Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller)

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Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller) Page 33

by Doris Miller


  Tony stands there, not knowing what to say. Diane D stands next to Dana as Dana asks, "Tony did you pick up the mail?"

  "Yeah Dana. It's right here on the coffee table," Tony says as he picks up a few pieces of mail from off the coffee table. He hands the mail to Dana. Dana takes the mail and looks through it as Diane D continues to stand beside her, looking on. Dana opens up each mail and looks at them. She comes across the last envelope, which is an urgent letter and opens it up. She takes the letter out and it is a 'TERMINATION NOTICE'! She becomes angry! She bangs her fist real hard against the wall and shouts, "THAT'S IT!" She is about to storm out of the living room, but her family and relatives grab her!

  "What is it Dana?" they ask. "What's wrong?"

  Diane D shows them all the 'TERMINATION NOTICE'. Dana's family becomes very upset! They try to calm Dana down! They bring her to the sofa and sit her down. Aunt Celeste asks, "Dana is there anything you want or need from us? Just let us know! Is there anything you need or want?"

  Dana loses her temper! She bangs her fist real hard against the coffee table as she stands up and angrily shouts, "I DON'T WANT A DAMN THING FROM ANY OF YOU, ALRIGHT?" She angrily starts to walk away from her family and relatives as she shouts, "YOU ALL TREAT ME LIKE I'M SOME KIND OF DAMN CHARITY CASE! I DON'T WANT ANY CHARITY!" She points her finger back towards her family and relatives and shouts, "ALL I WANT IS MY FUCKIN' JOB BACK!" Dana angrily kicks a couple of empty boxes real hard and storms right out of the living room! She storms into her bedroom and slams the bedroom door with a bang so loud and hard that it shakes the walls! Everyone runs to the bedroom door and starts to bang on it, trying to see if Dana is alright! They open the bedroom door. When they open the door, they see Dana lying on the bed face down. They go into the bedroom and walk towards her. They hear her breathing hard in anger! Dana's family and relatives try to talk to her, but she refuses to answer them. She just ignores them all. Her family stays there in the room with her for a while, trying to calm her down.

  After nearly an hour of staying in the bedroom with Dana, Dana's family and relatives decide to leave the room. They all walk out of the bedroom and close the door behind themselves as Dana remains in the room. As Mike leads the family through the hallway, Sammy and Thomas whisper to Tony, "Listen Tony, we're still going to pay Dana's bills whether she knows it or not."

  "No," Tony says. "You all don't have to do that!


  "Alright Grandpa, alright," Tony nervously says.

  Mike turns back around and leads the family to the living room. They all start to sit down. They are all concerned about Dana. Gracy then says, "Listen everybody, I want to stay here overnight to keep my eye on Dana. If it's alright with you Tony?"

  "Oh sure, you can stay here Grandma!"

  "You want me to stay here too Grandma?" Missy asks.

  "No, I don't think Tony can put up with all of us staying over here."

  "Grandma, you all stayed the night over here before," Tony says. "You can all stay the night over here again."

  Dana's family and relatives all smile at Tony as they tell him, "Thanks."

  The following Thursday morning, David gets up at Tony and Dana's apartment with the rest of his family. He asks, "Hey Tony, is it alright if I make a long distance call down to Jamaica? I want to call up Christine and tell her about what happened to Dana. I'll pay you for the long distance call."

  "Oh don't worry about it Dad. Go ahead and make the phone call."

  "Thanks Tony."

  David calls up Christine, who is down in Jamaica.

  The phone rings inside Christine's house. She picks up the telephone and says, "Hello?"

  "Hey Christine! It's me David! How're you doing?"

  "Oh I'm alright David! And yourself?"

  "Oh I'm doing okay!"

  "Good! So how's everybody doing?"

  "Oh everyone is doing fine, except for Dana!"

  "Except for Dana?"


  "Why? What's happening with Dana, David? Is she alright?"

  "No Christine, Dana is not alright! She lost her job yesterday!"


  "Yes! She and her friend Teresa both lost their jobs yesterday!"

  "OH NO!"



  "Oh some employee at their job had reported to the head boss Wallace that Dana and Teresa were both stealing! Then Wallace wanted to speak to Dana and Teresa both! Dana and Teresa told their boss that they did not steal anything! They told their boss that they were just borrowing some items!"


  "Like a hammer and some other tools! Dana and Teresa claimed to their boss that they needed the hammer and tools to fix and bang the broken rim on Dana's car back into place! Their boss Wallace still accused them both of stealing! Then they got into a heated argument with Wallace and he fired them both right there on the spot!"


  "Yeah, that's what happened Christine!"


  "Oh she is Christine! She's been very depressed and devastated since!"


  "Yeah, that's why we're all over here with her and Tony! We're all at their apartment right now, trying to help Dana cope!"


  "Me, Mom, Dad, all the kids, Willie, Ronald, Jean, Celeste, Laura, Diane and most of the other grandchildren are here!"


  "Well I heard from Tony that it was some fellow named Ramesh! Then Diane told us she called Teresa and spoke with Teresa on the telephone. Teresa told Diane that Ramesh is some Indian fellow that works at her and Dana's job! I heard that this Ramesh had reported several other employees of stealing also!"

  "OH YEAH?"



  "I don't know Christine! They said that this fellow Ramesh felt that it was his specific duty to report them! I heard that this Ramesh told Teresa that he cannot allow employees to just walk out of the building, taking items out! I hear this guy is always making reports about other employees' work habits!"


  "I really don't know Christine! Whoever this Ramesh is, I just wish he had kept his mouth shut! Because of him, Dana is in this big state of depression! That's why we're all over here, to keep her company! We want to keep our eye on Dana to make sure she doesn't do anything crazy!"


  "Okay Christine. Hold on. I'll go get her." David puts the phone receiver on the side. He goes to get Dana.

  Dana soon arrives to the telephone. She picks up the telephone and says, "Hi Mom."

  "Hi Dana! How are you feeling?"

  "Not too good Mom."

  "I know! I heard about what happened with you and Teresa at your job yesterday!"

  "Yeah Mom! Our boss fired us!"

  "Yeah that's what your father just told me! What happened honey?"

  "Wallace had accused me and Teresa of stealing items out of the stockroom! This guy that works at our job had reported us!"

  "Yeah I heard! I heard it
was some Indian fellow named


  "It was!"

  "Why did he make a report about you stealing Dana?"

  "Because I heard that he saw me and Teresa taking items out of the stockroom! So he reported us!"

  "Yeah I heard! He reported you and Teresa taking a hammer and some other tools, right?"

  "Yeah! We were just borrowing the hammer and the tools to fix the broken rim on my tire! My car had hit a pothole, the pothole bent my rim out of shape so I needed the hammer to bang the rim back into place!"

  "Well did you explain that to your boss?"

  "Yeah! Teresa explained it to him also, but that didn't matter to him! He says that we're still not supposed to take any items out of the stockroom! He still kept accusing us of stealing! Teresa and I got very upset with him! We got into a heated argument with him, then he fired us both right there on the spot!"

  "Oh Dana! I'm so sorry to hear that! Is there any way you and Teresa can talk to your boss and try to work something out?"

  "No Mom, his mind is made up! It's nothing Teresa and I can really do!"

  "I'm so sorry Dana! Please try not to upset yourself okay? We'll see what we can do to work something out! You know I'm always there for you! I'll try to call up your boss and speak to him somehow!"

