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Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller)

Page 6

by Doris Miller

A few weeks later on a sunny Wednesday morning, Dana and Teresa are driving to work together. As they are driving down a local street in Jamaica, Queens, they come towards an intersection. A maroon colored van with big words, 'PLUMBING & HEATING' on the side of it is at the other intersection. It has a stop sign, so it had stopped. Dana has the right-of-way to keep going through the intersection so she is about to go through. As she is about to go through the intersection, all of a sudden the van races into the intersection right in front of Dana's car! Dana almost smacks right into the van, almost causing a crash! Dana's car practically skins the van causing her and Teresa to jerk forward! She and Teresa are shocked at what the van had just done, as if the driver of the van was deliberately trying to cause an accident! They do not understand why the van did what it just did! Dana gets angry and decides to go after the van! Teresa tells her, "No, don't go after the van Dana! It's not worth it!"


  "Please don't go after the van Dana," Teresa pleads! Dana almost loses the van, so she decides to slow down. Teresa tells her, "Don't go after the van Dana! It might be too dangerous! Please don't go after the van!"

  "Alright Teresa, I won't go after the van! It's getting late anyway," Dana says as she continues to drive. She pretends to agree with Teresa, but she is secretly watching the van from a far distance. She sees the van pull over to a curb outside a local store. The van stops and the driver, which seems to be a stocky built male Hispanic, gets out. He goes inside the local store. Dana sees this, so she pretends to Teresa and says, "Teresa I want to stop by the cleaners real quick to drop some clothes off, alright?"

  "Alright," Teresa says, unaware that Dana is secretly following the 'PLUMBING & HEATING' van.

  Dana continues to drive. She drives right past the store and turns a corner. She goes all the way around the block on a side street and parks her vehicle. She gets out of her vehicle, leaving Teresa in there, telling her that she'll be right back. Dana quickly goes to the trunk of her car and opens it up. While Teresa isn't looking, Dana secretly pulls out a pair of black leather gloves. She reaches inside and pulls out a man's long black jacket and a black hat. She slips one glove on, and then she secretly reaches for a big large hammer that she has hidden inside the trunk. She leans back outside the trunk, then looks towards Teresa. She does not see Teresa watching her, so she bawls the clothes up against her body and closes the trunk back. She starts to walk away from the car moving very swiftly. When she comes out of Teresa's sight, she hides behind a van that is parked on the block. She holds the hammer between her knees and takes the glove back off. She then slips on the long black jacket that covers her long black braid. She then puts the black hat on all the way down close to her eyes. She tries to look a little masculine to throw herself off. Then she slips on both gloves.

  After Dana slips everything on, she grabs the hammer, tucks it on the side of her coat and comes from behind the parked van. She quickly goes around the corner to where the store is. She sees the 'PLUMBING & HEATING' van still parked at the curb, so she goes near the store to see if the guy is still inside. He is still inside the store and is almost about to come out. Dana waits patiently outside the store and hides her face against the glass window. She sees the man about to come out of the store. As the man walks out of the doorway past Dana, Dana quickly turns around and takes the large hammer, swinging it real hard and fast against the guy's back! The guy lets out an ear piercing scream and starts to fall back! As he is falling, Dana raises the hammer high in the air and takes another hard swing, bashing the hammer right on top of the guy's head! Blood splatters everywhere as the guy lets out a bloodcurdling scream! Dana quickly runs off! She runs off around the corner as fast as she can! She runs all the way around the block to where Teresa is still sitting inside the car! She quickly throws away the bloody hammer! She throws it into an empty lot! As she is about to come back into Teresa's sight, she quickly hides behind the same parked van! She turns her head around real quickly to see if anyone had seen or followed her! She doesn't see anyone, so she quickly takes off the black leather gloves, the black hat and the long black jacket! She bawls them up real tightly against her body! Then she turns her head back around real quickly to see if anyone sees her! She still does not see anyone, so she firmly starts to walk from behind the van! She quickly starts to head back to her car, hoping that Teresa isn't aware of anything!

  As Dana is walking back to her car, Teresa is still sitting inside the car rubbing lotion on to her hands. She is totally unaware of what Dana had just done! Dana hurries to the car trunk and opens it up! She quickly drops the clothes back inside the trunk and closes it! Then she hurries to the driver's door and hops inside the car! Teresa smiles at Dana and asks, "Did you drop the clothes off at the cleaners?"

