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Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller)

Page 31

by Doris Miller



  Tony angrily grabs Dana by the arm and shouts, "WHO IS THE OTHER PERSON DANA? HUH? WHO ARE THEY?"

  "THERE IS NO OTHER PERSON TONY," Dana shouts as she violently pulls her arm away from Tony! "I TOLD YOU I HAD WENT TO THE HOSPITAL EMERGENCY BECAUSE I GOT SICK!"

  Dana storms out of the hallway towards the bedroom! Tony angrily follows off after Dana as he continues to yell and scream at her! Dana storms right into the bedroom and slams the bedroom door shut with a bang so loud that the walls shake! Tony angrily pounds on the bedroom door and shouts, "AND FROM NOW ON, YOU'RE GONNA START CALLING IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE AROUND, YOU HEAR MEEE?" He angrily gives another hard pound on the bedroom door! Then he angrily walks away from the door! He storms through the hallway and goes into the kitchen! He starts slamming the pots, pans and the cabinet doors! He continues to be angry as he starts to cook!

  While Tony is in the kitchen, Dana is in the room. She suspiciously looks towards the bedroom door to make sure Tony is not near it, or about to enter it. Then she looks into the mirror and secretly opens up her black jacket. She has bloodstains all over her green blouse! The bloodstains are not hers. She suspiciously looks towards the bedroom door again and quickly takes her jacket off! She hurriedly opens up her blouse and takes it off! She is left with her black tee shirt on. Then she slips on a pair of dark brown cloth gloves. She suspiciously looks towards the bedroom door again as she secretly bends down to the floor. She reaches under the bed and pulls out a large black trash bag that she has hidden under the bed. She stuffs the black jacket and the blouse into the trash bag and closes it up tightly to prevent any blood odors from seeping out. Then she secretly hides the trash bag back under the bed to keep anyone from finding it until she gets rid of it.

  During the meantime, Tony is in the living room, speaking on the telephone. He is speaking to Gracy on the other end of the telephone, telling Gracy, "Dana had finally came home Grandma."

  "Oh she did?"


  "Is she alright?"

  "Yeah, she's alright. She's sulking in the bedroom right now."

  "Yeah? Well what happened?"

  "Well, I started hollering and screaming at her for coming in so late. Then she told me that she had gotten sick and went to the hospital emergency, but I didn't buy that. I accused her of seeing someone else, then she stormed right into the bedroom and slammed the door behind herself."

  "Oh no, she didn't break the door hinges again, did she?"

  "No, not this time Grandma. The next time Dana goes around and breaks anymore door hinges, I'm gonna have her personally fix them herself."

  "You are?" Gracy laughs.


  "Well I'm glad to know Dana finally came home."

  "Yeah, I'm glad too."

  "By the way Tony, what did you mean when you said you accused Dana of seeing someone else? Is that what you think she's doing? Seeing someone else?"

  "I'm not really sure Grandma. But what else could I think? Dana is always coming home late and I wouldn't know where she be at! And when she is home, I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and find her gone, out of the bed and out of the apartment! Or she would go to the doctor's office one morning and not come home until the next morning and I will not see or hear from her! If she can't tell me in my face where she's going, then I wish she would leave a note or something."

  "Yeah that's true Tony."

  "Okay, listen Grandma, I'm gonna get ready to call Diane, Teresa and them and let them all know that Dana came home. They told me to call them as soon as Dana walks in the door and I told them I would."

  "Alright Tony, you do that. Tell Dana I'll talk to her tomorrow alright?"

  "Alright Grandma, I will."

  "Now you take care of yourself Tony. Talk to you later." "Alright Grandma. By now."

  "Bye Tony."

  Tony hangs up the telephone. He gets ready to call up Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph.

  The following Saturday afternoon around 1:00, Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph all get off the elevator and walk towards Tony and Dana's apartment door. They reach the apartment door and ring the doorbell. There is no answer. They ring the doorbell again. They hear someone on the other side of the door, looking through the peephole. The door unlocks, then opens. They see Tony standing behind the door. They all smile and say "Hello" to him.

  Tony smiles back and lets them all inside the apartment. As Tony closes the door, Diane D asks him, "Where's Dana?"

  "She's in the bedroom right now."

