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Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller)

Page 8

by Doris Miller

Dana speeds her car with her family and relatives, looking for Kathy and Kathy's accomplices! Her face is red and boiling with anger as she and her family look for Kathy and Kathy's accomplices! Missy finally spots Kathy and her accomplices! She spots them at a park! She points them out to Dana! Dana angrily shouts, "IS THAT THEM?"

  "YEAH, THAT'S ALL FOUR OF THEM," Missy shouts! "THAT'S KATHY! THE ONE STANDING IN THE FRONT!" Dana speeds and screeches her car down the street to a quick halt! She hops out of her vehicle with the baseball bat! She races right towards Kathy and Kathy's accomplices with the baseball bat as her family members and relatives race behind her! Her other family members in the next car screech that car down the street to a quick halt! They hop out of that vehicle and also race after Dana! The third car then screeches down the street to a quick halt! Everybody hops out of that car and run as Dana races right towards Kathy and Kathy's accomplices!

  As Dana races towards Kathy and her accomplices, she starts to scream and holler, "KATHY! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?" Kathy and her friends turn to look. They see an angry Dana, racing right towards them with a baseball bat swinging from her hands! They also see her large family and Missy racing right behind her! Kathy and her accomplices all start to panic! They turn and start to run the other way! Dana chases after all of them with the baseball bat still swinging from her hand! Kathy and her accomplices start to split and run in different directions! Dana chases after Kathy! She continues to chase after Kathy! She soon catches up to Kathy! As Dana reaches Kathy, she suddenly takes a baseball position and swings the bat real hard across Kathy's back! Kathy lets out a bloodcurdling scream as her body is thrown forward! She falls to the ground as Dana starts to beat her with the baseball bat! Kathy screams out in pain! Dana then throws the baseball bat to the ground! She grabs Kathy up by the neck and starts to beat on her real bad! She takes her iron fists and throws several straight blows to Kathy's face, breaking Kathy's nose! Kathy has blood all over herself! She then falls to the ground in pain! Dana bends down and grabs Kathy again! She lifts Kathy up by the collar and raises Kathy in the air, throwing Kathy hard to the ground, landing her right on top of the baseball bat! Kathy lays there on the ground on top of the baseball bat in terrible pain! She continues to holler and scream! She is bleeding real badly! Dana then bends down and puts her entire body weight right on top of Kathy's chest and arms, paralyzing her! She has the baseball bat tucked tightly beneath Kathy, keeping anyone from grabbing it and taking it! She then grabs Kathy by the neck! She starts to choke Kathy! She screams at Kathy and shouts, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU BOTHERING MY SISTER FOR, HUH? WHERE DID THE OTHERS GO? WHERE DID THEY RUN OFF TO?"


  Dana continues to grab Kathy by the neck, trying to choke her to death! Kathy is coughing! She is gasping for air! She is crying and screaming! She is struggling to free herself from Dana's grip! Kathy's body is shaking! Her body is trembling! Her face is starting to turn blue! A bigger crowd starts to gather! They go and try to pull Dana's tight grip from around Kathy's neck, being afraid Kathy might die! The crowd screams to Dana, pleading, "YOU'RE KILLING HER! LET GO OF HER! PLEASE LET GO OF HER!" Dana ignores the crowd's pleas as she continues to crush Kathy's neck! People in the crowd are desperately trying to pull Dana's tight grip from around Kathy's neck, but Dana is too strong! She will not let go of Kathy's neck! She continues to hold a tight squeeze around Kathy's neck as the crowd desperately tries to pull her hands away! Even though the crowd is trying very hard to pull Dana's tight grip from around Kathy's neck, it does not do any good! Wherever Dana's hands are pulled to, Kathy's neck would go! Each second that is passing, Dana's grip gets tighter and tighter around Kathy's neck, cutting off Kathy's oxygen supply! Kathy's face continues to turn blue! One of the men in the crowd decides to back up! He shouts to everybody, "WATCH OUT!" The rest of the crowd turns around to look! The man again shouts, "WATCH OUT!" The crowd moves out of the way! The man then races right towards Dana! As he leaps and is about to body slam Dana right off of Kathy with his body weight, Dana violently jerks her head, right fist, right elbow and the rest of her body right towards the man, which causes him to bang his head, face and body hard into her elbow and the rest of her body, causing him to crash right to the ground, hurting himself! The man lays on the ground in terrible pain! Dana still does not budge from off of Kathy! She continues to crush Kathy's neck again! The crowd becomes shocked and stunned! They do not know what to do! They then go and start to pull Dana's tight grip from around Kathy's neck again!