  "No. The cleaners was closed, so I had to bring the clothes back." Dana starts up the car's engine! She then races away real quickly! She turns the car around the corner very fast, causing Teresa to fall and lean against her!

  Teresa leans back up and asks, "Why are you speeding?"

  "I just saw the time! We're running late! We gotta hurry!"

  In the meanwhile, people are scattering around the injured man as he lies on the sidewalk in pain, covered in blood! The police start to arrive! They scatter around the area looking for a suspect!

  Dana and Teresa continue to drive. As they drive, Teresa turns to look at Dana. She can see the anger on Dana's face. She asks, "What's wrong Dana? I know you're still upset about that van." She puts her hand on Dana's shoulder, trying to comfort her, telling Dana, "Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be okay."

  As Dana continues to drive, she and Teresa see police cars hurrying pass them! They see police cars hurrying towards a scene in front of the store! They see ambulances arriving! They see more police cars arriving! Teresa says, "My God Dana! What do you suppose happened over there?"

  Dana gives a firm sinister look towards the scene and replies, "I don't know. It's too bad we don't have time to find out." She then speeds off!

  At the scene, the police scatter around the block and the neighborhood questioning people, looking for a suspect! They cannot find any! With the little bit of what a couple of people saw, they think the suspect was a male.

  The paramedics are around the victim! They start to lift him up and put him on to a stretcher! They then put the stretcher into a waiting ambulance. The ambulance then speeds off!

  Police continue to scatter around the neighborhood, looking for a suspect! They also speak with the store manager in the store where the guy was in. The police ask the store manager did he see the customer in any kind of confrontation while the customer was inside the store. The store manager, a male Hispanic, tells the police, "No! Nothing had gone wrong inside the store before the incident! The customer must have had a confrontation with someone outside on the street after he had left the store!"

  Police continue to scatter the neighborhood, looking for a suspect!

  The ambulance continues to speed to the hospital! They soon arrive to the hospital! A couple of minutes later, they bring the guy inside the back door. He is in very bad shape! He is unconscious! He has blood all over himself! His head appears to be busted wide open! The doctors quickly take a look at him! They say the guy has to get an emergency operation on his head! They say his skull is fractured! As the doctors look at the injured man, they ask each other what was the guy hit with! None of them seem to know! They then go through his pockets to find some information about him! They find his job I.D. They contact his job! After a short while, his job contacts his family! The guy's family is soon notified and they all rush to the hospital!

  The guy's family soon reaches the hospital! They arrive in panic! They all start to scream and yell! They are all wondering who did this to him and why! Everyone is frantic! The guy's family is all afraid that
they will lose him! Everyone else inside the hospital is looking on, wondering what is happening! The family is told that the victim might require over 80 stitches! The victim's family becomes shocked and hysterical!

  The police are at the hospital trying to make a report of the incident! They question the family and ask, "Who would want to hurt him or why? Does the victim have any kind of enemies that any of you might know of?"


  During the meantime, Dana and Teresa finally arrive to work at the stockroom. They go to the back door where Kenneth, an older dark skinned male black in his late 50's, is sitting inside at a desk. Kenneth gets up from his chair. He goes to open the back door for Dana and Teresa. Dana and Teresa try to sneak inside the back door unnoticed by Wallace Smith, their head boss. Dana walks through the hallway first. Teresa hurries behind her. Kenneth then closes the back door. He goes and sits back down near the back door, playing Oldies music on his radio.

  As Dana and Teresa are both going down the corridor, Dana gives a firm angry walk. She and Teresa are about to pass the other hallway when they spot Wallace Smith at a distance talking with another employee. Dana and Teresa quickly back up behind the wall, hoping that Wallace didn't see them. Teresa leans behind Dana as Dana's eyes pierce around the corner, watching out for Wallace. Teresa then says, "Dana when we punch in on the clock, Wallace is still gonna know that we arrived in late!"

  "I know Teresa. I'm just not in the mood to hear his shit right now." Dana's eyes continue to pierce around the corner, watching out for Wallace. Wallace suddenly turns and leaves. When the coast is finally clear, Dana and Teresa start to walk pass the hallway to the other side unnoticed. They quickly punch in on the time clock and make it into the big stockroom where around 19 or 20 other employees are working. They start to work right away. Dana goes to grab a ladder. She leans the ladder against a shelf and starts to climb the ladder to the top shelf with Teresa standing beneath her, looking up at her. Dana then reaches some merchandise that is on a top shelf and hands them down to Teresa. She is unaware of what is going on at the hospital.