  "No that's okay Mom! You don't have to do that!"

  "I know Dana, but I want to!"

  "No Mom don't worry about it! I'll just look for another job that's all! I'll find another job."

  "Another job? Are you sure Dana?"

  "Yeah Mom! I'll find another job! It's time for me to make a change anyway."

  "A change?"

  "Yeah. It's about time I get a different job."

  "A different job? You think so Dana?"

  "Yeah. I've been at the same place longer than I planned."

  "Oh yeah? Okay Dana, if that's what you wish and you want to look for another job, I won't speak to your boss then."

  "Thanks Mom."

  "Okay Dana. But if you need anything at all, I want you to make sure you call me and let me know right away, okay?"

  "Sure Mom, I will."

  "Good. So are you feeling okay dear?"

  "Yeah, I'm feeling okay Mom."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah. I'm okay."

  "Alright Dana, I'll call you back tomorrow, okay?"

  "Okay Mom."

  "And I'll call and talk to you next Friday too, alright?"

  "Alright Mom."

  "And remember Dana, if you need anything at all, just call me alright?"

  "Alright Mom, I will. Take care."

  "You too darling. I love you."

  "I love you too Mom."

  "Okay Dana. Take it easy. Talk to you again."

  "Alright Mom. By." Dana hangs up the telephone.

  Gracy approaches Dana and asks, "So how's your mom doing?"

  "Oh she's alright Grandma."

  "That's good. How did she take the news about you and Teresa losing your jobs?"

  "She took it bad, but I told her not to worry about it. I told her that I'll find another job."

  "Well that sounds good to hear Dana! Sounds like you have a lot of confidence in yourself!"

  "Yeah, I guess so."

  Gracy then gives Dana a warm hug. Dana hugs her grandmother back as her grandmother tells her, "Don't worry about a thing Dana. Everything is going to be alright. You just hang in there, okay?" As Dana's back is facing towards her family and relatives, she secretly gives a firm sinister look straight ahead out the living room window. Thomas, Missy and Londa who are facing Dana's side all notice the sinister expression on Dana's face. They become a little frightened and start to look at each other.

  It is two days later now. Dana is still very depressed. She has been very depressed for the past few days. As time goes by, she becomes more and more furious. She tells Tony that she won't be able to pay her bills. Tony tells her, "I'll take care of everything Dana! Please don't upset yourself! Listen Dana, the last thing any of us want right now is for you to upset yourself, okay? Stop worrying about everything right now Dana! I know you're an independent woman and everything and I know you don't like to depend on anybody, but for now, you have to let me take care of the bills, alright? Okay? Dana, all I want for you to do right now is try to relax! Try to rest your mind, alright?" Tony wraps his arms around Dana. Dana wraps her arms back around Tony as he tells her, "I want you to take it easy for right now and get some rest! Try to keep your mind off the situation for a while, okay?" As Tony holds on to Dana, deep down inside, Dana becomes more and more furious, thinking about her ex-boss Wallace and Ramesh.

  The following Monday evening, Tony calls up Dana's family on the telephone. He speaks to Gracy and worriedly says, "Hey Grandma, I'm very concerned about Dana! I'm so afraid that she might snap one day and go crazy!"

  "Tony, we all feel the same way! We are all really worried about Dana! We all feel that Dana's anger and bitterness might cause her to go crazy ourselves! Where is she right now?"

  "Oh she and Teresa had went out job hunting together."

  "They went job hunting?"

  "Yeah. They had gone out job hunting early this morning. Dana hasn't come back home yet."

  "She hasn't?"

  "No. I tried to call up Teresa, but Joseph said that Teresa didn't come home yet either."

  "Well we all feel bad about what happened to both Dana and Teresa."

  "Yeah I know Grandma."

  "Knowing how angry Dana can get, we want to try to cheer her up somehow!"

  "Hey Grandma, I have an idea! Dana's birthday is coming up this Saturday right?"

  "That's right!"

  "Why don't we all throw her a surprise birthday party?"

  "A surprise birthday party? Oh that's a wonderful idea Tony!"

  "Yeah! Let's throw a surprise party for Dana this coming Friday night!"

  "That sounds great Tony!"

  "Yeah! I'll have my family, your family, some friends and some of my co-workers come over and we'll throw the surprise party right here in this apartment! That way we'll make sure Dana runs right into the party!"

  "That's a great idea Tony! I'll let the rest of the family know about it, alright?"

  "Alright Grandma! I want to have everything set up by Friday evening!"

  "Okay Tony! I'm gonna tell the rest of the family about it now! Hey Tony, why don't you come over here so we can all discuss setting up the surprise party and everything!"

  "Alright Grandma! That sounds like a good idea! I'll be there in a little while, okay?"

  "Okay Tony!"

  "Talk to you later Grandma!"

  "Okay Tony! Bye!" Gracy hangs up the telephone.

  Around an hour later, Tony arrives at Dana's grandparents' home. Gracy turns to the family and says, "Hey everybody! Tony and I are planning a big surprise birthday party for Dana!" Dana's family and relatives become all excited, but her siblings strangely look at each other. They listen on as Tony, their grandparents, their aunts, their uncles, their cousins and their other relatives all talk about planning the upcoming surprise party! Gracy continues, "Dana doesn't know about this party yet, so we all have to keep it a secret from her, alright?" Tony and Dana's relatives excitingly agree! They continue to talk about the surprise party for a while.

  As Tony and Dana's relatives continue to talk about the surprise birthday party, Gracy goes into the kitchen. Sammy, Thomas and Missy get up from their seats and follow their grandmother into the kitchen. They approach their grandmother as Sammy nervously says, "Grandma, I don't think it's a good idea to throw a surprise birthday party for Dana!"

  Gracy looks at Sammy and asks, "What do you mean Sammy? What do you mean it's not a good idea to throw a surprise birthday party for your sister? Why not?" Sammy nervously looks at Thomas and Missy as they nervously look back at him. Gracy asks, "What's going on? What do you all want to tell me?"

  Thomas says, "Grandma, the last time we tried to throw a surprise part
y for Dana, a terrible tragedy happened!"

  "A terrible tragedy?"


  "What terrible tragedy? What are you talking about?"

  Sammy whispers, "Grandma, we had never told you or anybody else in the family about this before, but when we were all down in Jamaica several years ago, staying at Grandpa Winston and Grandma Marie's house, Dana was very depressed around that time also. She was in a very bad mood. So we all tried to cheer her up by throwing a surprise party for her there! Mom, Dad, Grandma Marie, Grandpa Winston, Uncle Harold, Uncle Alan, Aunt Patricia, Mom's other relatives and the rest of us all got together to throw a surprise party for Dana! We had everything organized and ready for the surprise party that night! We had a lot of people there at Grandpa Winston and Grandma Marie's house. We had invited a lot of Mends there and got the surprise party started. Then we waited around and partied all night long, waiting for Dana to show up at the house! When she finally showed up and walked inside the house, everyone yelled 'Surprise!' Dana was surprised alright, but it didn't make her happy! It only got her angrier! She just looked at everybody! Then without saying a word, she just walked right back out of the house! We all just stood there wondering what the heck was that all about! Everybody in the house just stood there and looked at each other! We all stood there and looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to say! Then all of a sudden, Dana came in through the back door with an ax!"

