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Dark Space- The Complete Series

Page 19

by Jasper T. Scott

  As they started up the staircase together, Ethan marveled that a creature as large as Tova could walk so soundlessly. A moment later they crested the top of the stairs, and Ethan’s mouth dropped open. Now he heard the rushing water more clearly, but he could also see what was making the sound. At the top of the stairs lay a vast chamber with a waterfall pouring from the back wall. The walls were slick with ice, and the deck was covered with snow all the way out to the edge of a brilliant blue pool. Pillars of glowing blue-green ice reached from the floor to the ceiling along the far shore of the pool, and little golden sparks drifted through the air. When one of them flew up close to Ethan’s face, he heard a buzzing sound and saw an insectile body silhouetted within the glow. The sparks were actually some type of bug.

  It was like he’d stepped into another world. The only thing which stood out of place was a gleaming, oversized command console just beside the door. Ethan found himself staring curiously at it. “What’s that?”

  Atton waved a dismissive hand. “That’s how Tova contributes to the running of this ship.”

  Ethan turned to his son with an eyebrow raised. “How’s that?”

  “I’ll explain later.” Atton gestured expansively to the rest of the room. “What do you think?” Atton smiled. “It’s really something, isn’t it?”

  “Is this what Noctune looks like?” Ethan asked, his eyes panning around the cold, airy room once more.

  Tova turned around and hissed.

  Ethan almost staggered away from the alien. Being able to finally see Tova’s features didn’t make the alien any less frightening. Its face was skeletal, with sunken cheeks and prominent jaw; its eyes were large and the slitted yellow of a reptile, while its brow was high and sloping up to its bald head. What passed for the alien’s nose was just a pair of open slits surrounded by bony ridges, much like a human nose might look without the cartilage.

  Ethan heard the alien’s warbling speech before the translation came through the bead in his ear. “What do you know of Noctune?” Tova asked with nose slits flaring.

  “Ah, nothing.” Ethan frowned. “It’s your home world, right big guy?”

  “He’s not a big guy,” Atton interrupted. “And he’s not a he—Tova is a she.”

  “Oh.” Ethan was taken aback. Tova was naked, but he couldn’t see any visible sign of the creature’s sex—though in hindsight perhaps that should have been his first clue. Ethan smiled. “Sorry, big girl, then.”

  Atton began looking around. “Where’s Roan?”

  Tova’s head turned very slowly to him and she hissed once more before warbling her answer. “I ask you the same question.”

  Atton paled. “You mean he’s not here?”

  “You ask he help you to make larger crèche aboard one of your other ships. I do not see him here since that time.”

  “Then he’s . . .” Atton trailed off. A faraway look crept into his eyes and his gaze swept back to the open doors at the bottom of the stairs.

  “He’s what?” Ethan asked, his eyes skipping between Atton’s face and Tova’s rapidly narrowing yellow eyes.

  “Yesss, tell uss,” Tova intoned. Her hissing grew louder and overlaid the translation of what she said.

  Atton turned to Tova with a smile. “He’s just about done, I’m sure. . . . I’ll have to go check on his progress as soon as we get back aboard the Valiant.” Atton added that last part with a warning glance in Ethan’s direction.

  Ethan caught the hint. The Valiant had just been stolen from them by Alec Brondi, the most notorious crime lord in all of Dark Space, and they wouldn’t be getting back aboard that carrier any time soon, but Ethan had the feeling that it would be unwise to tell Tova that. Instead, he smiled and nodded. “Yes, that’s a good point. We should go check on Roan’s progress. You don’t mind, do you, Tova?”

  “No,” she said, turning away and striding over to the edge of the pool. “Bring Roan—and bring food. Something fresh,” she added. Ethan couldn’t be sure due to the neutral tone of the translator bead, but he thought he heard a note of warning in her voice, like if they didn’t deliver, she would improvise the something fresh.

  “Come on. Let’s go,” Ethan said, already starting back the way they’d come. Atton didn’t need to be told twice. They hurried down the stairs and out into the corridor.

  “What the frek was that?” Ethan demanded as soon as they were out of earshot.

  “That,” he sighed, “was humanity’s only hope.”

  “All I saw was a hungry monster with a cloaking device. How did she do that, anyway? She scared the krak out of me!”

  “I’ll explain it all once we’re back in my office,” Atton replied. “For now, we’d better go. I’m not sure how much use Tova is going to be to us now that her mate is MIA.”

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t come back without him. She looked like she wanted to eat us when it seemed like we didn’t know where he was.”

  “Yes, well, let’s hope that Alec Brondi has a similar experience.”

  That brought a nasty smile to Ethan’s face. “I didn’t think of that.”

