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Kings of Midnight: Book One of The Midnight Saga

Page 48

by J Q Anderson

  An arctic winter breeze brushed through me, and my body shivered with fear and anticipation for seeing everyone I missed. In the distance, I recognized Rafa’s silhouette standing still by the car.

  “Welcome home, Sebastián. Camila,” he said as we approached. His eyes assessed mine with apprehension.

  “It’s all good, Rafa. You were just looking out for him. No hard feelings.”

  He answered with a nod, instant relief easing his expression.

  I sank into the familiar back seat of the BMW as we made our way to Sebastián’s home, and Sebastián sat next to Rafa up front.

  “How is he?” Sebastián asked.

  “Stable, but the cardiologist said the next twenty-four hours are critical. He’ll be glad to see you.”


  “Straight to the hospital?”

  “We’ll take Camila home first.”

  “I want to come with you,” I said.

  Sebastián turned his head, and Rafa’s eyes met mine in the rearview mirror. They both answered in unison, “No.”

  “Just in case,” Sebastián said, reaching back and placing his hand on my knee. “I would feel better if you went home. For now.”

  I nodded and sank back into the seat. It seemed as if every time we entered his kingdom, we were torn apart.

  The car sped across the countryside toward the city, and I felt bone-tired. Staring out the window, I let the fatigue from the last twenty-four hours sink me deeper into my seat. My mind drifted while the green scenery blazed by. I couldn’t wait to see Mamá, Papá, Nata, and Marcos. I smiled, imagining their faces when they saw me here. I was pretty sure my parents would be at home the next day. I could show up at lunchtime. Then in the evening, I could swing by the theater to surprise Nata and Marcos after rehearsals and lure them out for drinks like old times.

  Marcél appeared at the door as we pulled into the driveway, his fragile frame a little less straight. New creases on his face formed as his mouth stretched into a welcoming smile. I undid my seat belt and stormed out to greet him with a hug.

  “Welcome back, ma chérie.”

  “Oh, Marcél. How are you?” I squeezed him tight.

  “Older. Crankier. It’s good to have you both back. The willows have missed you. The house is somber without you here.”

  Sebastián left for the hospital, and I sat at the kitchen bar while Marcél chopped vegetables for a stew that smelled delicious.

  “Ma chérie, lunch is ready whenever you want. Would you like to eat now? I’m almost finished with the lamb stew for this evening.”

  I smiled warmly at him. “I’ll wait for Sebastián. Do you think he’ll be safe?”

  Marcél’s expression softened. “Don’t fret about that, sweet girl. Monsieur Sebastián is with Rafa, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “But he got shot once, and all this thing with the Families… Marcél, I’m worried about him.”

  Marcél’s warm hand patted mine gently. “He will be just fine, I promise. Why don’t you go take a bath? It will help you relax. Your things are already in your bedroom. Go, sweet girl. Try and rest. You must be exhausted after that long flight. Sebastián will be back before you know it.”

  “Okay,” I said, and reluctantly peeled myself off the barstool, then lumbered to Sebastián’s bedroom. The scent of fresh paint lingered in the hallway, and I vaguely wondered if he’d had the house painted recently. My phone buzzed with a message from Sebastián:

  All good. I saw my father and he’s stable. I’ll be home in a little over an hour.

  I let out a long sigh of relief.

  After a long bath, I lay face down across Sebastián’s massive bed, relishing the luxury of the extra space. Next to our flat in New York, this house was a palace. Burying my face into the pillows, I surrendered to the familiar scent of lavender and fresh sun and fell into a deep slumber.

  I woke with a start and blinked in the light. I looked around, disoriented, then remembered where I was. Bright sun filled the room, and the bedside clock showed I had slept for over an hour.

  With my heart galloping, I hurried down the hallway without bothering to put on my shoes, grateful for the radiant heating that kept the floors warm.

  At the kitchen island, Sebastián stood with the phone to his ear. Relief washed through me at seeing he was back at home, safe. He turned, and when our eyes met, I noticed the exhaustion in his. Hanging up the phone, he gave me a tired smile as I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

  “How’s your dad?”