  "WHAT!" Gracy shockingly whispers!

  "Yeah Grandma," Thomas whispers. "Everybody turned around and saw Dana coming with that ax! People started panicking! Then Dana came running right towards everybody and chased everybody out of the house with the ax! She actually swung the ax right towards the people Grandma! The people were screaming and running out of the house like crazy! They were running for their lives! A lot of the people fell and toppled over each other! Some of them fell and hit their heads on the steps and on the ground! It was a terrible stampede Grandma!"

  "OH NO!" Gracy shockingly whispers!

  "Yes, it's true Grandma," Missy whispers. "Dana actually tried to hit those people with that ax, but Sammy, Thomas, Dad, Uncle Harold and Uncle Alan all grabbed Dana and stopped her just in time! She never got a chance to use that ax on anybody!"



  "Well thank God! How many people were at this party anyway?"

  "Around 60 or 70 people," Thomas says.


  "A lot of people got hurt from that stampede Grandma," Sammy whispers. "Eight people got killed!"


  "Yeah Grandma," Thomas whispers. "Eight people died from that terrible stampede! Some got stomped to death, and the others hit their heads on the ground when they fell!"

  "Oh my God," Gracy cries as she is about to fall out! Sammy and Thomas quickly catch her! Gracy says, "I didn't know any of this! Oh my God! I don't believe this!"

  "It's true Grandma," Missy cries. "Eight people got killed!"

  "Oh my Lord," Gracy shockingly cries. "Oh my Lord!"

  "I'm sorry we had to tell you this Grandma," Thomas says. "But we think you should know about it!"

  "Oh my God! Oh my God! Well who were the eight people that were killed?"

  "It was five guys and three women," Sammy whispers. "One of the guys' name was Gus, the other one was Henry, the other guy was George, another guy was Billy and the other guy was Scott! The women's names were Jolene, Francis and Tiffany."

  "WHAT," Gracy cries! "Those people died from the stampede? Oh those poor people! Oh my God! You mean to tell me that those people tried to celebrate a nice event for Dana and they lost their lives for it? Oh my God! Well what ever happened to Dana after that? Did she get arrested?"

  "Yeah," Sammy whispers. "The police arrested Dana and sent her to jail! She was in jail for a month until her court date! When she went to court, she and her lawyers had turned the whole entire thing around and charged that those people were trespassing!"


  "Yeah Grandma," Thomas whispers. "Dana's lawyers claimed that Dana was only protecting her home! So she got off!"

  "She got off? Oh my God," Gracy cries. "This is unbelievable! Why didn't any of you tell me about this before?"

  "We didn't want to upset or frighten anybody about this Grandma," Thomas whispers. "That's why we kept it to ourselves!"

  "After all these years, you all waited until now to tell me about this?"

  "Grandma," Sammy whispers. "Being that you are all planning a surprise birthday party for Dana, we decided to tell you this right now to warn you! We didn't want to say anything in front of Tony because throwing this surprise party for Dana and trying to make her happy really seems to mean a lot to him! We didn't want to spoil Tony's happiness Grandma, being that he suffered a lot emotionally when Dana was locked up in prison!"

  Gracy sadly looks at her grandchildren. She asks, "Well, what are we going to do now? Shall we just call the whole thing off?"

  "I really don't know Grandma," Sammy whispers. "Like I said, this whole party thing really seems to mean a lot to Tony. He truly loves Dana Grandma."

  "Yeah I know."

  Uncle Willie soon pops his head and shoulders into the kitchen and asks, "Hey! Aren't you all gonna come back out in the living room to talk about the surprise party? Come on! Let's go!"

  "Okay Willie," Gracy says. "We'll be out there!"

  Willie pops his head and shoulders back out of the kitchen. Gracy and her grandchildren sadly start to leave the kitchen and head back into the living room. When they enter back into the living room, they do not see Tony around anywhere. Gracy asks, "Where's Tony?"

  "Oh Mom," Celeste excitingly says. "Tony said that he was gonna go to the bakery to purchase a $50 dollar birthday cake for Dana's surprise party!" Gracy, Sammy, Thomas and Missy become stunned. They look at Robert and the triplets as Robert and the triplets sit in the living room, looking back at them. Robert shrugs his shoulders to them. Aunt Celeste continues, "Mom, Tony is really excited about having this surprise birthday party for Dana! You know this is the first time in a long time that I've really seen Tony excited like this! Especially after those nervous breakdowns he's had! Oh Mom, having this surprise birthday party for Dana is gonna really make Tony very happy! I just hope it makes Dana happy." Gracy sadly smiles at Celeste. Celeste then walks away. Gracy looks at her grandchildren as they look back at her.

  "I guess we better plan the surprise party, huh?" Sammy sadly asks. Gracy sadly nods her head yes.

  Gracy looks at Robert and the triplets and tells them, "You all come here for a minute!"

  Robert and the triplets get up from their seats and walk over to their grandmother. Gracy then brings all seven of Dana's siblings into the kitchen. She whispers to Robert and the triplets, "Listen you all! Sammy, Thomas and Missy just told me about what happened back in Jamaica several years ago, when you were all staying down at your Grandpa Winston and your Grandma Marie's house! When you all threw a surprise party for Dana! The time she walked into the house, then just walked right back out of the house, then came back inside the house with an ax! Sammy, Thomas and Missy just told me how Dana chased everybody out of the house with that ax! They told me Dana actually swung the ax at those people! They told me about the terrible stampede that lead to eight people's death! They told me that eight people died from that terrible stampede! They just told me everything!"

  "Yeah it's true Grandma," Robert whispers. "We didn't want to tell you or anybody else in the family about this tragedy because we didn't want to upset or scare anybody!"

  "Well that does pretty much scare me! Listen guys, for Tony's sake, we still might have to plan this surprise party for Dana, but this time, we're just gonna have to be prepared!"

  "Alright Grandma," Sammy and Thomas whisper.

  Gracy points her finger as she firmly whispers, "Now Sammy and Thomas, being that you two and your father were able to stop Dana with that
ax, you three will have to be prepared to stop her again, just in case she decides to do something crazy again, alright?"

  "Alright Grandma."

  "Now while the surprise party is going on and we get any word that Dana is about to walk right through her front door, you two and your father will have to hide right near that front door to grab and hold on to Dana, just in case she decides to go crazy and start attacking people! You two and your father can stop her in time, okay? And while you guys are holding on to Dana, I will have me and your grandpa get everybody out of the house safely, okay?"

  "Okay Grandma."

  "Good! Oh I hope everything goes alright!"

  "We all do Grandma," Missy says. "We all do!"

  "Now Grandma," Sammy whispers. "You cannot mention this to anybody!"

  "I won't mention this to anybody but your father, and your grandfather!"

  "WHAT!" Dana's siblings shout!

  Gracy angrily points her finger as she whispers, "Yeah! I'm gonna have a word with your father about this! I think he should have told me about this! I think he should have told me and your grandpa about this! Come on! Let's go back into the living room!" Gracy leads her grandchildren back into the living room as the rest of the family continue to plan the upcoming surprise party.

  The next day on a late Tuesday afternoon, it is the end of the work hour at the stockroom. It is around 5:30 PM. All the employees are now leaving out of the building of the stockroom. They all head towards their cars, out in the parking lot. Wallace soon comes out of the building. He goes to his car, gets inside and starts up the engine. He backs up his car and starts to pull off. He then drives his car towards the driveway exit and enters his car out into the street.