  After a harsh struggle, the crowd finally manages to pull Dana's tight grip from around Kathy's neck! Dana suddenly leaps up! The crowd runs from her in fear! Kathy is unconscious! Her face has turned blue! Dana then kicks Kathy real hard in the head, causing Kathy's entire body to turn to the side, getting her body off the baseball bat! Dana then bends down and grabs the baseball bat that was beneath Kathy! She bends back up and angrily points her hand to Kathy, screaming, "DOOON'T YOU DAAARE EVER MESS WITH MY SISTER AGAIN! YOU HEAR?" Dana gives Kathy another hard kick to the head! She then hurries off to look for Kathy's three accomplices! The crowd hurries behind Dana as she looks for Kathy's accomplices!

  Kathy continues to lay on the ground unconscious! People start to call for an ambulance, being afraid she might die!

  Dana furiously continues to look for Kathy's three accomplices! She has Kathy's blood all over herself! She has Kathy's blood all on her hands, her clothes and the baseball bat! As Dana continues to run, she soon spots the two women, Rose and Sandra! She starts to race right towards Rose and Sandra with the bloody baseball bat swinging from her hand! Rose and Sandra turn to look! They see an angry Dana racing right towards them again with the baseball bat! Rose and Sandra start to panic again! They see blood all on Dana's clothes! They see blood all on the baseball bat! They see the crowd racing behind Dana again! Rose and Sandra both start to turn and run! They are running and screaming for their lives! Rose and Sandra then turn and run in different directions! Dana chases after one of them! She chases after Rose! Rose continues to run! She is running as fast as she can with Dana in hot pursuit! Dana continues to chase after Rose! She soon catches up to Rose! As Dana reaches Rose, she suddenly takes a baseball position again and swings the bat real hard across Rose's back! Rose gives out an ear piercing scream as her body is thrown forward! She falls to the ground! Dana swings the bat at Rose and starts to beat on her with the baseball bat! Rose starts to scream and holler out in pain! She is suffering in great pain! She has blood all over herself! The crowd gathers around again and tries to stop Dana from beating Rose with the baseball bat, but it is hard! It is hard to stop Dana from beating Rose with the baseball bat, because Dana swings the baseball bat at anyone who comes near her! She swings the bat at anyone who tries to stop her or get in her way! Nobody wants to get hit with the baseball bat! Dana then throws the baseball bat to the ground! She bends down and grabs Rose by the collar! She lifts Rose up in the air! She then lets go of Rose, dropping Rose hard to the ground, landing Rose right on top of the baseball bat! Dana then bends down and puts her entire body weight right on top of Rose's chest and arms, paralyzing her also! She has the baseball bat tucked tightly beneath Rose also, trying to keep the crowd from grabbing and taking it! She then grabs Rose by the neck! She goes for Rose's throat, trying to choke her to death also! The crowd starts to go around Dana again! They bend down and grab Dana's hands again, trying to release her tight grip from around Rose's neck, but Dana is still too strong! She continues to choke Rose! Rose is coughing! She is gasping for air! Her body is shaking! Her body is trembling! Her face is starting to turn blue! She is desperately struggling to free herself from Dana's tight grip! Her eyes are bulging and seem like they are about to pop right out of her head! The crowd continues and desperately tries to pull Dana's tight grip from around Rose's neck, pleading with Dana to stop, but Dana does not stop! She refuses to let go of Rose's neck!