  "She is?" Teresa asks. "Is she alright Tony?"

  "Yeah Dana is alright. I had just left the bedroom. Dana is laying right on the bed."

  "Well me and Teresa would like to see her," Diane D says.

  "Well go ahead. I don't think she's gonna be in a talking mood, but I guess you two can go back there. Just knock on the bedroom door before you go in there."

  "Okay," Diane D says as she and Teresa start to walk through the hallway towards the bedroom. Diane D and Teresa reach the bedroom door which is halfway opened. They both stop and stand there. Teresa stands closer to the door opening as Diane D knocks on the bedroom door calling out, "Dana! Dana!" There is no answer. Diane D knocks on the bedroom door again calling out, "Dana! Dana!" There still is no answer. Diane D knocks on the bedroom door a few more times, but there still is no answer. She tells Teresa, "I guess we better just go on in, huh?" Teresa nervously nods her head in agreement. As Diane D opens the bedroom door, Teresa doesn't move. She just stands there. Diane D looks at Teresa and asks, "What's wrong?"

  "After you," Teresa tells Diane D as she points her hand towards the bedroom. Teresa nervously decides to let Diane D walk into the bedroom first. Diane D looks at Teresa. She then walks into the bedroom first. Teresa nervously follows in behind her.

  As Diane D and Teresa both walk into the bedroom, they see Dana laying face up on the bed fully dressed. She is dressed in a wide opened lavender blouse over a dark purple tank top. She is also dressed in dark purple leggings. Her hair is all loose out. She is staring angrily at the television set, which is on. Diane D approaches Dana and says, "Hey Dana! What's up," as Teresa stands nervously behind. Diane D then asks, "Are you alright, Dana?" Dana does not respond. She just ignores Diane D and Teresa as she angrily stares at the television set. Diane D then sits on the bed right beside Dana. Teresa stunned looks at Diane D's boldness. Diane D asks, "What's wrong Dana?" Dana still does not answer. Diane D turns around towards Teresa and firmly asks, "Teresa why are you standing over there? Come stand over here!" Teresa nervously walks towards Diane D and stands over her. Diane D then turns back around towards Dana and asks, "Dana, why didn't you answer us when we had knocked on the bedroom door just now? Where were you last night and why didn't you show up with Tony at Joseph and Teresa's apartment?" Dana continues to ignore Diane D and Teresa, still staring angrily at the television set. Diane D looks up at Teresa. Teresa nervously looks down back at Diane D. They are both unaware that Dana has blood stained clothes in a trash bag hidden under her bed. Diane D looks back at Dana and asks, "Dana, what's wrong? You feel sick?" Diane D leans towards Dana and feels Dana's forehead. Teresa stunned looks at Diane D's boldness again. Dana continues to ignore Diane D as Diane D feels her forehead. Diane D then tells Dana, "Well your temperature feels normal. Dana, Teresa and I are gonna leave the bedroom right now and go into the living room with the fellows, alright? We'll be back to check on you later, okay?" Dana continues to ignore Diane D and Teresa as she continues to angrily stare at the television set. Diane D then gets up off the bed. She and Teresa look at Dana as Diane D says, "See you later Dana." Dana continues to ignore Diane D and Teresa.

  Diane D starts to walk towards the bedroom door as Teresa nervously follows behind her. They reach the bedroom door and take one last look at Dana. She still has her angry ey
es set on the television. Diane D and Teresa then walk out and leave the bedroom. They leave the bedroom door half-open, the way they first found it. They look at each other and don't know what to say. They look back at the half-open bedroom door. Then they walk through the hallway towards the living room.

  Diane D and Teresa come into the living room and join the fellows, who are playing old Motown music on the stereo. Tony then pulls Diane D to the side. He brings Diane D into the kitchen where he can talk to her privately. He then asks, "Diane, do you or Teresa know whether or not if Dana is secretly having an affair? Diane, I know women sometimes keep secrets for each other and they sometimes don't tell on one another. Diane, being that you and Dana are very close cousins, I want to know if you know anything or know where Dana be at when she disappears for hours all night long?"