  A couple of hours later at the hospital, the man with the 'PLUMBING & HEATING' van passes away. He never regained consciousness. The doctors put a sheet over his head. They notify his family as they sit in the waiting room. The family becomes all hysterical! They start to scream and shout all over the place! They are all crying out, shouting, "WHY? WHY? WHY?" They all mourn for the loss of their loved one. The police still have neither suspects nor any motives so far. They doubt that they will ever find any. The family continues to cry out in shock and disbelief! Later on, the doctors take the victim's body off to the hospital morgue.

  At the end of the work day, Dana and Teresa leave the stockroom and walk out to the parking lot, heading towards the car. They get inside the car. Dana starts up the engine and pulls off as she and Teresa take off for home. Dana drops Teresa off. After Teresa gets out of the car, she tells Dana, "I'll see you tomorrow Dana!"

  "Okay Teresa," Dana says. Teresa closes the door. Dana quickly pulls off.

  Later on that evening, Tony is sitting inside his living room on the sofa watching the evening news. He sees and hears on the news of a report about a man being attacked right outside a local store in Queens. As he listens to the news, he hears that the man had suffered a violent blow to the head as the man was leaving a local store. He hears that the victim was taken to the hospital where he died a couple of hours later. The news report is also saying that the police are still looking for a suspect, but do* not have any suspects or any motives so far. The news report of the incident continues for a short while. It is then over. Dana soon comes out of the kitchen and walks into the living room, handing Tony his plate of food. Tony then says, "What a shame."

  "What are you talking about?" Dana asks as she stands over Tony.

  "I was just listening to the news report! It was a report about a man being attacked this morning as he left a local store in Queens! The news said that someone had violently struck the man on his head with a very hard object right outside of a store as he was leaving it! They said he died at the hospital a couple of hours later from a violent blow to the head! The police still do not have any suspects nor any motive!"



  "Well do they have any witnesses?"

  "Well they had a couple of witnesses who said that they had seen a suspicious character dressed in a long black jacket, a black hat and a pair of black gloves running away from the guy as he was injured! They didn't say whether this suspicious character was a man or a woman though! But most likely it was probably a man who had attacked this fellow." Dana looks down at Tony, but does not say a word. She then gives a sinister look towards the television set as Tony is about to eat his food. Tony looks up at Dana and says, "Come on, bring your plate in here so we can eat together!" Dana walks away towards the kitchen as Tony continues to look at the TV, eating his food.

  Later on that night, Dana is lying on the bed, face down with her arms up against her head. She is still fully dressed with her shirt and pants on. Her shirt is pulled up against her bare back as Tony sits on the bed beside her, rubbing some medication on her back. Tony then asks, "So how does your back feel now Dana? Does it feel better? I told you before to be careful at the stockroom and not to lift too much heavy merchandise! That's why your back is probably bothering you! You should've had someone help you! Does anybody at your job help you with any heavy merchandise?"

  "Yeah, Teresa usually helps me."

  "Why don't you get one of the guys at the job to help you Dana, or let them handle the heavy products. I don't want you to keep hurting yourself. From now on let the guys handle the heavy merchandise, alright?"

  "Alright Tony," Dana says as Tony continues to rub medication on her back.

  "So how does that feel Dana? Does that feel better now?"

  "Oh yeah that feels much better. Thanks Tony."

  "You're welcome," Tony says as he removes his hands from off of Dana's back. He pulls Dana's shirt down and fixes her clothes a little. He then says, "I'm gonna go in the kitchen and get you some juice Dana. Okay?"

  "Okay," Dana says as Tony gets up from off the bed.

  Tony then says, "I'll be right back," as he starts to leave the bedroom. He leaves the bedroom and enters the hallway. He walks through the hallway and passes by the living room as he goes towards the kitchen. As he passes by the living room, he looks at the TV, which is still on. It is now showing the 11:00 news. He hears the same news report again of the man he had heard about earlier. He walks into the living room and stares at the television as he listens to the news report. The news report mentions that there is still no suspects or any motive in the attack that caused a Queens' man's death early that morning. Tony is still stunned by the news as he says to himself, "I don't know who would do such a horrible thing like that, or why."

  The news report of the incident is now over. Tony, puzzled, continues to look at the TV for a few seconds. Then he looks away from the TV and starts to head towards the kitchen, totally unaware that Dana was involved in the attack that he had just heard about on the news.

  Chapter 6

  Missy's Attackers


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