She continues to crush Rose's neck as the crowd desperately tries to pull her hands away! Even though the crowd is trying very hard to pull Dana's tight grip from around Rose's neck, it does not do any good! Wherever Dana's hands are pulled to, Rose's neck would also go! Each second that passes, Dana's grip becomes tighter and tighter around Rose's neck, cutting off Rose's oxygen supply! Rose's face continues to turn blue! A couple of more men in the crowd decide to back up! They start to shout, "WATCH OUT!" The rest of the crowd turn around to look! They move out of the way! The two men race right towards Dana! As they leap and are about to body slam Dana right off of Rose with their body weight, Dana violently jerks her head, right fist, right elbow and the rest of her body right towards the two men, which causes them to bang their heads, faces and bodies hard into her fist, her elbow and the rest of her body, causing them to crash right to the ground, hurting themselves! The two men lay on the ground in terrible pain! Dana still does not budge from off of Rose! She wraps her hands tightly around Rose's neck again! The crowd becomes shocked and stunned again! They just don't know what to do! Dana is entirely too strong! An elderly woman in the crowd sees Rose’s face all blue and unconscious! She hysterically approaches Dana and screams at her, “LEAVE HER ALOOONE,” as several people in the crowd hysterically try to pull her back! The elderly woman suddenly takes her handbag and swings it at Dana hitting Dana right in the head with it causing Dana’s head, shoulders and chest to jerk back! Dana stops in her tracks. She turns her head to the side and looks right at the elderly woman. The elderly woman and the crowd frighteningly back away as they look at Dana. Dana angrily turns her head back towards Rose and crushes Rose’s neck even tighter! The crowd becomes more shocked and hostile! They rush back to Dana! Some of the people in the crowd start to kick Dana! Dana’s body jerks from the kick blows but she still does not budge! Her hands get even tighter around Rose’s neck continuing to crush Rose's neck! Dana then holds her head down to her chest as the crowd starts to wrap their arms all around her body, trying to pull her tight grip from around Rose's neck again! The crowd then pulls Dana back, but Dana still does not budge! Her hands continue to crush Rose's neck as the crowd struggles to pull and lift her causing Rose’s head and neck to be lifted!

  After a harsh struggle, the crowd finally manages to pull Dana's tight grip from around Rose's neck! Dana suddenly leaps up pushing the crowd off her! The crowd runs from her in fear again! Rose is unconscious! Her face has turned blue! Dana then kicks Rose real hard in the head, causing Rose's entire body to turn to the side, getting her body off the baseball bat! Dana then bends down and grabs the baseball bat that was beneath Rose! She stands back up and gives Rose another hard kick to the head! Then she races away again to look for Kathy's other two accomplices! The crowd hurries behind Dana! Rose continues to lay unconscious on the ground!

  Dana starts to look for the second accomplice, Sandra, but cannot find her anywhere! Dana is furious! She has more blood on her clothes! She has more blood on the baseball bat! She starts to race back towards Missy with the bloody baseball bat swinging from her bloodied hands again! As Dana races back towards Missy, the crowd that is near Missy runs away from Missy! They do not want to be in Dana's path! Dana soon reaches Missy! Her eyes are filled with hatred and tears as she screams, "MISSY WHO ELSE PUTTED THEIR HANDS ON YOU?"

  "I'M ALRIGHT DANA! PLEASE STOP," Missy cries and shouts! She is afraid that Dana's anger is actually going to kill some one! Dana suddenly races away trying to find the third accomplice, Derek! Missy and the rest of the family race away behind Dana, trying to stop her! They are all afraid that Dana's anger is going to get someone killed! They all try to control Dana and calm her down, but every time someone tries to come near Dana to stop her, Dana swings the bat real hard at them! The bat misses them by a couple of inches! People are actually afraid to try to stop Dana! They do not want to get hit with the baseball bat! They are all afraid to come near or close to Dana! In fact most of the people in the crowd run away from Dana, seeing how angry she is and out of control! They do not want to be in her path, which they all consider to be deadly!