  "No Tony. Like I told you before, no one usually knows where Dana be at when she disappears all night long. As far as I know Tony, Dana is not having an affair. I mean if she is having some kind of secret affair, I don't know about it. I don't know where Dana goes or where she be at when she disappears a lot like that. All I know is that she does not be with me."

  "I know Dana doesn't be with Teresa either, because I would call up Teresa and Joseph's apartment. They would tell me that Dana is not with them. And you know I call up Dana's family and they would have no idea where she be at either. Diane, when I called up you, Michael, Teresa and Joseph on the phone last night, I told you guys that I got angry with Dana for coming in late and we had a slight argument. I didn't tell any of you what I said to her."

  "Well what did you say to her Tony?"

  "Well when I had asked Dana where'd she been all night, she told me she had gotten sick and went to the hospital emergency. I screamed at her and told her that she always seems to be getting sick and going to the damn hospital. I told her that she is always going to the hospital without letting anybody know where she is. I told her that I feel like a damn fool when I don't know where she is at times. I told her why don't she use the telephone sometimes and let me know what's going on. She told me that she had called here but I wasn't home. I told her not to hand me that, that she knew where we were all supposed to be at. I told her that she knew we were all supposed to be at Joseph and Teresa's apartment. I asked her why didn't she call over there. Then I accused her of seeing someone else."

  "You did what!"

  "Yeah! I accused Dana of seeing someone else! I grabbed at her and she got angry back at me. Then she stormed right into the bedroom and slammed the bedroom door real hard. She has not spoken to me since."

  "Well I don't blame her Tony! You shouldn't be coming out accusing her of having an affair anyway! No wonder why she's just laying there on the bed sulking, not saying a word to anybody!"

  "Well what else am I supposed to think Diane? Dana comes in all times of the night! And when she is home, she usually sneaks out of the apartment during the middle of the night while I'm asleep! When she has a doctor's appointment, she goes to see the doctor one morning and not come home until the next morning! She doesn't even call me or let me know where she is! What would you do if you were in my shoes Diane?"

  "I don't know Tony. I'd probably be pretty upset myself. I'm not sure what I would really do." Tony continues to talk with Diane D in the kitchen for a while.

  After Tony and Diane D finish speaking, they go back into the living room to join the others. Tony then tells them all, "Listen guys, I'm gonna go into the bedroom to check on Dana. I'll be back in a few minutes."

  "Alright Tony," they all tell him.

  Tony then walks through the hallway. He goes towards the bedroom door, which is still halfway opened. He opens the door more wider and goes inside the bedroom. He closes the door all the way shut behind himself.

  Several minutes pass. Tony does not come back out the bedroom for quite some time. The bedroom door has been closed shut for a while. Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph remain in the living room, continuing listening to old Motown, R&B and some Classic Soul music on the stereo.

  An hour has passed. It is after 2:00 PM. Tony still has not come back out of the bedroom yet. Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph start to become worried. They are all worried if Tony and Dana are alright. They all decide to go towards the bedroom door. Michael leads the way through the hallway towards the bedroom door. As they approach the bedroom door, Diane D and Joseph stand behind Michael and are about to knock on the bedroom door, but Michael suspiciously hearing something behind the bedroom door quickly holds up his arms to stop them! Michael signals for them all to keep silent! He pins his ear close to the bedroom door. He listens close to the bedroom door for several seconds. He steps back and whispers to the others, "I could hear the bed moving!"

  The others become stunned as Joseph whispers, "What do you mean you could hear the bed moving?"

  "Just like I said! I could hear it moving!"

  "What do you mean moving?"

  "I could hear it moving a little bit!"

  "Moving like in which way? Does it sounds like the bed is rolling across the floor? Or does it sounds like it's bouncing up and down?"

  "Bouncing up and down! I could hear the bed bouncing up and down!"

  They all become stunned. They start to listen quietly through the bedroom door one by one. Joseph pins his ear to the bedroom door. He listens for several seconds. He steps back and whispers, "Yeah. I could hear the bed moving too. It does sounds like it's bouncing up and down."

  Diane D pins her ear to the bedroom door. She listens for several seconds. She steps back and whispers to the others, "You're right. I could hear the bed bouncing too. I think they're both busy in there."

