or killed in the process. Suddenly, my phone rings, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  "Fucker." I answer, and the president of the California chapter starts in on me.

  "Wittle Wenis." I let out a chuckle. He’s a crazy fucker.

  "What's going on, man?" I get up and walk into church.

  Church is the room where we hold our weekly meetings, and you have to be patched in to have a place. Not even the prospects are allowed in. In the middle, is a large oak table that seats about twenty, and I sit down at my usual spot, which is the head of the table. I look down to where my VP usually sits at the other end, and it brings back memories.

  When my father was in charge, the VP sat next to him, but I wanted that to change. That person deserves to be at the head of the table, too. To me, it shows a sign of respect, because when you have family dinners, the father is at one end and the mother is at the other end, or that's how it was in my family. It shows that both parents are head of the household, and I wanted it to be the same here.

  "We'll be there soon, but we stopped to gas up. I just wanted to let you know my PI is watching Bale, right now. There is one police officer in the parking lot, and it also looks like he hired a goon that’s following him everywhere. From my understanding, he’s making trips back and forth for his entire house, but he’s still packing up the boat now. So, I'm thinking that we'll do a nice firework show."

  "Sounds good to me, but make sure you record it with a burner phone. We can't be there due to some of the family members of Text, threatening to kill the bastard in front of the head detective. We have a plan to make sure the club is seen, when it all takes place."

  "Is it going to be a big spectacle?"

  "You know it. The police will come right to us. We'll have some of the charter members with us, too. I think that will help the cause to keep it from us. If we wait any longer, he'll be out in the ocean or on an island somewhere, and then we may never find him."

  "I forgot to tell you that I’m sorry to hear about Rocko. I always thought that kid would run the MC, before he was fifteen." I laugh because I know what he's saying is true. Rocko loved being on a motorcycle and being at the club. My heart hurts knowing he’ll never grow up, but it does help a little, knowing the world will never taint him, and he’ll always be sweet and innocent.

  "Thanks man. See you soon." I hang up the phone and close my eyes.


  There's a light knock on the door, bringing me out of my head, as I wipe the tears from my face.

  "Yeah?" The door opens, and it's Melissa.

  "May I enter the sacred church?" She smirks, and I nod because I’m too afraid to speak. "Are you okay? Everyone has been asking Chelsea and Text, but you were Uncle Gabe." I shake my head no, letting her know I’m not okay.

  "Can I do anything?" She softly asks, sitting on my lap. It's nothing sexual just more of a loving gesture.

  "You being here helps." I wrap my hands around her body, pulling her closer to me. "I'm sorry I can’t be more to you."

  "I'm sorry too, but right now, I need to focus on Chelsea. Plus, I'll be leaving soon."

  "I know. I just want to forget the pain in my heart, even if it's for a little bit."

  After a minute, Melissa moves off my lap and starts removing her shirt. I guess she does understand what I need.

  Actually, I think we both need to forget for a little while.


  Holy shit. I just had sex with Gabe!

  I know we shouldn't have done it in church, but we needed each other, and it felt good to let the pain go. I swallow hard, as we're getting dressed in silence.

  "Thank you." Gamble says, clearing his throat.

  "You're welcome." I reply, which makes me laugh.

  "I'm thanking you for not making fun of me, and for helping me, when I needed someone."

  "Gamble," I walk over to him, placing my hand on his cheek. "I needed the physical connection just as much as you." I say, kissing his lips softly. "Thank you for being wonderful and caring."

  "Don't let that get out." We laugh and jump apart, when there's a loud knock on the door. Before Gamble can answer, the door swings open.

  "Do you mind?" He barks, and I get behind him, because I'm still standing here half naked.

  "Not really, fucker."

  "I do!” I snap at the huge guy standing in black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black and white cut, like Gamble wears, which has the word president on it.

  "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you weren’t alone." The guy stands there looking at us.

  "Do you mind leaving, so I can get dressed?" H
e laughs and shuts the door, but not before letting everyone know Gamble was getting laid.

  Fucking great.

  "Who is that ass, and does he know what kind of hell he started?"

  "That’s Mark the president of the California chapter, and nope, he doesn't care. I'm sorry again." He kisses me with tenderness. "I'll try not to let everyone give you too much shit."

  "I can handle it, but we better get out there and plan our night."

  "Melissa, I wish you weren't leaving." He tells me, before exiting the room.

  "Me too. Believe me, I wish I wasn't leaving either." I walk out of the room, feeling all eyes on me, as I sit next to Text. "Shut up, or I'll tell your secrets." He throws his hands up in surrender.

  "Now that the big excitement is over, let's get on with our plan." I tune everyone out, as I look around the room, taking in the sense of family. I never understood the whole concept of why a motorcycle club was so damn important to people, until right now. This isn't about killing people, doing drugs, or sitting around having sex with anything with a pulse. They protect their own. I mean, there are at least an extra hundred men and women in this room, paying their respects to my sweet young nephew.

  How did I miss this?

  "Right, Melissa?" I hear my name, but I have no clue what was just said.


  "You're going to get arrested in a couple of hours, and we're going to be there to make sure we're on camera."

  "Right." I say, as I get up and walk back to the room, where Cass is sleeping. I need to get away from everything for a minute. I'm going against everything I believe in. I mean, I went to law school to protect people and uphold the law. Now, I'm about to take part in a murder and not report it. What the hell has happened to me?

  Cass lays sleeping with her hair covering her face, and I move it, so I can see her.

  "I promise to protect you always." I whisper, leaning down and kissing her temple.

  After a while, I finally get up and walk out of the room, seeing Text standing there.


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