  Dana suddenly sees the third accomplice, Derek! She starts to race towards Derek with the bloody baseball bat still swinging from her bloodied hands! Derek sees Dana racing right towards him! He turns and starts to run! Dana continues to chase after Derek! She soon catches up to Derek! As Dana reaches Derek, she takes a baseball position again and swings the bat real hard across Derek's back! Derek lets out a bloodcurdling scream and falls forward to the ground! Dana swings the bat at Derek again! She continues to beat Derek with the baseball bat as he lays helpless on the ground! Derek has blood all over himself! One of the men in the crowd finally manages to sneak up under Dana and grab her! The rest of the men in the crowd start to grab on to Dana and subdue her, trying to stop her before she kills the guy! The men in the crowd continue to struggle with Dana as Dana struggles to break free from them! It is taking around 7 or 8 men to try and subdue Dana as she continues to hold tightly on to the baseball bat!

  The second accomplice Sandra has disappeared! She is still on the run! She is running as fast as she can! She is crying and screaming in terrible fear! She does not want Dana to find her! She continues to run! She runs all the way to the bus stop! She stays there for a while, hiding behind a pillar, trying to catch her breath! She is very scared! She is nervous! She is sweating! She is shaking like a leaf! She waits anxiously for the bus! As she waits for the bus, she nervously looks her head around for Dana, hoping that Dana will not find her or catch up to her! She wants to escape Dana's fury! She continues to look her head around for Dana! She does not see Dana nor anyone else in the crowd coming her way!

  A couple of buses are about to approach the bus stop! They both stop at the bus stop and open the doors! Sandra dashes right into the first bus that stops! As she hurries on to the bus, the passengers on the bus look at her strangely, wondering what is wrong with her! Sandra then goes to the middle of the bus and takes a seat! She stares nervously out of the window as the bus pulls off! She then turns her head around and looks towards the front of the bus. She notices the passengers staring at her. She nervously stares back at the passengers! One of the male passengers asks her, "Miss are you alright? Is someone chasing you?"

  "No," Sandra nervously says. "No one is chasing me. I'm alright." She then turns to stare nervously back out the window!

  Back at the incident, the police and the ambulance arrive! The police go to break up the struggle with Dana and the men! The police try to subdue Dana! Dana puts up a violent struggle with the police! She fights the police as they struggle with her! The police struggle with Dana for a while! It is taking around 6 to 7 cops to hold her down! The police finally manage to hold Dana down! They lay her face down on the ground with her legs spread apart! They put her hands behind her back and slap the handcuffs on her as she lies there! Dana's face is red with anger! Her eyes are filled with hatred, as they are about to roll behind her head! Her family is all hollering and screaming very hysterically!

  The other side of the park looks like a tiny war zone! Kathy still lies on the ground! She is all battered and bruised! She lies in a heavy pool of blood! She is unconscious from Dana's choking! The paramedics approach Kathy and tend to her! They soon lift Kathy up and put her into a stretcher! They then put Kathy and the stretcher into an ambulance!

  The third accomplice, Derek, lies on the ground in a heavy pool of blood also! He is also bruised! The paramedics also approach him! They put Derek into a stretcher! They then put him into another ambulance!

  The first man that tried to body slam Dana continues to lay on the ground in terrible pain! The paramedics approach him and tend to him! The paramedics claim to the police that the man is suffering from head and neck injuries, a broken arm, a broken collarbone and a dislocated shoulder! The paramedics then put the man into a stretcher! They put him and the stretcher into another ambulance!