  “He was awake when I got there. They’ll move him out of intensive care today, but the doctors are keeping a close eye, and he needs to rest.”

  “I’m glad,” I said, loosening the embrace. “How’s…everything else?”

  His forehead creased. “Two of the family bosses showed up while I was there.”

  “Shit. And?”

  “It was civil. I told you, It’s over.” He rubbed the fatigue off his eyes. “Julián’s coming by in a couple of hours.”


  “Don’t scowl. He’s helping more than I deserve. He’s kept things going while I’ve been away. It was a lot to pile onto someone else.”

  I kept my thoughts to myself. If Julián was helping, would there come a time for him to collect his favors from Sebastián?

  After lunch, we stretched out under the pergola, and I tightened my New York down coat around me. Despite the cold air, it felt good to be outside. I took a deep breath, savoring the musky scents of the forest in winter. Beside me, a full fire crackled in a massive outdoor fireplace. Only a few crumbs of Marcél’s lemon meringue pie were left on my plate. I smudged a bit of meringue and sucked on my fingertip.

  “I miss Marcél.”

  “He misses you,” Sebastián said. “I’ve never seen him this happy.”

  After the long flight and Marcél’s coma-inducing meal, I needed another nap. I glanced over at Sebastián and told him to join me.

  I followed him through the familiar hallway. Everything seemed the same except that lingering smell of paint…I wrinkled my nose. “Did you have the house painted?”


  “Why does it smell like paint?”

  “It doesn’t. You’re imagining things.”

  I stopped and winced. “No…It’s coming from there, I think.”

  “Camila, wait—”

  But before he could reach me, I was already opening the door.

  I gasped.

  The room—a once bare-boned space which, on my first visit here, he had told me was his favorite room in the house—was now a full ballet studio. A full. Ballet. Studio. In his house! I opened the door all the way and walked in.

  “Holy shit. What is this?” I looked around wide-eyed, scanning every inch. Seamless mirrors paneled the walls from floor to ceiling, and a ballet barre cut across the middle. I turned to Sebastián, and he was watching me from the door with a guilty expression.

  “When did you do this?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck and stepped in. “After the shooting.”

  “But…why?” I said, unable to tear my eyes off every detail. “We weren’t together.”

  “I was hoping one day that would change. I don’t know…Doing this made me feel closer to you somehow.”

  “Holy shit, Sebastián.” I looked down at my feet and bounced once. A top-of-the-line sprung floor, the kind that absorbs even the slightest of shocks. I walked around dumbstruck, taking it all in. In a far corner, there was a sitting area with a mini fridge and freezer with glass doors. It was stocked with drinks and what looked like ice packs. Beside it was a basket with fresh towels, a cubby with yoga mats, stretching bands, and other gadgets, including foam rolls and an exercise ball. On the opposite end, a side door was open to what looked like an en suite bathroom. Every detail of the design was immaculate, clean, modern, and elegant. Still, the most breathtaking feature was the window wall: floor-to-ceiling glass overlooking the forest underneath
, an endless collage of gold and green at my feet with every sunset.

  “I’m speechless.”

  He hugged me from behind. “It will always be here for you.”

  This man.

  I could dance here in the summers and watch the sunset mosaics of magentas and blues. Sunset was my favorite part of the day. He knew that. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and hugged him tight, making him stumble back.

  “I love you, Sebas.”

  Chapter 52

  “Good morning,” Sebastián whispered against my neck, kissing the crook under my ear. His muscular arms tightened around me, and a delicious shiver ran through me. Reaching back, I raked my fingers through his hair and turned to kiss him. His mouth was warm, welcoming. It was sexy as hell. I pulled away, breathless, and bright, clear eyes smiled at me with mischief.

  I narrowed mine. “What?”

  His grin widened.

  “I know that look, Sebastián. You’re up to something.”

  “I have…a surprise for you.”