  As Wallace drives his car down the street, a dark blue car appears in the distance. It drives up the street. It secretly starts to follow Wallace's car down the street. Wallace starts to drive home. He drives towards the Tri-Boro Bridge. He then passes over the Tri-Boro Bridge and drives through Manhattan. He drives through Manhattan, towards the George Washington Bridge. He then goes over the George Washington Bridge, towards New Jersey, totally unaware that a dark blue car is following him.

  Wallace enters New Jersey and continues to drive. After a while, he reaches his hometown in Garfield, New Jersey. He starts to drive towards his neighborhood. He soon reaches his neighborhood and drives down the street of his block. He finds a parking space in front of his house and parks his car. The dark blue car appears at the edge of his street. It sits and waits there for a while. Wallace gets out of his car. He leaves his car and walks towards his house. He reaches his house, unlocks the front door and enters his home. The dark blue car drives up the street. It slows down as it passes by Wallace's house. It then picks up speed and leaves the area!

  The next day on a late Wednesday afternoon, all the employees at the stockroom are leaving the building. They all head towards their cars, out in the parking lot. Wallace soon comes out of the building with Ramesh. Wallace soon leaves Ramesh and goes to his car. Ramesh then goes to his own car. He unlocks his car door, gets inside the car and starts up the engine. He then pulls off. He heads towards the driveway exit and enters out into the street.

  As Ramesh drives his car down the street, the same dark blue car appears in the distance again. It had returned near the job. It starts to drive up the street. It secretly starts to follow Ramesh's car down the street. Ramesh drives towards the Tri-Boro Bridge. He passes over the Tri-Boro Bridge and drives into the Bronx. He is totally unaware that a dark blue car is following him.

  Ramesh drives into the Bronx for a while. He soon reaches his neighborhood and drives down the street of his block. He parks his car down the street. The dark blue car appears at the edge of the street. It sits and waits there for a while. Ramesh gets out of his car. He leaves his car and walks towards an apartment building. He reaches the apartment building and enters the front door. The dark blue car then drives up the street. It slows down as it passes by Ramesh's apartment building. It then picks up speed and leaves the area!

  Two days has past. It is 3:00 Friday afternoon. Dana is about to leave her apartment. She goes into the kitchen where Tony is cooking and says, "Tony, I'm going to do some shopping. I'll be back later."

  Dana is about to leave the apartment as Tony quickly tells her, "Hey wait a minute Dana! I'll walk you outside to the car." Dana waits for Tony as he goes to grab a light jacket from out of the coat closet. Tony then follows Dana out the front door.

  After a short while, Dana and Tony soon approach Dana's car. Dana unlocks her car door and opens it. Tony kisses Dana as she gets into her vehicle. He closes the car door behind her. Dana starts up her car engine and rolls down the car window as Tony bends to the window. Tony tries to comfort Dana as he massages and strokes on her long black hair. He then asks, "So what time will you be back home?"

  "Oh I don't know Tony. I'm not sure. I plan to do a lot of shopping, so I probably won't be back home until around 9:00 or 10:00."

  "Okay Dana. I'll see you later alright?"

  "Alright Tony."

  "Now don't be too long Dana. I'll be waiting up for you." Tony leans his head inside the car window and gives Dana another kiss. He then leans back out the window and steps back away from the car. He waves goodbye to Dana as she starts to pull off. Tony watches Dana's vehicle as it heads down the street. He then sees her vehicle disappear around the corner. He starts to walk back towards his building.

  Around 10 minutes later, Tony is back inside his apartment. He gets on the telephone and calls up Dana's family. Celeste answers the telephone and says, "Hello?"

  "Hello Aunt Celeste?"

  "Yeah Tony! What's up?"

  "Okay you guys can come over here now and get the surprise party ready! Dana is gone! She had left around 10 minutes ago! She said she was gonna do some shopping and won't be back home until around 9:00 or 10:00!"

  "Okay Tony! We'll be there!"

  "Okay, good! Now I have to go to the bakery to pick up the cake! It's supposed to be ready today! I'll be back with the cake by the time you all get here!"

  "Sounds good Tony! We'll be there in a little while!"

  "Alright! See you all later!"

  "Alright Tony! Bye!"

  "Bye." Tony hangs up the telephone. He goes to the front door and leaves out of the apartment.

  Dana is now driving all the way across town on the highway! She drives through Queens towards Long Island City. She then drives around Long Island City to find a parking space where she can safely park her vehicle. Dana soon parks her vehicle in a safe spot. She sits inside her vehicle for a while as she tries to slip on the black hat and the long black jacket. She then goes into her jacket pocket and takes out a pair of black gloves. She slips on the pair of gloves. She has something terrible in mind. She is starting to go mad.

  Dana then gets out of her vehicle and walks around a few blocks, trying to disguise herself. She decides she wants to steal a car. She walks around for a while, looking for a car to steal. She happens to see an unattended cab that is left running at the gas station. She sees the cab driver at a pay phone with his back halfway turned away from the cab. Dana decides she wants to steal the cab. She does not want to use her car. She does not want any incidents traced back to her, so she makes a run for the cab! She reaches the cab and gets inside of it! She closes the door and speeds off real quickly! The cab driver sees his cab speeding off! He starts to scream and run for his cab, but his cab is already too far off!

  Dana drives the cab towards her old job at the stockroom. She soon reaches near her old job and parks the cab way at a distance. She then sits and waits in the cab for a while.

  It is now 5:30 PM. It is the end of the work hour at the stock room. The employees at the stockroom leave the building and head to their cars out in the parking lot. Wallace leaves the building and goes to his car. He gets inside the car, turns on the engine and pulls off. He heads towards the street and exits out of the parking lot. He drives his car down
the street. The cab's engine starts up and starts to head down the street also. It secretly starts to follow Wallace's car as he drives his car to the highway. Wallace drives his car on the highway towards the Tri-Boro Bridge again. He drives across the Tri-Boro Bridge towards Manhattan, drives through Manhattan towards the George Washington Bridge. Wallace then drives his car over the George Washington Bridge towards New Jersey. He reaches New Jersey and drives towards Garfield. He is unaware that a cab is following him.

  It is 6:30 PM now. Wallace reaches Garfield and drives towards his neighborhood. As he drives towards his neighborhood, the cab speeds quickly around a corner! It takes a quick short cut towards Wallace's neighborhood! It drives to Wallace's neighborhood beating him there! The cab then sits a block away from Wallace's house and waits around for a while.

  Wallace drives his car to his neighborhood. He finds a parking space and parks his car on the opposite side of the street away from his house. He gets out of his vehicle and starts to walk across the street to his house. As he is walking across the street, the cab gets into high gear! It starts to speed right towards Wallace! Wallace sees the cab racing towards him! He stands there in fright as the cab speeds and slams right into him, flipping him into the air! Wallace lands on the street in front of the cab, then the cab runs right over him! The cab keeps on going! It does not stop! It continues to speed off! It is a hit-and-run! Wallace lays in the street all covered in blood! He is unconscious! People start to come out of their houses! They see Wallace laying in the street covered in blood! They see blood everywhere! They see a cab speeding far off into the distance! A crowd starts to gather around Wallace! His wife soon comes out of the house! She sees her husband lying on the street, in a pool of blood! She starts screaming at the top of her head! Everyone is all frantic!