  Teresa pins her ear to the bedroom door. She listens for several seconds. She steps back and whispers to the others, "Yeah it's bouncing alright." They all could hear the bed bouncing a little bit. They all continue to stand there with their ears pinned to the bedroom door one by one, listening through the bedroom door for a short while.

  Diane D then steps back and whispers, "They're both busy right now. Let's not disturb them."

  "Yeah, come on," Michael whispers. "Let's go back into the living room." They all start to walk back quietly through the hallway. They take one last look back at the bedroom door as they head back towards the living room.

  They soon enter the living room and stare at each other in amazement, not knowing what to say. They stay in the living room for a while. They sit in the living room and continue to listen to music on the stereo. Diane D then sees an old Teddy Pendergrass record. She decides to play it on the stereo. She gives a suspicious grin and says, "Oh this song will be a very nice dedication to Tony and Dana." She then plays 'Close the Door' on the stereo.

  As they all continue to listen to the music, the telephone rings. They all look at the telephone. Joseph says, "Diane, being that you're Dana's cousin, I think you should answer the telephone."

  "Okay," Diane D says. She picks up the telephone and says, "Hello?"

  "Hello, who's this Dana?"

  "No this is not Dana. This is her cousin Diane."

  "Oh hi Diane. This is Susan, Tony's mother."

  "Oh hi Susan!" Diane D tells the others, "It's Tony's mother Susan on the phone." She gets back on the phone and asks, "So how are you Susan?"

  "Oh I'm alright Diane. I just called to speak to Tony real quick. Is he there?"

  "Oh, Tony and Dana are both in the bedroom right now. They have the door closed tight. They've both been in the bedroom with the door closed for quite some time."

  "They have the bedroom door closed?"


  "Why? What are they both doing in there? Never mind Diane. I think I have an idea. By the way, what is that song playing in the background?"

  "Oh it's Teddy Pendergrass' song, 'Close the Door'"

  "Yeah, I see why it's playing," Susan says as she and Diane D start to laugh. "So who else is there besides you Diane?"

  "Michael, Teresa and Joseph are here. We're al
l just waiting for Tony and Dana whenever they decide to come out of the bedroom."

  "Okay Diane, just tell Tony to call me back later whenever he's available."

  "Okay Susan, I will."

  "Thanks Diane. You guys take care."

  "Okay you too Susan. Bye." Diane D hangs up the telephone. She turns to the others and tells them, "Tony's mother wanted to speak to him. When I told her that Tony and Dana had both been in the bedroom with the door closed for quite some time, she asked me what were they doing in there? Then she laughed and told me never mind. She just told me to tell Tony to call her back later whenever he's available." The others start to laugh a little.

  Joseph then asks, "Hey Diane! Why didn't you just tell Tony's mother the truth?"

  "The truth? What truth Joseph? I mean what else am I supposed to tell her?"

  "You should have said to her 'Oh hi Susan! I'm sorry, but Tony can't come to the phone right now, because he and Dana are both in the bedroom, bouncing on the bed!'"

  They all start to laugh as Diane D says, "I don't think so."

  After a while, Diane D says, "I'm hungry! Come on Teresa, let's go into the kitchen and start cooking something to eat." She then asks Michael and Joseph, "Do you guys want something to eat?"

  "Now wait a minute Diane," Joseph says. "What do you mean you're going to go into the kitchen and start cooking?"

  "Well I'm hungry Joseph! I want something to eat! I haven't eaten all day!" Diane D turns to Teresa and says, "Come on into the kitchen and help me Teresa."


  "Sure I am. Why not?" Diane D says as she shrugs her shoulders and walks away into the kitchen. Teresa looks at Joseph and shrugs her shoulders. She follows Diane D into the kitchen as Joseph and Michael stare at each other puzzled.

  Diane D starts to look into the kitchen cabinets for something to cook. She then tells Teresa, "Oh we better go wash our hands first. Let's go wash our hands in the bathroom," as she starts to walk out of the kitchen.

  "Okay," Teresa says as she follows Diane D.

  Diane D walks out the kitchen as Teresa follows her. They go pass the living room and go through the hallway, towards the bathroom. As they go towards the bathroom, they see that the bedroom door is still closed tight. They go into the bathroom to wash their hands.

