Page 14
“You are brave,” I said, wrapping my arms around her and stood.
Grinning as her arms slipped around my neck, I bent down until our foreheads touched.
“You are the light to my dark,” I whispered.
This time, I took her lips and didn’t release them as I walked up the stairs and down the hall. Entering my room, I moved to the king-sized bed and lifted my lips from hers. “And, baby, I can’t wait to soil you.”
Her smile was the most dazzling one I’d ever seen, lighting her entire being.
Even if I’d been able to fantasize about the outcome after confessing all to Alek, I never could have imagined this. His reactions and his words calmed my fears, and yet the look in his eyes stirred every cell inside me.
You are the light to my dark.
I can’t wait to soil you.
God, who said things like that? Men who were confident in themselves and honest with the women they cared about. There was only one thing left for me to say.
“Then let’s get dirty.”
He grinned, and I shrieked as he tossed me onto his bed and then laughed as he leapt to join me. By the time I stopped bouncing, his fingers had begun to trail their way down my body, tracing over my curves as if they were the most desirable things on the whole damn planet. My mind became consumed with desire. I was dizzy with lust, and I could sense my brain switching off. I craved feeling the sensations he was so very capable of causing rush through my body.
As the bolts of lust raced right down to my throbbing pussy, I grabbed onto him in sex-crazed desperation, running my hands over those amazing abs of his. Although I had spent my life surrounded by physically fit dancers, I never realized quite how touching the ripped perfection of a sculpted body would turn me on. It made me wild and animalistic. It drew another side out of me. One I didn’t even realize existed until Alek came into my life.
All of a sudden, the silky material of my dress brushed my hypersensitive skin, causing a small moan to pass my lips as he bared my torso. Everything Alek did to me sent me to new levels. It was almost like he could do no wrong, and the appreciative look he gave me when my bra fell away from my body had my heart thundering in my chest.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured as he tugged and teased my nipples between his fingers. “I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you.”
“I don’t deserve you,” I countered. “But I want you so much.”
His lips curled in a slow grin that ratcheted my lust up to an entirely new level.
“Good because I plan on giving you every single inch,” he said, pressing his thick erection, still constrained by his pants, against my leg, making me even more aroused by the reminder of how full his cock made me feel.
I’d never even known it was possible to experience such an intense passion with someone. I’d never realized I could feel this way. It made me feel like everyone I had ever liked before had been nothing more than a silly phase, a passing crush. No matter their experience, their prominent social status, their age, their income, every one of them had been boys, not men. Not a single one could measure up to Alek Volkov. Alek really was the only one to have brought out this desire in me.
A woman with needs and sinful desires.
He made me feel no shame in being that woman.
“Tell me what you want,” he growled.
“You,” I whispered. “I want you to…” The memories of him pulling my hair, spanking my ass, and spreading my pussy so wide I could feel him the next day flooded in. I wanted the bite of pain again. I wanted his burning touch.
“Tell me,” he commanded deeply.
But could I? I’d told him of what Nikolai had done, how he’d been rough when he’d…
“No,” Alek said, taking my face in his hands again. “Don’t allow anything or anybody in this room with us. There is only the two of us and nothing, absolutely nothing you want is wrong. So tell me, Clara. What do you want?”
“I want you to hurt me again. Punish me because I—”
Who was this person I had become? I couldn’t believe these words were coming from my mouth. Would he think less of me for saying what I wanted? Would he question my sanity when he dipped his hand inside my panties and felt how wet the mere thought of Alek being rough with me had made me?
“Have you been a bad, bad girl? Do you need me to spank your ass and make your pussy sting again?” Alek whispered into my ear, which had my sex gushing even more.
This man got me… understood the woman I was deep inside.
I nodded coyly.
He wrapped his arms tightly around me and lifted me from the bed, causing me to cry out in excitement. He picked me up and carried me as he had before, easily as if I literally weighed nothing. Crossing the room, he sat me on his dresser, pressing my hot back against the ice cold mirror.
“Oh fuck,” I gasped loudly, actually enjoying the shocking combination of sensations.
Alek pulled me closer to his chest until he was positioned between my legs. He kissed me harder and more passionately than I had breath in my body to handle. Gasping, I dug my nails into his strong, muscular shoulders as his hands moved tantalizingly closer to where I was aching desperately, pulsating, frantic for him. My wet, hot desire throbbed in my soaked panties, and I was not sure how much longer I could cope with him just standing there.
I needed him now.
I wanted him to slam into me. To take me. I wanted it all. Hard, soft, hard, soft, but I had no doubt hard would overrule in the end.
Alek placed his palms on my thighs, which sent butterfly wings flapping all over my body, causing my stomach to twist up in knots of passion. The feelings I had for this man were like nothing else. I loved every damn second of experiencing them. But he was too near me now. Too close to not be doing more and it caused my breath to come out ragged, almost painfully so.
My head lolled to one side as his mouth claimed my neck and my collarbone. I was so frustrated I could scream. But at the same time, I was enjoying how he was making me feel.
“Oh, fucking hell,” I groaned loudly, unable to keep it all inside anymore.