  The police and the paramedics soon arrive! They are all over the scene! The police start to question the neighbors, asking them did they see anything! No one seems to have seen anything! The only thing people seem to have seen was a cab speeding off into the distance!

  Wallace's wife is still screaming and crying all over the place! She is very hysterical, afraid her husband might die! The paramedics soon lift Wallace onto a stretcher, then put him into an ambulance. Wallace's wife, still hysterical, gets into the ambulance also! The ambulance then speeds off and hurries Wallace to the hospital! Some neighbors get into their vehicles and quickly follow behind the ambulance!

  The ambulance soon arrives to the hospital! The paramedics pull the stretcher out of the ambulance and bring Wallace into the hospital! Everyone is crying and screaming all over the place!

  It is now 7:00 PM. Back in Queens, Dana's family and her many relatives are all there inside her and Tony's apartment. Dana's family members include her father, her grandparents, all her siblings, all her aunts, all her uncles, her great aunts, her great uncles and many cousins. Tony's family members are there, including his parents Susan and Larry, his brother, his sisters, his grandparents and several of his other relatives. There are around 30 people inside the apartment. They all want to get things set up for the surprise party. They are preparing for the party and are expecting Dana to arrive home later.

  As Tony's family and Dana's family and relatives set up the food and the gifts, Gracy goes to all of Dana's siblings. She pulls all seven of them to the side and tells them all to come into the bedroom. She gets them all together in the bedroom and closes the door. She whispers to them all, "Now listen up you guys! We cannot allow what happened back in Jamaica to happen again! We cannot allow Dana to try to attack anybody! Dana might have not gotten the chance to use that ax on anybody back in Jamaica, but we don't want her to wind up trying to use any weapons this time! We have to get rid of any possible dangerous or deadly weapons that's here in this apartment!"

  "Dangerous or deadly weapons?" Robert asks.


  "Like what Grandma?"

  "Like knives, hammers, glass bottles, anything that can be used as a dangerous or deadly weapon! We have to hide them all! Now Missy, I want you and Robert to go into the kitchen and take any possible dangerous or deadly weapons out of the kitchen! If you two find anything in that kitchen that can be used as a dangerous or deadly weapon, I want you to bring it and hide it all inside the bottom bathroom cabinet, alright?"

  "Alright Grandma," Missy says. She and Robert start to head out of the bedroom. They then head for the kitchen.

  Gracy says to the triplets, "Listen girls, I want you three to go into the hall closet! Get any possible dangerous or deadly weapons out of there! If you find anything and I mean anything in that closet that can be used as a dangerous or deadly weapon, I want you to take it out of the closet and hide them all inside the bottom bathroom cabinet too!"

  "Okay Grandma," Londa says. She, Landa and Linda start to head out of the bedroom. They then head for the hall closet.

  Gracy tells Sammy and Thomas, "I want you guys to go into the living room and see if you can find any possible dangerous or deadly weapons in there! If you find anything, just bring it and hide it all inside the bottom bathroom cabinet!"

  "Grandma will everything fit inside that bathroom cabinet?" Thomas asks.

  "I hope so! If not, then we'll just have to find another hiding spot."

  "Okay Grandma!" Thomas then follows Sammy out of the bedroom. They go through the hallway and pass by the triplets as they head towards the living room.

  Sammy asks the triplets, "Did you find anything?" The triplets take out a couple of large hammers, screwdrivers and a couple of pairs of scissors. They show them to Sammy and Thomas. Sammy says, "Okay good. Just hide them inside the bathroom cabinet." He and Thomas continue to head towards the living room.

  Missy and Robert are in the kitchen, looking around the crowded kitchen as the rest of Dana's relatives and Tony's family prepare the food. Missy and Robert secretly look through all the cabinets. They start to take a couple of large glass ketchup bottles and glass syrup bottles out of the cabinets. They then look through the drawers and take out a couple of large knives. Aunt Celeste licks her fingers as she looks at Missy and Robert. She asks, "What are you two doing? What are you looking for?"

  Missy and Robert nervously look at each other. Missy then looks at Aunt Celeste and says, "Oh nothing Aunt Celeste. We're just trying to help you guys set up for the party that's all."

  "Okay! Why don't you two help set up the table."

  Robert and Missy look at each other again. They slowly start to set up the table as they secretly try to continue their search. As they set up the table, Missy secretly hands Robert the heavy ketchup bottles and syrup bottles. Robert puts them into an empty plastic box. Missy then hands Robert the couple of large knives. He also puts them into the plastic box.

  Sammy and Thomas are in the living room, looking around through the crowded living room. Thomas whispers, "Well Sammy I don't see any possible dangerous or deadly weapons in here. Let's go back into the bedroom and check in there."

  Sammy starts to follow Thomas towards the bedroom. They go pass the bathroom and see the triplets inside, bending down hiding stuff inside the bottom bathroom cabinet. Sammy stops and asks, "So how is everything going? Did y'all find a lot of things?"

  The triplets stand back up as Landa says, "Yeah, we found several things."

  Gracy soon comes to the bathroom door and asks, "Did y'all get everything?"

  "Yeah Grandma," Linda says. "We got everything we could find."

  "Okay! Let me see," Gracy says as she walks to the bathroom cabinet. She bends down and looks all inside the bathroom cabinet and sees a whole bunch of possible dangerous and deadly weapons inside. She then says, "Good!" She stands back up and turns to her grandchildren, saying, "I already checked the bedroom. I didn't find anything in there that could be used as a weapon."

  Missy and Robert then show up at the bathroom door. They show up with the box of the large ketchup bottles, syrup bottles, large knives and other possible dangerous or deadly weapons. Robert ha
nds them over to Sammy. Sammy takes them and puts them all inside the bathroom cabinet. Sammy holds the cabinet door open as they all stand there, amazingly looking at the possible dangerous or deadly weapons inside the bathroom cabinet! Sammy then takes a bathroom towel and covers all the possible weapons with it so Dana won't see or notice them. He then closes the cabinet door. He turns to the others and nervously says, "Let's hope everything goes well."

  Everyone nervously stares at him. Gracy then says, "Okay, let's get out of here." They all leave the bathroom. Gracy then says, "I'm gonna go into the kitchen and help out with the food."

  "Alright Grandma," Sammy says.

  Gracy walks away towards the front. She goes pass the living room and sees her son David in there. She goes to David and angrily whispers, "You know David, I still wish that you would have told your father and me about the incident with Dana and that ax! I wish you had told me about the deadly stampede and everything! I shouldn't have to hear it from the kids! You should have told me!"

  "I know I should've told you about it before Mom. Like we said, we didn't want to upset or scare anybody!"

  "You know when the kids had told me about that incident with Dana and the ax, I was about to call this whole entire thing off! But I realize how much this all means to Tony! We didn't want to let him down, because we all know how much he truly loves Dana! We know he's been through a lot with all the nervous breakdowns that he's had! We're actually doing this for both him and Dana!"

  "Yeah I know Mom. Like I said before, I'm very sorry for not telling you and Dad about the incident with the ax. I'm very sorry Mom."

  "Okay good. Now that we got that out of the way, are there any other secrets or incidents about Dana that you're not telling me, or that you're keeping from me and your father?"

  David looks at his mother. He starts to think about the maintenance man. He quickly tells his mother, "No! There's no other secrets or incidents about Dana, Mom."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes Mom, I'm sure! Why?"