  After Diane D and Teresa finish washing their hands, they start to walk back out the bathroom, but before they start to walk back towards the kitchen, Diane D gives Teresa a suspicious grin and whispers, "Let's see if we can still hear the bed bouncing."

  "Okay," Teresa grins back and whispers. She and Diane D decide to eavesdrop through the bedroom door again. They start to walk silently towards the bedroom door. They stand there with their ears pinned to the bedroom door. They listen for several seconds. They both look at each other in amazement! They cover their mouths with their hands and chuckle silently. They listen again. Diane D steps back and smiles. She signals for Teresa to come and step back. Teresa steps back. She and Diane D start to walk silently away from the bedroom door. They look back towards the bedroom door as they walk through the hallway. They stop as Diane D shockingly turns to Teresa and whispers, "Boy! It sure sounds like that bed is bouncing much harder and faster than before, right?"

  "It sure does! Maybe we should go knock on the bedroom door and tell Tony to slow down and take it easy on Dana, huh?"

  "Oh Dana is a tough cookie! I'm sure she can handle it," Diane D says as she and Teresa both start to chuckle. Diane D and Teresa take one last look towards the bedroom door. They chuckle again as they continue to walk to the kitchen.

  Another hour passes by. It is after 3:00 PM. Tony and Dana still has not come out of the bedroom yet. They have not come out of the bedroom for over two hours now! Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph are still inside Tony and Dana's apartment, cooking, talking, laughing and listening to music. As they all sit in the living room, Joseph tells them, "Hey! It's been two hours! Tony and Dana haven't come out of the bedroom yet! I think we should check up on them again, just to make sure they're both alright!"

  "Okay," the others say. They get up off the sofas.

  "Let's see if we could still hear the bed bouncing! If the bed is not bouncing, that means Tony and Dana fell asleep. If the bed is still bouncing, that means they're still going at it!"

  "Yeah that's true," the others laugh. They leave the living room and walk through the hallway towards the bedroom door. They reach the bedroom door and stop. Michael pins his ear to the door first. He listens for several seconds. He steps back and whispers to the others, "I still hear the bed bouncing!"

  "What!" Joseph whispers. "You mean to say they're still going at it?"

  "Yeah! I mean that bed sounds like it's bouncing much harder and faster than before!"

  "It does?"

  "Yeah. Listen for yourself."

  Joseph pins his ear to the bedroom door. He listens for several seconds. He steps back and whispers, "You're right Michael! They're still going at it! Only much stronger like you said! I thought they'd both be tired by now! I thought they probably fell asleep!"

  "Well obviously they're not asleep! People that are asleep don't sound like that! People that are asleep don't make heavy bouncing sounds!"

  Diane D pins her ear to the bedroom door. She listens for several seconds. She steps back and whispers, "It sounds like they're both very wide awake to me!"

  Teresa pins her ear to the bedroom door. She listens for several seconds. She steps back and whispers, "Oh those two are definitely wide awake! Come on everybody! Let's go back into the living room! Let Tony and Dana continue what they're doing!"

  "Okay," the others whisper. They start to walk back through the hallway. They enter the living room and sit back down on the sofas. Joseph then says, "You know whenever Tony and Dana decide to come back out the bedroom, they're going to look pretty tired from all that work out!" The others start to laugh.

  "Come on Teresa," Diane D says. "Let's go check on the food." Diane D and Teresa get up off the sofa and head towards the kitchen.

  As Michael and Joseph remain in the living room, they suddenly hear a ring at the front door. They look at each other. They get up from off the sofas and go into the hallway. They look towards the bedroom door. They see the door still shut. Diane D and Teresa then come out of the kitchen. They go into the hallway and look towards the bedroom door also. They also see the bedroom door still shut. The front doorbell rings again. Diane D asks, "Are they expecting anybody?"

  "I don't know," Michael says. "Let's find out." He decides to answer the front door and asks, "Who is it?" He cannot quite hear the answer. He decides to open the front door. When he opens the front door, he, Diane D, Teresa and Joseph see four little black girls around 6 to 8 years old selling Girl Scout cookies and some candy. They are carrying big boxes with them. They ask Michael and the others, "Would you all like to buy some Girl Scout cookies and some candy?"