  The other two men that tried to bod
y slam Dana remain on the ground in terrible pain also! The paramedics approach them also! They tend to the two men! The paramedics claim to the police that the two men are also suffering from head and neck injuries, broken arms, broken collarbones and dislocated shoulders! The paramedics also tell the police that one of the men has a busted eye socket and might lose an eye! The police become stunned. The paramedics then put the two men into stretchers! They then lift the two men and their stretchers and put them into other ambulances! Now all five ambulances are racing away to the hospital!

  Everyone in the crowd is all screaming and hostile! Missy, Landa and Londa are all crying out and screaming for Dana as Dana still lays handcuffed face down on the ground with her legs spread apart! They are all shouting, "DANA! DANA!" They try to run to Dana, but the police grab and stop them! The police try to hold on to Missy, Landa and Londa as they continue to scream out for Dana!

  Everyone in the crowd continues to be hostile! They are running and screaming all over the place! As the crowd continues to be hostile, Missy, Landa and Londa break free away from the police! They start to run the other direction! As they run, they suddenly see a group of cops and paramedics leaning over Rose as Rose continues to lie on the ground in a heavy pool of blood! They see the cops and the paramedics repeatedly pound on Rose's chest! They see Rose's chest, body and legs repeatedly jerk up as the cops and the paramedics pound hard on her chest and body! The cops and the paramedics repeatedly pound hard on Rose's chest and body for a while as the crowd continues to look on and remain hostile!

  After a short while, the cops and the paramedics stop pounding on Rose's chest. They lean back up and sadly stare down at Rose. They then put a white sheet over Rose's lower body. Sammy, Thomas, Missy, Landa, Londa, Dana's other relatives and the rest of the crowd then see the cops and the paramedics pull the white sheet all the way up to Rose's head, covering her whole head! They see the sheet covering Rose's entire body! The entire crowd becomes shocked and stunned! They realize Rose has died! They realize she has passed away! They realize she has passed away from Dana's beating and choking! They all realize that Dana has killed Rose!

  Rose's body remains on the ground, covered by the sheet! The entire crowd, horrified, looks on at Rose's lifeless body as it remains under the white sheet! Dana's sisters start to go and scream out for her again as Rose's lifeless body remains on the ground! They continue to run and scream out for Dana as Dana still lays handcuffed on the ground with her legs spread apart! The police then lift Dana up off the ground! They put Dana into the police car and arrest her for beating up three people with a baseball bat, choking and killing one of them! The police then close the car door behind Dana! They race away with Dana in the police car! Missy, Landa and Londa all continue to cry out and scream for Dana as they are about to chase the police cars on foot! Missy, Landa and Londa then stop running! They turn back around and run back to the incident! They see Rose's lifeless body still lying on the ground underneath the now bloodied sheet!

  Dana's family all start to hurry back to her car and the two other cars! They take her car and the two other cars and speed off to the police station!

  Dana's family soon arrives at the police station! They are not able to see her! They stay and hang around the front desk!

  Back at the scene, a heavy crowd of people is still there! The police and other paramedics are still at the scene also! Rose's body is now placed in a body bag! The body is then put on to a stretcher! The paramedics carry the body into an ambulance! The ambulance then takes off with Rose's body! The police make a report of the tragedy, which left five people seriously hurt and one dead.

  Dana is still at the police station. She gets more assault charges against her. She is kept at the police station all evening and all night. More of her family, relatives and friends hear the news of her arrest. They all come and show up at the police station, including her father David and his parents Gracy and Mike. Tony shows up at the police station. Diane D also shows up at the precinct with her husband Michael, Joseph and Teresa. They all come to see Dana! They all heard the news of Dana attacking three people with a baseball bat, choking and killing one of them!

  The police have Dana in a back room. Her family and friends still are not able to see her! They are all angry and hostile at the front desk! Diane D sits and tries to comfort her grandmother Gracy.