  Chapter 2


  Destra winced away from the light and sound of the explosion, and then another enemy warhead hit the converted ore freighter. She stumbled through the resultant shockwaves and the blasting wave of snow and ice that stung her exposed skin. Destra reached the abandoned hover transport which had brought her uncle to the platform, and she ran up to the driver’s side, not even bothering to close the passengers’ side doors before climbing in and gunning the throttles. She flew toward the fence at an unsafe speed, feeling the acceleration pin her against the driver’s seat. Destra pulled back on the yoke just before she slammed into the fence, and the transport jetted up and over. As she descended on the other side, her headlights illuminated a swath of fleeing civilians and backpedaling assault mechs, their guns tracking warily across the dark sky. The crowd was finally dispersing, but they were far too late. Destra grimaced, wondering if she had time to pick a few of them up. She was already slowing down to do so when she saw the first purple star touch ground in front of her, hitting one of the larger assault mechs and exploding with a boom and a blinding flash of flight. Debris, bodies, and clods of earth went flying as the burning ruins of the mech tottered to the ground.

  “Frek!” Destra said as she swerved to avoid the fiery rain of debris. Something heavy thunked off the roof of the transport, and she tried not to imagine what it could be. Destra snapped off her headlights and switched the transport over to infrared and light amplification mode. The nav computer overlaid a colorful version of the world in which the terrain was dark blue and the people were moving points of orange, yellow, and red. It was harder to avoid obstacles like this, but using the headlights was not an option with the Sythians on her tail. That would light her up like a beacon.

  Destra angled for the line of cliffs and trees coming up on her left. She would follow the road between the forest and the base of the mountains, and hopefully like that she would escape the Sythians’ notice. Just then, the transport hit a boulder she hadn’t seen, and Destra felt her stomach lurch as it jumped into the air like a grasshopper.

  It settled down once more, and soon she joined the cliff side road and began winding around the base of the mountains. Destra let out a shaky breath. So far so good. No more enemy fire rained down around her. Destra turned a sharp corner in the road at high speed—

  Only to see three bright orange shapes walking out of the trees, straight into her path. One of them was small—just a child. Destra felt her heart seize in her chest. Without her headlights on, they couldn’t see her, and hover vehicles were very quiet.

  Destra stomped on the air brakes and yanked up on the flight yoke, hoping to clear their heads with enough of a margin that the grav lifts wouldn’t break their necks. She heard their muted screams and exclamations as she passed over their heads, and then the transport touched down ten meters distant. Despite the i
nertial management system, Destra’s head flew forward and hit the dash. She saw stars, and heard more screaming, but as from a great distance. Minutes or hours later—she couldn’t tell which—the world began to shake violently, and she thought the Sythians must have found her and shot the hover to pieces.

  A second later the screams resolved into something intelligible and Destra realized the world was shaking because someone was shaking her by her shoulders.

  “Hoi! Are you okay . . . ?” A man’s voice. “Frek! She’s out of it! You know how to pilot a hover?”

  “No,” came a woman’s reply. “Do I look like I have the sols for a hover?”

  “Hoi!” the man shaking her said again. Destra’s eyes rolled in her head. “That’s it! Wakey wake! She’s coming around!”

  Destra’s eyes fixed on the man who—for frek’s sake!—was still shaking her. “Stop it!” she groaned.

  “Sorry, girlie. Think you can drive us all outta here?”

  Destra sat up and shook her head. “Give me a second. Let me out. I need some fresh air.” Destra felt stifled. She couldn’t breathe. She stumbled out of the driver’s seat, and fell to the snow-covered road on her hands and knees. She focused on her breathing, trying to calm herself. Atton was gone. He was gone, and she would never see him again!

  “I think she’s having some kinda panic attack . . .” said the man who’d been shaking her. Now he was standing to one side of her.

  “We’ve got to get out of here!” said the woman.

  A child whimpered.

  Destra looked up at the man beside her and studied his shadowy features.

  “Help me up,” she said.

  “Yea, sure.”

  Halfway to her feet, the dark, snowy world flashed brightly, revealing the man’s face. He had short, curly black hair, wet with melted snow, a ragged cut on his left cheek, which had smeared that side of his face with blood before freezing into a thick red scab, and he had a shifty look in his small, dark eyes.

  The man’s gaze snapped up to study the source of the sudden brightness. “Holy krak!” he yelled. “There she goes!”

  Destra spun to see what had suddenly peeled away all the shadows, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the expanding fireball in the sky. Just then the sound of the explosion reached their ears with a thunderous boom.

  “Six thousand motherfrekkers! That’s what ya get! Leavin’ us all to die! Frek you!” The man pumped his fist as he railed at the sky.

  Destra turned to stare at him. He was actually happy. “We’d better go,” she said, swallowing her disgust with a frown.

  “Yea, don’t want the same to happen to us,” he said, nodding. “Second that!”

  Destra retook the driver’s seat, and turned to see a woman and her young child approaching. She felt a stab of recognition to see them. This was the little blond boy who’d been clinging to the fence as she’d waited for Captain Reichland to arrive—and his mother, the one who’d yelled at her.

  “You!” the woman said as she drew near.

  Apparently Destra wasn’t the only one with a good memory. She nodded. “Hop in.”

  The woman’s eyes narrowed. “Where’s your son?”

  “He’s . . .” Destra hesitated. “He’s gone.” Tears sprang to her eyes, and the woman’s expression softened immediately.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought—” The woman assumed gone meant dead along with the rest of the evacuees aboard the transport, but Destra didn’t correct her. It would be easier travelling together without the burden of that woman’s jealousy.