  Michael, Diane D, Teresa and Joseph smile at the little girls. Michael and the others look towards the bedroom door again. It is still closed. Michael then asks Diane D and Teresa, "Well would you two like to buy some Girl Scout cookies or some candy?"

  "Yeah, we would like to buy some," Diane D and Teresa say. The little girls step into the doorway. Diane D and Teresa start to look at the cookies and the candies as Diane D asks, "So what kind of cookies and candies do you all have here?"

  The little girls point out and name each of the cookies and candies to Diane D and Teresa. Michael looks towards the bedroom door again. It is still shut. He turns back to the others and says, "Let's not keep the front door open. Why don't you girls come inside real quick, okay?"

  The little girls come inside the apartment as Michael closes the front door behind them. Diane D and Teresa put the big boxes of cookies and candy on the floor. They get down on their knees and start to look and dig through the boxes o
f cookies and candy. Teresa smiles at the little girls and asks, "So do you girls come around here often?"

  "Once in a while," one of the little girls tells her.

  Diane D and Teresa continue to be down on their knees as they look and dig through the boxes of cookies and candy. Michael and Joseph stand behind them, looking on.

  After a short while, Michael anxiously asks Diane D and Teresa, "Have you two decided what you wanted yet?"

  "No, not yet Michael," Diane D says. "I'm very choosy."

  "Yeah, me too," Teresa laughs.

  "Hey Teresa," Diane D says. "Why don't we pick out some cookies and candy for Dana?"

  "Yeah, that's a good idea. Which kind of cookies and candy do you think Dana would like?"

  "I'm not sure, but I'm certainly not going to disturb Dana to ask her about it right now, if you know what I mean," Diane D says as she and Teresa start to laugh.

  "I don't think Dana eats too much sweets you know," Michael says. "But I guess you two can still pick out something for her if you want."

  "Okay Michael. I think I'll pick this one out for her," Diane D says as she picks out a box of peanut butter cookies for Dana.

  "And I'll pick this one out for her," Teresa says as she picks out a large chocolate candy bar for Dana.

  After Diane D and Teresa both finish looking through the boxes of cookies and candy, they pick out 6 boxes all together. Teresa smiles to the little girls and asks, "How much do we owe you?"

  "Twelve dollars," one little girl tells her.

  "I'll pay for all the cookies and candies," Joseph says. He hands the little girls some cash. One of the little girls take the cash.

  She then gives Joseph back his change and tells him, "Thank you."

  "You're welcome."

  Michael and Joseph pick up the boxes from off the floor. They hand the boxes back to the little girls. The little girls take the boxes as Michael asks them, "You got it?"

  "Yeah, we got it."

  "Okay, good," Michael says. He opens up the front door for the little girls and holds it wide open for them.

  "Goodbye," the little girls say as they leave the apartment.

  "Goodbye," Michael and the others tell the little girls. Michael then closes the front door. Diane D and Teresa bring the cookies and candies into the living room. They rest the cookies and candies down on the side of the coffee table. Teresa goes to Joseph and puts her arms around him, telling him, "Thank you Joseph. Thanks for the cookies and candy."

  Joseph puts his arms back around Teresa and tells her, "You're welcome." They both start to kiss on each other. They sit on the sofa and start to snuggle up with each other.

  Diane D approaches them and jokingly says, "Hey hey hey, come on now you two! None of that stuff out here! Whenever those two in the back finish doing what they're doing, then y'all two can go back there and take over the bed!" Joseph jokingly throws a sofa pillow at Diane D as they all start to laugh! Teresa gives Joseph another kiss, then gets up. She follows Diane D back into the kitchen.

  Another hour passes by. It is after 4:00 PM now. Tony and Dana still have not come out of the bedroom yet. Those few minutes that Tony had mentioned before he left the living room had turned into a few hours! Tony and Dana have not come out of the bedroom for over three hours now! Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph still remain inside the apartment listening to music. Diane D and Teresa had already finished cooking the food. They bring plates of food and drinks out into the living room. They are all about to sit down and eat. Joseph jokingly stands there and says to the others, "Hey! It's after 4:00 now! You know this don't make any kind of sense, but Tony and Dana have been closed up in that bedroom for over three hours now! You know I should go knock on that bedroom door right now and tell Tony, 'Alright enough is enough now! It's time to pull out! We're all getting ready to sit down and start eating'!"