  Later on at the precinct, two co-workers of Dana's and Teresa's named Anne, a white woman around her mid thirties, and Darryl, a black man around his mid thirties, show up. They look around and see Diane D sitting next to Gracy. They go to Diane D and start to sit next to her as Darryl says, “Hi Diane.” Diane D turns towards Darryl and Anne as Darryl says, “Hey Diane, we just heard Dana had gotten arrested! We were shocked when we heard what Dana had did! We heard she had beaten up three people with a baseball bat, breaking their bones, choking and killing one of them!”

  “Yeah,” Anne says. “We heard three different men tried to body slam Dana at the fight, then they wound up hurt with broken bones and put into the hospital!”

  "Yeah. You know Dana has sort of a reputation at our job.”

  “Oh yeah?” Diane D asks. “What kind of reputation?”

  “Everybody at the stockroom knows that she has a violent temper." Diane D looks at Darryl and Anne as Darryl and Anne stare at her.

  After being in police custody all night, Dana is being sent off to jail! She is offered no bail, so she has to remain in jail for a month and a half until her court date appearance. Her family is notified of her court date appearance. Dana's family, relatives and friends are all upset about her being sent to jail! She is being taken out the back door! Tony is also very upset! He and everyone else will all miss Dana!

  A couple of hours later, Dana's family and relatives soon return home to Gracy and Mike's house. They are all sad and bitter about Dana being sent to jail. David then goes upstairs inside one of the bedrooms. He sits on the bed and starts to make a phone call. He calls up Christine who is down in Jamaica.

  Down in Jamaica, the telephone rings inside Christine's house. Christine picks up the telephone and says, "Hello?"

  "Hey Christine. It's me David."

  "Hi David! How are you?"

  "Oh I'm alright Christine, but Dana is not."

  "Dana is not alright?"


  "What are you talking about David? What's going on?"

  "Dana is in jail again Christine!"


  "Yeah! She had attacked and beaten up three people with a baseball bat!"




  "You know, the people that Missy had a problem with before! You remember Missy's co-worker Raymond, right?"


  "Well you heard of his girlfriend Kathy right? The one that Missy was always complaining about?"


  "Well this Kathy and three friends of hers had all ganged and beat up on Missy! They had all attacked Missy when she was leaving the school! They jumped on her Christine! They gave Missy a bloody nose and a bruised up face! I heard they knocked Missy to the ground! Then Missy came home crying and screaming! She told the whole family about what happened to her! Then everybody in the family got very angry and upset about it! That's when I heard Dana had come down the steps and found out about it! And when Dana found out about it, the family said that she got very angry! They said that Dana stormed right back upstairs to change her clothes! Then she stormed right back down the stairs and grabbed a baseball bat right out of the front closet! They said she ran right out the house, got inside her car with everybody else and went looking for these people! Then Missy spotted Kathy and Kathy's accomplices at a park, that's when Dana saw them! When Dana saw them, the family said that she stopped her car, jumped right out of it, chased after Kathy and her friends with the baseball bat and attacked three of them with it
! She wound up choking and killing one of them!"


  "I'm afraid she did Christine!"


  "And now she's in jail! She has to stay in jail for a month and a half until her court date appearance!"


  "It was one of Kathy's accomplices! A woman named Rose! Dana choked her to death!"


  "Oh Missy's pretty shaken up by this whole thing! I wasn't home when this all happened! I had found out about it when I came home from work! When I found out about it, the police had already took Dana into custody! Then I went to the police station with the rest of the family! After a while, the police took Dana to jail! Later on, we all came back home! That's when I called you!"


  "Okay Christine."


  "Alright. Just come over here to Mom and Dad's house whenever you arrive, okay?"


  "Okay Christine. By now."

  "Bye David!"

  David hangs up the telephone.

  The next morning, Christine shows up at Gracy and Mike's house with several of her family members from Jamaica, including her two brothers Alan and Harold, their sister Patricia and their parents Winston and Marie. A short while later, David's family and Christine's family all go to visit Dana as she sits in jail.