  “You’ve already given me my own ballet studio. And all I gave you was that stupid snow globe.” I glowered at the little Manhattan souvenir on his bedside table. I had bought it at a knick-knack store in New York after we had moved in together. Since then, he always brought it with him on his trips. He reached for it and shook it, and we both watched the snow slowly drift over the city skyline.

  “I love my snow globe.” He shook it again. “Reminds me of when you gave me another chance.” He looked over at me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, rolling onto him and pinning him under me.

  “You are one sweet, sweet boyfriend, Palacios.” I suggestively pressed my hips onto his, awakening him. “Hmmm. I think I should thank you properly.”

  His hands gripped my hips. “If you do that now, we won’t leave this bed for hours.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me. Got anywhere to go?” I rubbed my hips against his again, and he groaned. His grasp on my hips tightened, and he moved me aside. What? No!

  “Where are you going?”

  “We can do this later. Now I need you to get up.” He gave me a chaste kiss and grinned.


  Standing swiftly, he fished his clothes from the floor. I admired him from the bed, thinking about how the scar across his chest made him look even sexier.

  “Can’t we do this later?” I pouted. “We have to go see my parents in a few hours, and I’m not ready to detangle from you yet.”

  “If you’re done pouting—which, by the way is fucking sexy—put this on because what I want to show you is outside.” He tossed me one of his sweatshirts and quickly slipped into his jeans.

  I reluctantly put on my jeans and UGG boots, then shrugged on the sweatshirt that went down almost to my knees and pulled my hair into a messy bun. He took my hand and led me past the kitchen to the…dining room? Whoa.

  I gripped his arm. “Wait. I need coffee.”

  “Nope. Sorry, no time.”

  I scowled.

  “Come on.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed me to him, kissing me swiftly. “You’re a moody little thing this morning.”

  “You’re seriously pushing it. This better be good.”

  Clasping my hand, he unlocked the French doors and led me to the garden. It was like walking into a movie set. The enchanted sounds of the forest surrounded us: birds of all species welcomed the new day, the cicadas announcing a bright morning, and in the distance, the treetops sneaking from under the morning mist. The air was cool and damp. I inhaled deeply, letting it fill my lungs. Sebastián tugged on my hand.

  “Can you tell me where we’re going?”

  His mouth curved into a smug smile as he guided me down the winding trail that disappeared into the forest. He then stopped by a willow where a bike waited.

  “Um…what are we doing?”

  “Patience and faith, sweetheart. Come.” Sliding onto the bike, he gestured for me to sit sideways on the bar between the seat and the handlebar. I reluctantly obeyed, watching him warily. What was he up to? Our lips were inches apart, and his eyes locked on my mouth like he was considering kissing it. Desire swirled deep in my belly. He smiled wickedly, then kicked his feet backward, propelling the bike to roll downhill on a dirt trail. What in the hell could be so important?

  We traveled deeper into the forest, the trees growing bigger and closer together. Faint sunlight filtered through the branches. The air was crisp, scented with the pungent aroma of pines and fresh dirt. I shivered as the cool mist brushed my face. At the end of the path, the forest opened abruptly into a grassy area by the riverbed.

  “We’re here,” he said and kissed my cheek softly.

  I slid to the ground, and he dropped the bike, taking my hand in his. In the soothing tranquility of the morning, a young sun stretched over the rippling surface of the river, glistening into a million golden sparks. Soft waves lapped against a white-sand strip. The view from here was breathtaking.

  To the right, a cabin on stilts stood over the shallow of the river. It was bare wood with large windows and a deck wrapping around the whole perimeter. I had never been to this part of the property before. It was beautiful. An oasis.

  “Is that a guesthouse?” I said, leaning against him as he hugged me from behind while we took in the view. He kissed my temple, hugging me tighter when I shivered.

  “More like a retreat away from the house. My parents used to come here in the mornings to have breakfast and watch the sunrise.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I murmured, admiring the whole scene with fascination. There was something incredibly enchanting about this place. I kicked off my shoes and velvet grass threaded between my toes.