  “Well, there’s no accounting for justice, now is there?” the man with the gash in his cheek said, still talking about the evacuees’ transport. Either he hadn’t heard their conversation as he’d walked around the back of the hover to the passenger’s side, or else he was being deliberately insensitive. Destra decided to ignore him. He climbed in beside her, and in the rear viewscreen Destra noticed the woman and her son climb in the back. As soon as the doors had shut, she gunned the throttles. Justice? she wondered, thinking about that man’s remark. There’s no justice in any of this. Just death.

  The road wound around the mountains, and Destra followed it as best she could despite the depthless blue of the infrared overlay. The trees alongside the road appeared as a scraggly black and blue wall.

  “Where are we going?” the woman in the back asked.

  “May as well head to the mines with the rest,” Destra replied.

  “That’s a great idea,” the man said. “Gather everyone together in one place so it’ll be easier for the Sythians to kill us.”

  “You have a better idea?” Destra asked, turning to him with a scowl.

  “Yea, we go south until we reach Covena.”

  Destra frowned. She vaguely recognized the name of the town. “How far is that?”

  “It’s about three hundred klicks from here. We’ve already burrowed underground up there, so we’ll be safe—for a while.”


  “A bunker of sorts. We built it to keep our operations out of pryin’ eyes, if ya know what I mean.”

  Destra turned to him with narrowed eyes. “You mean smuggling?”

  “Sharp, girlie. Yea, smuggling. I managed supply-side operations—brewin’ the stims, that is.”

  So he was taking them to a stim lab. “I see,” Destra said, wondering if he just brewed the batches of stim or tested them, too. There was something off about him. Destra was surprised she hadn’t heard of a stim lab in Covena before. Ethan must have known of it. He’d been a smuggler—before he’d been caught and exiled to Dark Space. “So why aren’t you hiding there now?” Destra asked.

  “It’s got supplies to keep us goin’ for a few months, you know—not forever. My associates found their own way off Roka, leavin’ me to fend for myself, so I thought I’d try my luck smuggling myself onto the next ship outta here, but no go. Well, guess it was my lucky day, since that bird got shot to frek anyway. Serves the frekkers right.”

  “Okay, okay—you’re giving me a headache. Punch the destination into the nav. I can’t spare a hand from the controls right now.”

  “Whatever you say, girlie,” the man said, smirking as he leaned forward to fiddle with the nav. “Name’s Digger, by the way.”

  “Digger, huh? I’m Destra. What about you two?” she asked, looking up into the rearview screen. The woman and her son were very quiet. Both of them looked very pale—shell-shocked. At first they didn’t reply, so Destra yelled, “Hoi! Wake up back there!”

  The woman started and said, “I’m Lessie. My son’s Dean.”

  “Okay. You two fine with hiding out in Digger’s stim lab for a while?”

  Lessie’s already wide and staring eyes grew wider still. “A stim lab? What about the mines?”

  Destra shook her head. “Digger’s right. We stand a better chance hiding out on our own. The fewer people to give us away, the better.”

  “Smart girlie.”

  “Anyone else hiding up there?” Destra thought to ask Digger, suddenly uncomfortable with the thought of being surrounded by outlaws like him. Ethan had been a smuggler, too, but he was different. He was an outlaw because of what he did for a living, not because of who he was as a person. As for the man sitting beside her, Destra was pretty sure smuggling wasn’t the only criminal thing he’d ever done.

  “Just Doc and Petra.”

  “And they won’t mind us staying with them?”

  “Well . . . supplies are short, like I said, but don’t worry.” He shot her a small smile and his eyes twinkled with amusement. “I’ll convince them.”

  Destra frowned. She wasn’t convinced that this was a good idea at all, but it wasn’t as though they had a lot of options. At least she had some idea of how to handle outlaws, thanks to her early days with Ethan when they’d been making runs together. “All right,” she said. “But if we’re not welcome there, I’m taking Lessie and Dean and we’ll leave you lab rats to bake your brains with

  Digger snorted. “Sure thing, girlie.”

  Destra drove on for hours, listening with still-ringing ears as Digger railed against the world and how unfair it had been to him, until eventually the trees began to lighten with the first strokes of dawn. Destra wondered how much time had passed, and the answer flashed up before her eyes, fed to her brain directly from the small implant behind her right ear: 0750. Little more than an hour had passed since she’d seen her son off at the landing platform, but it felt like it had been much longer. By now the planet would be crawling with Sythians. They needed to get into hiding—soon.

  Destra snapped off the light amplification HUD overlay and found that now she could just barely see in the growing light. The cliffs running beside them had disappeared, and now trees rose to both sides, forming a leafy green corridor. Destra cut a quick glance to the nav and saw that it wasn’t more than another fifteen klicks to the point Digger had specified on the map. She looked up to see in her rearview screen that Lessie and Dean had fallen asleep in the back of the hover. Seeing the boy’s face finally relaxed in sleep, she was reminded of her own son, by now light years away from her. She looked away quickly.

  “We’re gettin’ close,” Digger said, leaning forward to study the nav.

  Destra glanced his way, watching him pan and zoom the map with shaking hands. “You okay there, Digger?”


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