  As Dana sits and waits in jail, Teresa starts taking the bus and train back and forth to work, now that Dana isn't around to pick her up and bring her home anymore.

  One morning, Teresa arrives to work. When she enters the stockroom, all the employees inside the stockroom approach her! They start to talk to and question Teresa about Dana! They all tell Teresa that they heard the news of what happened to Dana! They tell Teresa that they heard the news of Dana attacking and beating up three people with a baseball bat, breaking their bones, choking and killing one of them! They tell Teresa that they heard three different men tried to body slam Dana at the fight, then they wound up hurt with broken bones and put into the hospital! All the employees want to know what is happening with Dana! They all want to know how Dana feels about taking another human life. Teresa tells them all, "Look, I don't really know what is happening with Dana right now! All I know is that she is sitting in jail and I don't know how she feels about taking another human life! I haven't had the chance to talk to or speak with Dana since the day before she had that fight! I can't go and visit her in jail because she has too many family members trying to see and visit her already! The correctional facility cannot allow everybody in there at once!"

  It is two days later. There is a funeral for Rose. Rose's family is all crying and grieving at the funeral! During the meantime, Kathy still remains in the hospital, laying there with a broken nose and wearing a neck brace! She is still suffering from a few other broken bones and is still in a lot of pain!

  Two days later, Kathy is released from the hospital, after spending 6 days in there. She is covered in the neck brace, an arm cast, a leg cast and several bandages! Her family and Rose's family decide to go to court to file assault charges and murder charges against Dana and Missy's family while Dana still sits in jail! The courts give Kathy's family and Rose's family a date to appear in court, which is the same date Dana is supposed to appear in court. Kathy nervously asks a male court officer, "Will Dana also be in the courtroom on that date?"

  The court officer looks at the papers. He then tells Kathy, "Yes, Dana will be here on that date also when she is taken out of jail."

  "Well I'm kind of afraid to be in the same room with her!"

  "There will be security in the courtroom. You don't have to be afraid."

  Kathy nervously stands around for a few seconds. Then she walks away.

  Dana and Missy's family is soon summoned to appear in court that same day also! They are all outraged by it!

  As Dana sits and waits in jail for her court appearance, her grandparents Gracy and Mike go to hire a couple of private criminal attorneys to fight her case. They hire George Hanson, a male black around his late 40's, and Walter Stevens, a male white around his late 40's! George and Walter agree to take on Dana's case for when she goes to appear in court.

  As Dana continues to sit and wait in jail, Missy takes a couple of weeks off from work. When she comes back to work, there is some tension between her and Raymond. They hardly speak to one another. They don't take lunch together anymore.

  Another four weeks has gone by. It is time for Dana to appear in court. All of her family and friends are there sitting inside the courtroom, including her parents, her two sets of grandparents, her aunts, her uncles, her brothers, her sisters, her many cousins, including Diane D. Tony, Michael, Joseph and Teresa are in the courtroom also. They all sit in the courtroom, waiting for Dana's arrival.

  Raymond sits on the other side of the courtroom besides Kathy, who is still in casts and bandages, but without the neck brace. Kathy's family and Rose's family also appear in the courtroom, sitting on the same side of the room as Kathy.

  Dana's attorney, George Hanson soon walks into the courtroom. He approaches Gracy, Mike, Christine, David, Winston and Marie as they sit and wait for Dana's arrival. He bends down to them. They all begin to speak in very low voices as everyone in the courtroom stares at them.