  "Because knowing Dana, I was just wondering if there could be any other possible secrets or incidents about her that none of you are telling me about!"

  "No! There's no other secrets or incidents about Dana, Mom! None at all!"

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes Mom! I'm sure!"

  "Okay David. Come on. Let's get this party started."

  "Okay Mom."

  Gracy walks away as David follows after her. Gracy then turns around to David and firmly whispers, "Now David, whenever Dana enters through that front door, you, Sammy and Thomas better be prepared to grab her again and stop her this time just in case she decides to do something crazy! You, Sammy and Thomas are gonna hold on to Dana while me and your father try to get everybody out of the house safely, alright?"

  "Alright Mom. We'll be prepared."

  "Okay." Gracy then walks off towards the kitchen as David continues to follow after her.

  Back in New Jersey, Dana continues to speed off with the cab! She races off with the cab towards the bridge! She is heading back to New York! She goes over the George Washington Bridge towards Manhattan, drives through Manhattan towards the Tri-Boro Bridge! She drives over the Tri-Boro Bridge back to Queens! She continues to drive the cab to an isolated area! She then parks the cab and gets out of it. She leaves the cab and abandons it.

  A half-hour later, Dana is back at her car again! She unlocks her car door and hops inside her car! She turns the engine on and pulls off! She starts to drive her car down the street towards the highway. She enters the highway and drives towards the Tri-Boro Bridge again. She passes over the Tri-Boro Bridge. This time, she is heading towards the Bronx!

  Dana reaches the Bronx and drives through the Bronx for a while. She is still wearing the black hat, the long black jacket and the black gloves. She soon comes across Ramesh's part of town! She drives her car to a safe area and parks it. Before she gets out of her vehicle, she grabs a large hammer from under her car seat! She puts it in a plastic bag. Dana then gets out of her vehicle. She goes to the trunk of her car and opens it up. She takes out a large stuffed trash bag. She closes her car trunk and carries the trash bag as she firmly and angrily walks away.

  Dana is very furious! She walks for several blocks! She then approaches Ramesh's neighborhood. She is coming closer to Ramesh's address! She tries not to be seen! She then stands and hides around an isolated corner, waiting for Ramesh to show up!

  It is now 9:00 PM. It is dark outside. Back in Queens, the surprise party is still going on inside Tony and Dana's apartment. More people had showed up! Missy's friend James is there, so are the triplets' friends Chad, Rick and Terrance. Sammy's girlfriend Darlene is there, so is Thomas' girlfriend Mandy. There are now around 50 people inside the apartment! They had all brought gifts and food! There are lots of gifts and balloons inside the living room! There are very large gifts stacked up in a corner and banners hanging all around the walls with big words that read, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANA! WE LOVE YOU!' There are lots of food inside the kitchen! There is also a big long birthday cake sitting on the kitchen table with words that read, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANA!' There are around 25 people standing around the kitchen table, looking at the big long birthday cake! Tony's mother Susan says, "You know I hope this party will cheer Dana up and finally make her happy!"

  "OH IT'S GONNA CHEER DANA UP AND MAKE HER HAPPY ALRIGHT!" Aunt Celeste shouts! "I MEAN WE ARE GOING TO CRACK A SMILE ON THAT FACE OF HERS IF IT'S THE LAST THING WE DO!" Everyone starts to laugh and cheer except for Gracy and all of Dana's siblings. They all nervously look at each other as everyone else continues to laugh and cheer!

  Everyone then leaves the kitchen and head towards the living room! They start to party! Music starts to play! The people start to entertain themselves! They start to dance to the latest tunes, R&B and Classic Soul music! Everyone at the party continues to laugh, dance and listen to the music as they wait for Dana's arrival.

  As everyone at the party is talking, laughing, dancing and having a good time, suddenly there is a ring at the doorbell. Tony goes to answer the door. He opens the door and sees Diane D, Michael, Teresa, Joseph and around 9 or 10 other people, including some of his co-workers! They are all already smiling and dancing! Their hands are full of food and gifts! Tony smiles and tells them all, "Come on in!"

  Diane D happily goes inside the apartment as the rest of the crowd happily follows in behind her! Tony closes the front door as Thomas leads Diane D, Teresa and the few women that came in the door with them towards the many gifts that are stacked in the living room corner. One of the people, a black woman around her early 30's turns to Tony and happily asks, "So when's the party girl supposed to arrive?"

  "Oh I'm not sure yet Charlotte! I hope real soon! I sent two lookouts downstairs to look out for Dana."

  "Oh you did?"

  "Yeah! I'm gonna send two different look-outs downstairs every half hour to look out for Dana, so that whenever the two look-outs see her coming, they're gonna call up here on the intercom and tell us to get ready."

  "Wow, that's a great idea Tony!"

  The music continues to play as more people start to dance and listen to the music. Missy looks at her watch. James then smiles at Missy, trying to cheer her up. Missy smiles back at James, then nervously smiles back towards the crowd.

  It is now 11:00 PM! Back in the Bronx, Dana has been waiting around for Ramesh for a while! She knows he has another job and that he has to come home sooner or later, so she waits, and waits. Suddenly, she sees Ramesh's car coming down the street! She sees his car pull into a parking space! As Ramesh parks his car, Dana goes and dashes behind the brick wall of Ramesh's building! She does not want Ramesh to see her!

  Ramesh steps out of his car, closes the car door and locks his vehicle. He starts to walk away from his car towards his building. He is walking closer and closer towards his building. As he comes closer and closer to his building, Dana stands behind the brick wall! She has the large hammer in her hand! She stand
s in a baseball position, ready to swing the hammer on Ramesh! As Ramesh approaches the entrance of his building, Dana suddenly leaps out from behind the brick wall! She takes a baseball position and swings the hammer right into Ramesh's back! Ramesh lets out a bone-chilling scream! Dana then raises the hammer high in the air and bashes Ramesh right on top of his head! Blood splatters everywhere as Ramesh holds his head and screams out in agony! He then falls backward in pain as Dana quickly runs off!

  As Dana is running off, she notices that an Indian woman sees her! She sees the woman frighteningly staring at her! Dana stops and glares at the woman! The woman frighteningly turns away and run! Dana does not want any witnesses around! She does not want to leave any witnesses around, so she puts on chase and charges after the woman! She charges after the woman with the large hammer swinging fiercely from her hand! She chases after the woman through a very dark field under some very dark trees! The woman is running in fear! She turns her head backwards and sees a fierce looking Dana charging after her with the large hammer swinging fiercely from her hand! The woman turns her head back forwards and screams out, "HELP ME! HELP ME!" She is running and screaming for her life! She is running as fast as she can! Dana is running after the woman as fast as she can! The woman continues to run and scream through the very dark field under the very dark trees! She turns her head backwards again and sees a fierce looking Dana gaining up on her, getting closer and closer! The woman turns her head back forwards and screams out again, "HELP ME! HELP ME! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" She continues to run as fast as she can, but Dana is still gaining up on her! Dana is almost close to the woman! She chases the woman right towards a fence, which is along the highway! Dana soon reaches the woman! Then she raises the hammer high in the air and takes a baseball bat swing right towards the woman's head, when all of a sudden, the woman bends her upper body down, causing Dana to miss her head! The woman then crashes her entire body right through a hole in the fence! Dana suddenly bends down and crashes her left hand and arm right through the hole, trying to grab at the woman! The woman rolls down the field, towards the highway! She rolls directly onto the highway! She gets up and gets hit by an oncoming car! The car flies the woman forward several feet into the air! The motorist slams on the breaks causing the car to slide! The woman lands on the highway in front of the car and gets run over by the car! The motorist is finally able to stop the car! The motorist, a white male hurries out of his vehicle! He runs to the woman that he had just hit! Other motorists stop! They also hurry out of their cars! They run to the woman! They are all hysterical! They ask the first motorist, "How did this happen?"