Before, I had always been quiet during sex. I’d never even considered expressing how I really felt or asking for what I needed. But with Alek, it was different. I was different. I felt freer. For the first time, I could be myself.
“Alek, you drive me bat-shit crazy. Please don’t make me beg.”
The mention of his name was enough to have Alek sliding my panties to one side and pushing a finger inside my pussy. It stilled inside me as he looked up to meet my eyes. I knew what he wasn’t asking; the memory of telling him about that last night with Nikolai had me shaking my head.
“There’s only the two of us here. No one else. Soil me, Alek.”
He nodded and bent forward to place a kiss on my belly before sliding his finger deeper, much to my relief and to my intense pleasure. He was exploring my inner walls, really massaging me. I wanted to squirm and to thrust my hips forward at the same time. Suddenly I stiffened and then squealed as unbelievable pleasure swept through me.
“Oh my God,” I breathed, as he began to stroke over a spot I’d always thought didn’t exist except between the pages of a romance novel.
I panted, allowing myself to become consumed by him as he finger fucked my little hole. He slipped in another finger, and another, until I felt completely powerless to him.
Without asking, without easing his way, and without an ounce of softness, he pulled one of his fingers from my wet pussy and thrust it inside my anus. The biting intrusion had me crying out and tensing in his arms.
“A bad, bad girl gets her ass fucked,” he said as he pushed his finger deeper inside what up to this moment was a place I had considered off limits despite not being an anal virgin. “Does it hurt?”
“Yes, and I… I like it,” I squealed, clutching his back as he nibbled my neck, never letting up on his thrusting. He had fingers in my pus
sy, and a finger in my ass, and I could barely comprehend the sensations rushing through me. Pain and pleasure blended to a point of drugging my mind and body with the need for more.
The moment I settled into the pattern of what he was doing to my body, he pulled away. He removed my underwear as he went, leaving me cold and totally exposed for him. My first instinct was to yell at him, to get him back inside me in one way or another, but then another idea overcame me. I wanted to give Alek some of the pleasure he gave me the last time we were together. As I bit down painfully on my lip, I knew exactly what I wanted next.
I jumped down, pushing him backward until he fell back onto the bed behind him. Ripping his shirt completely off, I had a ravenous desire to taste his body right this very moment.
“What are you doing?” he asked, and I realized he was smiling while doing so. He wasn’t angry that I’d done something bold, something that switched the power dynamic between us.
“Dirtying you,” I said.
The smile never left his lips or his eyes as I dropped to my knees in front of him. I unbuckled his belt and then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. As I slid them down, his cock sprang free to point straight at the ceiling.
With a smile, I leaned forward and ran the tip of my tongue across his cock. “Yum.”
“Fuck, Clara,” he moaned as his head fell back in sheer ecstasy.
I smiled as I continued to tug his pants down his legs, taking a moment to remove his shoes and socks before pulling them completely off and tossing them aside.
“Now, where was I?” I teased, my fingertips lightly walking their way up his legs. His cock jerked, and I watched his grip tighten on the bedspread beneath him. There was an intense tremble within him, one that meant he was completely under my control, and that sent a swirling passion through my veins.
I took my time, giving his skin the lightest of scratches as I continued my journey up his body, enjoying the way he squeezed his eyes shut in pleasure. Then, to let him really see where I was going with my seduction, I ran light kisses all over his cock, covering every square inch. The mere feeling of my breath and my mouth upon him, seemed to drive him wild, so by the time I wrapped my lips around him and took him back in my throat, while flicking my tongue all over him, I could sense he was about to lose control. Precum coated my tongue, and I purred against his hardened dick, enjoying the musky scent and taste of this man.
He tugged on my arms, and, when I mewled, he ignored it and tugged harder. With a sigh, I let his delicious length pop from my lips and allowed him to grab me and pull me onto his lap where we could start kissing once more. His mouth was all over mine, and his cock was teasing my entrance, causing me to grow hotter by the second.
I needed him. I needed him right now, and from the guttural groan that burst from his chest, it seemed he needed me just as much.
“Oh fuck,” I cried out.
He flipped me onto my back, spread my legs wide, and those wonderful, magical fingers found my core again.
“Alek!” I squealed, bowing up as they slapped against my wet pussy.
“Naughty girls get their pussy spanked,” he said, each word punctuated with its own swat against very sensitive, very needy flesh.
Then he began to truly drive me wild by nibbling along my inner thighs, giving a gentle kiss and a smack at the same time. It was a combination of pain and pleasure I was sure would drive me insane. He didn’t ask me to beg… he didn’t have to. All on my own, I began to plead.
“Please… please… please,” I chanted my new mantra, my head thrashing, the muscles in my belly quivering, my core swelling and growing wetter with every moment he refused my heartfelt plea. “You’re killing me!” I cried.
I’d never heard of a woman expiring in the middle of the most mind-blowing scene she’d ever experienced, but I could very well be the first.
Grabbing his hair, I said, “I swear to God, if you don’t fuck me now, I’m going to self-fucking-combust!”
“We can’t have that now, can we?”