  The court is now about to begin. George Hanson stands up. He goes to the front of the courtroom where Walter Stevens is. A correctional officer who works at the jail where Dana was sent to appears in court also. He tells the courts that he wants to make a complaint against Dana. He tells the courts that he does not want to work his job near or around Dana, because he says he had a problem with Dana while she was in jail! He tells the courts that Dana had made a threat against him! He tells the courts that Dana had threatened to kill him, right inside the jail! Everyone inside the courtroom becomes shocked and stunned hearing this! The correctional officer tells the courts that he refuses to work his job near or around Dana! He tells the courts that a lot of other correctional officers in the jail feel the same way he does and they do not want to work their job near or around Dana, because they feel that she is a dangerous person and seems capable of killing anybody, without a second thought! Everyone inside the courtroom remains stunned hearing this. The courts then make an arrangement with the correctional officer to get written statements from his fellow correctional officers. The courts then begin to speak with Dana's attorneys George Hanson and Walter Stevens about the correctional officer's incident with Dana. If the correctional officer brings the statements back, Dana would be sent to another facility, if she's sent back to jail.

  The court continues to proceed. Kathy and her mother Julie file assault charges against Dana while Rose's family file murder charges against Dana. Soon, the judge tells the court officers to bring the defendant out. The court officers go into the front room behind the judge's bench. They go into a cell where Dana is. They approach Dana and jerk her up off a chair as her hands are handcuffed behind her back. The correctional officers lead Dana out of the cell. They surround Dana as they lead her towards the door to the courtroom. They bring Dana out into the courtroom. All of Dana's family and friends become excited to see her as the court officers lead her out. Kathy's family and Rose's family look on nervously as the court officers lead a handcuffed Dana out into the courtroom. Dana looks towards her family and friends as she is being lead. Her family and friends all smile and wave to her, but she gives them all a firm look and does not respond back to them. Dana then gives a firm look at Kathy. Her family and friends start to look towards Kathy also. Kathy, Raymond, Julie and Rose's family all become nervous as they look back at Dana and Dana's family. Dana then stands between her attorneys George Hanson and Walter Stevens as she turns to face the judge. George an
d Walter then begin to fight for Dana's case.

  After the long court procedure, the case is now over. Dana is charged with involuntary manslaughter and several accounts of aggravated assault! She is sentenced to 4 years in prison! Hanson and Stevens get Dana's sentence reduced to twenty-two and a half months in prison! The sentence is supposed to include the month and a half that Dana had spent waiting in jail, which gives her a total of twenty-four months behind bars, plus a year of probation and community service after she is released.

  Dana is now being sent to prison! She is being taking away out of the courtroom still in handcuffs! She begins to struggle with the court officers as they take her away! Her family becomes outraged! They all start to cry out and scream out for her! They begin to hurry towards her and go after her! The court officers hurry Dana into the front room, trying to keep her family, her relatives and her friends away from her! They then slam the door shut! Everyone is all hostile and angry! Tony is very upset! He tries to go after Dana as he cries out, "DANA! DANA!" The court officers pull him back and try to restrain him! Missy and the triplets try to go after Dana also as they cry and scream out, "DANA! DANA!" The officers try to restrain them also! Kathy's family and Rose's family look on nervously! Dana's family, relatives and friends are all very angry and upset! They try to file harassment and assault charges back against Kathy and Rose's family for Kathy and Rose harassing and attacking Missy in the first place, which caused Dana's assaults and killing to begin with! Dana's Aunt Celeste and the rest of the family bring Missy in front of the judge and shout, "DANA WOULD HAVE NEVER ATTACKED KATHY OR KATHY'S FRIENDS IF THEY HAD NEVER BOTHERED OR GANGED UP ON MISSY IN THE FIRST PLACE AND PUT A BRUISE ON HER FACE!" George Hanson and Walter Stevens try to charge Kathy and Rose's family with harassment and assault also! The courts then charge Kathy and Rose's family with aggravated assault and gives Kathy and Rose's family a heavy fine! Dana's entire family is still outraged by her being sent to prison. Everyone in the courtroom is all shouting and screaming. Dana's family and friends are all very angry and upset! They do not want Dana to go.

  Chapter 8

  Dana's Incarceration


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