  The first motorist is all hysterical as he tells the other motorists, "I don't know! This woman had just came out of nowhere! I was just driving at the normal 55 speed when all of a sudden, this woman appeared right in front of my car! She appeared out of nowhere! I don't know who this woman is or where she came from!"

  One of the other motorists goes to call the police!

  Way in the dark distance inside the dark field, Dana lays in the grass behind the fence, trying to catch her breath! Her deadly green eyes peeks through the fence, firmly watching the scene from the distance!

  More cars stop at the scene! More people hurry out of their vehicles! They start to surround the woman! Sirens are soon heard! Police cars arrive!

  After a few moments, Dana gets up from off the grass! She turns around and angrily swings the hammer at the grass, trying to move it out of her way! She then dashes off into the dark field!

  Back in front of Ramesh's building, Ramesh is laying on the ground with his head in a pool of blood! Blood is everywhere! People have come out of their buildings! They are all at the scene! A crowd has gathered! Police cars and paramedics had arrived! Everyone is running around all scared! They are all panicking as Ramesh lies in a pool of blood on the sidewalk in front of his building! He is unconscious! The paramedics soon put Ramesh onto a stretcher as he still bleeds heavily from his wounds! He is in very bad shape! His family is outside the building with him crying and screaming all over the place! Everyone is frantic about what is happening and are all running scared! The paramedics put Ramesh into the ambulance and take him away! Ramesh's family follows in a car right behind the ambulance!

  The ambulance soon arrives to the hospital with Ramesh! The paramedics hurry and pull Ramesh out of the ambulance, taking him inside the hospital! The police follow in right behind them! Ramesh's family members soon hurry inside! They are all frantic! Everyone at the hospital is looking on in disbelief! Doctors quickly approach the scene! They come to Ramesh right away! They put him onto another stretcher and carry him off! Ramesh's family and friends are screaming and running scared all over the place!

  Back outside, Dana continues to run! She still has on the black hat, the long black jacket and the black gloves! She goes and disappears into an isolated area!

  Fifteen minutes later, Dana appears at another corner several blocks away. She appears without the black hat, the long black jacket or the black gloves! She is wearing different clothes now and different shoes! She is dressed in all dark green, wearing dark green pants and a dark green jacket! She is wearing a dark green cap and dark sunglasses! She is trying to disguise herself! She has the large trash bag with her, where she had stuffed her other clothes in! She then walks right to a pay phone and calls for a cab!

  Five minutes later, a cab arrives at the corner! Dana hops into the back seat of the cab! The cab then pulls off! The cab takes Dana to an area! Dana gets out of the cab! The cab pulls off as Dana goes and disappears around another corner!

  Fifteen minutes later, Dana appears at another corner a few blocks away. She is wearing different clothes and different shoes again! This time, she is dressed in all black, wearing a very short black tank top, a short black jacket, black leggings and thick heavy black shoes! Her hair is all pulled back in a long wide pony tail, hanging around her back and shoulders! She angrily starts to walk a couple of blocks to where her car is!

  Dana soon reaches her car. She unlocks and opens the door. She gets inside her vehicle and pulls off!

  Back on the highway, the woman's body lays on the highway, covered by a bloodied sheet! Heavy blood is all over the highway! The woman is dead. She had been killed. Dana has caused her death. Dana had chased the woman to her death. There are heavy police and paramedics already there at the scene! They are all over the place!

  Dana soon drives by the scene! She secretly watches the scene from a safe distance way in the darkness! She shows no emotions at all! She then pulls off!

  Back in Queens at the party, everybody continues to dance and listen to the music, having a good time! They dance to old Doo-Wop music of 'Oh What A Night', 'The Duke of Earl' and many more! Soon Aunt Celeste dances with her husband Andy as everyone else surrounds them, swaying and clapping their hands to the music of 'Baby Won't You Come Back To Me'! Mike then takes Gracy by the hand and dances with her as everyone else starts to dance with each other to the Doo-Wop music! Everyone is all dancing, having a good time!

  As everyone is dancing, Tony and a couple of people stand on the side happily looking on! One of the people, a man tells Tony, "You know it is very nice and wonderful of what you're doing for Dana, Tony!"


  "You also have a nice place here! The living room is nice and large too! What happened to the other place?"

  "Oh Dana's family had wanted her to move out of that other place. They were afraid of what happened to that guy Mark that lived in the building on the 6th floor. Dana's family had the creeps about what happened to that guy Mark and they didn't want to take any chances with Dana still living over there. That's how Dana and I wound up moving here."

  "Well I don't blame you guys Tony," a woman says. "That was a very terrible tragedy of what happened to that guy Mark, being mutilated like that and having his neck broken! Have they ever caught the perpetrator or perpetrators yet?"

  "No, not that I know of," Tony says. "The perpetrator o
r perpetrators have never been caught yet! So far, they're still on the loose! That's what got Dana's family so terrified! The killer or killers are still out there!"

  "My God," the woman says as she and the man sadly look at Tony.

  Back in Garfield, New Jersey, the doctors at the hospital are still working on Wallace, trying to save his life! All of Wallace's family is at the hospital! They are all screaming and yelling! They are all panicking! They want to know what is going on! They start to call the doctors to see what is happening with Wallace!

  As the doctors are working hard on Wallace, trying to save his life, he suddenly passes away. He is dead. Dana has killed him. The doctors stand at Wallace's bedside in sorrow for a few moments. They then pull the sheet over Wallace's head. They go and deliver the bad news to his wife and family. One of the doctors tells the family, "He didn't make it." Wallace's family looks on stunned! The doctor says, "He just passed away."

  "HE'S DEAD?" Wallace's wife shockingly shouts!

  The doctors nod their heads. Wallace's family starts to scream at the top of their lungs! His wife suddenly passes out from the bad news! Wallace's family screams and wants to know who the hit-and-run cab driver is! They want to know why the cab driver didn't stop! The police question the family for information at what could have caused the cab to hit and run over Wallace! After a couple of minutes, Wallace's wife is carried off!

  Back in the Bronx again, doctors are still in the process of working on Ramesh! Ramesh's family has all been hysterical for a while!

  As the doctors work on Ramesh, trying to save his life, he suddenly passes away. He is dead. Dana has killed him. The doctors stand sadly around Ramesh's body for a couple of minutes. They then pull the sheet over Ramesh's head. They go out to Ramesh's family and tell them, "We couldn't save Ramesh. He's gone."

  "HE'S GONE?" Ramesh's family shockingly shout!

  "Yes, we're afraid he is. Ramesh had a massive head injury. His skull was fractured! We tried our very best to save him."