  They all start to laugh as Diane D says, "Well they're both kissing and making up for the argument they had last night."

  "Well how long does it take to kiss and make up?"

  "As long as it takes to make you feel good," Michael jokingly says.

  "You know Michael, maybe we should try that with our girls. Do it for three hours straight," Joseph says.

  They all start to laugh as Teresa says, "Now wait a minute Joseph, I don't know about all that! Hopefully Tony and Dana will be out here shortly. Now come on you guys, let's eat! Diane and I left Tony's and Dana's plates on the kitchen counter anyway."

  They all start to sit down and eat. They are eating and enjoying cheeseburgers, onion rings and large sodas. They continue to listen to music on the stereo as they all eat. Suddenly, they hear the bedroom door opening. They all look up. Diane D wipes her mouth off with a napkin as she jokingly says, "Oh oh, somebody decided to wake up and smell the food." The others start to laugh. They then hear the bathroom door shut. They look at each other. They continue to eat. After a few minutes, they hear the bathroom door opening. Several seconds later, they look up and see a tired looking Dana walking into the living room. They excitingly say, "Hi Dana," as they chew on their food. Dana stops and stares at them. Puzzled, they look at Dana. Diane D says, "Hey Dana, we cooked some food here." Dana firmly and stunned looks at Diane D. Diane D tells her, "Oh don't worry Dana, we saved a plate for you and Tony." Dana continues to stare. Then without saying a word, she walks away right into the kitchen. The others look at each other as they continue to chew on their food. They then hear the bathroom door shut again. They all look at each other again. After a few minutes, they hear the bathroom door opening. A few seconds later, they look up and see a tired looking Tony walking into the living room with his shirt half opened. They excitingly say, "Hey Tony!"

  Tony looks at them all and says, "Hey."

  "Hey man," Michael says. "Long time no see! Damn you look pretty tired!"

  "I am. I thought I smelled food around here."

  "Yeah," Joseph says. "Diane and Teresa had cooked us up some of your food."

  "Oh yeah?" Tony asks. He looks at Diane D and Teresa and firmly tells them, "Well I hope you two know you're gonna clean that kitchen back up, right?"

  "Sure we'll clean it back up Tony," Diane D says.

  "Oh Tony, yours and Dana's plates are on the kitchen cabinet," Teresa says.

  "Oh yeah? Thanks."

  "Hey Tony," Michael says. "What happened to those few minutes you were talking about before you left the living room, huh? Before you had went into the bedroom, you told us all that you were going to check on Dana and that you would be back in a few minutes! You know those few minutes had turned into a few hours, right?"

  "Yeah, I just realized it."

  "You just realized it?"


  "You mean you didn't realize the time? You didn't realize you were gone for over three hours?"


  "Tony how can you not realize the time?" Diane D firmly asks. "How can you not realize that you were gone for over three hours? What happened to you all this time anyway?"

  "I got caught up in something!"

  The others look at each other and start to laugh as Diane D jokingly says, "He means he got caught up inside something! And he couldn't get out!"

  "You mean he couldn't pull out," Joseph jokingly says as the others start to laugh again. They all look up at Tony as they continue to laugh. Tony stands there and looks at them as they all laugh.

  Diane D then gets up. She picks up her plate of food and her glass of soda. She walks over to Tony and says, "Hey Tony, I hope you and Dana didn't fog up that bedroom window too much now." She walks away towards the kitchen as the others start to laugh again. Diane D laughs with her head way up in the air as she goes into the kitchen. Teresa then gets up from off the sofa. She picks up her plate and glass of soda and follows Diane D into the kitchen. Tony closes his shirt all the way and remain in the living room with the fellows.

  As the fellows remain in the living room, Diane D comes back into the living room and brings Tony hi
s plate of burgers, onion rings and a glass of orange soda. Tony tells Diane D, "Thanks," as he takes his food and his drink.

  Diane D then picks up Michael's and Joseph's plates and says, "Tony as soon as you're finish, I'll come back for your plate."

  "Okay Diane," Tony says as Diane D heads back into the kitchen. He starts to eat his plate of food as Michael and Joseph sit on each side him.