Finally, after what felt like forever while he found protection, and after handing the condom to me to do the honors, he made his move. He thrust hard into me, causing me to wrap my arms even tighter around his neck, clinging on for dear life.
As Alek moved inside me, hitting all of the right spots, I felt like I was floating to cloud nine. My body trembled, flooding with desire, and I could already feel those intense waves starting to crash over me, sending me straight into the abyss of sheer joy.
“I’m going to come!”
With that, Alek picked me up and threw me back farther onto the bed where he could thrust more powerfully within me. I grabbed onto him. His hands ran everywhere all over me, and it wasn’t long until I was fully shuddering, bucking, screaming out as I released.
Almost at the same instant, Alek lost himself to the sensations as well. At that moment, as his face contorted with pleasure, I felt a rush of even more intense feelings emerge for this man.
As we lay next to one another on the bed, panting happily, our limbs intertwined, I was tempted to ask him where his head was at when it came to me. But I didn’t ask him because I was afraid. I had no fear he didn’t agree the sexual chemistry between us was off the charts. I was scared to hear that maybe he thought I was a great lay but too damaged to really consider girlfriend material.
I was falling for Alek, and falling hard.
I thought that much was obvious, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. And I didn’t even want to. He was incredible, truly amazing, and a big part of me was confident he was the man I didn’t even know I had been looking for, yet I couldn’t help but question how a man as good as Alek could want a woman as flawed as me.
Instead of perhaps learning things I’d rather not know, I turned over to look at him, to drink in everything about his presence, and he placed a light kiss on my lips.
“You really are something else.” He grinned at me. “Unexpected and sexy as hell. I absolutely love getting dirty with you.”
I bent over him to kiss him softly, only to screech when his hand connected with my bare ass.
“Get a move on. I’m starving, and there is dessert in the kitchen calling my name.”
I shook my head but climbed off the bed. Snagging his shirt, I pulled it on. It practically swallowed me, but slipping a few buttons through their holes would at least keep it on while I followed him down the hall. Or should I say, followed his naked ass as it led the way back to the kitchen. I wasn’t truly modest, but still, I didn’t traipse around naked as the day I was born. But, if Alek wished to do so, I sure wasn’t about to complain.
Once in the kitchen, he lifted the lid off a cake stand, revealing the most incredible work of art I’d ever laid my eyes on.
“What on earth… or should I say, in heaven, is that?”
“Pavlova,” Alek answered, opening cabinets and drawers to pull out plates and forks. It was created in honor of the prima ballerina, Anna Pavlova, as a tribute to both her talent and her beauty.”
“Well, it certainly is gorgeous,” I said sincerely, climbing up onto a barstool and reaching for a fork only to have my hand slapped. “Hey! What was that for?”
“This is your dessert,” he said, lifting the cover off a much smaller cake stand to reveal the same cookie I’d seen earlier in the day.
“You actually saved it for me?”
“Of course I did,” he said, using a silver cake server to lift the cookie and slide it onto a china plate. “Far be it from me to get between a woman and the dessert of her choice.”
“Ha-ha-ha, very funny,” I said, smiling as he set the plate down in front of me and placed a fork and napkin beside it.
He chuckled and cut a very generous slice of the Pavlova for himself. A sugared raspberry rolled off his plate, and I reached out to snag it before he could set the server down. Popping it into my mouth, I rolled my eyes in bliss.
Alek chuckled again as I pi
cked up my cookie and took a bite. The chocolate melted in my mouth, the tartness of the raspberry serving to enhance the flavor. Swallowing, I broke off a piece of the cookie and held it out across the island. “Everyone needs a little bit of the devil to counter the purity of their angel,” I said, nodding toward the Pavlova on his plate.
His lip curled up as he leaned forward and took the chocolate from my fingers. “Delicious, but nowhere as delectable as the little devil offering it to me.”
“You say the sweetest things,” I teased though his words made me smile as a warmth spread through me.
Alek reached across the slab of marble and cupped my cheek with his palm. “Clara, know that if the dancing we do together leads us to hell, I can’t think of any place I’d rather be as long as I’m with you.”
My throat closed up with the intensity of the emotions he evoked from me. As he brushed his thumb over my lips, my chest eased, and I opened my mouth to draw it inside, sucking it as I had his cock until he groaned. Then I smiled around his thumb and gave it a little nip before releasing my hold.
He grinned and tsked, slipping his hand into his shirt to drop to my breast, brushing the wetness of his thumb over my turgid nipple. “As I said before, you are the white to my black… and are the light to my dark.”
We ate our dessert, Alek slipping a slice of the méringue onto my plate after I finished the cookie. As I took small bites, determined to enjoy every delicious morsel, he finished his and then cut a third slice. I was about to tease him about having worked up quite the appetite, when he slid the slice onto the stand that had held my cookie, covered it with the cake top, and then opened another cabinet and pulled out a box. It was a white bakery box, and he carefully slid the rest of the dessert into it and closed the lid.
“For Babka,” he said.
He’d remembered.
Of course he had. That was something Alek would always do. He’d remember. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt that for the first time since I’d gotten the tattoo, the dove was finally able to lift her wings and fly free.