  “Come.” He unwrapped himself from me and led me up the steps to the cabin. As we reached the top, the whole surface of the deck came into view.

  My heart stilled.

  I looked up at Sebastián, and my jaw dropped.

  He grinned. “Now you can have your coffee.”

  I blinked away the stupor, holding my breath in fear I would break the spell.

  An immaculate breakfast table set for two awaited on the deck under an oversized umbrella. Everything was crisp white linen, fine crystal and silver, and a delicate vase of white roses in the center. A smaller table with silver domes and pitchers of orange juice and coffee was set to the side. Two pedestal heaters framed the breakfast table on each side, gleaming bright red. All around us, the river shimmered in the morning sun. It was a dream.

  “This is…this is so romantic.”

  “Come.” He took my hand and led me to the table.

  Pulling out my chair, he picked up a napkin, snapping it playfully in the air before placing it on my lap. He then poured coffee in our cups, and I downed mine in two long sips. It was Marcél’s coffee. I recognized it immediately and it tasted heavenly. I was about to refill my cup when Sebastián reached for a bottle of champagne and filled two crystal flutes.

  “Enough coffee. We have a lot to celebrate.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes.” Putting down the bottle, he squatted down beside me and smiled, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear. He caressed my cheek, watching me, his eyes wide and loving.

  “I know that if you had your way, you would have a vanilla cupcake for breakfast every morning.” Standing, he reached to the side table and picked up one of the silver domes and placed it in front of me.

  “We’re having cupcakes? Well done, Palacios. Scoring high.” When I reached to lift the lid, his hand covered mine.

  “This is not just any cupcake.” His voice was low, seductive. I bit my lip as a surge of heat ran through me. Slowly, he lifted the silver dome, and the world around me froze.

  A single vanilla cupcake sat in the center of the silver plate. It was frosted with delicate white seashells. And he was right. This was no ordinary cupcake.

  An emerald-cut diamond ring peeked from the top, sparkling in the bright morning sun.

bsp; I drew in a sharp breath as he dropped to one knee.

  Holy shit.

  “Camila,” he said, taking my hand. “You’re the only woman I will ever love. You make me happy, every day. You surprise me, every day. Since I met you, you’ve grown into an amazing woman and have taught me so much about myself, and what believing in yourself can help you accomplish. When I’m with you, I’m the man I strive to be. You’ve always believed in me. You’re fearless and passionate, and full of light. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to give you the world. If you let me, I want to spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to make you happy.” His clear, bright eyes bore into mine as tears spilled down my cheeks. “Marry me.”

  “Sebastián,” I whispered.

  “We’ll live in New York, or Paris, or wherever you want. I know that I come with a lot of baggage, but I promise you that I will follow you to the moon. Marry me. Say yes.”

  “Yes.” I launched myself into his arms. “Oh, God, yes!”

  Standing, he wrapped his arms tightly around me, spinning me around. I giggled, and he suddenly stopped and kissed me deeply.

  “I love you, my future Mrs. Palacios. You sure you’re ready to bear the weight of the name?”

  I took his lovely face in my hands. His eyes were bright, blazing with happiness.

  “Your name is part of the man that you are, the man I love so much. You’re generous, and kind, and selfless, and nothing would make me happier than spending every day with you. Now…I have a surprise for you.”

  “You’ve already given me what I wanted.” He pulled me onto his lap as he sat. I smiled at him, running my fingers through his silky, raven hair, and the morning sun sparked against the stunning diamond on my ring.

  “A few weeks ago, I called Federico.”

  He searched my eyes. “Oh?”

  “I needed some career advice. The truth is… with Jonathan gone, it feels like the end of a cycle for me there. I’m done with New York, or it’s done with me, I don’t know. Andrew’s constantly grooming new dancers. And honestly, I feel like I’ll always be a guest there. I miss Madame, and Nata, Marcos, and Federico. I miss learning. So, Federico and I discussed the possibilities. And…last night, when I was locking up the apartment, he called to offer me a permanent position with the company.”


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