  "So what happened to you all this time Tony?" Michael asks. "What did you get caught up in?"

  "It doesn't matter what he got caught up in Michael," Joseph jokingly says. "As long as he was able to pull out of the situation!" Joseph and Michael start to laugh again. Tony looks at them both, but does not say anything. Joseph then puts his hand on Tony's shoulder and jokingly says, "Don't worry Tony, we forgive you. We forgive you for abandoning us out here for three hours like that, but like they say, a man's got to do what a man's got to do, right," as he and Michael start to laugh again.

  Diane D comes back into the living room with a glass of orange soda in her hand. She goes to sit down on the other couch and starts to drink her soda. Joseph looks at her and asks, "Hey Diane, didn't Tony tell you and Teresa to clean that kitchen back up?"

  "We'll get started as soon as Tony and Dana finish eating their plates, alright? Anyway Dana says that she'll clean up the kitchen. But Teresa and I are gonna still help her anyway."

  "Okay," Joseph says as Diane D starts to sip on her soda again.

  "Oh by the way Tony," Diane D says. "Your mother had called around a couple of hours ago."

  "She did?"


  "What did she say? Was it important?"

  "No, I don't think it was important. She didn't say much. She just wanted to speak to you real quick. I told her that you and Dana had both been in the bedroom with the door closed for quite a while. She just told me to tell you to call her back whenever you're available. We didn't want to disturb you Tony, being that you and Dana were both held up in the room." Michael and Joseph start to laugh again. Diane D then gets back up off the sofa. She goes to the fellows and says, "Okay you guys! Are you all ready for dessert?"

  "Well Michael and I are ready for dessert," Joseph says. "Tony already had his dessert." Everyone in the living room start to laugh except Tony. He looks at them all, but does not say a word.

  Diane D then says, "Oh! Let me give Dana her cookies and candy." She sets her glass of soda down as she picks up the cookies and candy from off the coffee table. She picks up her glass of soda again as she walks back into the kitchen with the cookies and candy. The fellows continue to stay in the living room.

  Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph continue to stay inside Dana and Tony's apartment for the rest of the day until midnight. After a long stay, Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph start to leave the apartment and head for home. Tony walks them all to the door. He tells them all, "Good night. I'll see you all next weekend."

  "Alright Tony," they all tell him. They then head for the elevator. The elevator arrives and they all go inside. They call out, "Good night Tony!"

  "Good night," Tony calls out as the elevator door closes. He then steps back and closes his apartment door.

  Later on that night, Tony and Dana lay in the bed together. The room is very dark. Tony is sound asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around Dana's body. Dana, who is wide-awake, looks up at the clock. It is after 2:30 in the morning. Dana looks at Tony as he lays asleep against her body. She gently tries to unlock his arms from around her body. She struggles with his arms for several seconds. She finally removes Tony's arms from around her body. She then sneaks out of the bed wearing her pajama top and black leggings. Tony remains asleep as Dana leaves the bedroom.

  Around fifteen minutes later, Dana comes back into the bedroom fully dressed. She is wearing a long blue coat, a pair of black jeans, black shoes and the dark brown gloves. She bends down to the floor and looks underneath the bed. She grabs the big black trash bag of bloody clothes that she had hidden underneath the bed. She stands back up and takes one more look at Tony as he lays asleep. She quickly takes the bag out of the room. She quickly but quietly heads for the front door with the black trash bag. She quietly opens the front door, then sneaks out the front door with the black trash bag.

  Around two hours later, Dana comes sneaking back into the front door of her apartment without the black trash bag. She doesn't see Tony standing there waiting for her like he usually does. She quickly and quietly closes the front door. She quietly walks towards the bedroom. She peeks her head into the bedroom and sees Tony still sound asleep in the bed. She peeks her head back out the bedroom.

  Fifteen minutes later, Dana comes sneaking back into the bedroom, dressed back in her pajama top and black leggings. She stands there in the darkness, staring right at Tony as he sleeps. Then she walks towards her side of the bed and slips right back into the bed with Tony, desperately trying not to wake him up, hoping that he hasn't notice she's been gone. She lays down right beside Tony as he remains sound asleep. So far, Tony has never noticed Dana's absence inside the apartment.

  Chapter 25

  Dana's Rage!


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