  Ramesh's family starts to scream and yell all over the hospital! They are all shocked at what is happening! They do not believe it! They are all scared! They want to know who the perpetrator is and want to know why the perpetrator did this! The police are talking and questioning with Ramesh's family! They want to know if Ramesh had any enemies that would want to do this! The family continues to cry and scream! The police try to calm them all down! A couple of Ramesh's family members pass out from the horrible news of his death! Several doctors come to them and carry them off! The rest of Ramesh's family continues to cry and scream as other doctors and people in the hospital sadly look on at them, feeling sorry for their loss.

  It is after 12:30 AM now! Dana starts to head for home! She drives her car on the highway! She drives her car for a distance! She continues to drive on the highway towards the Whitestone Bridge! Her car reaches the Whitestone Bridge, then crosses over it, leaving the Bronx and heading back to Queens!

  After Dana's car crosses over the bridge, it races down the highway and starts to speed! It speeds into Queens down the long highway! The windows of the car are all wide open! Dana sits behind the steering wheel looking fiercely into the rearview mirror as the wind blows fiercely against her long dark hair! She then gives a fierce angry look straight ahead as her long dark hair blows around her face! She is looking meaner, angrier and scarier than ever! Her face is red and sweating with anger! She is looking very fierce, like she's mad at the whole entire world!

  As Dana continues to drive, she starts to get flashbacks in her head! She has flashbacks of all the bloody murders that she has ever committed in her entire life, including Leonard the maintenance man, the stampede she caused which resulted in eight people's death, the several bloody and suspicious murders which were unsolved and no one else seems to be aware of, the purse snatcher she ran over with her car, the man driving the 'PLUMBING & HEATING' van, her sister Missy's attackers Rose, Sandra, Kathy and Derek, her old neighbor Mark, the suspected rapist who tried to attack her sister Landa, and the three people she had just murdered tonight! Dana continues to drive looking meaner and angrier than ever!

  Back at the party, everyone is still dancing having a good time! They are dancing to old disco music! They are dancing to the disco music, 'Heobah,' by Fonda Rae. A couple of people at the party are still taking turns, going out two at a time outside the building. They are going back and forth all night long, trying to be look-outs to see whenever Dana comes, so they can call upstairs on the intercom and let the others know that she's on her way and warn them to get ready and yell 'Surprise.'

  Two look-outs from the party come back inside the apartment. Tony starts to send two other look-outs downstairs! He sends a tall male black named Eddie and a tall male Hispanic named John. Eddie and John leave the apartment as Tony closes the door behind them.

  Eddie and John soon reach downstairs and go outside of the building. It is dark and a little windy outside. The moon is shining very mysteriously. Eddie and John walk outside and go to a bench, which is a little distance away from the building. John turns to Eddie and asks, "Now which direction did Tony say Dana is supposed to be coming from?"

  "Oh Tony said that Dana is supposed to come from that direction," Eddie says as he points his finger towards the supposed direction. "He says that's where she normally parks her car."

  "Okay," John says as he and Eddie start to sit and face the direction Dana is supposed to be coming from. They don't want to miss seeing her coming.

  Back upstairs inside the apartment, everyone at the party continues to listen and dance to old disco music! They are all dancing to the tune of 'Save Me,' by the Silver Convention! After a while, they all start to wonder where Dana is and if she's going to come home tonight! Everyone starts to crowd around Tony. They start to question him. They all ask him, "What's going on Tony? Why isn't Dana home yet? She should have been home already!" Tony does not have the answer to any of the questions because he does not know himself!

  Everyone has been hanging around for a while, waiting for Dana to show up, but she has not arrived yet! Tony, Gracy, Sammy and Thomas secretly go into the bedroom. They close the door behind themselves. Tony tells them, "I took the phone out of the living room and brought it in here. I'm going to call the jail system to find out if Dana had been arrested." Gracy, Sammy and Thomas worriedly look at Tony as he goes to make a telephone call to the jail system. Tony sits on the bed and calls up the correctional facility. Gracy sits on the bed beside Tony as Tony speaks on the telephone. Tony gives the jail system Dana's name and date of birth. After a short while, the correctional facility tells Tony that they do not have any record of a Dana Brown being arrested in any of the jail systems lately. Tony tells them, "Thank you." He hangs up the phone. He turns to Gracy, Sammy and Thomas and tells them, "Well, she's not in jail so far. She hasn't been arrested. At least not within any of the city limits." They all worriedly look at Tony. Tony then gets up from off the bed and says, "Come on. Let's go back and join the party." He, Gracy, Sammy and Thomas walk out and leave the bedroom.

  As Tony is walking in the hallway behind the others, he suddenly hears the telephone ringing in the bedroom. He turns back around and hurries towards the bedroom! He enters the bedroom, quickly picks up the telephone and anxiously says, "Dana?"

  Christine who is down in Jamaica on the other end of the telephone says, "No Tony! It's not Dana! It's me Christine!"

  "Oh hi Ma! How are you?"

  "Oh I'm feeling alright Tony! How about you?"

  "I'm okay!"

  "Good! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to call Dana earlier! I told her that I would call her back on Friday, but I was tied up all day at my businesses!"

  "You were?"


  "So how are things going at your businesses Ma?"

  "Oh everything is going okay Tony! Everything is going okay. Where's Dana? She's not home?"

  "No Dana is not here right now Ma! We're all waiting for her!"

p; "You're all waiting for her?"


  "What are you talking about Tony?"

  "Oh Ma, we're all throwing a surprise birthday party for Dana right now!"


  "A surprise birthday party! We all decided to throw Dana a surprise birthday party to cheer her up, being that she has been so depressed about losing her job and everything!"

  "REALLY?" Christine frighteningly asks!


  "OH NO!"

  "Oh no? Is there something wrong Ma?"

  "No Tony! Everything's alright! Who's all there?"

  "Well, all your kids are here, except for Dana! David is here! All your in-laws are here and some other relatives! My family is all here and a few of my relatives! Diane and Michael are here! So are Joseph and Teresa! Darlene and Mandy are here, so are James, Rick, Chad and Terrance. Some of my co-workers at the bank are here too, so are a whole lot of other people!"


  "We don't know Ma! Nobody knows where Dana is! She's been gone since this afternoon! I walked her to her car this afternoon and she told me that she was gonna do some shopping! She told me that she'd be back home by 9:00 or 10:00! She told me that just before she pulled off and left, but she didn't come home yet! Nobody's seen or heard from her since!"



  "Hey Tony, could you do me a favor?"

  "Sure Ma, what is it?"

  "Could you please put either David, Sammy or Thomas on the phone? I want to speak to one of them!"

  "No problem Ma! Hold on. I'll go get one of them."

  "Thanks Tony!"

  "Sure! Are you sure everything's alright Ma?"

  "Yes Tony! Everything's alright! Everything's okay!"

  "Okay Ma, hold on." Tony puts the phone receiver down on the side. He then leaves the bedroom.

  Tony comes back into the living room where the crowd is. He sees Sammy talking with Darlene and Thomas talking with Mandy. Tony goes to Sammy and tells him, "Your mother is on the phone."

  Sammy and the others look at Tony as Sammy asks, "Really?"

  "Yeah. She wants to speak to you. Go in the back."

  "Okay Tony." Sammy tells Darlene and the others, "I'll be back." He then leaves the living room and goes towards the bedroom.

  Sammy enters the bedroom and goes to sit on the bed. He picks up the telephone receiver and says, "Mom?"

  "Yes it's me Mom! Who's this Sammy?"

  "Yeah it's me Mom."


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